MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 703 drop (one more)

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  Chapter 703 Gap (1 more)

  The priest was also in a daze, looking at the oncoming girl for a moment.

  Ling Meng and Ji Danyun on the side were stunned, especially Ji Danyun, his expression suddenly changed after he realized it.

  How could it be her!

  Ever since Xie Xihe refined a large amount of Gu Dan to replace her in the Light of Dawn, she has been deliberately avoiding her.

  Some activities that Xie Xihe is not participating in, places where Xie Xihe is present, and even college entrance examination volunteers are deliberately avoided Xie Xihe and chose Tsinghua University. It has been more than half a year since I saw her.

  But even if they never met, news about Xie Xihe still appeared in front of her eyes.

  Xie Xihe participated in the International Elite Competition and won the championship.

  Xie Xihe was exceptionally invited by Blessing College.

  Xie Xihe has filmed an advertisement to endorse a TV series.

  The identities of Xie Xi and Xiguang Group's largest shareholders were exposed.

  Xie Xihe has announced their relationship, and the object is the actor who is popular in China and even the world.

  Xie Xihe got full marks in the college entrance examination and entered Beijing Dayuan College.


Countless news about her, even if she doesn't want to pay attention, someone will still bring it up in front of her intentionally or unintentionally, stimulating her again and again, reminding her - that girl she used to look down on, in just over half a year Inside, she had already reached a height that she could not reach.

  I heard that even the headmaster, who in the legend of the light of the dawn, has met her several times in private and admired her quite a lot.

  From being unwilling and ashamed and angry at the beginning, Ji Danyun was already numb, and finally realized clearly that she had made a mistake from the very beginning, and that Xie Xihe and her were never on the same level.

   It wasn't that she thought she was above and Xie Xihe was below, but that she couldn't compare with Xie Xihe at all, and could only look up to her.

  Ji Danyun never thought that he would see this girl who enveloped her like a nightmare and hit her again in such a way, here and now, his face turned pale.

   It wasn't until everyone was in front of them that they suddenly came back to their senses.

  Xie Xihe was also quite surprised, but he quickly came to his senses and nodded his head to greet them.

  The priest and Katsuragi also came to their senses and responded quickly.

  The priest opened his mouth to say something, but seeing the girl's cold expression, he didn't know how to speak, and subconsciously scratched his hair.

  Ge Cheng didn't have so many scruples. After looking behind Xie Xihe, he asked curiously: "Isn't that the core area of ​​the guardian hall? Non-core personnel are not allowed to enter. Xie Xuemei, why did you come from there?"

  Xie Xihe glanced at the time, the plane that Sheng Xie and the two elders were on was about to land, and she didn't intend to stay longer, so she simply replied: "Cooperation."

  After speaking, he said directly: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, you can do whatever you want."

   Katsuragi wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the priest.

  He nodded towards Xie Xihe and said, "Xie Xuemei just do her own thing, let's take a look around."

  Xie Xihe responded casually, stepped up and left.

   Until everyone walked away, several people came back to their senses one after another.

  Ling Meng turned his head and saw that the priest's gaze was still in the direction where Xie Xihe left. Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to say something, but found that he had no such position at all.

   He couldn't help pursing his lips tightly.

  After thinking for a while, he turned to say: "It's getting late, Xuemei Ji and I passed by Island No. 12 before, and there is a Chinese restaurant on it that looks pretty good, or should I invite Senior Si and Senior Ge to have a meal together?"

  The priest was still a little dazed. Hearing the words, he subconsciously wanted to refuse. When the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes moved slightly.

"Let me invite two junior girls." The priest said, his eyes fell on Gecheng, and he continued, "Didn't you say that you joined the Huaguo Alliance group before? Ask in the group if there is anyone Together."

  The light that had just lit up in Ling Meng's eyes dimmed, and he pursed his lips in disappointment.

Gecheng didn't realize that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at the scene. After saying "ohhhhh" twice, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message, not forgetting to say: "It's time for everyone to have a meal together. People in this foreign country are all Chinese people should help each other."

   muttered: "It's a pity that I don't have the contact information of Xie Xuemei, otherwise I can ask her if she wants to be together."

  The priest's expression changed: "I have."

  Ge Cheng was stunned for a while, but didn't react for a while, but then his eyes lit up: "You actually have the contact information of Xie Xuemei?"

  Raising his hand, he patted his shoulder vigorously, and said with a big smile, "Okay, Brother Duo, even Xie Xuemei's method can be obtained!"

   "Oh, no, since you have her contact information, why didn't you tell me when I was blocking people all over the world, and just watched me swaying around like a fool, are you still a brother!"

  The priest gave him a sideways glance: "Did I tell you to harass people?"

   While speaking, she opened WeChat and immediately sent out the edited message.

   It's a pity that I didn't get a reply for a long time.

  Priest looked at the phone several times, but there was still no news, and finally put away the phone, raised his head and said, "Sister Xie Xue may be busy, let's go first."

  In just five or six minutes, he had checked his phone about twenty times, and Ge Cheng glanced sharply at his top.

   No matter how slow his reaction was, Katsuragi realized that something was wrong. Shocked, his whole face became tangled up, and he looked at the priest several times hesitating to speak.

  But I still haven't forgotten that there are other people beside me, so I tried my best not to speak, and only comforted in a daze: "It's okay, let's go there first, maybe I can meet Xie Xuemei later."

   Paused for a while, then added a sentence hesitantly: "Maybe I can see Emperor Sheng."

  The priest glanced over, and immediately met Katsuragi with cautious and worried eyes. After a pause, he couldn't help laughing.

  He nodded casually and said, "Maybe we can meet each other, let's go, it's getting late."

   After talking, he quickened his pace, and at the same time took out his mobile phone again, canceling the top setting that was set just now.

  The priest thought it was quite miraculous.

  I have lived for twenty-two years. Although I don’t talk much about love, I have had two girlfriends.

  This is the first time that as soon as he sees a certain girl, he is out of his mind, his brain freezes, and he can repeatedly forget that the other party has a boyfriend.

  He couldn't tell whether it was more liking or some strange psychology, but he felt that one sentence was quite suitable for his current behavior.

  He's stupid, really.

  The priest shook his head with a grin, and calmed down bit by bit.


   Katsuragi was just casually comforting the priest, but he never thought that he would have a day of prophecy.

  Looking at the oncoming girl not far away, Ge Cheng was in a daze, couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, bumped into the shoulder of the priest beside him and said, "Brother Duo, am I right, is she really Xie Xuemei?"

   Priest: " is she."

see you later



  (end of this chapter)