MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 675 Reason (two more)

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  Chapter 675 The Reason (Second Update)

"what do you know?"

   "Is it because you asked someone to follow me and secretly filmed me, or did you find someone to spy on me, or did you tamper with the tea Mo Huaizhi prepared for me?"

  Xie Xihe raised his eyes, his brows were calm: "Which one is Professor Yi referring to?"

  The smile on the corners of Yi Shaowen's lips grew even wider: "Since you know everything, why do you still come here?"

  He glanced over and landed on the bed under Xie Xihe, and said: "The heart of memory is something you created, I don't believe you can't do anything about it."

  Even she knew that the Heart of Memory was created by her, and she did quite a lot of homework.

  Xie Xihe chuckled, but his brows gradually turned cold: "There are those who know, and there are those who don't. I have come here as Professor Yi wished, so Professor Yi won't tell me?"

  "Of course I will, but before that, doesn't Ms. Xie want to hear me explain the reason?" His smile didn't change, but his eyes turned cold at a very fast speed, "Why do I have to stare at you?"

   Xie Xihe had nothing to do, found a comfortable position and leaned against the back of the bed.

  Yi Shaowen began to talk slowly.

  The matter had to start with Mo Huaizhi.

  Although Mo Huaizhi was the second child among the four, he was ranked according to age. In fact, he was the last person brought back to the future base by Xie Xihe.

  Mo Huaizhi's family conditions are quite superior, and he grew up under the care and love of his parents when he was young.

  But when he was six years old, the family business suddenly faced a crisis.

   Immediately after his grandfather and grandmother died in a car accident, his mother had dystocia. Only one twin brother survived, and even the one who survived was weak and sick. The treatment alone cost a lot of money, which made the already difficult family even worse.

  Business is not going well, a son is lost, his wife and young son are sick, and Mo's father meets a fortune teller when he is desperate.

The master told him that the reason for this situation was that his eldest son, that is, Mo Huai's fate had changed, and his fate was infested by evil spirits. As long as he was still living with them , all kinds of hardships and setbacks will never disappear.

  Father Mo didn't believe it at first, but as more and more problems appeared and the situation at home became worse and worse, he couldn't help but think of the words of the fortune teller.

  After struggling repeatedly, he decided to try.

  He temporarily sent Mo Huaizhi to a friend's house, and asked the other party to take care of him for a period of time.

   A few months have passed, and the condition of his wife and youngest son has really improved, and even the business that had fallen into a deadlock has shown signs of recovery.

  Father Mo had to believe that what the master said was true.

   And at this moment, the friend who had taken care of his son for three months finally couldn't bear it and sent Mo Huaizhi back to Mo's house.

  Father Mo looked at the family of his wife and children who had just started to improve, and at the older son who was much quieter than before, and finally made a cruel decision.

  He drove Mo Huaizhi to a city far away from his family by himself, and finally chose the Fangshan Orphanage, and left Mo Huaizhi at the entrance of the Orphanage.

  Mo Huaizhi had already been sent out once, and when he was left behind again, he didn't even cry, and quietly followed the aunt who found him in the orphanage.

   It's just that he doesn't like to play with the children in the orphanage. For half a year, the place he stays most often is at the foot of Fangshan Mountain in the backyard of the orphanage. He can stay for a day by finding a tree to lean against.

  Xie Xihe met him there.

  At that time Mo Huaizhi was seven years old, and Xie Xihe was only eleven years old.

  At that time, the old man was already seriously ill, and she ran all over the world in search of medicinal materials to treat the old man blindly.

   Just passed by Jian'an City, passed by Fangshan, and saw Mo Huaizhi whose face was darkened and pained.

  At that time, Xie Xihe didn't have the current level of mystical skills, so he just felt that the black aura on the child was quite strange. There was obviously an ominous aura, but it unexpectedly made her feel kind, so she walked forward involuntarily.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as Xie Xihe approached, the raging evil spirit suddenly burst out from Mo Huaizhi's body, and dissipated in the air in the blink of an eye.

  Xie Xihe didn't know what was going on, but she felt that this child should be related to her, so she decided to take him away.

  So after asking Mo Huaizhi, she took her back to the orphanage, donated money, erased all traces related to Mo Huaizhi, and took her away.

   And at this time, Yi Shaowen, who was only five years old, caught up and expressed nervously that he also wanted to go with Xie Xihe.

  To be honest, Xie Xihe was quite surprised.

   After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, she is just an eleven-year-old child. If she can't even take care of herself, how can she take care of other children.

   Even being able to take Mo Huaizhi away was because she had donated enough money, plus Mo Huaizhi was picked up by someone from the orphanage, so he had no identity background, so he gave it to her.

  She didn't understand why Yi Shaowen wanted to leave with her.

  But it doesn't matter if you understand it or not, she is not so kind-hearted that she wants to adopt all the orphans in the world.

  So she rejected Yi Shaowen and only left him a note that she carried with her.

  After that, I never thought of it again.

"Yes, your notebook really helped me a lot. It allowed me to learn many wonderful medical skills and master knowledge beyond my peers. I am very grateful to you." Filled with hatred, he continued, "But I also hate you."

  Hate her for not rescuing him from that sea of ​​misery.

  She clearly can.

   "I took the initiative to look for you and begged you to take me away. The matter was caught and spread, and I became a joke of the orphanage."

  "Everyone is laughing at my overreaching, and laughing at me for bringing shame on myself."

   Verbal abuse is still light.

  From that day on, he became the target of bullying by the entire orphanage. No matter who it was, they would take it out on him if they felt unsatisfactory.

  Pee on his head, put all kinds of horrible animals on his bed, force him to eat things that make people sick just by looking at them.

  Even... regarded him as a tool to vent his desire.

  Countless messy pictures appeared in his mind, Yi Shaowen thought he had forgotten, but found that those filthy scenes had long been turned into imprints, deeply engraved in his soul.

   No matter how long it has passed, no matter how high he sits, it will never be washed away! !

  So many sufferings and torments, he all relied on his anger, his unwillingness to accept, and his hatred for her to survive.

   He got rid of it.

  He also took revenge on everyone who bullied him, ten times, a hundred times.

   Only the last two are left.

  Mo Huaizhi, and her.

  When he learned of her death, he thought he would never have the chance to tell her these words in person, but he didn't expect that she came back to life in a way that was completely unexpected to him.

   Fortunately, she came back to life...

  Yi Shaowen looked at the girl in front of him, with a smile on his face bit by bit, full of madness and evil.

   Go to bed early one more day, make up tomorrow, good night.



  (end of this chapter)