MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 187 , the darkest moonless night (10)

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What they call acting according to the plan is that they don’t engage in reckless and rough confrontation with the young refugees who are numerous and powerful, but kill two or three people, create a terrorist atmosphere, and drive away and intimidate other young refugees who have lost their will to fight. On the dark commercial road.

The refugees who seldom eat meat have good eyesight within the range illuminated by the fire, but stay away from the fire on this moonless night tonight. Then you will become blind with eyes open and unable to see anything.

At that time, not to mention more than a dozen strong bandits, even a few of them will be able to drive and tie up hundreds of refugees.

Otherwise, they are really like those idiots in the south, fighting hard, not saying that they can't do it, but if there are so many refugees and everyone fights back when they are in danger, how long will it take for those hard-working bandits to suppress these hundreds of people.

Second, from the point of view of these brain-based bandits, refugees are worth money, and dead refugees are worthless. Only the living can finally go to the east to collect people and exchange them for vain silver coins.

It's very cool to cut down a person now, but if you cut down a person, you will lose a silver coin. Thinking about it this way, the greedy bandits are reluctant to use their knives. They can't wait for these refugees to be **** by them obediently. Take him away, and obediently be sold for money.

As for the fate of life after being sold, these bandits don't care, after all, they are bandits, heartless rotten guys, morality? Obey the law? credibility?

None at all. They only believe in power, and only in bandit leaders who can bring them benefits.


Afterwards, the strong middle-aged bandit leader waved his hand, and several of his cronies jumped out from the shadows, and rushed towards the edge of the young refugees standing in a row.

"Yeah oh oh oh oh oh!"

With a strange cry, a bandit jumped over the fire wearing a simple leather armor with a scimitar in his hand, stepped forward after landing, and chopped off a young man's head.

"Hit them with stones! Do it!"

Priest Batar stood in the middle of the crowd, he had the best eyesight, and when he saw someone rushing out to attack, he ordered the people to throw stones.

These stones are the most available weapons for the young refugees under his command at the moment, other than that, they only have their fists and legs to fight with.

Several young people standing on the edge heard the priest's order, immediately squeezed away those who were blocking, and threw the stones in their hands forward.

"Hey, stones? Try it yourself."

The bandit dexterously dodged the first few stones, then pulled the arm of the young refugee closest to him in front of him, pulled out the huddled crowd while the opponent screamed, and directly used the young man as a meat shield, Withstood the next few stones.

The young refugee, who had been hit by stones several times, was bleeding head and blood. He didn't dare to curse at the strong bandit who was firmly grasping his arm, so he turned around and yelled at the young people who threw stones at him.

"Yes, yes, that's it, haha, fight with them."

This bandit was very malicious. Seeing the conflict arose, he let go of the person in his hand, kicked him on the buttocks, and kicked him towards the young men who dared to fight who were throwing stones at him.

The injured refugee who was released was startled, and was about to run away, when a strong bandit threateningly sounded from behind: "If you don't want to experience the feeling of cutting your back and chest with a sharp blade, fight with those people, haha, I'm watching you!" Woolen cloth."

After being told this, the young refugee whose head was still bleeding didn't know where to gather strength, swung his eight punches and rushed towards the young men who dared to fight who were holding the stones.

After the man rushed over, he directly raised his fist and hit the young man in the face. He also grabbed the other man's arm and tore the stone he was holding to the ground, shouting loudly: "It's just you guys who took it!" Throwing stones at me, waste, waste, waste! Look at my head, it’s bleeding, if you don’t dare to hit the enemy, you dare to hit me on the head, right? Right!”

Entangled together, several people huddled together.

The bandit laughed loudly, waving the scimitar in his hand casually, approaching the crowded crowd from time to time, scratching the arms of one or two young refugees who seemed likely to resist, creating fear, and rushed out together with the others The leader's cronies threatened the refugee crowd into chaos and retreated in the direction they needed.

Instead of retreating to the open space, there are fires rising all over the place, and the lighting conditions are good, which is not conducive to future plans. Therefore, these bandits are like shepherd dogs driving the flock of sheep, barking and driving the refugees to the east, close to the direction of the trade road.

