MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 53 History and Fist-2

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Instructor Wen led a hundred people to a tall building next to the training ground, and entered the twelfth floor of the tall building. On one side of the long corridor was a row of silver doors. Counting at a glance, there were about hundreds of rooms.

"Everyone chooses a room to enter. Of course, the structure of each room is exactly the same, and the test you have to take is also exactly the same." The instructor's voice was very steady and thick, echoing in the empty corridor, "It's done." After the task, leave through the door on the other side. Behind the door on that side is a unified large room, each of you can enter it directly after leaving your own room."

"I put a fingerprint recorder in the big room. When you arrive in the big room, remember to input your fingerprints into it, and your grades are arranged according to the time of fingerprint input. Do you have any comments?"

Adolf leaned against the wall with his thighs shaking, with a provocative look on his face: "Of course I don't mind."

The cultural instructor ignored him, and continued: "Among you, in terms of physical skills alone, the highest student Xia Shan is the third-ranked student in the school." A tall, simple and honest boy looked at him, looked at his black iron-like skin and muscles, and immediately nodded his head upright. This is definitely a master of physical arts!

"The lowest level also has fourth-level physical skills. Generally speaking, it is relatively average." The cultural instructor said, "The gravity in the room has been adjusted to twenty-five times that of ordinary planets. Seventh-level physical skills will not feel too easy, and fourth-level physical skills will not be too easy. It won't be too difficult for super physical skills. Generally speaking, as long as you work hard, you will be able to pass it smoothly."

"This is a test of your physique and perseverance." The instructor said seriously, "In a gravity environment, not only your body is oppressed, but also your mental strength. This is what I did after discussing with your spiritual instructor Nemo. out of the grouping method."

"Of course, the process will not be so simple." The instructor Wen raised his lips slightly, making Fei Wushu think of his old man's fox-like appearance, "There will be energy **** flying out of the walls and ceilings in the middle, you should pay attention Don’t get hit by a ball. If you get hit by a ball, the door at the exit of the room will be automatically locked for five minutes. Even if you walk to the door, you can only open the door and enter the big room after five minutes. Do you understand?”

"Understood!" Fei Wushu has always been like a passionate and obedient student, actively cooperating with the instructor's words and deeds. In school, the teacher is the big boss, and it is right to have a good relationship with the boss.

The cultural instructor looked around at the eager students, You Qi took a few more glances at Fei Wushu, and nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's start. I will wait for you in the big room on the other side, and the whole period will be from beginning to end. I won't interfere."

Fei Wushu rushed to the nearest room without waiting for the words of the cultural and instructor officer, opened the door with a swipe, slipped in, and disappeared in front of the stunned people. Immediately after Fei Wushu, Adolf slipped into a door beside him like a fish.

Of course, Garcia, Martha, that Xia Shan, and several others chose a door to enter without distinction. Afterwards, the people who finally came to their senses began to grab the nearby doors one after another.

Instructor Wen's tense face softened slightly, and he nodded with satisfaction: "Resilience is very important."

After Fei Wushu got into the room, he felt his feet sinking, and his body felt as if he was being dragged to the ground—25 times the gravity, the feeling of gravity pressure, blood concentrated to the soles of the feet, brain hypoxia, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus He has experienced these countless times on the Tamar planet in the Heyue galaxy.

Even though the body he used was no longer Qin Yi's body that had been honed and perfected, Fei Wushu already had a lot of experience in how to protect the body and how to adapt to this sudden gravity.

Just like ordinary people have to move their bodies before entering the water to let the body adapt to the water pressure a little bit, and the gravity should also adapt a little bit. Suddenly stepping into a place with a huge drop in gravity, a little carelessness will damage the organs and blood vessels.

Fei Wushu slightly bent his legs, lowered his center of gravity, slowed down his breathing and at the same time increased the volume of each breath, so that the dizziness in his head was slightly relieved. During this time, he didn't rush to move a step forward. It wasn't until more than ten seconds later, when his discomfort eased slightly, that he tried to take a small step forward.

Feeling very good, Fei Wushu raised the corners of his lips, and the newly clear vision reflected the whole picture of the room.

This is a long and narrow room, the left and right sides are quite narrow, only about three meters wide, but about two hundred meters long, it is indeed a very good test place. The narrow terrain is not conducive to dodging, and the long path makes it impossible to run in a few steps.

Feeling the heavy body, Fei Wushu looked around vigilantly, and began to stride forward. However, what surprised him was that every time he took a step forward, his body seemed to relax a little bit, as if a layer of scab covering his body was cracked and broken little by little.

This feeling is very familiar, it is the feeling every time he breaks the barriers of the system, that is to say, his physical skills are breaking through to the sixth level.

However, after being surprised, it was not a surprise. Just thinking about Xiao Yiyi's ninth-level physical skills, Fei Wushu thought, would he be ashamed to talk about the sixth-level physical skills? I can't be happy at all. It will only make me feel more and more unable to hold my head up in front of Xiao Yiyi, too weak!

Facing the unexpected breakthrough, Fei Wushu treated it calmly. Full attention is on the energy **** that may appear and attack at any time around.

