MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 10 Brother Tiger talks about cars (middle)

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In the bright and luxurious showroom on the second floor of Wan Hai Motor Co., Ltd., the red Ferrari 458 is particularly conspicuous like red roses blooming in a thousand flowers! The price is 4.4388 million. Such a luxury car should naturally be equipped with a beautiful model.

The tall and **** car model wearing an open-back silver dress saw Cao Su test driving in the car, and stood beside him waiting quietly.

Qiao Tian walked down the aisle, greeted the beautiful model skillfully, walked over to Ferrari and said, "Old Cao, go get a cigarette!"

He didn't get the order just now. A sports car costing more than two million dollars, that big one was not willing to buy it for a young junior. This made him very upset.

Of course he wouldn't foolishly quarrel with Cao Su at his workplace. Thirty-year-old adult, who would be so stupid? He is going to invite Cao Su to attend the college reunion next week, when he will grab Cao Su at the party.

If you don't have money, you put on a bird feather!

I kindly help you out of the situation, so as not to pinch the salesman Xiao Qin, and he won't come down. As a result, the dog bit Lu Dongbin. Grass.

Cao Su got out of the car, waved his hand and said, "No need!" He didn't want to deal with Qiao Tianze anymore. They're all adults, and it's useful to play that little trick? Look behind Qiao Tianze. That's why he got out of the car.

The slender Qin Yuhan took a stack of documents, stepped on high heels, and walked happily. Watching Qiao Tianze cautiously, worried that he would grab the order. After all, he just said that he and Brother Cao were college classmates.

"Brother Cao, bring all the documents for the car purchase, you can sign it." Qin Yuhan smiled sweetly, panting slightly, "This way, please!"

Cao Su generously admired her undulating curves and glanced at her. She was wearing a very classic workplace outfit: a white shirt, a black dress, and black stockings. He smiled and said, "Let's go." He ignored Qiao Tianze. Follow Qin Yuhan to the VIP area on the second floor.

Qiao Tian heard clearly, but asked subconsciously, "Xiao Qin, what's going on?" He didn't believe that Cao Su had the strength to spend at Wan Hai Auto Shop!

The worst cars in their line are hundreds of thousands in size, and on the second floor are all luxury cars starting at 2 million. Cao Suzhen is so powerful, how can he be unknown among his classmates?

Qin Yuhan is 25 years old this year. He works as a salesman in a luxury car dealer all the year round. His words and expressions are first-class. He instantly understands the relationship between Qiao Tianze and Brother Cao. He stopped with a smile and said, "Old Qiao, Brother Cao bought the That Ferrari!"

"Ah..." Qiao Tian opened his mouth in surprise.

If one day, eight years after graduation, a very ordinary college classmate from the past bought a luxury car Ferrari worth more than 4 million in front of you, what would your expression be?

Qin Yuhan smiled and added another knife: "Old Qiao, Brother Cao also took down the limited edition Bentley Flying Spur in the line."

The Bentley Flying Spur 2012 6.0T limited edition, the sales price is 5.18 million.

Qiao Tianze: "..."

I have a sentence mmp, I don't know if I should say it or not.

Qin Yuhan covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "Giggle..." The voice was as sweet as a silver bell. Brother Cao bought two luxury cars in her hands, and the promotion was enough for her to eat! Of course, you have to save face for Brother Cao. "Brother Cao, please this way!"

He ignored Qiao Tianze, stepped on high heels, twisted his slender waist lightly, took Cao Su to the VIP area on the second floor, gave Cao Su to the soft and comfortable sofa, and approached: "Brother Cao, let me tell you something to pay attention to. matter…"

Smelling the perfume, she felt that Xiao Qin was almost against him, very soft. Cao Su smiled in his heart, listening to Qin Yuhan explaining various terms to him. Mainly, the younger brother is on strike to rest. Xiao Qin is beautiful, but not to the point of being forced to work overtime.

Qiao Tianze followed eagerly, poured two cups of warm white water diligently, and said, "Brother Cao, drink water!"

Cao Su glanced at Qiao Tianze with a half-smile but not a smile. He knew that Brother Hu's figure was very soft and flexible. So I didn't ask for Brother Tiger's service when I went to the car.

Qiao Tian felt guilty when Cao Su saw him, smiled embarrassingly, and quickly retreated to the side to stand quietly.

