MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 102 This winter, the sky is full of fireworks

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Ten days later—the night of January 8, 7622 in the federal calendar, there are still three days before the new year.

Capital Star, where the private army of the Fernand family is stationed.

It is far away from the bustling urban area, deserted and quiet, without the influence of colorful lights, the sky of the capital star is presented in front of people in dark blue primary color, pure and without any impurities, like fine velvet satin, single The color is evenly distributed.

The night wind was blowing, the air was extremely cold and dry, and the exhaled air condensed into white mist, smoky and smoky in the blurry night, making people remember in a trance that it is already winter, and in three days, it will be the New Year.

Under the monotonous and weak snow-white light of the station, Hastings boarded his Gemini starship wrapped in an extremely long black trench coat.

The private army of the Fernan family suffered heavy casualties in front of the rapidly increasing number of Zerg. He, the leader of the private army, is needed there to preside over the overall situation.

Su Tang and Ning Qingliu followed him closely, with the brim of their hats pulled down extremely low, covering their eyes in dark shadows, leaving only the lower half of their faces with tight lips, serious and tense.

Behind them, trusted soldiers entered the Gemini quietly and orderly. These soldiers were not the private army of the Fernan family, they were soldiers of the federal army just like Su Tang and Ning Qingliu, but they chose the major general who was loyal to the Fernan family.

The reason may chance, they more or less knew about the existence of bugs, so they followed in the footsteps of the major general without hesitation.

Martha and Garcia were among them.

Garcia unbuttoned the cuffs, and then carefully buttoned them. He did not deny that he was quite nervous at the moment. Before setting off, Ning Qingliu had already announced the death toll for them in the past three months, and he had a strong premonition that he would be on that list—after he killed enough Zergs. When he foretells his future death, although he can go there without hesitation, he still becomes nervous involuntarily.

"I didn't even have a proper conversation with Fei Wushu." Garcia said in a low voice, standing behind him was Martha.

Not long after that gymnastics class, he and Martha temporarily went through the formalities of suspension from Capital Star due to mission reasons, and never had the chance to see Fei Wushu again.

"I've already told you. You obviously like him, but you still act like you don't talk to him. Don't you regret it now?" Martha said in his familiar teasing tone behind him.

"I don't regret it." Garcia said softly, "If I got close to him at that time and became friends with him, then his trust in me would definitely become a sharp edge for me to hurt him. Friends and major generals, I always stand by the major generals. Over here." he doesn't qualify to be that person's friend.

"Really?" Martha was laughing, "Why is your tone full of annoyance?"

Garcia pulled the brim of his hat awkwardly: "It's just a pity!"

He didn't turn around, so he couldn't see Martha's expression. Martha, who had a smiling tone, actually didn't smile at all, and her expression was so flat that it was almost silent.

She looked up at the dark blue sky, with a slight bitter taste overflowing from her lips, she also felt a little regretful that she couldn't say sorry to Fei Wushu.

As the team moved forward in an orderly manner, they stepped up the stairs and entered the starship hatch, with firm eyes and no distractions. From this moment, they are just soldiers, and all they should think about is the enemy in the distance -insect.

People are in place.

Ammunition is fully replenished.

everything's ready.

Hastings' eyes fell on the flickering starship map indifferently, and the tone of the tablet sounded like a mechanical synthetic voice, without any human emotion: "Let's go."

The gigantic Gemini starship lifted off slowly in the remote suburbs, moving quietly like a ghost in the night sky, without being noticed by anyone on Capital Star, it broke through the atmosphere and plunged into the depths of the universe.

At the same time, a huge starship with a length of one kilometer passed through the space gate and appeared above Capital Star. Among the endless stream of starships, his tattered body was as shabby as a beggar.

"The identity verification has been passed, and we can land right away." Nuwa automatically guided the spaceship to the parking place, and said, "Fortunately, we were one step earlier, and we have just been notified that the space gate will be closed for an hour. During this period, the starship is not allowed to enter or jump out."

"Reason?" Qin Yi looked down at the huge planet below the starship. He once used Fei Wushu's body to live on this planet, and now, he is about to set foot on this land with his own feet.

"Military secrets." Nuwa replied with the message she received.

Qin Yi didn't ask any further questions, but lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

People with high spiritual power will have some mysterious and indescribable premonitions, just like human intuition. Qin Yi always thought that only an idiot like Fei Wushu whose body moves before his brain would believe in the so-called intuition, but now, he seems to be willing to trust intuition.

