MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 801 Negative female and cosmopolitan heroes (

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The 801th chapter of the negative female and the hero of the metropolis (the third is to ask for flowers)

The bulldozer is naturally a joke, and the Soviet War and Valentina can't help but smack a little, and it has been more than two hours since the end. Look at the ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ has to say that the current Valentina physical strength and recovery ability is indeed a lot stronger, after the end she still has the energy to chat with the Soviet war, the content naturally wandered back to the topic of code.

"Your code name I have already thought of for you, it is called the negative female."

"Negative female?" Valentina squinted and felt the warmth of the Soviet Union's palm, and was very satisfied with this code.

As a physicist, what does the negative mean? She is naturally very clear, and it is also appropriate to her own energy.

"Okay, my future code name is called the negative woman. I am now a bit of a doorway to control this energy, but I need to check it carefully, but unfortunately... my lab is ruined." Valentina has some regrets. Said.

"The lab is easy to handle, I will take you back to my timeline." Su war said with a smile.

Valentina climbed up and asked on the body of the Soviet War: "Will this be a problem, will it disturb the influence of the butterfly effect caused by the timeline?"

"Do not worry, my cause and effect are not riddled, there will be no impression." Su war said with a chuckle.

The two rested for half an hour before they got dressed and prepared. The Soviet War made a set of clothes for Valentina. When she came out, Valentina discovered a problem she had just ignored!

What is this place!

Beautiful starry sky, star-studded interstellar, a bright warship slowly floats in the air, she can not feel the slightest discomfort, normal breathing, gravitational gravity is normal, there is no feeling of being in space.

"so amazing!"

Although he has logged in to the moon in 1986 and explored outer space, it is still very rare for space to know about the universe. It was really amazing that Valentina came to space for the first time. She did not ask what kind of people the Soviet War was, but she knew that the Soviet War was extraordinary. Especially when fighting with Daxed, she was already on the verge of the explosion, but her mind was clear.

Alien, she looks very clear!

"I will take you to my timeline, for you, that is the future!" The Soviet War came to Valentina's side and whispered a word, and then he told him to set the course and return to his timeline. . The existence of the white, and then Valentina was surprised.

The sun boat instantly starts, accelerates, and the surrounding scenery changes rapidly, gradually blurring.

I haven't waited for Valentina to see it clearly, I feel a glimmer of light in front, followed by... as if I have come out of the long river of time.

The next moment, she saw a broken city like a ruin, and a busy crowd.


Valentina has some surprises, which is not the same as her vision of the future.

"Daksey made it!"

When the voice of the Soviet War fell, I saw Superman flying over here. After letting him come up, Superman first looked at the Sun Boat and Valentina with surprise and wonder, and then asked: "Have you found Daxade?"

"Already let me kill." Su war road. “Looks like, I don’t seem to leave for a long time?”

"About half an hour or so."

"This is your city. The reconstruction is handed over to you. What is the connection? Right, there is something, how is Louise?" asked the Soviet Union.

"She's fine, she should be: doing the report, if she hears that the arrival of Keside is dead, she should be very happy, she needs, people need this news too." Superhuman.

"Then let me tell her this news." Su Zhan smiled and locked the position of Louise with his mind, and let his voice ring in her mind through telepathy. Louise, who was doing the report, was shocked to hear the sound of the Soviet War. He hadn’t seen it for a long time, and finally realized that it was actually in his head. Knowing that Daxede is dead, Louise is very happy and has begun to consider how to report this news.

Make an appointment to meet.

The Soviet War took Valentina to the Central City, and Superman also went back to work on the reconstruction of the Metropolis.

The loss of the Central City was not serious. Turning on the invisible mode, the Soviet War did not make a big splash to land the sun boat near the cutting-edge laboratory, and then collected it. When I came to the cutting-edge laboratory, everyone naturally asked about the things of Daxed. I learned that I was already dead and I was relieved. Then the Soviet war made Caitlin help to check with Valentina. After all, they were scientists. There should be a lot of topics to talk about.

The Soviet War is also preparing to temporarily leave the negative woman here.

It was learned that the female negative woman had come from 1986. Caitlin and others were also amazed. In addition, they are all scientists, so there should be no problem in integrating the negative female.

I stayed in the cutting-edge lab for a while, and the Soviets left in the evening.


Several famous superhero cities, Haibin City, Central City, Gotham City, Star City, and the Soviet War are all familiar. The only metropolis war is not too familiar, and there are fewer dealings with this city. Most of the damages were serious this time, but fortunately, they were all near the sea. They had been squashed by the Soviet Union without waiting for Daxede to cause too much damage. Because of the disaster, in addition to Louise's report that Daxed has been killed by the Soviet Union, so the metropolis does not have much sadness, but it is very lively.

Excited people can be seen everywhere on the street, as well as stripes or posters about the Soviet War!

In the past, there were some small opinions on the personal lives of the Soviet War. At this time, they were completely gone.

A thoroughly hero.

It can even be said that in the metropolis, the popularity and status of the Soviet War has surpassed the local hero of Superman!

The Soviet War was to find Louise, no matter how he and Louise were in contact with each other, especially after the invasion war, although she was strong but always a woman, this time naturally needs to be comforted. comfort. Locked the position of Louise, it should be her home, the Soviet war flew all the way. However, when I passed a museum, I suddenly heard the alarm. \')

Chapter 802