MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 1509 Bet

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A handsome young man with a white skin and a handsome face came over and looked at Yang Feng. "Hai Mei, who is this person?"

Zhao Haimei's face is heavy, cold channel: "Zhou Guang, I am not so familiar with you! Do not talk to me in this tone!"

"Little face, I warn you. She is not a countryman like you can come close. You are not a class with us!! Give me a roll!!"

Zhou Guang's face sank, his eyes flashed, staring at Yang Feng, reaching out to the ring of his right hand, and a strange wave of incompatibility was directly transmitted to Yang Feng's mind.

"Interesting, a mortal in the district, even using technology to do this step, is one of the ten holy days."

Yang Feng glanced at the ring of Zhou Guang’s right hand, and his eyes flashed a touch of interest.

Zhou Guanglian's apprentices are not, just a normal human being who surpasses the Cavaliers. However, using the ring in his hand, he is able to display all kinds of extraordinary power, so that Yang Feng is also interested.

"Zhao Haimei!! This is your partner? This time, if you lose, but you lose to 53 million credit points. Your family's recent business is not good, if you lose 53 million, then you will The cash flow of your family is exhausted."

Along with a cold voice, a handsome, temperamental young man slowly walked towards this side, followed by six young men behind the young man.

A ray of light casts on this place, full of jokes and expectations.

Zhao Haimei flashed a remorse in his eyes. At the beginning, he shouldn’t be mad at the man in front of him. He rushed to the air and made a gamble with him. Now he has been riding a tiger. If she regrets, don't want to mix in this circle. The top-level children who set up the gambling will not let her go.

Zhao Haimei said with a sigh: "Red light, this is the partner chosen by the old lady. You still think about what to do if you lose! If you lose to me, then you have to lose 330 million credits. You are now repenting. Have time."

Six times the gambling gap, Zhao Haimei was attracted by this point and promised a gamble.

A red light flashed through the red eye, and Sen Han smiled: "If you lose, you can't get enough credits within ten days. Then you are my slave girl. By the time, I will let you know, one How should a female slave talk to the owner!!"

"See you on the race track!"

Zhao Haimei flashed a touch of fruit in the beauty, and snorted with Yang Feng in the direction of the suspension car.

Chiguang entered the other magnetic levitation car with a dazzling beauty.

In a small bar, sitting on a fat, ugly face, looks ugly fat. Beside the fat man, he sat on a dozen beautiful and beautiful women.

A young man took a glass of wine and sighed softly: "Congratulations to the Prince, and get a good female slave. Zhao Haimei is not a simple girl. It was the school flower of Ningguang College. It is said that it is only one step away. Extraordinary college. Only the Prince is qualified to enjoy such a beauty."

The fat man is the deepest person in this small circle, and he is a top-ranking prince.

Prince Mori smiled and said: "Zhao Haimei's little girl, this prince looks at her, is her blessing. She dared to refuse this Prince, it is really self-sufficient. After ten days, I must let her wake up."

Prince Edward: "Lingy teeth, the kid around Zhao Haimei makes me look down on the eyes. You go and investigate, if there is no background, kill him."

A bald-headed bald man in a white T-shirt smiled and said: "Good!"

In the eyes of these top-level dignitaries, killing a person without a background is a breeze.

"A ants in the district, do you want to kill me?"

Yang Feng flashed a strange color in his eyes, smiled lightly, and pointed to Zhao Haimei: "Zhao Haimei, let me drive. I can help you win this game."

Zhao Haimei heard this saying, the good-looking brow wrinkled slightly, staring at Yang Feng, slowly said: "Give me a reason to believe in you."

Yang Feng said faintly: "Your car has been moved. Don't use the intelligent system to search. Go and check it yourself."

Zhao Haimei's pretty face changed slightly, and he walked down from the car and opened the suspension car and checked it carefully.

Chi Guang looked at Zhao Haimei, who was checking the car body, and smiled coldly: "Is the problem found? Unfortunately, it is too late!"

The gambling game is today, even if Zhao Haimei checks out what problems, there is no time to solve it.

"A group of despicable and shameless guys!! Suspension accelerators, engines have been handcuffed by them, really despicable!!"

Zhao Haimei looked like a blue-green, screaming, and the body was trembling, full of fear, and burst into tears.

The core part of the two kinds of suspension vehicles, such as the suspension accelerator and the engine, has been moved. Even if Zhao Haimei is a car, he will lose.