…with a premonition of storms to come.

Qin Yi once again looked at the dark and deep universe with a stern face. The unknown darkness brews a heavy ominousness... Just like the taste revealed by the words "military secret", it casts a layer of haze on people's psychology inexplicably.

After a rare choice to trust his intuition, Qin Yi saw the bug.

——Insects that came from nowhere, occupying the entire field of vision in an instant, continuous, black and dense, like dark clouds covering the universe, quickly advancing towards the capital star.

"Zerg!" Nuwa's voice was so sharp that the portholes almost trembled. He had obtained information about the Zerg in Hastings's spiritual world, so after he realized it immediately, he stopped doing too much. Stop, and drive quickly and quickly towards the parking point.

He knew that surrounded by the Zerg in the air, even their starships, had only a dead end.

In Hastings' memory, the worms only appeared near the wormhole at the edge of the Federation. While controlling the course of the starship, Nu Wa quickly searched for information in the database—why did these bugs appear in the hinterland of the Federation?

Could it be that the federal army didn't even notice that the bugs had traveled such a long distance? It actually made the worm approach his capital star abruptly!

Qin Yi calmly stared at the Zerg "Dark Cloud" who was still far away from him. With this scale, it was no longer one or two lagging behind, but a whole race. What can be seen now is probably only the first vanguard.

"Qin Yi, listen to me." Nuwa has successfully parked, and he speaks quickly, "After you leave, I will open the protective cover of the starship. According to the information about the combat power of the Zerg obtained from Hastings' memory It is estimated that the defense system can last up to 24 hours. You have to find Fei Wushu and bring people here within this time limit. Beyond this time..."

He paused, and then said: "After this time, maybe you can only find other intact starships to leave here."

He is a biological mastermind, once destroyed by bugs, he is truly equivalent to "death", not "dormant" as it used to be.

Qin Yi walked towards the exit of the cabin door, leaving only a plain sentence: "I will be back on time." When the words came out, people could not help but believe them.

"I'll wait." Facing the empty control room, Nuwa said softly.

Qin Yi wasn't the only one who saw the bugs coming all over the place.

Near the space gate, which is extremely bustling and lively even at night, the starships coming and going, one after another, all found the billowing "dark cloud" that was rapidly approaching.

what is that? !

After calling out the zoomed-in picture, everyone felt deeply terrified by the hideous and terrifying creature. Even though the appearance is strange, the pair of small eyes full of cruelty and blood are the same, which makes everyone feel cold to the depths of their souls at the first glance, and subconsciously shudder.

evil! bloody! cruel! tyrannical!

That's the devil!

Just looking at them, everyone came to this conclusion with trepidation. Then I started to panic—such a terrible creature appeared near the capital star, what happened? What about the army? !

The well-ordered navigation route was disrupted after a starship jumped in hastily. The starship, which desperately wanted to land because of fear, no longer had the patience to wait for the staff to arrange a berth, and rushed to the landing position unreasonably, making a mess in the sky.

When Qin Yi walked out of the mooring point, he stood on the spacious street and looked up at the dark blue sky where the white light of the space gate was shining. A starship collided with another starship, and huge sparks burst out silently. There was a bright mark in his dark eyes.

Chaos begins.

He carefully identified the directions around him, and carefully recalled the road map that Nuwa gave him... The direction of the court should be here.

The distance is very short, and there is no need for a levitating magnetic car.

He strode towards that direction, and after a few steps, he strode on the ground and started to run, like a gust of wind, speeding past the men and women living the night life, leaving only a light white afterimage, Let the people who saw it just rub their eyes, thinking it was a hallucination after drunkenness.

In the night sky, the Gemini starship, which was waiting to move after clearing the field, caught the bug's movement in the first place.

In the spacious control room, everyone's faces turned pale in an instant.

In the entire Federation, no one knew better than the people here what kind of greedy and cruel creature it was, and what kind of cruel and powerful creature it was.

"Why did it appear here..." Su Tang's voice was as dry as a rusty machine, and he clenched his fists unconsciously, "According to the information, the bugs on the edge of the Federation did not break through the interception..."

The number of worms exceeded the sum of hundreds of years, and the distance between the capital star and the worms suddenly shrank to a distance counted in minutes. When they realized this, everyone's eyes became horrified and desperate— In just over ten minutes, it was impossible for them to completely intercept such a large number of Zerg, so there must be more bugs invading Capital Star!

And when everyone was pale, only Hastings still looked neither sad nor happy.

