MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 166 , a temporarily stable scene, "Dragon Falls into the Valley"

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"I'm Joe Keel warrior from Kendall, North West Province, a warrior of the Saturnalia Church. Behind me is the blessing ceremony performed by the priest Lothar Batar of the Saturnalia Church. O Saturnalia , I can’t see that the people are hungry, and they are using the hands of the priests to reward the refugees in the southern provinces with food! So, get out of the way, don’t stop the ceremony!"

Keir spoke boldly, not only in a loud voice, but also very confident: "Anyway, there are few vehicles on the road at night, so it's okay to be stuck for a while, right? Just let them go around the street next to it."

Kiel raised his chin: "Scatter back and forth to guide the passing caravans and carriages around the road, and don't prevent the people from the southern provinces from coming to receive the food given by the gods."

Kiel's words made the soldiers look at each other in blank dismay. The soldier captain was very hesitant, not because of the truth in Kiel's words, but because of what Kiel said at the beginning, where he came from.

"Are you Kendall, from Kendall?"

"That's right, that's right. I'm the knight squire of the Dodger-Claw knight, and I'm receiving knight training." After finishing speaking, Kiel was silent for a while, then raised his left boot, and then stepped on it heavily.


A small circle of air waves erupted on the ground, and a small part of the soil on the ground was heavily stirred up and splashed around. Kiel raised his boots again, and a deep boot mark was stamped on the place where he had just landed.


"Well, in this case, I will do as you said, but the road can't be blocked all the time, and these mud legs."


"Oh, no, no, no, it's the refugees from the southern provinces. They can't gather like this. If they gather to smash the shops, it will be bad if they get into a mess."

Kiel snorted: "It's not that there are thugs in the store, so there's no need for checkpoint soldiers to come over to maintain order. As long as no one takes advantage of the chaos to set fire and everyone dies, you usually don't care about it, right?"

What Keir said was based on a general guess about the scene inside the checkpoint, but he obviously guessed right. How could the soldiers maintaining law and order everywhere really go to maintain law and order? Friends make money.

Seeing that his words were being slammed back by the knight attendants in front of him, the soldier captain finally gave in. He was not afraid of Kiel, but at noon, hundreds of elite Kendall troops passed through them. , went to the southern provinces.

He found some bold businessmen who had the guts to follow the army and inquired. Only then did he know that the Kendall army holding the customs clearance document of Viscount Montoka was actually going to support the war on the border of the southern province.

This group of people came from an expedition all the way from the Northwest Province! As a soldier, the captain of the soldier understands the difficulty and will of this very well, and has to admire this group of people.

Because the garrison at their checkpoint was often in a mess when they occasionally went to wipe out the bandits, he couldn't imagine how the army had marched from such a distant place.

He has observed that the spirit and will of that army are very good. It seems that the long march not only did not wear down the soldiers, but also made them stronger?

So now, at the hearing of the squire before him who claimed to be the leading knight of that army, the captain of soldiers recoiled.

Cursing his lips, the soldier captain asked his soldiers to divide into two teams. One team was here to watch the scene, and the other team bypassed the blocked street to find a way to guide possible merchant carriages to detour from other streets.

He gave Kiel a final nod: "Remember, the promise you made will not cause riots!"

Keir waved his hand indifferently: "It will be over in a while."

"That's it! There are so many refugees, and it will be over in a while. What about those who don't get food? Will there be a riot? Don't let the priest be beaten. It's really funny."

The soldiers under the captain of the soldiers started to act, but he himself stood still and began to sneer.

Keir snorted coldly: "If you don't want to read a joke, if the customs clearance fee has not increased fifty times, can there be so many refugees in the checkpoint? Let them go, anyway, the Cavin collar and the Montoka collar are as big as they are, and they are so big. So rich, not only will these people not cause trouble, but it is also a benefit."

Unexpectedly, the soldier captain dismissed Kiel's remarks: "Huh, it won't cause trouble? You are joking, right? Not every person from the southern provinces who fled to us will work honestly. And there are not so many jobs Let them do it."

"Then you will increase the tariff by fifty times?"

"Why, it has been improved so much, which nobleman said no? Everyone agrees, and the soldiers have to earn some money to support their families, don't they?"

Keir nodded angrily, and the verbal confrontation between the two ended. He was really defeated by this person's shameless face. Sure enough, because of the benefit, the little kindness in everyone's heart was wiped out by greed like cold water.

If it weren't for the soldier captain in the opponent's checkpoint, representing the authority of the city of Montoka, if he changed his identity, Kiel would pull out the opponent's head.

It seemed that his own shamelessness had defeated the young knight attendant in front of him from a different place, but the soldier captain was rather complacent, and changed his shrinking attitude just now.


