MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 191 , the darkest moonless night (14)

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A moment ago, Amber was outside the range of the dim light.

The bandit leader Barney the Mountain Wolf hesitated again and again, but he still didn't dare to enter the strange semicircle of light himself. After all, the situation in front of him was strange no matter how you looked at it.

And what made him compromise and convince himself was that the bandits in the light, let alone whether there would be problems in the future, as far as he could see at this time, there was no other abnormality except for slow movements.

The bandit leader's face was pale. He still felt that he had underestimated the power of the church. He was obviously a young priest with no skills, but he didn't expect to have such a magical treasure on his body.

"¥%¥, if it weren't for the poor conditions of my family, how could I pull the team to do this job. Obviously, I¥% is so much smarter than those stupid pigs in the church! Bah, this **** world."

With a complaint, Barney the mountain wolf walked back and forth restlessly outside the range of the light hemisphere, waiting for the thing to disarm itself.

Of course, it will be lifted by itself. He doesn't believe that this thing is so weird and powerful, and it can be maintained for a long time.

If any church priest had such a powerful weapon, it would be the aristocrats everywhere who would not be able to sit still.

While he was waiting anxiously, the loud neighing of horses and the sound of someone talking came from outside the woods.

Feeling that the situation had changed, Barney the Mountain Wolf sneaked behind an unobtrusive tree trunk after thinking for a while, using the shadow of the tree trunk to cover his figure.


Kiel led more than a dozen armed young men with weapons in their hands, and gradually approached the place where the priest Batar, who had lost the news, was going.

On the grass outside the woods, he saw a young refugee lying unconscious by the bushes: "Come here, bring him here, be careful if it's one of our own."

Kiel himself set up his hunting bow on a horse, swayed around, and finally aimed at the young refugee who was about to be helped up on the ground. Not far away, there was a faint light coming from the woods, which was very strange. He didn't know what happened in the woods. To be on the safe side, he decided to ask this person first.

Two young men who had survived the fierce battle with the bandits from the south strode over with long swords in their hands. After turning over the lying man, they immediately confirmed that it was their own.

After all, this person had suffered a lot of beatings and had extensive burns on his arms. No matter how he looked at it, he could not be a bandit, but a fellow refugee who was captured by the bandits.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The young man stuck the long sword upside down on the grass, and then gently patted the unconscious man with his hand.

Light patting didn't work, so he hit harder.

Snapped! Snapped!

With two loud slaps left and right, the poor young man who had been beaten, frightened and scalded finally woke up.

"Who, who is hitting me? Stop hitting me, please, stop hitting me!"

Seeing that the man woke up and opened his mouth to talk nonsense again, Keel motioned to drag him over for questioning. He put down his hunting bow, jumped off the tall blood licking grass, and looked at the young man who was gradually waking up.

"I am the knight Kiel, can you recognize my armor?"

The young man who was being supported by someone groaned in pain, but still nodded heavily. The young man originally wanted to look at the face of the knight to answer, but when he saw the two blue eyes shining under Kiel's mask, he trembled in fright and lowered his head.

"Why are you comatose here? Also, the people who fled back to the crowd before said that the priest Batar chased out to save people, and the horseshoe prints were also in this direction. What about others? What happened after such a long time? Tell me you knew."

The other armed young men around were holding lighting torches taken out of the carriage, and at this moment they managed to dispel the darkness of the moonless night a little bit.

The young man who was supported to stand still seemed afraid to look at the bright torches around him. After squinting his eyes and moaning in pain, he managed to lift his spirits and replied, "My lord. I was caught by those nasty bandits before." Yes. They kept threatening and beating me and my companions. And then, well, then they dragged us in one direction, as if to retreat into the woods, because the priest came rushing to save us."

"Well, continue." Kiel nodded, and stretched out his hand to signal the man to continue.

What this man said was consistent with what the others who had fled back said.

"Yes, yes. Those robbers wanted to escape, so they left us men behind, and finally fled into the woods with a woman they had captured. When the priest came over, he jumped off his horse and didn't know what to do. What a way, I released a fire, and burned all the ropes that tied me up. Hiss, my arms were also burned. But the priest said to me when he got on the horse, and I will give it to me later Treat me, let me untie the rope and escape back."

Keir snorted and laughed, Batar's actions at that time were quite to his liking.

Very pragmatic.

"Then what you said, Priest Batar rushed into the woods to save people? You don't know what happened afterwards, right? But why are you unconscious here, outside the woods?"

Facing Kiel's question, the young man who was being supported pointed to his injury: "My lord knight, I don't know what happened after my lord priest. I fell into a coma because I really had no strength. I just got rid of the rope on my body. I just got up and took two steps before I fell limply on the ground, and I just realized what happened."

This person was injured all over his body, and it was indeed very possible that he was exhausted and fell into a coma. It didn't look like there was a ghost.

Glancing at the light shining through the woods, Keir said to the others around him: "In this way, the situation in the woods is unknown, so you take your people and retreat carefully, and wait in the open space for me and the priest to go back."

