MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 518 Second Coming!

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Murder was pervasive.

Fang Qiu, who appeared in the formation of the First Army, stood in the air.

The extremely violent sword intention rushed out of its body, even before it even started, the energy flowing in the formation was forcibly pulled away by these terrible sword intentions, and transformed into a powerful energy sword energy in the world, Howling swept out in all directions.

"Hmm ..."

The crisp groan of the sword filled the entire formation instantly.


There is no defense at all, and even the 100,000 troops that have completely relaxed are all dumbfounded.

They never thought of it.

The nameless guy is so vicious and shameless.

There are three troops in total. Why did they fight against their first army?

Has he come here a few times?

Still human?

However, Fang Qiu would not talk to them.

"call out!"

Knowing that time was short, Fang Qiu burst out full strength, under the support of that powerful sword, the whole person turned into a golden flash, dived directly from the air, with a forward momentum, rushed into the Nirvana army and all Everything is blocked and leveled.

The army of one hundred thousand nirvana immediately rose up and resisted.

They have experienced the nameless strength. If they have not resisted, let alone 100,000 people, even if there are more, they will inevitably be pushed all the way by the nameless.

Blink of an eye.

The dense army of nirvana fell down under the impact of golden sword qi.

After the others in the black robes reacted, they quickly stimulated the inner gas in retreat. Some people were trying to escape, some people were desperately resisting, and some people were finding a good position. Began crazy bombardment of the unknown.

of course.

Fang Qiu could also feel it very clearly.

When I first rushed into the crowd of black robes, I felt particularly relaxed, and all obstacles wherever I went were turned into corpses.

And now.

Fang Qiu can very clearly feel that his momentum of crazy rushing has encountered a very huge obstacle, and the speed of slaying Nirvana and Black Robe has begun to decline.

However, Fang Qiu did not stop there.

How could I find such a great opportunity after all?


Fang Qiu immediately detected that there was an area in the array where the air of heaven and earth existed. Although the disease was not as abundant as the air of heaven and earth in the grain storehouse, it was not bad.


Because of the elixir of nirvana in his body, under the influence of divine knowledge, Fang Qiu is sure that the thing that emits the air of heaven and earth is the elixir refined by nirvana.

During previous raids, there was no elixir here.

That is to say, these elixir have just been delivered shortly after, in order to allow the first army that has suffered several attacks to replenish.

"good stuff."

The moment he felt the elixir, Fang Qiu laughed immediately.

In the case of increasing resistance to smashing, these elixir filled with the air of heaven and earth will become the biggest help to kill Nirvana and Black Robe!

No hesitation.

Maintaining high speed, after killing all the black robe men in front of him all the way, Fang Qiu immediately turned his direction and rushed towards the place where the medicine was located.

There is a transport truck there.

The elixir was packed in the compartment.

The elixir filled with a compartment full of the air of heaven and earth is very rich.

Without being a bit slow, Fang Qiu rushed directly into the compartment.

Reaching out and grabbing the golden sword gas around the body, the box containing the elixir was immediately torn, and a large amount of the elixir spilled out of the box.

Fang Qiu stopped after he grabbed hundreds of pills and stuffed them into his pockets.

Not that he didn't want to take more.

It is really because there are still a lot of elixir taken from the grain bank of the First Army, and there can only be more than a hundred of them on the body.

"I knew I would bring a backpack."

Looking at these elixir, Fang Qiu sighed and closed his eyes.

The moment you close your eyes.

The situation outside the carriage immediately appeared.

The army of 100,000 nirvana completely surrounded the whole car up, down, left, right, back and forth. Because there was a large amount of elixir in the compartment, they were afraid to do it easily, for fear of destroying the elixir.

After all, these elixir were the supplies that they had to ask for from the Second Army. If they were destroyed, they would have no more supplies.

Therefore, they can only surround the nameless, but they are afraid to be too close because of the fear of the namelessness, and can only surround them from a distance.

The unnamed intention is obvious, that is, they must use their own power to attract the Nirvana army, then detonate these elixir, and kill all the Nirvana Heipao people who come around.

However, when the grain and grass depots were blown up before, the Nirvana knew that there were no known means to detonate the air of the heavens and the earth, not only the energy jade mine, but even the refined elixir could detonate.

Today, Anonymous rushes into the compartment with a large amount of elixir, apparently to lead people there. Although these people are afraid of anonymity, they are not fooled.

"It won't work like this."