Facing the trade roads were the bravest young refugees who fought. These bandits cleverly did not confront these people head-on, but started from some ordinary young people who were not so brave on the side, driving away more of them, destroying The formation of the brave in front caused the people under command to be overwhelmed by the panicked crowd. In the end, there were more refugees fighting bandits and fewer people, which became what the bandits wanted to see most.

The strong middle-aged bandit leader pierced his beast-like eyes, watching with satisfaction as his cronies moved the situation little by little to where he wanted to see it.

At this moment, the south side of the clearing suddenly lit up for a short time. This unusual scene attracted his attention.

At the same time, Priest Batar in the crowd also noticed.

The priest seemed to have been reminded suddenly. In the chaotic crowd, he led his people to squeeze away the crowded young refugees, passed through a circle of refugees holding simple wooden sticks beside the Kiel carriage, and directly rode on Bloodfang. Sturt's prairie horse: "I'll ride the horse, Mr. Sturt, Keir said you can support the battle, so show me."

In the hood of the carriage, Blood Yaster, holding a crossbow in his hand, responded, "No problem, which direction are you going to deal with?"

After riding the horse, Priest Batar's sight was very good, and he got rid of the crowded situation on the ground. He finally looked back and forth from left to right and his face changed drastically.

Having been educated by the church since he was a child, he is quite knowledgeable and cultured. With the impression of dramas about war, it is not difficult for him to see what sinister intentions the bandits have.

This group of people wanted to drive the young refugees to the dark commercial road, and then with a small number of people, they could capture all the refugees with night blindness.

But the priest also didn't want to see a large number of casualties after confronting the bandits head-on, so he pointed to the bandits in front of the crowd with a stinky face: "To deal with those on the opposite side, their leaders seem to be in that direction. When you see the shadow of the bandits, directly Shoot them back."

Xueyasite actually saw the plan of the bandits in the carriage at the first time. To be honest, as a senior caravan guard who has worked for more than ten years, he knows a little about the methods of various bandits. Also experienced some.

In fact, he wasn't worried that the bandit team consisted of more than a dozen or less than 20 people. After all, even if it was 800 pigs, the number of these bandits was insufficient, and they couldn't be controlled at all.

What he was really worried about was Kiel in the south. Although the light and heat from the fire in the clearing blocked his view, he could tell how fierce the fighting was from the south of the clearing only from the shouts of killing.

"Good priest."

But he chose to believe in Kiel fighters. After all, although he didn't see it personally, he only heard people say that he knew that the young man who had participated in the fight against hordes of harpies and played a role in the battle, would not Will be defeated by these ordinary bandits.

The fact is also true, without Nobby Fisbyru and his group, basically the situation encountered by Kiel is not much different from what Bloodfangs predicted.


Xueyasite carefully stretched the crossbow halfway outside the carriage, covered by the leather curtains of the carriage, and illuminated by the flickering fire around him. He did so without being surprised by the bandits in the dark not far away. See.

With the light of the scattered firewood that had been thrown over before, he fixed his eyes on a young bandit.

The bandit was naked on the upper body, wearing a pair of animal skin pants on the lower body, and holding a long sword in his hand. He bluffed and didn't take the hundreds of young refugees in front of him seriously.

In front of the bandits and refugees facing each other across the trade road, the young bandit was following the orders of the leader, rushing out from time to time when he saw the opportunity, stepped forward to hit the unarmed refugees a few times, casually cut a few people, and then retreated .

But at this time, the young bandit's eyes suddenly brightened, and he saw that there were women among the young refugees who dared to fight. Although the opponent held a short knife in his hand, the bandit judged that the female refugee was not very capable with just one glance. Not only was the knife in his hand unstable, but he probably hadn't killed anyone before. During the occasion, he turned his head and looked towards the south of the open space behind him with a look of being out of his mind.

"Haha, little beauty, where are you looking? Look how good I am!"

The young bandit An Nai couldn't help but rushed forward and waved his sharp sword, repelling several young refugees on the left and right, and scratched a refugee's leg, leaving a long wound.

Immediately, the small group of young refugees pushed back in fear, and the woman wanted to retreat too, but a firm hand grabbed her arm, and with a tug, she was pulled out of the crowd.