Kiel ignored the man as long as the local soldiers didn't join in. Turning around, he saw that Priest Batar's face was not only flushed with excitement, but he was also short of breath, with sweat dripping down his face and head.

Kiel had seen that during the large-scale battle with the Harpy before, the Rosari priest of the Church of the God of Wealth who accompanied the army looked like this at the end of the battle.

The power in the body is almost exhausted.

He can still stand now, all thanks to the blessing of the divine magic that is still operating in his body. Once the blessing of the "blessed food" is over, his fainting will be a certainty.

Kiel strode over, waved away the refugees who got food or didn't get food, regardless of whether these people looked delicate or anxious, and came directly behind Priest Batar, at the back of the priest's robe. He gave it, and then held the fainted priest in his hand.

"Everyone stop!"

With a terrified sound, Kiel frightened away the approaching refugees.

At this time, although Priest Batar was fainted, his hands were still gleaming, and food kept coming out. The food quickly piled up under their feet and formed small piles.

"Although my companion, Priest Batar, intends to donate the food given by God to everyone, he is only a mortal after all, and his physical condition can only be maintained here temporarily."

Keir saw that some people around were very anxious, so he said: "I haven't got the food yet, right? You, you, and you, you must want to talk about this? Think carefully, this is a gift from the **** of agriculture Your food, everyone should go back and share it with each other. The families that have already got it, give some to the companions you know. How did everyone take care of each other and maintain it until now? It is difficult but because of the gift from the gods, revealing the most selfish side?"

Kiel pointed to the sky with one finger: "The great **** of agriculture is watching you from above everyone! Let me tell you, this is the most direct test. It is not only a gift from the gods who can't see hunger, but also the gods want to see you How much dignity is there! I fled because of fear in my gradually chaotic hometown, and I suffered a lot along the way. I was stopped by shameless soldiers in this place and was bullied."

The soldier captain not far away snorted softly, but didn't dare to intervene at this moment.

"Look and help each other in times of hardship. You are all citizens of the southern province. Although you didn't know each other before, the same suffering brought you together and endured the suffering that you shouldn't have endured together."

"Everyone listen to me, this is a test, the gods are watching you, if you can maintain kindness to every person in the southern province who is also suffering tonight, then tomorrow morning, the **** of agriculture will send another Blessings, give the same miracle as just now. Let everyone have a full meal, not just a full meal, but let you regain your dignity and strength. From being a refugee who was discriminated against and excluded, to being able to rebuild The people of the southern provinces of the homeland!"

Although Kiel's face was youthful in the helmet, his tone was uplifting, and contained an angry and unyielding force.

Hundreds of people in the southern provinces who were dressed in dirty clothes were silent, listening to his every word carefully.

Some people gradually shed tears, and when one person shed tears, more people couldn't hold back any longer and began to cry loudly. Some people didn't even have the energy to cry loudly, so they could only cry silently. Fortunately, within the checkpoint There is no charge for the well, but everyone drank enough water, and there is no shortage of water for tears.

Priest Batar, whose head was bowed in Kirti's hands, also had drops of water dripping from his face in the shadows onto the grain at his feet at some point.

Seeing that all the people lost the excitement of greed and grabbing food before, Kiel took a deep breath and let it out again.

He said: "Tell me what I just said to other people who are not here. Everyone evenly distributes the food in your hands, and stand up. Let the gods watching in the sky not praise you, and at least don't let the gods down."

Kiel actually got one thing wrong. Although people in the other world knew that many powerful gods were looking down on them from those strange luminous celestial bodies in the sky, there was no Saturn among them.

Although the **** of agriculture is the **** with the most widely spread beliefs and the most followers in the human world, and his strength is also extremely strong, not inferior to many ancient and powerful natural gods, but he is not in the magical celestial bodies in the sky.

Kiel didn't know, but it was the sun **** that humans believed in. This **** caused a lot of trouble last spring, ascended to the throne of the sky, and officially became a member of the powerful gods.


The fluorescence in Priest Batar's hand gradually faded, and the God-given food that had been protruding out finally stopped appearing. The young priest in his twenties finally fainted at this moment due to the exhaustion of his divine power, but before he lost consciousness, he tightly held his hands, because what was tightly held in his hands was the best place that the church provided for every Saturnalian priest. Grain species.

The priest held them tightly to prevent these blessed and replicated grain samples from being mixed with other god-given grains, so that tomorrow, after he recovered, he could use these most plump and robust grain seeds to bless again.

The size of the grain copied by the "Blessed Grain" every time is copied according to the sample in his hand. These grains can at least allow the people to eat more.

He backhanded the unconscious Batar priest against the shoulder armor. Kiel didn't expect that such a small incident would turn out to be so big in the end.

He shook his head, raised his aura, imitated the appearance of Knight Crowe, and confidently walked towards the hotel where he had decided to stay overnight.

