MTL - Marvel’s Disassembler-Chapter 607 Join

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"If this is a queue application, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete."

Scott thought for a serious thought: "Do you think Hank will listen to me?"

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Xia Zhixiao smiled and said: "I want you to do it, nothing more than just telling him about it. In addition, we have no application for enrollment. When you have joined us, you have become One of us."

"When can I meet other superheroes?"

Scott is very excited: "Can I sign with them?"


With Scott turning around in the base, Scott made a big eye and brought Scott to the office.

"So, about our situation, are you still very blind now?" Xia Zhi said: "But since we joined us, you can choose an identity that you use on weekdays and get a job you want. ""

“Is the superhero already so humanized?”

Scott was surprised to say: "So, is our organization still paying?"

"It's not just about paying wages. If you want, you can be a person who pays someone else."

Xia Zhiyue said: "The rules and regulations in this area are all on this."

I handed a document to Scott, and Scott took a look for a while before he slammed the head and said: "You know, I always thought that if there is a relevant bill, it should It’s the authority of the authorities. After all, the superheroes are not the hidden guys. Since Iron Man has set an example for all the superheroes, many people have become living in the presence of everyone... In this case, It’s easy to cause confusion without a proper arrangement..."

The more he said, the more weird the summer night looked at his eyes.

Finally, Scott couldn't help himself: "You don't look at me like this. These words are all mentioned by Hope."

Summer night suddenly realized: "This is normal."

"... Why do you say that, I don't feel happy at all?" Scott scratched his head. "Just what surprised me is that I can see such a contract document here, so what kind of work to choose? Can I make my own decisions? And if needed, can our organization even provide funds to run a company?"

"That's right." Summer night looked at Scott: "Of course, if you really want to organize a thief company, I will probably have a hard time supporting you."

"... Of course not!" Scott widened his eyes and then touched his chin and said, "But the opposite of the thief is the guard. If I use this familiarity, I can build it. A security company."

“Being a good idea unexpectedly.”

Summer night picked up the phone and gave Natasha a call. Soon Natasha walked in with a bunch of documents: "If there is nothing important, I hope that you don't call me every time, you know My task is very busy."

Scott looked at Natasha: "Black Widow!"

"I don't like the name." Natasha glanced at the summer night.

Summer night coughed and said Scott’s thoughts.

Natasha’s eyes flashed: “This is a good idea! Security, um, wait, do you have so many people? If it’s pure security, we probably need to expand a lot of veterans... we have this Quite a good resource to use."

"and many more!"

Scott quickly shook his head and said: "Not security in this sense, but... well, security system!"

“System?” Natasha nodded. “It’s also a good choice. If you can develop a very good idea, you can let the labs design your idea into a unique system. If you operate..."

She said that she suddenly looked at the summer night: "Perhaps, the global monitoring thing has fallen."

Summer night looked at Scott: "I just worried that he couldn't help it."

"What is it against?"

"The pressure of a multinational company CEO." Summer night spread the stall.

Scott almost let his slobber die: "Multinationals?"

“Maybe it will be unique in the world.” Xia Zhi said: “It is even possible to surpass the existence of the Stark Group...”

"God, what have I heard today? I probably need my mother..."

Scott stood up from the sofa and sat down again: "But you are right, I can't resist it."

"Try it." Natasha said: "And, do you think that you are alone? Rest assured, there will be many people to help you. This has always been a big plan for us, but we have never found it. The right person is just..."

"Wait... plan? What plan?" Scott said sullenly: "Is this idea not proposed by me?"

"It's right that you made it, but it coincides with our other ideas." Natasha said: "Global monitoring has always been a topic of We need to be global Control the information of the super criminals within the scope. In this way, after any problems have occurred, they will be able to appear in the crime scene for the first time. However, there is a problem during this period, what kind of excuses and reasons should we operate? This thing? Now, our reason has been found."

"You are planning to use the security system that I am talking about. On the one hand, it is to protect theft as a scorpion. In fact, it is to monitor the whole world?"

Scott looked at the summer night and confirmed Natasha's face: "I really didn't come to the big villain's base camp? Why do you feel that your thoughts are more crazy than I thought!" ”

Summer night and Natasha looked at each other and finally Natasha said: "Just because the world is far more crazy than you think."

"Listen, Scott." Summer night looked at him: "I know what you are thinking, and I know that you have your own persistence in your heart. This is the same for all of us. If it is not the same For the purpose, we can't sit together and talk like this. Global monitoring is a crazy idea, a bold plan, but if used well, it can guarantee security on a global scale, and vice versa... is unbeatable. Confusion. I don't deny this... But, will you make him confused? Will we??"