MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 657 Add me one more! (one more)

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  Chapter 657 Add me! (one more)

"Xixi didn't avoid you, she was very busy and didn't have time to talk to you." Sheng Ming first emphasized a fact, and then answered the other party's previous question, saying, "It doesn't matter if you win or not, Xixi didn't do anything wrong, why should he apologize?"

  Gecheng and the others' faces darkened in an instant: "Do you know what she said, and you just say that she did nothing wrong?"

  Could it be that Sheng Ming was crooked, and looked at him strangely: "Doesn't it mean that the hacker named X is average in strength, and there are loopholes in many attack methods? Is there a problem with this?"

Is there a problem?

   He actually asked if he had a question? !

   Is this okay?

  Kecheng clutched his chest, only feeling tightness in his chest, and asked: "Little friend, before asking this question, can you first understand what kind of existence God X is?"

   "As long as you know a little bit about him and have heard a little bit about his deeds, you wouldn't say such a thing!"

  That is God X who has been at the top of the Hacker Station and Hacker Hidden Rankings for a long time!

  The intrusion method [Ji] and the defense method [Return to One] created by him have not been cracked so far, not even a replica!

   That is God X who is regarded as the father by countless hackers!

   That is God X, known as a miracle in the hacker world!

   Such a person, how can ordinary people who know nothing about hacking techniques be able to evaluate defilement? !

  The more Katsuragi thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more determined he was to make Xie Xihe take back that evaluation. His eyes turned and fell on Sheng Ming.

He looked at the little guy who was not as tall as his own thigh, thoughtful eyes flashed across his eyes, he suddenly smiled at him, and said: "Scholar Sheng, it's time for dinner, otherwise senior will treat you to a meal." Fan, by the way, I will tell you about the deeds of God X, and after listening to it, you can comment on whether Xie Xuemei's words are right or wrong."

  Sheng Ming resolutely said: "My family, Xixi, can't be wrong!"

There was another quarrel in Ge Cheng's mind, he almost couldn't control his urge to forcibly take people away and bring Xie Xihe over, but before he could make up his mind, Sheng Ming suddenly changed the subject: "But since you I want to say, then I will give you a chance."

Ge Cheng was startled for a moment, and then immediately showed joy, and regardless of why he suddenly changed his attention, he immediately winked at the people around him, and at the same time said with a smile: "Then thank you, Brother Sheng, for giving me this opportunity, come on." , we talked while walking, and talked while eating.”

  Sheng Ming gave him a look like a fool: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

  Katsuragi: "???"

Sheng Ming stretched out a fleshy little hand, pointed at a student who was quietly retreating to the other side, and said with distaste: "There were five people who came here, and the time changed after a few words. It's four, how stupid am I not to notice?"

   "Do you want her to notify my family, Xixi?"

  Ge Cheng: "...kid, are you so smart that no friends will know?"

Sheng Ming gave him a blank look, and was too lazy to talk nonsense to these seniors who were not very smart at first glance, and said: "Call the person back first, or I will call Principal Zhou, and say that you are stopping me from letting me go, and you are still not letting me go." Harass me and Xixi."

  Katsuragi instantly turned bitter, and called him back with a sad face.

  No way, no one in Peking University now knows that Xie Xihe and Sheng Ming are the treasures of the town school that Principal Zhou finally invited.

Especially after last week's mid-term exam, the two of them got full marks again and again, and the other put forward some thoughts and questions on the paper, which in turn stumped the question maker and caused quite a stir in Peking University. The movement and movement once again let the teachers and students in the school see their strength.

  The high school's pampering and pampering of the freshman and junior has reached a heinous level. If Principal Zhou finds out that he is pestering the two of them, he will be left alone.

   Seeing that the other party was reasonable, Sheng Ming relaxed his expression.

  After thinking about it, he decided to give the other party a chance, and said, "Don't you want to compete with my family, Xixi? Well, let me give you a chance."

  Ge Cheng was refreshed, and said with bright eyes: "What does Xuedi Sheng mean?"

  Sheng Ming stretched out a little finger and pointed to his own little face, and said calmly, "I'll compare with you."

  Katsuragi: "?"

  Looking at him in a dazed manner, he suspected that he was either hallucinating or had a problem with his ears.

Sheng Ming didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, and said calmly on his baby fat face, "I have learned hacking techniques from Kyung Kyung for a while, you compare me first, if you beat me, I will Just help you contact Xixi and let her compete with you."

   "If I can't even win, then there's no need to waste my Xixi's time, right?" Sheng Ming said, emphasizing again, "She's very busy."

  Kecheng still couldn't recover, and said with an uncertain face: "School Sheng, are you serious?"

   Sheng Ming was not happy: "Are you good-looking, why should I joke with you?"

  Katsuragi: "..."

  How did this rise to personal attack?

  Although things did not go as expected, and the process went around several circles than expected, fortunately, the result was not bad.

   Isn’t it just a competition, isn’t it just bullying the children?

   Let's go!

  As long as he can get justice for his X god, he will admit it!

   Katsuragi gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

   Just when he was about to ask him how he wanted to compare, a cold voice sounded from behind, saying, "Add me!"

  Katsuragi: "???"

  Sheng Ming was also stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he quickly crossed Gecheng and walked to Fan Jingyun, tilting his head and saying, "Fanfan?"

Fan Jingyun laughed, and completely gave up correcting his address. After reaching out to hold the little guy's hand, he raised his head and looked at Ge Cheng who turned around, slightly raised his chin and said, "Isn't it better than hacking skills? Me alone."

  Gecheng finally came back to his senses, his gaze swept back and forth between Fan Jingyun and Sheng Ming, and he asked uncertainly, "Who are you?"

  Fan Jingyun raised his chin a little higher, and said proudly: "You are talking about Xie Xuemei's mother."

   "It just so happens that I have also learned some hacking techniques. If you want to compete with my daughter, you have to beat me first."

   There was a little resentment in her eyes, and she said the same words as Sheng Ming: "My daughter is very busy."

  I'm so busy that I don't even have time to go home, how can I find time to compete with them?

   Katsuragi was completely speechless.

  Looking at the big and small in front of him, he fell into deep doubts about his life.

   This family, are you sure they didn't come to tease him?

  In the end, even Katsuragi himself forgot what happened, anyway, he agreed, and followed the two to an empty classroom.

   He didn't realize it until he turned on the computer. How did things become like this?

   I owe a chapter today, and I will make it up after the May Day holiday.

Goodnight everybody



  (end of this chapter)