The people around him spontaneously moved out of the way, and Keir could do nothing about it, at least he didn't have to push people away forcibly, so he wouldn't look too cold and hard.

Kiel didn't turn his head to look behind him. It's none of his business what the people who fled from the southern provinces did.

These people have done a good job, and I will let Priest Batar do it again tomorrow. Anyway, although the blessing consumed the priest's own Saturnal power, he guessed that it was the first time Priest Batar used it, and he didn't control it well. In other words, Just now the priest tried his best to give the people more food.

And blessings are not afraid of those who come, if you have divine power to replenish them, then I will make more food for you.

The front lobby of the hotel was full of people, most of them were boys or girls in the hotel, and when they saw Keir carrying the priest from the carriage entrance of the hotel into their own hotel, they all started whispering.

Everyone looked shocked and excited.

There are not many bold merchants who dare to do business at this time, and those who do not know each other gather together to discuss what happened just now, no, what happened now.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but at least one thing was agreed upon. The priest just now was indeed very powerful. He released a powerful and rare magical technique, and he was able to produce so much food by himself.

"At least it is enough to feed more than a thousand people for a day or two." A businessman who has worked on grain transportation judged this way.

"Fortunately, such priests of the **** of agriculture are rare. Otherwise, they all rely on the gods to give them food. Who would work and farm the land?" Some people felt sorry for them, as if they had truly seen the power of the gods and the church, and they were afraid of this power.

"Where is this? Are you afraid? Then if you have heard "Dragon Falls into the Valley", which is rarely sung by bards, you will be scared to death. Hehe." A fat and rich businessman turned around He picked up the jewelry ring on his hand and choked on the former with contempt.

""Dragon Falls in the Valley"? What is that?"

Facing the inquiries from the people around him, the businessman proudly talked about a large legendary long poem performance he heard in the Capital Theater of the Kingdom.

"That is a long poem describing the wars between the holy places of the churches in the southwestern part of the empire. Although I didn't see how the holy places of the churches fought with my own eyes, the performance in the theater accompanied by the singing of the bard's long poem made me I can't stand being scared."

The businessman gestured: "After the priests in the holy places of various churches fought, some churches turned the peaks of the mountains into stone giants, each of which was taller than the tallest castle, and the boulders thrown could destroy our level at once. .”

People around were surprised.

The businessman closed his eyes, and seemed to be back in the theater a few years ago: "The priests of some churches summoned huge lightning from the sky to strike at the stone giants, but it was useless. Then another church called out a lava pool from the earth, Trapped the stone giant in it and burned it directly."

"Some churches forcibly summoned a huge light at night to burn all other churches to ashes, while some churches called their dragon allies, spread their wings and flew into the sky, covering the battlefield with huge shadows."

"There are huge vines running through the battlefield, and the opening and closing of each flower on the vines can revive a priest who died before. The knights of the church flew in the sky, radiating light all over their bodies to fight each other, and the water in the river Turn into deadly water as a monster, trying to drown every living person, mosquitoes cover the sky and gather to form a human face, spitting out dirty curses. There are also mortal bones gathered into a tower, sending out deadly ripples to pull people into death."

The fat businessman's words became more and more evil, and all the companions listening were terrified.

Because anyone with a little knowledge has heard of the Holy Land War that broke out in the empire many years The war is true. If it is as terrible as this person said, then this world where such a terrible war happened How much power is there behind the various churches that usually deal with them, and how terrible is it?

"So, why is "Dragon Falling Valley" called this name?"

Some gutsy guy suddenly asked this question.

The fat businessman who was passionately describing the theater scene he saw in his memory gave this man a dissatisfied look: "Idiot, "Dragon Falls into the Valley" is because of that giant that covers the sky from the light that can scorch the earth." The dragon was defeated and killed on the battlefield. The valley where it fell is the origin of the dragon falling into the valley."

"What happened in the end? I mean the result of the war."

The fat businessman shrugged his shoulders and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Because of the death of that dragon, more dragons came. The dragons stood on the top of the mountain next to the valley, facing the flames released by various churches, Lightning, torrents, aurora, and scorching white dragon flames, turned most of the priests of the various churches in the valley into white smoke. I heard that the souls of those priests could not even go to the kingdom of the gods. The following priests They all refuse to step on the battlefield. Because they are not afraid of death, but afraid that they will not be able to go to the kingdom of gods after death."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Hahahaha, these guys."

"I don't think this life is important, but I look forward to the rest of my life in the Kingdom of God after death. It's really like the priests are talking about it. Unlike us, a fulfilling life is the most important thing."

"Isn't it! Raise your glass!"

"May we have nowhere to go after death!"

"Then why not wish us immortality?"

"Rational, reasonable!"

"Ha ha ha ha."