After walking half of the distance, the last shackle barrier of the body finally shattered, Fei Wushu clenched his fist, physical skill level six, and broke through. This is a natural process. He has accumulated too much foundation. Today, under high gravity, it happens to be an opportunity for foundation integration, from quantitative change to qualitative change, and it will happen naturally.

At this time, the first blue energy ball had already appeared in the room.

Dodging is a process in which perception, prediction and skill are interdependent. To be keenly aware of the opponent's existence, to judge the location of its attack, to use tricks to deceive the opponent's next move, and to use flexible agility to change positions and dodge.

This is the reason for facing the incoming energy ball.

Fei Wushu couldn't help feeling that the school's methods were really gentle. When he was training his dodging ability at Fei's house, in the final test stage, he used live ammunition, okay? (╯▽╰)╭ This is what he didn't see The misery in the other rooms only speaks for itself. Those who have not been hit by an energy ball are not qualified to judge the power of the energy ball—the poor child who was hit lay paralyzed on the floor and wanted to cry without tears.

This is the story of someone else's family. Fei Wushu's journey here is quite smooth. Even though the energy ball is like an annoying little bee, entangled around his body endlessly, he still has such a calm look on his face. Went to the exit.

Reach out and push open the door.

Turning his head, another door not far away is also opening, and Adolf's arrogant smile is reflected in Fei Wushu's eyes. Fei Wushu introspected, he was too leisurely just now, he should run if he broke the sixth level of physical skills!

Of course, Adolf also discovered Fei Wushu at the first time, and his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost—what the hell! Seventh's strength is so high? Didn't you see that the second, third and fourth are all gone!

A series of mental activities of annoyance or cursing were just for a moment. In the next second, the two looked at each other and smiled, their white teeth dazzled each other, and then almost at the same time they raised their legs and ran towards Wenjiao who was standing in the big room. Run to the officer—the fingerprint recorder is there!

The first one belongs to Laozi and Laozi!

The two ran over there without any image at all, but Adolf was born with a much shorter distance than Fei Wushu after he left the door. The cultural instructor and the equipment were close to him, so Fei Wushu was still a few steps away At that time, Adolf already had a shameless smile on his side, and covered both palms on the black metal cover of the fingerprint recorder.

Fei Wushu gritted his teeth and looked at Adolfo twisting his buttocks and trembling: "Oh, brother, luck is also a kind of strength, who knew I would be closer to here ╮(╯▽╰)╭" he said The rippling face made Fei Wushu really want to punch him hard in the face.

I'm really not reconciled to losing to this guy! Fei Wushu glanced sadly at the instructor, why didn't you put the fingerprint recorder outside my room?

Instructor Wen glanced at him calmly, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled very mysteriously.

Fei Wushu walked over, pushed Adolf away, and pressed his palm down. There was no difference between the second and the seventh, and it was impossible to go to Xiao Yiyi's place to get a hold of him—hey, wait! This feels wrong!

Without feeling the tingling sensation of the tiny electric current flowing through the palm, Fei Wushu glanced at the fingerprint recorder strangely, and burst out laughing: "Adolf, you are illiterate, you don't even know the machine has not been turned on! Sure enough, the test will only The guy who copied other people doesn't have any theoretical knowledge, ah ha ha ha... It really makes sense for me to read the book for so long!"

"Bada" turned on the switch, Fei Wushu quickly pressed his palm up, then turned around, raised a bright and bright smile at Adolf, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm the number one. Brother, knowledge is also strength kind of."

"You, you, you—" Adolf was stunned, and pressed the recorder again in a daze. It took a long time to recover, and he was speechless in grief and anger. The sad eyes staring at the switch seemed to make a hole there. Did you get counterattacked in the first place? !

Ahhh, his first!

Fei Wushu looked like a cat catching a mouse, he couldn't help laughing with his eyes bent, ah, I got it first, it really is good to read more books. A guy who can’t even drive a recorder will be able to take the first place in the exam only when there is a good student sitting in the front row. Fei Wushu slipped over and patted Adolf on the shoulder to comfort him, and smiled mischievously, "If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, brother, I'll take it for you."

"..." Adolf was still in a state of ecstasy when the situation was reversed...just a switch, a small switch...

However, at this moment, another door opened.

The person who came out was Garcia whom he had seen before.

After the fingerprints were pressed, the boy pursed his lips and stood aside without speaking. This made Fei Wushu very suspicious. Did Garcia, who was so laughing with other students, really have a problem with him? But we just met...

It's really hard to guess the mind of a teenager. Fei Wushu shrugged, sat on the floor and waited for the students who came out.

After a while, Xia Shan came out. Although his level of physical skills is high, he has an advantage over ordinary students in a gravity environment, but his agility is not high. In the process of dodging the energy ball, his movement speed is reduced to extremely slow.

After Xia Shan, a very noble girl came out, with blond hair and white skin, like a young lady who had gone to the wrong place.

Adolf's emotions came and went quickly, and the previous grievances were cleaned up in a short while. He sat down beside Fei Wushu and muttered: "This woman is called Elizabeth. Very much, especially look down on boys from the country planet like us, tsk." The resentment in his mouth made it easy for Fei Wushu to guess that Adolf definitely stumbled in the hands of this woman.

