MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 11 As an older brother, you need to take care of him more

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  Chapter 11 The elder brother should take care of him more


  Suddenly a man's deep voice came out from the phone, both Mr. Sheng and Butler Sheng were taken aback. Mr. Sheng even choked on a mouthful of tea and coughed violently.

  The housekeeper Sheng was taken aback again, and quickly put the mobile phone to the mouth of old man Sheng, so that the other side could hear the cough more clearly, while helping to pat the old man on the back.

  Old Master Sheng gave him an approving look, and acted accordingly.

   "Cough cough cough... Ah Jing, cough cough cough... Dad can't do it anymore, this time dad really can't do it... You just treat it as Dad, cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough... come back, okay?"

   "Just see each other, really see each other... Cough cough cough cough... Don't worry, as long as you don't like it... cough cough cough... Dad will never force you... Just promise dad."

   Then there was another piercing cough.

  Sheng Shijing who turned on the hands-free button specially: "..."

   Slightly turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and explained: "Forgive me, he is not usually like this."

  The corners of Xie Xihe's mouth twitched.

  Old Master Sheng on the opposite side keenly noticed something was wrong, coughed, and said vigilantly: "You turned on the hands-free? Who else is there beside you, that brat Yunzhou?"

  Sheng Shijing said "hmm": "No one, just the driver."

  Old Master Sheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could finish his breath, Sheng Shijing's cold voice came out again: "There is also Sister Xie."

  Master Sheng: "..."

   Couldn't help but dig out his ears: "Who? Who are you talking about?"

   "Xie Xiaogu, just thank the little girl of my uncle's family."

  Master Sheng: "!!"

He jumped up from the sofa in a blink of an eye, and asked repeatedly: "Xiao Xihe from the old man's house? How could you be with her... Ah bah, I mean, how could she be with you? Bah Bah bah! I mean, how did you two get together?!"


   This word is used quite cleverly.

  Sheng Shijing glanced at the girl, and said casually: "I went to visit Uncle Xie, and I happened to meet Aunt Xie, so I decided to join in."

Through the phone, Mr. Sheng felt the unusualness of his ruthless youngest son. He was so excited that he almost performed a Yangko dance on the spot, and immediately said: "I have nothing to say to you. Give Xiao Xihe your phone. I want to talk to Xiao Xihe." Xihe talked."

"hurry up!"

  Sheng Shijing looked at Xie Xihe and asked her opinion.

  Xie Xihe hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't pick up the phone, and only said after a distance: "Uncle Sheng, tell me, I can hear you."

  Old Master Sheng had kind eyebrows and kind eyes: "Xiao Xihe, I haven't seen you for a few years, have you grown into a big girl, how old are you this year?"

  Xie Xihe: "...It will be nineteen in a few days."

  Old Master Sheng immediately laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth: "Nineteen, nineteen is good, and it will be twenty in a year."

  Xie Xihe: ...So, what's wrong with being twenty?

  Although he didn't understand, he didn't ask, Xie Xihe kept smiling.

  Old Master Sheng asked a lot of nonsense, and was finally interrupted by Sheng Shijing who couldn't bear it.

   said indifferently: "I'll hang up if there's nothing to do."

  At this moment, Mr. Sheng didn't mention whether he could go back or not. He said in a very easy-going way: "Hang up, Dad won't bother you."

   Thinking of something, before Sheng Shijing hung up, he said: "Dad knows that you are busy with work, but work belongs to work, and life belongs to life. Don't rush to the company today."

   "Xiao Xi lives with a little girl, and they rarely go out. Since they met, then you, the elder brother, should take care of them more, you hear?"

  Sheng Shijing pinched the center of her brows, and responded calmly: "Got it."

   After talking, I hung up the phone.

   explained again: "When people get older, their brain circuits will be different from ordinary people, forgive me."

  Xie Xihe thought of his old man, and felt the same: "I understand."

  The car became quiet again. Half an hour later, the car parked in the underground garage of the Science and Technology City, and Xie Xihe opened the door to get out of the car.

   Just as she was about to thank her, she saw Sheng Shijing getting off the car from the other side and walking around to her: "Let's go."

  Facing Xie Xihe's gaze, he frowned slightly: "It's too annoying."

   It's old man Sheng.

  Although it is not appropriate to say this, but... it is indeed a bit.

  Xie Xihe pressed the space between his eyebrows, but didn't say anything more.

   But with Sheng Shijing's popularity, it is definitely not possible to go to a shopping mall with a lot of traffic like Science and Technology City, oh... yes, and her.

  Almost forgot, she is also a leader in the black and red world now.

  Xie Xihe nodded his chin in the direction of the car and asked, "Are there cosmetics on the car?"

  Sheng Shijing doesn't like makeup very much, but due to her status, she will keep a set in the car for a long time, so she nodded and said, "Yes."

"you want?"

  Xie Xihe motioned for him to get in the car.

   Sheng Shijing's eyebrows moved slightly, interest flashed in his eyes, and he returned to the car as he said.

   Twenty minutes later.

  Sheng Shijing looked at the girl who had changed her appearance in front of her, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes: "Have you ever learned disguise?"

  Xie Xihe paused for arranging the tools, and said calmly: "I figured it out by myself when I was free."

  She put the makeup box back to its original place and said, "Let's go."

   Obviously unwilling to say more.

  Sheng Shijing stopped asking, and got out of the car behind her.

  I didn't talk much along the way, until after standing still in front of the elevator, Sheng Shijing suddenly said, "How about a cooperation?"

  Xie Xihe looked at him sideways, puzzled: "Huh?"

  Sheng Shijing glanced over her face and said, "Make up."

  Under the girl's puzzled eyes, he explained: "You know, my identity is not suitable for appearing in public places, but sometimes there are occasions when I must appear."

  This is understandable.

  Xie Xihe became a little interested: "How do you want to cooperate?"

  Sheng Shijing thought for a while: "One time, I will come to you when I need your help with makeup, and the payment is per time, one time... 10,000?"

   This time Xie Xihe didn't hesitate any longer: "Deal."

  Sheng Shijing directly transferred a sum of money to her: "This time the fee."

  Xie Xihe twitched his lips and accepted it.

   Just as the elevator arrived, the two walked in and went straight to the computer area on the second floor.

   Both Xie Xihe and Sheng Shijing came to the Science and Technology City for the first time, and they were not familiar with them, so after looking around and finding nothing special about any store, they found the largest one nearby and walked in.

  There were many computers displayed on the glass counter, of various brands and models, but Xie Xihe only picked a few that looked good and typed a few times on the keyboard before losing interest.

   The price-performance ratio is ridiculously low.

   There are tens of thousands of computers, and the running speed of the CPU is not as fast as the ones she assembled by herself eighteen years ago.

  Thinking of this, she reacted, beckoned to a salesperson, and asked, "Do you have TFB accessories here?"

   Before the salesperson could answer, a laugh came from the door, followed by a mocking voice from a man: "How old is it, and there are still people who want to buy TFB accessories?"

  Xie Xihe paused and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Forgot to see you tomorrow, make up~



  (end of this chapter)