Inside the compartment, Fang Qiu opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

he knows.

Can't stand still.

Nirvana Lord and the Six Lord Nirvana may already be on the way to support. The Nirvana army outside the carriage wants to see deadlock most. They are unwilling to fight desperately with the nameless!

What they want to see most is to be able to trap anonymity here without taking any risk at all.

"If you don't come, then I will take these elixir away."

Fang Qiu's voice came from the compartment.

The moment the voice spread.

Light up the car, and immediately under the envelop of Fang Qiu, quickly lift off.

This scene.

The people around Nirvana and black robe changed their faces.

Anonymous has to **** the supplies they had just asked for?

How can this be done?

For a time.

The Nirvana army surrounded in the distance did not dare to hesitate any more, and rushed towards the sky-high cars.

Judging by the speed at which the car empties, as long as they have a little hesitation for half a minute, the unknown will take all the elixir with the car.


When the dense Nirvana black robes were culled.


A crisp sound came suddenly.

Wen Sheng looked away.

I saw that the nameless body surrounded by golden energy directly broke the top of the car, and instantly got out of the large array of domes.

The moment when the nameless burst out of the battle.


Flying in the high air, the car wrapped in golden energy, exploded when the Nirvana Heipao people rushed up from all sides.

All the elixir in the compartment burst out at this moment.

The light of heaven and earth.

A layer of extremely thick and extremely sharp energy waves was directly formed, and it was severely impacted in all directions. Because of the fusion of a large amount of golden energy, this layer of energy waves was covered with a layer of golden energy flame. Everywhere ignites everything.

Those closest to Nirvana in black robes, even before they had time to react, were instantly incinerated into powdery sky.

Even people who are far apart, were simply unable to respond and were directly bombarded. Some of them were stained with golden energy flames, and it was difficult to extinguish them no matter how they beat them.

Just in this short moment.

From the explosion to the end, Nirvana's army of black robes was cut and killed a large area.

of course.

Fang Qiu, who had rushed out of the large array before the explosion, did not see this scene.

to him.

Time is the most important thing.

In his prediction, Nirvana is as big as the Lord and the six Nirvanas are already on their way to help, so he must immediately leave this place and rush to the next place.

Nirvana Second Army!

That's right.

Although there is no evidence to prove it, Fang Qiu speculated that when he assaulted the First Army, Nirvana as much as the Lord and the Six Lord Nirvana should be on their way to the Third Army, and now they must have found the Third Army Side illusion, and rushed to the first army with the help of the first army.

Well, if you go to the Third Force now, you will most likely meet halfway.

Therefore, Fang Qiu's next target was the second unit of Nirvana.

There was only one clone up to the Lord's existence, without any threat to him.

At full speed.

Fang Qiu quickly reached the position of Nirvana's second unit.

With the departure of the Six Lords, the Second Army also entered a strict state of alert, coupled with the news of the attack on the First Army, the Nirvana Army of the Second Army felt extremely tense.

However, because clones are so large that the Lord is there, these people are not too scared.

Coming to the Second Force.

In order to fight for time, Fang Qiu rushed into the line as before.

Because the news of the surprise attack on the first army has spread, the Nirvana army in the second army has already entered a state of alert.

At an instant when the nameless appearance appeared, the 150,000 troops in the Second Army were not too surprised, but launched an attack immediately.


Fang Qiu was surprised.

Unexpectedly, these people in the Second Army reacted so quickly.

Just as Fang Qiu was about to evade Nirvana's attack, a well-formed array suddenly fell from the sky, completely covering his entire body.

"Kill the battle?"

Before even having time to kill Nirvana, Fang Qiu's sight turned into a battlefield stained with blood.

In all directions, the howling wind came.

There are a large number of soldiers wielding the sword in their hands and rushing up in a frantic charge.

See this scene.

Fang Qiu closed his eyes immediately.

Outside the battlefield, the 150,000 Nirvana Army and the clone that had been set aside as long as the Lord can clearly see the situation in the battlefield.

There was a sneer on their faces when they closed their eyes anonymously.

Because, the soldiers in the array who turned out to be fierce generals, is the energy attack from the 150,000 Nirvana army.

They thought that the unknown was plagued by the formation method, which could not resist so many energy attacks, so they chose to close their eyes and carry it hard!


Everyone was looking forward with anticipation to the unknown offensive to carry the energy offensive of 150,000 people, and even preparing to launch a second wave of attack. The scene that appeared before them suddenly changed their faces.