His mood didn't seem to be affected by the momentary severe situation at all, and he gave an order indifferently: "Contact the Capital Star Space Defense Agency and the Ground Defense Agency. Order them to activate the air strike force, and unlock the 27 military satellites outside the capital star... "

He gave orders one after another in an orderly manner, with a flat tone like a mechanical synthesized voice, unpopular, but always steady, calming down everyone's trembling hearts, picking up the work in hand with firm eyes, earnestly and quickly Execute this order.

On the capital star, there will inevitably be many innocent people who died in this wave of sudden attacks, and their relatives and friends may also be among them. However, the only thing they can do is to hurry up, at least... let the people involved in this disaster die fewer people.

Ning Qingliu suppressed the ominous guesses in his heart, and walked to Hastings: "Major General, Gemini is ready for battle, and all combatants are in place."

"Hmm." Hastings lingered on the interstellar map of the capital, and finally pointed to a coordinate, "Gemini, approaching the B-123 wormhole at full speed."

The soldiers executed quickly, and the huge Gemini slowly turned around in the universe.

"Wormhole?" Ning Qingliu was stunned, how did these worms suddenly appear when everyone was unaware, and where did these worms appear - everything has the answer, just like the edge of the Federation, it came from the wormhole .

It's just that this time, compared to the edge of the Federation, the number of bugs breaking into Capital Star has increased hundreds of times.

It may take days without sleep to get rid of these bugs. And after this battle, the Federation may no longer be able to hide the matter of the Zerg race. The social turmoil caused is also a difficult test for the top federal officials.

Hastings looked at everyone in the control room, his gray eyes were like inorganic glass, indifferent and cold, and what he said was like a spring of ice, freezing everyone's hearts together: "Don't hold It’s a fluke, thinking it’s all just that.”

He said: "The Zerg have discovered the Federation, and after thousands of years, they have come again."

"Don't think that the Federation will be safe after cleaning up the bugs in front of you." His voice spread to every part of the Gemini starship, and to the ears of every soldier, making everyone's expressions blank in an instant, "This It's just the beginning. There will be more and more bugs. Everyone must be prepared for a long battle."

Ning Qingliu in the control room looked at Hastings with a stiff gaze: "Major General, you can't simply judge that this is the invasion of Zerg, right? Maybe..." He said dryly, "Maybe, like the border of the Federation, this is just Zerg invasion." erroneous entry? It’s just that this time, the number of erroneous entries is larger?”

Everyone hopes that the reality is as Ning Qingliu said, even if it is deception, no one can calmly accept the "coming of the Zerg".

Once human beings encountered Zerg, human beings abandoned their homeland and began a long migration in the universe.

What will happen to humans if they encounter Zerg again now?

…Are you going to abandon this new home again? !

Hastings didn't care about everyone's panic, he just expressed his thoughts indifferently: "From now on, all predictions must be viewed at the worst. Only when we are prepared to deal with the worst, we Only in this way can the security of the Federation be guaranteed."

"Before the federal troops are mobilized, the front line will be on the top of the Gemini." Hastings stared coldly at the approaching insects, with sharp spear-like legs and huge mouthparts on the light screen. It can be clearly seen in the picture that he estimated the distance between the starship and the bugs without any fluctuations in his emotions, and indifferently issued one order after another, "The long-range energy cannon is ready to store energy, and the floating mine is ready to fill up..."

"Yes, major general!" Each order was carried out by the soldiers. Because they were soldiers, everyone suppressed their despair. They had no time to despair.

Senlan's energy beam drew straight traces in the pitch-black universe, fell into the dense swarm of insects, and exploded a huge flame.

The battle between humans and Zerg started with this energy beam, and once again opened the curtain in the universe.

However, as the soldiers on the Gemini thought, the Gemini only intercepted some of the bugs, and more bugs seemed to smell the vitality of the Capital Star, greedily bypassed the Gemini starship, and headed straight for the bustling Capital Star. Pounce.

On the capital star, in the military garrison, teams of soldiers quickly boarded the battleships, and one after another the battleships were launched into the sky.

They may have been dazed when they entered the battleship, but after hearing clearly the target of the battle in the battleship, after being stunned and unbelievable, they finally stood firmly in front of their posts, listening nervously and seriously. With the exhortations and orders from the chief.

The Zerg, a creature that only exists in legends, is now closer to the people of the Federation than ever before.

As for the Capital Star, people spent what they thought was an ordinary night as usual, completely unaware... that the crisis was approaching rapidly.