To be honest, he really meant to help Cao Su get out of trouble just now. But more importantly, he was worried that Cao Su would affect his business. So I thought of quickly dismissing Cao Su.

But what annoyed Cao Su the most was that sentence: I'll give you the phone number of the car model.

First, with Cao Su's strength, what phone model do you want? Directly without sets of tee, let them call Dad.

Second, assuming that Cao Su does not have the strength to buy a car, this is too straightforward, and it means to look down on Cao Su!

If this matter is not handled properly, he may lose his job. Let the car dealership choose a big customer, or choose an employee, this is the answer that everyone knows with their toes.

Alas, he was also wronged in his heart!

Boss Cao, why did you lie to me when you came in? Do you think I can't lick Brother Tiger? Look down on people! As long as you give me a chance, I promise that nothing will happen to Xiao Qin.

Qin Yuhan was talking to Cao Su about the price. Parallel imported cars are cheaper than the official guide price of the 4S store.

At this time, I saw a beautiful woman with a professional style approaching quickly. She was about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old, with her hair in a bun, she enthusiastically extended her hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Cao. I am Xu Lanqing, the general manager of Wanhai Auto.

I'm very sorry, I was dealing with a sudden situation over there just now. I neglected Mr. Cao. I'm sorry. "

A client bought two luxury cars of four to five million dollars, and she, the general manager, would definitely come forward to entertain them.

Cao Su never listened to what was said on the scene, smiled and shook hands with her, "Mr. Xu, hello!"

"You can just call me Xiao Xu!" Xu Lanqing asked Qin Yuhan about the discount. Because Cao Su was the first to buy a car at Wanhai Auto Depot, she used the authority of the general manager to give Cao Su a 20% discount on the official price. Take a 10% discount and send Cao Su a membership card and an invitation: "

Mr. Cao, at the end of this month, our company will have a team building activity going overseas. We sincerely invite all the distinguished guests of Wanhai Motors to participate. Thank you for your care and support for our dealership. "

Cao Su didn't say anything to death: "Let's see if there is time."

Xu Lanqing said quickly: "It should be. Your time shall prevail."

Cao Su took the pen handed by Qin Yuhan, signed the documents on the desktop, and swiped the card to spend. The various costs of the two cars, and then discounted, total about 7.2 million.

Qiao Tian saw the opportunity and came up to whisper a few words to Manager Xu. UU reading www. Manager Xu of nodded. After a while, a tall and cold female model in a short skirt was brought over by Qiao Tianze. It was the model for that car from Aston Martin.

Beautiful, tall, sexy, and cool.

Qiao Tianze introduced enthusiastically: "Qianqian, Brother Cao just purchased two cars in our dealership, and you are our most honored customer! You are our dealer's cooperative model, and you should get close to Brother Cao. ."

He said to Cao Su again: "Brother Cao, Qian Qian is a famous university student, studying e-commerce at Shencheng University. She worked part-time during the summer vacation of her freshman year. She is the most beautiful model among the cooperative models of our car dealership."

Mad, Brother Hu, you are a real dog! You can really call me "Brother Cao"! Also pimp me. Cao Su sneered and asked back: "The most beautiful car model, do you let people stand in the position of Aston Martin?"

He didn't want to "bully" a female college student. Say otherwise if you wish. It's rude to engage in such unspoken rules.

Qiao Tianze got stuck all of a sudden, and wanted to cry but had no tears. Come on, flatter me on my leg!

Xu Lanqing somewhat understood. What Qiao Tianze does is wrong, you are a college classmate! He made a decision on the spot and said, "Qianqian, your contract has been changed to S sign. It will be the most expensive model in our car dealership from now on."

He Xueqian was tall and tall, and she was over 1.8 meters tall when she stepped on high-heeled shoes. He has long legs and slender waist and a beautiful face. He looks cold and cold, but he is also a person in the scene. He covered his neckline and bowed his thanks: "Brother Cao, thank you."

This brother Cao helped her. The car model industry can't just talk about being beautiful, and sometimes qualifications are also important.

Cao Su smiled and raised his hand. Then he nodded to Manager Xu who had sold well, got up with the documents and his hand wrapped, and prepared to leave.

Qiao Tianze quickly followed, "Brother Cao, I'll send you off."