MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 8 next step

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After getting out of the special elevator of the presidential suite, the private butler of the suite waited at the elevator entrance with two attendants, bowing with full etiquette, "Welcome Mr. Cao and the two ladies to stay in Xiangji. Please come here!"

Under the leadership of the butler, the three arrived in the presidential suite.

The Presidential Suite at Shangri-La Hotel is different from Kempinski. This suite is European-style, with a transparent layout, and the living room, dining room, and study are integrated into one. The furnishings and decorations in the room all reveal luxury and dignity.

Cao Su waved his hand and told the dedicated personal butler to step back. Hearing the door closed with a tick, he put the two beauties in his arms and kissed them on their smooth and greasy cheeks.

Now it's a private space, and he's taking it back to the hotel, so the tiger in his heart doesn't have to be restrained. I got the Shenhao system today, don't look at him being steady, and execute his plan step by step. But in fact, there is a storm in his heart!

Moreover, he met three great beauties one after another today: Su Qing, an intern in the company, Li Ruoyu, a beautiful young wife, and Xia Ya, a slightly fat beauty, the hotel housekeeper. My heart was already surging with anger. In particular, I have admired Xia Yana's plump and graceful back curves.

Playing around, Ma Yixuan, a beautiful young woman with short hair, giggled and said, "Brother Cao, how are you? I'm going to take a shower first." Stepping on high heels, she was wearing a dark blue one-neck slim-fit long skirt, shaking gently. Waist, leave the bright and luxurious living room.

Cao Su sat comfortably on the lavender sofa. Tang Man, a long-legged beauty in a short white suspender skirt, confronted him in a hot flash and said softly, "Brother, I don't want to be with you for only one night. I want to be with you. better."

Nearly 300,000 drink cards were given to her at will, of course she had other thoughts in her heart. But Brother Cao was obviously not easy to fool, so he brought Ma Yixuan back. Those push-pull maneuvers against boys don't dare to be used.

When she did it, it wasn't a cheap surname Ma!

In fact, Brother Cao is very popular in the marriage and love market! If I really want those hoofs to know that he is unmarried and that he is thirty years old this year, it is estimated that he is going to go out and invite him to play, and he must be tied up.

When she was drinking, she was soft and hard, acting like a spoiled child, and she only asked the insider information by doing all she could.

Is such a single rich man more sought-after than the rich and young, the second generation? There is a lot of wealth at his disposal, and he is of marriageable age. How many of those young rich and few will get married before they turn 30?

She wanted something practical.

Cao Su laughed. Check it out. can talk!

"Manman, if you are in Shencheng, we will still have fate!" Tang Man is a nurse in a certain hospital. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will have a weekend off, and I will go out to the bar at night. There was a fruit plate in the suite, and Cao Su said, eating the lychee offered by Tang Man.

Then, Cao Su caressed the thin and **** beauty's hair, "Manman, let's enjoy the beautiful night tonight!"

Tang Man could only agree, raised his head and said coquettishly, "Brother..." The following words were blocked.

Sitting on the sofa, Cao Su took his mobile phone and sent Xia Ya a WeChat message: "Xiao Xia, I won't go back to the hotel tonight."

It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun was shining brightly. Sitting in the restaurant on the 2nd floor of Shangri-La Hotel, drinking morning tea, Cao Su admired the lush Lianhuashan Park outside the window with a relaxed and comfortable posture.

The restlessness and anger in his body and heart disappeared at this time.

Eating shrimp dumplings, Cao Su happily checked the random tasks released by the system in the bar last night.

[Task: Five hours of deep sleep. 】

[Reward: appearance value +5. 】

He didn't have time to watch the mission yesterday. After a sound sleep last night, this random task was completed unknowingly. According to the data scanned by the system, he now has a face value of 73 points. Looking handsome.

Cao Su took a sip of tea comfortably. The random task of the system is basically a sub-question: simple, with many benefits. On the contrary, it is difficult for his emotions to enter a state and trigger random tasks.


WeChat sound. Cao Su picked up his iPhone and checked the news. This is a coquettish message from Tang Man: "Brother, you are so ruthless. You left us early in the morning. (Sad expression) x3."

Cao Su took a sip of the tea and asked for her Alipay account. WeChat is not yet able to transfer money or send red envelopes. Send her a red envelope of 8888 yuan: "Take it and drink Coke. I have something to do today."

I saw Tang Man accepting the red envelope. The news of Ma Yixuan, a beautiful young woman with short hair, followed, "Brother Cao, you want it too."

The corners of Cao Su's mouth curled up, a young woman is a young woman, very charming. The same set of operations, transfer, explain something. Don't care about them anymore. Switch back to WeChat and casually flip through the messages on the phone.

His usual social circle is very narrow. There is little contact with university classmates. Click to open the group of students majoring in software engineering in Jiangzhou University.

There were more than 200 people in the group, but very few speakers.

Brother Wei: "Yesterday I went camping at the beach with some friends, but the car broke down on the way. It hurts."

Brother Hu: "Mr. Wei, your Porsche will cost you a long way to go. Change to a big G. It's mighty and domineering. Private chat about photos of girls."

Brother Lei: "Mr. Hu is right. UUkanshu Mr. Wei, you are so dashing in the deep city every day! Post a few pictures of the beach and we've been addicted to it."

Cao Su flipped through the pages for a while, Wei, Hu, and Lei were chatting happily. Others spoke occasionally to cheer. They are all adults, and they are very reserved. But the faint smell of pretense in the words lingered.

Just compared to what he experienced yesterday, Cao Su smiled and shook his head, exited the WeChat interface, and thought about his own affairs.

It will take a few days for public opinion to ferment about Yu Ping in the company. Watch it for now. Shen Mingze would definitely help him keep an eye on the minutes of Yu Ping's review meeting.

It is a high probability event that this broken thing is resolved. So, what should be his next goal? He is completely free now, and the time is at his disposal.

Cao Su didn't feel at a loss, but he had a clear goal! It's the same sentence: How can a man live in the world, how can he be depressed for a long time?

He wants to start his career.

It's just that Shenhao is engaged in business. Naturally, there is Shenhao's way of doing it. It won't be the way he has worked hard for ten years and is famous all over the world. Instead, it is a hurricane, leaping across the layers of this society, and going straight into the sky!

Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day and soared up to 90,000 miles! This is the spirit and ambition that Shenhao should have.

The company registration takes a week to complete. Headhunters recruit assistants and general managers, and their interviews can only be arranged after the registration of other companies is completed.

What he has to do now is to get the company's office space first.

Of course, the Deep City is bigger. He looked at the office space and first went to buy a car to travel.

Cao Su rummaged through his collection in the car forum he often visited, and found a car dealership with a good reputation in Shenzhen. After leaving the Shangri-La Hotel, take a taxi and head straight to the import car dealership located in the suburbs of Longgang.