"Haha, come with me, let's find a place to play in a while. I guarantee you a good life in the future."

The young bandit put his arms around the female refugee who wanted to escape with a playful smile. The other party wanted to stab him with a short knife in his hand, but the young bandit just pulled the other party's arm vigorously and shook it. Because of his strength, the female refugee was thrown into place Swinging it back and forth, the dagger in his hand didn't hold tightly and fell out.

"Hey, that's right, let me sleep tonight and let you eat well!"

I don't know what to eat, but then the young bandit swung the long sword in his right hand, forcing back the movements of several female refugee friends who wanted to **** him back.

He then put the person on his left shoulder to resist, and was about to go backwards when he "returned in victory".

On the carriage not far away, Blood Yaster had been eyeing him for a while.

This young bandit lacks body protection, which is good for crossbow damage.

The young bandit frequently launched frontal attacks to divert him, which was advantageous for targeting opportunities.

The young man wanted to catch a female refugee back because of the sex, which was beneficial to create the most important targeting opportunity.

Xueyasite needs a time when the opponent stays in place and there are no people around him to cover him.

And this opportunity was provided by the other party.

Just as the man carried the female refugee on his shoulders, and faced the refugees and retreated slowly, Xueyasite held his breath and pointed the crossbow arrow at the refugee from a distance.

By chance, he squatted halfway inside the hood of the carriage, leaned out half of his body, and pointed the crossbow at the direction he was aiming at.

Then pull the mechanism under the crossbow, bang!


A standard crossbow arrow made by Kendall was ejected by the crossbow string by the force of the crossbow arm, crossed a low and flat parabola, and hit the young man directly without anyone noticing it. Bandit's right chest.



The naked upper body made the most perfect target for the crossbow. The sharp arrow pierced through the opponent's chest muscles, and then the ribs of the right chest, and the soft lungs inside. Kankan exposed half of the metal arrow on the guy's back.


The young bandit was stunned for a moment, and he took another step back with the force of the arrow. Immediately afterwards, severe pain hit him, his legs softened, and he could no longer support the female refugee on his left shoulder, and fell to his knees. .


Falling to the ground, the female refugee screamed and was about to crawl back into the crowd of refugees. But she suddenly saw the pink bubbly blood exhaled from the mouth and nose of the young bandit who was lying limp on the ground. Seeing the miserable appearance of this invincible guy just now, the female refugee immediately opened her mouth and pounced on him. , viciously biting towards the opponent's thick neck.

Ever since the whole family fled together with other villagers, she had understood early on where the most vulnerable part of the human body was.

Blood vessels in the neck.

She pounced forward and bit hard, her mouth was covered with blood and flesh immediately, her teeth were sore and painful, but she persisted in shaking her head left and right, using crazy biting to retaliate for the insult the man had just done to her.

"Hiss, ho, ho."

The blood and flesh in her mouth made her sick, and after tearing off a piece of flesh, she spat it out vigorously, facing the young bandit's face.

"Bah! Go to hell!" (Note: In this book, **** and **** are the same place.)

The female refugee spat a mouthful of flesh and blood onto the opponent's face, and then fell in love with the long sword in the opponent's hand, and then lowered her head and yanked the opponent's fingers vigorously.

The young bandit resisted for a while, but lost too much blood, and was still robbed of his long sword.

The female refugee holding a long sword staggered and ran back to the refugee crowd, and was immediately welcomed and praised by everyone around: "It's amazing!"

"Nelle, are you not hurt?"

"Bah, my old lady killed him, but he wasn't injured at all!"

With a mouth full of blood, the female refugee named Nier was immediately surrounded by the crowd. Even the ordinary long sword she took was like a great symbol, bringing courage to other refugees around her to dare to fight.

Xueyasite chuckled, silently re-stringed the crossbow and added more arrows.

Meet the bandit vengeance that is sure to come next.



"You guys ¥%¥, dare to fight back!"

Two equally young bandits rushed out from the opposite side of the trade road, one on the left and the other on the right. Regardless of the leader's call, they rushed forward together, intending to bring their friends and companions back.

But the one on the left was rushing up to check if his brother was still alive, and the next moment, a crossbow shot through his chest.

"Uh—someone's undercover attack."

