MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 711 Recognition (one more)

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  Chapter 711 Recognition (one more)

   "What am I?" Xie Xihe looked at him expressionlessly, "How about I kill you right now?"

  Ying Kui: "..."

   This **** child, if you can't speak, don't speak, no one will think she is dumb!

  Win Kui was furious, but he didn't dare to speak out because of the guilt in his heart under the girl's irritable eyes.

  He didn't speak, neither did Xie Xihe, and the two of them stood face to face.

I don't know how long it took, when Ying Shou on the side couldn't hold on for so long, Ying Kui was finally defeated, sat back on the big rock again, and muttered dejectedly: "What kind of stubborn **** has a temper? I have become a Muslim again, and I have not learned to respect the old and love the young."

   "First of all, this old man deserves my respect." Xie Xihe said indifferently, "For an old man who has been following me for more than 20 days and peeping at me for more than 20 days, why should I respect you?"

  Ying Kui exploded in an instant, pointed to his nose and said, "I don't know how to fix it? I'm peeping?!"

   "You dead girl, you don't know who I am if you become a new person again? I'm your master!!"

"I am a master who wants to be an apprentice. Let's see what's wrong with the apprentice. First, I didn't drill under your bed, second, I didn't sneak into your room, and third, I didn't install a camera on you. I just looked at you from a distance. Why is it just peeping?" Why don’t you keep cultivating?!”

   I don't know what Xie Xihe thought when he said this, but Ying Shou was embarrassed at first.

  He is an old man, you old man really has no taboos, you dare to say anything outside!

  Xie Xihe still had no expression on his face, but raised his eyes and glanced at him, and said, "You think I can't see him face to face?"

  She raised her arms, turned around in front of Ying Kui, and asked him: "In this way, can't you see more clearly and more clearly?"

  The angry expression on Ying Kui's face froze for a moment, and he stared blankly at the girl not far away.

  Even though his appearance has changed, his temperament has also changed a lot, and even his temperament has changed a lot, but Ying Kui knows that he is still the same person.

  It's the little guy he raised with his own hands...

   While Ying Kui was in a daze, Xie Xihe stepped forward step by step, stretched out his arms and hugged him, saying: "Old man, I miss you too."

With the sound of crying and a hoarse voice, Ying Kui's heart trembled, his forced arrogance instantly melted like ice and snow, and he patted her back with red eyes and cursed: "Stinky girl! You stinky girl!" !"

   "Didn't I just leave for more than a year, didn't I just look at you for a while, why did you lose yourself!"

   "Your master and I are a thousand years old, and I have died several times. At the end of the day, you want me to suffer from white-haired people sending black-haired people. are too bad, so bad!"

  The more Ying Kui talked, the more sad he became, and the more he talked, the sadder he became, so he hugged Xie Xihe and burst into tears.

  At this moment, the old man doesn't look like the master of a palace, he is just a one-year-old child.

  Xie Xihe was funny and angry at the same time, and even more sad and uncomfortable. It was rare that he had a good temper and endured the noise in his ears, and let him cry.


   A minute passed, and Ying Kui was crying.

  Three minutes passed, and Ying Kui was still crying.

  Five minutes passed, and Ying Kui was still crying.


  Seeing that more and more people have noticed the movement here, and looked over, among them there are many figures that Xie Xihe is quite familiar with, Xie Xihe finally couldn't help it.

   Said expressionlessly: "Have you finished crying yet?"

  Another voice sounded at the same time: "Have you finished crying?"

   Just as Ying Kui was about to say no, a big hand stretched out from behind, and with a little force, Ying Kui was torn off Xie Xihe's body and thrown aside.

  At the same time, with a look of disgust, Xie Xihe took off Xie Xihe's dirty coat that was rubbed off by Ying Kui's tears and nose, and put his own coat on.

  Sheng Shijing wrapped her daughter-in-law in her arms, including clothes and clothes, and then looked at Ying Kui, displeased: "Other people's daughter-in-law, you old man can't finish hugging?"

  Ying Kui was stunned, and when he realized it, his beard was raised with anger: "That's my apprentice!"

   Sheng Shijing refused to give an inch: "My wife."

  Ying Kui: "Our master and apprentice meet again after a long absence, what's wrong with hugging each other?!"

  Sheng Shijing: "So I gave you eight minutes, isn't that enough?"

  Before Ying Kui opened his mouth, Sheng Shijing had already rolled up his sleeves, raised his eyes lightly and said, "It's okay if it's not enough, let's fight, if you win, I'll let you continue to hug."

  Ying Kui: "..."

  The young man is too young, so he is too unqualified to start a fight.

  Where did this stinky girl find a man? !

   After all, I still have a little self-knowledge, but in the end, I just said weakly: "Your wife hugged me by herself, but you beat her."

  Sheng Shijing smiled: "My wife is for pain."

  Ying Kui: Ahh!

   Tucao is Tucao, scolding is scolding, but how satisfied is this apprentice son-in-law.

  Ying Kui decided that the old man would ignore the young man's faults, and he returned to seriousness after straightening his clothes.

  Looking at Xie Xihe who was being protected by Sheng Shijing in his arms, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "Didn't they all go away, why are they back?"

  Xie Xihe leaned against Sheng Shijing's arms, and said lazily, "Oh, I'm not worried about some old man crying, so I'll come back and have a look."

   Win·Weeping Old Man·Kui: "..."

  What should I do, I really want to hit someone!

  Ying Kui held back, and asked with an aggrieved expression, "When did you find me?"

   "Just now." Speaking of this, Xie Xihe couldn't help but look at him more, and said, "At this age, how can the ability to follow people get better and better?"

  Since this period of time, Xie Xihe has noticed many times of prying eyes, but every time he looks over, he can't find anyone. After coming down many times, even she wonders if it is her illusion.

  If it weren't for the old man's emotional fluctuations just now, she was finally sure that someone was really watching her, and she might have boarded the plane and left by now.

   And this time, maybe there will be no chance to meet again...

  Xie Xihe's fingertips trembled slightly.

Ying Kui's fingertips also trembled, but the expression on his face remained the same, he raised his chin and said, "That's right, don't look at who I am, if I'm not good enough, I can sit firmly and guard the palace master location?"

He didn't want to talk too much about this topic. Seeing that the plane Xie Xihe was supposed to take had already taken off, he knew that she wasn't going to leave right away, so he said, "It's fine if I don't leave. I just have something to tell you. follow me."

   Xie Xihe took a deep look at him, and without asking what he wanted to say, he pulled Sheng Shijing along and followed.

   At this time, Fu Yunting and Mo Huaizhi also saw the news of Sheng Shijing, and quickly left what they were doing and rushed over.

  The two sides met by the bridge entering the core area. Ying Kui smiled at them, turned his head, lost his expression, and continued to stride forward.

See you tonight



  (end of this chapter)