"My lord! Let us go with you!"

As soon as Keir finished speaking, seven or eight of the bravest young people stepped forward, blood was splashed all over their bodies. There are both robbers and their relatives and friends.

Looking at the eyes full of desire for revenge and fighting, Kiel waved his hands: "What? Do you think I can't deal with those bandits alone? Just go back and wait. It will be long tonight. You have a chance to continue fighting. Well, revenge Chance."

As Kiel said, the young people who had seen the scene where the knight killed dozens of bandits by himself, obeyed the order, picked up the beaten young man who couldn't walk, and would faint at any time, and carefully raised the torch Stay alert and head back toward the open space to the south.

Keir didn't need lighting. He took out the luminous magic props covered in the leather bag from the metal belt, and the surroundings were illuminated by the cool magic light again.

He took off the double-edged metal spear from the horseback weapon rack, held it in his hand, and led the horse towards the glowing place deep in the woods. And on the horse's back, there was still a dead body.

If you look closely, you will find that this slightly glowing body is the bandit leader's cronies who were hit by the priest Batar's staff before.

There was a big hole in the man's chest, apparently killed by Kiel's spear on horseback.


After a while, Kiel followed the horseshoe prints on the ground and the messy footprints, and came to the amber dim light hemisphere.

Looking in through the light, he saw the scene inside.

It was amazing, all the people inside acted as if they were killing the fallen priest Batar, but there was always a blue light 'slow' flashing on the priest's body, pushing the attacking 'slow' weapon away.

"Oh, it's amazing."

Keir walked around the hemisphere close to the ground, not only seeing what happened inside, but also judging the number and strength of the bandits inside.

There was a rustling sound in the shadow of the surrounding tree trunks, but Keel didn't pay attention to it. He stood outside the light and came to the same conclusion as the bandit leader Barney the Mountain Wolf.

It's hard to say whether he can safely step into the range of light, but he only needs to wait outside, because such a powerful deceleration ability in the range cannot be maintained for a long time.

Because although the weapons lent by the Church to Priest Batar are excellent, it is impossible to really hand over the powerful blessing weapon to Priest Batar who is not from the diocese of Montoka.

After all, what if Priest Batar doesn't pay back?

Therefore, the amber metal staff lent to the Batar priest must be a cheap compromise in terms of quality and quantity.

Either the quality is extremely strong, but the number of uses and time are limited, or the power is limited, but it can be used many times.

Judging from the scene in front of him, Keir judged it was the former.

This decelerating ball of light covering thousands of square meters is extremely powerful, but its duration should end soon.

Especially when he himself was late.


Mountain wolf Barney quietly receded into the distance through the shadow. His intuition told him not to fight this knight.

But he didn't retreat very far, just at a distance where he could see this place and not be discovered by others because of breathing, movement, etc., he lurked again.

After a while this weird light dissipates, there will still be a battle here.

When the time comes, he can give this person a fatal attack from outside the battlefield.


In the dim light, the hesitant bandits looked at the knight in metal armor standing outside the light.

"What should I do? The boss is gone, and that guy is not easy to mess with at first sight."

As the bandit spoke, he kicked hard at Priest Batar who was curled up on the ground. Of course he knew that this would not hurt the young priest who was protected by a mysterious force like the tortoise, but kicking back and forth like this was not only cool, but also prevented the priest from fighting back.

After all, they all saw how the priest sent out a blast to blow away their companion and the suicide female refugee to death.

If it weren't for the large number of them and the close distance to this priest, if they wanted to take down such an offensive and defensive priest, they would have to lose some people.

"So what if it's not easy to mess with? We can still surrender or let him stop if it's difficult."

"If you can subdue this young priest, there is still a possibility."

But Priest Batar held the long stick emitting dim yellow light tightly in his palm, apparently not giving up resistance.

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, that guy outside doesn't dare to come in. Let's not go out."

But as soon as he finished speaking, like a crow's mouth, the surrounding light shrank towards the amber gem at the top of the staff.

After a few breaths, the surrounding area was originally bright as if it were at dusk, but then it disappeared, and darkness shrouded the forest again.

At this moment, in the surrounding area, the only thing emitting bright light is the luminous light on the waist of the opposite knight.


The bandits were not bad. As soon as the situation changed, they were ready to fight, and they spread out from the left, center and right to outflank and kill Kiel.

But Keir's counterattack was much faster than they imagined.

Let go of the horse's reins, and in the next second, Kiel kicked the tail of the spear on the ground, kicked his legs on the ground, and then rushed forward with the spear after the dead branches and leaves splashed under his feet. out.

When the three bandits in charge of the frontal battle had just reacted, Kiel had rushed up in less than a blink of an eye. The spear directly pierced the chest of a bandit wearing leather armor, and at the same time Kiel caught the head of a bandit next to him with his left hand.

