MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 180 , the darkest moonless night (3)

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On Keir's side, the chaos of the crowd caused great trouble for his movement.

He had to push away the young refugee who bumped into him in a panic, and he had to raise his right hand holding the sword, for fear that the sharp blade of the long sword would hurt the thoughtless refugee.

But even so, some people were still moving towards the north side of the clearing, while constantly turning their heads to look at the place where the battle took place behind them. Then he slammed into the weight ball at the end of the long sword that Kiel raised.

With a bang, the person directly knocked unconscious on the ground.

Curling his lips, Kiel raised his legs and kicked the unconscious idiot aside, so as not to be trampled to death by other refugees who didn't look at their feet.

With his left hand, he removed the elven metal shield hanging on his left back, and then equipped it.

A large number of people were crowded to evacuate from the front line of the battle, but in less than ten seconds, Kiel was roughly empty in front of him. There are only gang refugees who are still being repulsed, and the fierce bandits who fought against them.

At this time, the number of bandits rushing up was less than half of the gang refugees, but they were completely suppressing them.

Kiel only glanced at it, and he could see that the number of people was more than the opponent, but whether it was weapons, fighting skills, or even the most important fighting will, they were far behind.

In terms of protection, gang refugees are not much different from these bandits in colorful and fancy clothes. Don't look at the bandits wearing animal skins, hanging human bones and other frightening things.

But apart from being able to scare people and suppress opponents in momentum, these things not only cannot provide protection, but also because of their weight and size, they greatly affect the battle of bandits.

"A bunch of third-rate bastards."

As soon as the right hand holding the sword fell on the helmet visor, the steel visor fell off, and Kiel officially entered the fighting state. He murmured to himself in a low voice: "It's been a while since I've fought, let's take them first."

Keel noticed a larger number of bandits gradually approaching not far behind the leading bandits, so he decided to drive these people back to the bank **** between the clearing and the creek.

"Step aside."

With a push of his shield, he pushed a gang refugee who had no intention of fighting to the left, and then he raised his leg and kicked the bandit who was about to cut down the gang refugee with his sword.

As soon as the man was kicked down heavily, Kiel stepped over the man, and the long sword in his right hand swung across, taking most of the fallen bandit's neck away along the way.

Dark red blood gushed out, reflecting the brilliance of life under the illumination of the surrounding fires.

"The leader of the opponent! Ha, let's kill him!"

A bandit with a thick snake wrapped around his body pulled out his long sword from a refugee's stomach, and then shouted at the other two companions beside him. The three of them formed an inverted triangle in a small-scale formation, and went straight to the whole body. Kiel encased in metal armor.

"You're trying to wrestle with bulls!"

Kiel snorted coldly, and held the machete attacking from the left with the shield in his left hand, while taking advantage of the momentum with his right hand, he took a few steps back, actively stirred the long sword in his right hand against the opponent's long sword, and then pulled it back violently.

cheep cheep—

The two metal weapons made a short and piercing metal twisting sound as they stirred, but the gray-black long sword was unharmed, while the blade of the opponent's iron long sword was deformed.

After the transformation, as Kiel pulled, the opponent's long sword flew aside directly, and then, amidst the surprised and incredible expression of the bandit, Kiel stepped forward in the opposite direction and stretched out his arm, piercing the opponent straight with the long sword in the middle of his chest.

With a twist and a draw, the long sword was pulled out, with a lot of blood.

But immediately, the bandit with the thick poisonous snake on his body was covered by another bandit with a machete. After approaching Kiel, he threw the thick poisonous snake over.

"What the hell?"

Kiel raised the shield with his left arm, but then felt the shield sink. He turned his head and found a thick piebald viper hanging directly on the shield.

On the triangular head, two vertical pupils stared at Kiel, and then the moment Kiel's shield was stabilized, the poisonous snake raised its head and sprinted forward.

The speed was so fast that Kiel barely closed his eyes, and his visor was hit hard by the snake's head.



Boom! hiss—

The venomous snake's teeth bit on Kiel's visor, and the fangs that were caught sprayed venom randomly. Kiel even felt that an unknown liquid was spilled on his face, which made him even more afraid to open his eyes.

Raising his left arm, he straightened the poisonous snake hanging on the shield upwards, and then the long sword in his right hand passed through the gap on his left arm, and he raised the long sword sharply.


It feels like something has been cut off.

But Kiel still didn't dare to open his eyes.

Because even if it is cut off, Kiel can still feel that there is still a good part of the snake's head and snake's body hanging on his visor.

At this time, he heard the excited shouts of the two robbers: "It's done! The crab didn't die in vain, haha, this weapon is mine now!"

The waist tightened, and a person seemed to rush forward suddenly, hugging him directly by the waist.

On the other side, the neck armor was stabbed, but there was no other effect except sparks.

Kiel slammed the long sword in one direction, and then the machete-wielding bandit who attacked his neck wailed in pain.