The man was hit by an arrow, but he still gritted his teeth and pointed out the direction from which the crossbow arrow came.

But when he opened his mouth, the guy who was injured in his left chest and lung also spit out pink and frothy blood. He fell limply to the ground, and then fled northward with a crawl. The other bandit was furious, and regardless of his companion's injury, he shot in the direction of the crossbow pointed by his companion, brandished his long sword and killed him.

At this time, he had already forgotten what the leader had told him not to kill more refugees, and to intimidate and drive the refugees away.

These bandits actually had some skills, so as soon as this guy rushed up, he wiped the necks of several refugees with his sword.

"Fight back, right? Sneak attack, right? Fight back? You stinky #¥#, do you really think you're capable? Just look at me and chop you all up!!"

"Ahhhhhhh, cut you down!"

Holding a sword in both hands, the bandit rushed into the crowd, slashing from left to right. The crowd of refugees who were already crowded, had to give way to a large gap to avoid this person.


At this time, Xueyasite raised the crossbow and swung it left and right, but the refugees were mixed with the bandits who had entered, so he couldn't shoot arrows at all. After all, if he attacked in such a chaotic situation, he would have at least half the chance of hitting his own people.

It's okay to be chaotic on the battlefield now, but after dawn, if someone finds that there are refugees shot to death by him with crossbow arrows during the inspection of the corpses, it will be troublesome. He is not the fellow Batar priest, or Kiel who doesn't take it seriously. Those two guys may not take it seriously. They can solve this trouble and get the refugees if they are not careful. understanding.

But he can't. At that time, so many people will hate him. Although it is nothing to him, it will have an impact on Kiel's next actions.

That being the case, it would be better not to make a move, and he would only make a move if he could accurately shoot the bandit.

Not seeking idle merit, but seeking no fault, is roughly what it means.

Priest Batar couldn't see such a bandit rushing into the crowd to kill indiscriminately. The crowd was so dense that if it was completely chaotic, the consequences of just pushing and trampling would be ten times worse than the number of people killed by a bandit.

So he made a move.

Patting the horses, the priest drove the borrowed prairie horse forward. Fortunately, the refugees would get out of the way when they saw the horses crowding, so even if the crowd was crowded like a whole, the prairie horse could barely stand in the crowd. move in.

The red-eyed bandit noticed the approaching priest Batar, and let out a haha ​​laugh, thinking that he was lucky. The backbone of the refugees, the church priest discovered during the investigation, happened to be approaching him at this moment.

Although the bandit was very excited at this time, he still glanced up and down at the priest opposite him.

Thin and frail, with a flustered face, he was carrying a glowing staff, but just by looking at the movement of the, one could tell at a glance that the opponent had no experience in using this kind of weapon.

He was wearing the robes that priests and gentlemen often wear. They looked gorgeous, but they were all made of cloth, so they were useless. A set of leather shoulder armor hung on the shoulders, and a joke-like heart armor hung on the front of the chest.

The more the bandit watched, the more he felt that he could take down the opponent. Taking people back and handing them over to the leader is a great achievement. Maybe in the future when the team expands, he can lead a team alone.

In the future, I can brag about it to others, and I can also say that I went into hundreds of enemy lines by myself, captured and defeated the priest leader of the opponent alive, and dedicated it to our leader.

He was thinking beautifully at this moment, and without stopping his hand, he stabbed with his right hand, knocking down the refugee who was fleeing with his back facing him, and then stepped on the opponent's body that had not yet fallen down, jumped up and swung his sword at the opponent's horse head of a horse.

But often things don't develop as some people imagine.


On the commercial road not far away, the robust middle-aged bandit leader stared at everything that happened in the bright place ahead.

He didn't loudly call back the young man who had rushed into the crowd to kill him, he just wanted to see how good the priest sitting in charge was.

Not far away, the bandit leader saw his men stepping on the refugees and jumped up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he stopped.

Because the priest took out something from his waist and stretched out his hand to push it forward. His subordinate, as if hit by an invisible battering ram, flew upside down for more than ten meters in the air.

This fell to the ground.

But at this moment, the young bandit's hands and feet were already broken when they hit the ground.

Putting a weird posture, struggling on the ground to get up, but to no avail.