His figure didn't stay where he was, and directly took the bodies of the two bandits forward, and rushed towards the other bandits who were using bows and arrows beside Priest Batar.

The right arm adjusted its direction in an instant, and then the spear pierced the chest of a bandit with a bow and arrow again.

With a flick of his right arm, Kiel threw the spear and the two bandits towards the thick tree trunk in front. With a bang, the double-edged metal spear was pierced with two bandits and nailed heavily to the thick tree trunk.


Only then did the nine bandits around react. They twisted their bodies to fight, those who drew bows and arrows drew bows and arrows, and those who used weapons greeted Kiel fiercely, mainly aiming at the helmet.

But Kiel flicked his left hand, blocking the bandit who was holding the head with his left hand, and took several arrows from close range for him.

Then he threw the bandit who was hit by the arrow sideways with all his strength, knocking the bandits in front of him to the ground.

With a swipe of his right hand to his left waist, he drew out his long sword to kill, and turned around on the spot to face the three weapons that were swiping.


Turning around and slashing with his sword, Kiel forcibly blocked the opponent's weapon with a powerful force, then rushed forward, the long sword pierced a bandit's chest, regardless of being hit twice behind him, Kiel turned around with his sword, and swooped again On the body of the last bandit, the heart fire magic dagger drawn out with his left hand pierced the bandit's stomach severely.

Holding the dagger in his left hand, he stirred it up and down twice, then pulled it sideways, and then turned the long sword in his right hand to block the machete from the last melee bandit.

With a force several times stronger than the opponent's, the long sword forcibly took the opponent's machete around twice, and then swung it, leading Fei to let go of the bandit's weapon.

With his left hand, Kiel pushed the bandit clutching his bleeding stomach and pushed him down far away. Then he took a step towards the empty-handed bandit, swung the sword with one hand, and cut off the bandit's neck.


He let out a breath, and stared at the bow and arrow bandits who had just got up at this moment with his shining eyes.

The few remaining bandits finally realized the gap in combat effectiveness between them.

So they roared in unison, and when Kiel squatted down to dodge the arrows, the bandits who used bows and arrows turned around and ran away.

"Hey!" Kiel laughed angrily. He threw the long sword with his hands, turned it over and pierced a bandit's head, and then threw the heartfire magic dagger with his left hand, piercing a bandit's body from behind.

The remaining two bandits did not dare to turn their heads and ran even faster.

Kiel chased up quickly, at this time Priest Batar finally got up, seeing Kiel, his tears flowed out.

"Don't be dazed, one by one, chase after!"

As for the bandit who was hiding next to the prairie horse, Kiel just nodded with his hand when he ran past here: "Kneel down, surrender!"

The bandit knelt down on the ground with a bang, his teeth were chattering, and he didn't dare to make other moves.

Seeing the man kneeling obediently, Kiel quickened his pace, stomping on the rotten and soft ground, and within a few breaths he overtook a fleeing bandit with a bow.

"Forgive me—"

This man just wanted to kneel down and surrender, but Kiel punched out directly, and the steel fist wrapped in the armor plate smashed the bandit's head.

"Bah, surrender? Did I make you surrender?"

After killing the bandit, Kiel dragged the corpse's feet and returned to the place where he had just fought.

He still had a lot to ask Priest Batar.


There was a roaring sound of air waves blowing not far away, and then Kiel saw Priest Batar with a grim complexion dragging an amber metal staff and slowly pacing back.

The young priest's body is covered with fallen leaves and humus soil, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is very embarrassed.

"It was quite embarrassing just now?"

Keel asked mockingly.

But Priest Batar didn't answer, just waved his hand at Kiel weakly, walked a few steps staggeringly, leaned against a tree trunk full of bright blood, and squatted down slumped as if he had lost his strength.

There was a faint cry coming from the priest's lowered face, and Kiel curled his lips secretly, unable to understand what was going on, and the man began to cry.

But he looked around, and soon he didn't see the captured female refugee's body among the messy corpses everywhere, and then thought of the bright red blood on the tree trunk against which the priest was leaning.

Only then did he guess what might have happened before.

"When you're done crying, tell me what happened just now. I seem to be a little late."

Kiel sighed, and pulled out the double-edged metal spear from the tree trunk, and the two corpses fell limply beside several of them.

"My lord, my lord. I know what happened just now! Let me answer you!"

The bandit who surrendered knelt on the ground and said to Kiel with a fawning face. He tried to play some role after surrendering to enhance his chances of surviving later. But when he spoke, his whole body trembled, and cold sweat dripped from his head.

Because there are bandit companions he is familiar with all around, who would have thought that just a moment ago, these companions would also ambush the other party's priest together?

Kiel gave him a sideways look, and the bandit shuddered and almost peed out of his eyes with bright eyes.

"Did I ask you? Lie on the ground, with your hands folded behind your back."

"Yes Yes."

The bandit didn't dare not to do so, so he had to lie down facing the ground as the knight asked, then turned his hands behind his back and clasped them backwards.