The shield in his left hand pressed down directly, smashing **** the back of the bandit who was hugging his waist. The bandit who released the snake actually tried to hug Kiel to the ground by the waist. Didn't he take into account the weight difference between the two?

Although the strength needed to hug and fall from the waist is not the greatest, Kiel's weight is much heavier than the average person. In addition to his armor and weapons, if he is twice as heavy as this bandit, the difference is not too big.

The base of the Elven Metal Shield is a standard shield shape, that is, it is pointed.

This smash directly broke the spine of the bandit's back, and with just a cry of pain, the man fell silent. I don't know if he passed out or died directly.

Kiel grabbed the helmet visor with his empty right hand, and directly removed the half of the poisonous snake that was still biting on it, and then heard it with his ears, and threw it a few meters ahead.

The next moment, among the two people who were still fighting, one of the robbers pulled half of the poisonous snake around his neck, and cursed loudly: "Presbyopia, you ¥%¥%, the antidote for the poisonous snake! The antidote! "

While waving the long sword in his right hand, the man tugged at the slippery half of the poisonous snake, trying to tear it off his neck. He stepped back from the fight, trying to find the mottled head he was talking about in the chaos of the fight.

But before anyone could be found, the man's hands and feet twitched, and he couldn't hold the long sword he was holding. He let go with a clang, and fell to the ground, curled up and trembled.

He lost control of his body, but he still faltered and yelled for the old spotted head to give him the antidote. It seemed that the snake venom took effect very quickly, but there was still a long time before the poisoning reacted and died.

Kiel pulled his right hand on the bandit's waist, removed a piece of animal skin jacket that exuded a strong smell of sweat, and wiped vigorously on the visor indiscriminately before he dared to open his eyes again.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, I almost capsized the boat."

With a grunt, Kiel directly clenched his right hand, and punched the head of the bandit who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.


The bandit's head was completely smashed, which made Kiel feel a little better.

After tearing away the dead man hanging from his waist, Kiel turned his head and saw that two meters away, the bandit with the machete had already vomited blood, and he was hunting with his long sword in his chest. He was only half dead.

Kiel walked over quickly, pulled out the long sword, and joined the next battle. The bandit tried his best to cover the wound on his chest, but the blood flowed more and more, and he couldn't stop it.


He was almost turned over by someone else's poisonous snake just now, and Kiel will be more careful in the next battle.

He cut down the fighting bandits, let the gang refugees who dared to fight stand behind him, and then faced two groups of three bandits head-on.

"Stand firm and get behind me!"

Kiel moved to the front line of the engagement, and then the fighting teams separated slightly.

At this time, dozens of brave religious refugees arranged by the Batar priest finally squeezed through the crowd and came behind Kiel. They all held fist-sized stones in their arms, and if they really wanted to throw them out, the power should not be underestimated, especially since none of the gangsters carried shields.

Keel saw a leader-like guy on the other side push the robbers and come out, holding the head of a young refugee from a gang in his hand. The opponent threw his head towards Kiel, but Kiel blocked it with a shield and fell to the ground.

The other party was about to speak, but Keel realized that the other party was trying to delay, because during this brief confrontation, a new group of bandits had all arrived at the creek to the south of the clearing, and were about to cross the calf-deep creek Join the battle.

"Throw them hard with stones!"

Kiel shouted loudly, and immediately someone swung his arm round and threw the stone fiercely at the bandit who was less than ten meters away in front of him.

A stone of this size is not suitable for throwing far, but it is barely enough for this close combat.

At this time, Keir missed throwing guns quite a lot. If he had the last batch of standard throwing guns in his hand, there were not many young people behind him, just one or two, and the bandits on the opposite side could weigh whether they would attack tonight.

But there are not so many if, if each person can throw one or two guns, Keir will not wait here obediently for the bandits to attack, and the situation will even change. Instead, he took the initiative to lead people to hunt down the local bandits.

Stones were thrown towards the bandits, and they screamed. The guy who looked like the leader of the bandits suffered the most. Who told him that he was standing in the middle of the bandits on the other side, and he looked a little imposing, so Most of the stones were thrown at him.

The bandit leader named Huang Snake protected the vitals of his head with his arms and weapons, and cursed loudly: "%¥% lowly peasant, retreat, retreat, let the fat people come up to fight, let's go along Go around the ramp to the side!"

There were less than twenty of his subordinates, and all of them retreated to the **** between the clearing and the creek after being hit by stones a few times.

"Go forward with me! Those who are empty-handed, throw the burning firewood forward!"

Kiel ordered, and some young people who came empty-handed came back to their senses, picked up the half-burned firewood in the fire, and threw it forward with all their strength.

Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, the flaming firewood crossed bright parabolas, passed over the heads of Kiel and the others, and fell sparsely to both sides of the creek.

Dozens of robbers were photographed. These bandits were very different from the people who fought against each other just now. Not only were some of them holding long spears and spears, but also some were carrying bows and arrows, throwing guns, and holding large wooden shields.