Zhao Haimei felt that he was in a horrible trap between his vagueness.

Yang Feng sat quietly, watching Zhao Haimei cry, his face calm.

"Good! Big Brother, I believe in you, everything will be handed over to you!!"

After Zhao Haimei wept, she wiped her tears and changed her teeth with Yang Feng.

"Game start!!"

One of the sounds, the two luxury suspension cars immediately screamed with a horrible engine, galloping along the driveway.

Yang Feng praised: "It's a good car!!"

Zhao Haimei’s suspension vehicle only took one second, and it has already accelerated to a state of double speed of sound, just like a blast that gallops above the driveway.

The feeling of flying and flashing makes Yang Feng rise a trace of nostalgia.

With his uncomfortable physical quality, Yang Feng unscrupulously accelerated the suspension car to the extreme, and opened the distance from the Zhouguang suspension car.

"Awesome car skills!! Big Brother, come on!!"

Zhao Haimei saw this scene, his eyes flashed a touch of excitement and shouted.

In the suspension car, there is a good system of shock absorption and compression resistance. Although Zhao Haimei is just an ordinary mortal, under the supersonic state, he can still speak and has no influence.

"Awesome car skills! It seems that Zhao Haimei has encountered a powerful racer. However, no matter how powerful the racer is, it is not useful as a core car."

The red light smiled coldly and pressed a button.

"Aurora number system is at your service, the owner! Now adjust to the speed mode!!"

A voice emerged in the floating sports car, and there was countless mysterious runes in the floating sports car.

A ray of light shines, the speed of that floating sports car has increased sharply, and it has reached the horror speed of three times the speed of sound. It is the first to arrive at the speed of the sky, and it surpasses the sports car that Yang Feng drives.

Zhao Haimei saw this scene, and there was a desperate flash in the beauty: "Three times the speed of sound!! It is over!! His car has been modified by the master, and it can reach three times the speed of sound. This time, lost!!"

No matter how brilliant Yang Feng's car skills are, it is impossible to surpass the three-fold speed difference.

Zhao Haimei did not think that Chiguang could actually modify his own sports car with a master-level modification.

"What's there!! He can modify it, I can also modify it!"

Yang Feng smiled lightly, reaching for a finger, a green light did not enter the vehicle.

Zhao Haimei's suspension sports car shines brightly, and the speed suddenly increases. It rises to ten times the speed of sound, tears the air, and chases it toward the red sports car ahead.

"Zhao Haimei, this girl is a pity! I have to wait for the Prince to get tired of her, I have a chance to play!"

Sitting in the modified super sports car, Chiguang was fascinated and looked at the car movie. That floating sports car is completely controlled by the intelligent system and does not need him to control it at all.

"Warning! The rear vehicle reaches ten times the speed of sound! Please take care!"

A sound suddenly sounded from the intelligent system.

"Ten times the speed of sound!! How is this possible? Is it a system failure?"

The red light glimpsed a little, and the next moment, Zhao Haimei's suspended sports car took a glimpse of his shadow and swept past his vehicle, and disappeared in front of his eyes.

Really holy day, a smart center in the United States.

Among the circular intelligent light brains, there are countless mysterious data.

"There is a mysterious force to interfere!"


"The cause of the failure, eternal interference!"

"everything is normal!!"

"Eternal interference!!"

"everything is normal!!"


In the center of the intelligent light brain, that intelligent light brain constantly repeats various alarms.

"Eternal! This kind of interference is a stranger who has come to our country!!"

"This kind of volatility is the eternal without login!!"

"This is a strange eternal!!"


In the center of the intelligent light brain, there are dozens of saints, and quickly process all kinds of data.

A blue light shone, a height of one meter nine, black hair shawl, and a handsome middle-aged man appeared in the data center.

"I have seen the big commander!!"

The saints present at the scene bowed to the middle-aged man with respect and respect.

The general leader said: "What is the strength of the Eternal?"

The measures of the eternity of different strengths are different. The eternal ones who are eternal and heavenly are naturally captured and used as slaves or energy sources. The strongest of the eternal four-days or more needs to be treated with caution.

A saint said: "According to the analysis, this is a horrible powerhouse with an eternal four-day or more. The specific information cannot be resolved because of eternal interference."

The eyes of the big commander flashed a dignified color: "The eternal four-day-old powerhouse! It seems that I need to personally meet this new friend."