Fei Wushu looked at the approaching woman, the high raised chin made him displeased, he stretched out his fingers to scratch his chin, and hooked his fingers at Adolf: "Do we want her to stumble?"

Adolf's eyes lit up.

So when Elizabeth approached the fingerprint recorder, she heard the two people sitting next to the recorder arguing with frowning faces.

Fei Wushu bit his lip in distress: "How many are there! How many energy **** did I encounter in the room? How can I remember it! The instructor is also the same, why didn't you say it earlier? Now let's think about it one by one. Very hard!"

Adolf looked like a rascal, sitting with his legs spread out, and sighed weakly: "I don't want to, what can you do? Just give a number? If you make a mistake, five minutes will be deducted, okay! No!" If you report the correct number, you can’t press the recorder, let’s think about it again... How many **** did I encounter? Ahhh, I can’t remember!” He scratched his hair in pain.

Fei Wushu's eyes were in a trance: "About twenty of them?"

Adolf sneered: "You just told me it was eighty!"

"Then twenty plus eighty, one hundred?"

"That's okay?"

Fei Wushu thumped the floor impatiently: "You can't be like that Xia Shan over there, who can only answer after being punished for five minutes for making a mistake?" He looked at Xia Shan, "Hey, have you thought of the correct answer?"

Xia Shan, who couldn't understand what Fei Wushu and Adolf were doing, shook his head innocently, his eyes were confused: "I don't know." I don't know what you are talking about and what you are doing.

"What about you?" Fei Wushu squinted at Garcia.

Garcia saw what the two of them were up to, and wanted him to join forces? He retorted: "I, I, I, I!" I won't cheat with you! But when he is always excited, he talks like this ==

"Don't be irritable, think slowly." Fei Wushu comforted him, then lowered his head and wrung his fingers to continue thinking hard.

Who is upset? Garcia shook his head sullenly, he didn't want to talk to anyone!

Adolf glanced at Elizabeth who had stopped in her tracks, frowning and meditating silently, and shouted in a weird voice: "Hey, isn't it a lady from a famous family, she is naturally different from us commoners. How many people have you met in the room?" An energy ball, I must have remembered it clearly? Answer it quickly, you will be the first if you answer it."

Elizabeth glanced at the expressionless Wen instructor, and gritted her teeth: "Who will fall into your aggressive method?" She frowned and began to recall, silently counting how many energy **** she encountered in the room.

But in the process of dodging, people concentrate all their attention on dodging, so how can they pay attention to other things, such as the number of energy balls? So until the next door opened and Martha walked in, Elizabeth hadn't come up with a definite answer.

The occasional arguments between Fei Wushu and Adolf subsided. The two closed their mouths tightly and opened their eyes wide. They quietly watched Martha approaching, and then slapped the fingerprint recorder with a slap. She looked around at the five people, feeling that the atmosphere was weird, so she smiled unnaturally: "It seems that I am the sixth. Hey! Fei Wushu and Adolf, why are you looking at me like that?" The eyes were weird It made her back feel cold.

"Nice job!" Fei Wushu and Adolf clapped their hands together, then hugged their stomachs at the same time, and finally couldn't help it, rolling on the ground with laughter, "Hahahaha! Martha, you are the fifth! Five!"

Martha was at a loss: "Huh?"

At this time, a hand fell from her face and hit the fingerprint recorder hard. Martha looked sideways and saw the distorted face of Miss Elizabeth, who had always been arrogant and noble, with blue eyes brewing. Heavy cloud.

"Adolf, Fei Wushu, very good, you have done a good job." No matter how stupid Elizabeth was, she understood everything. Her eyes were full of hatred, "I, Elizabeth, have never been fooled like this since I was a child! You fooled me, I will remember!"

Fei Wu, who succeeded in pranking the prank, realizes later that the target of his prank is not his brother, who is okay to make troubles, so he unknowingly offends another woman.

After Elizabeth finished speaking harshly, she looked at the instructor: "I protest this result! Instructor, you saw that I arrived before this woman." She pointed to Martha.

The corners of Martha's eyes twitched, hello! What is this woman! My wife has a good name! She really is an annoying young lady!

Instructor Wen glanced at the two bad guys who were hugging each other and fell down laughing, and a little smile appeared in his eyes unconsciously. But his face is still serious: "I said that I will not interfere from the beginning to the end of the whole period, and the ranking of results depends on the order of fingerprint input time. Miss Elizabeth, your protest is invalid. Of course, for the sake of bystanders, I will give advice, generally don’t trust the words of villains and hooligans. Especially girls, they will suffer a lot.”

Adolf: "Hey hey." This sentence is the highest compliment for him.

Fei Wushu: "..." Why do you think the instructor's words have double meanings?

Elizabeth, whose protest was dismissed, finally realized that the result could not be changed, and walked aside angrily, even bringing hatred to everyone present. This group of untouchables from the country planet, you all wait for me! She roared loudly in her heart.

Xia Shan said he was innocent...what happened? Why can't he understand it?