Although it is also quite messy at first glance, but compared with the snake-playing bandits who looked like bandits and more like uncivilized primitive natives before, their combat effectiveness has improved by more than one level.

The young people who had just repelled the bandits' attack screamed again.

There were injured or dead people lying on the ground all around, most of them were refugees, and only a few less than ten people were from the bandits. Of the less than ten people, more than half were hacked to death by Keir.

Knowing that these young people have no combat effectiveness, such a result still surprised Kiel a little.

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!" Kiel raised his long sword and strode forward. Behind him, not many young people who dared to fight followed closely.

Among them are believers who believe in religion, and there are young gangsters who are angry after their companions are killed.

They picked up the weapons of the bandits on the ground, held them tightly in their hands, and followed the figure of Knight Kiel.


"Useless things, heck, the fastest to rush, and the fastest to retreat! Hahahaha."

The fat bandit leader was carrying a thick and strong five-meter-long spear, and sneered at the embarrassed wild snake mercilessly.

He waved his hand casually: "Stand aside, and watch how I drove the gang of diggers, crying and shouting, to the commercial road that was not illuminated by the fire. When it's time to arrest people, consciously eat some leftovers That's it."

Huang Snake had a stern look on his face, but this kind of expression and aura that could scare away ordinary bandits couldn't scare off opponents who had more men and stronger skills than him.

"Hey, I'm watching from the opposite side, hmph, have you watched your performance well?"

With a mocking retort, Wild Snake led his grotesque subordinates back to one side, and then did not outflank the refugees on the other side of the open space, and directly led them back to the wasteland where they had ambushed before. Lighting, watching with a sneer how the fat man fought.

"Boss, should we just watch like this?"

A confidant asked in a strange voice, rubbing his cheek that was hit by a stone.

"Of course not. There are hard pokes among the refugees. Let the fat man knock and bump them to see how hard they are. Is it a poultry egg, a stone, or a metal ball."

Losing more than 30% of his subordinates, and being ridiculed by the fat man like that, Huang Snake is actually mad, but he is like this, the more angry he is, the calmer he appears.

No one else could see it or know it, but the other bandits in his gang knew it.

Someone immediately made a suggestion: "Boss, why don't we switch to the road where the refugees will flee to the west now? Grab the best physical strength first, and then sell them for a good price."

But this subordinate's proposal only got rid of Huang Snake's disdain. The bandit leader rolled his eyeballs, then smiled sinisterly, and licked the corners of his mouth: "You said that the fat man will leave here in the future and go to other places, have you prepared supplies for his staff to transfer later? And the people left behind in his lair? If you want to say that the physical strength and physique are the best, hehe, where are the refugees who are soft-handed? Guess, in our area, who are sold to the recipients? Most valuable?"

Everyone was frightened by the leader's words. These guys who deal with poisonous snakes all day are not stupid. On the contrary, because they have to keep company with ruthless and ruthless snakes, they are rather vigilant like beasts.

Fighting started ahead, the bandit leader called Fatty directly provoked a brave refugee with a long and strong spear, and then swung the provoked refugee aside with force, directly throwing him to the ground. There was no sound.

The other bandits also screamed and joined hands with the brave refugees who were about the same number as them.

It seems that Huang Snake's men can fight two against one, and the fatter men under him should easily defeat those mobs.

But the reality is not like that.

The wild snake Mimi's eyes looked at a certain figure killing indiscriminately in the crowd, but she smiled strangely.

"Let's go, wait for the King of the White Wall to move, and leave here quietly, because I found that there is an easy fortune waiting for us! do you think? ?”

Some men swallowed their saliva. Logically speaking, these bandit gangs are strong or weak, but if there is no serious conflict, they should not attack each other.

Because this will lead to joint crusades by other groups.

But that was before, and the narrow and long commercial road connecting the mountains between the southern province and the western province has dried up.

Many bandit gangs that were not very large had already fled here in embarrassment due to insufficient material reserves, and they were the only few bandit gangs left here.

But in fact, everyone couldn't hold on anymore.

Either no caravan was seen on the trade road for a day, or the armed caravan was protected by a fully armed equestrian caravan guard. These people simply can't fight, can't escape.

And these guys who don't have the habit of saving, it is impossible for them not to open for a year or two, and they don't know.

It is certain to leave the local area to seek life elsewhere.

And since everyone is going to leave here, do these bandits who have done all kinds of bad things still need to abide by the rules that they can't attack other bandits?

After thinking about it, a bandit laughed strangely: "Boss, let's go and rob the fat man's lair."

"Huh heh heh, hahahaha."

Desolate Snake laughed: "What about the rest of you? Have you figured it out yet?"

"Boss, we have all figured it out. Let's do it, while the fat man is dragged here and can't get away. When he defeats and arrests the refugees, it will probably be midnight. By then we will have run away. "

"Don't worry, wait a little longer, let the people of the White Wall King join in, and then we will leave quietly."