MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 150 The ex-girlfriend asked him to pick her up? !!

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Chapter 150 Ex-girlfriend asked him to pick her up? !!

Ji Weixi looked briefly and whispered, "You can rest assured, as long as you tell the truth, no matter what happens, Li will always protect you."

Concisely squeezed his fist and subconsciously looked at Qian Jia.

Qian Jia's face was so bad that she kept giving her a look, suggesting that she should not speak.

Simplicity gathered courage and stepped forward to Chen Libin, "I did this thing."

"It turned out to be you!" Before Chen Libin said it, Lin Xiaoman was the first to get up. She would stand up and slap in the direction of conciseness, and Ji Weixi's eyes froze quickly.

Lin Xiaoman broke out of control: "You let me go! Let me kill her!"

Succinctly said: "Miss Lin, I did the right thing. I apologize to you first, but it was directed."

"Who! Tell me, I killed her!"

A brief look at Qian Jia, "Yes ... Ms. Qian."


Lin Xiaoman looked at Qian Jia inconceivably. Qian Jia scratched a bit of confusion. She stood up calmly and smiled, "I don't know you at all, you lady, don't frame me."

"After work that day, you came to me when no one was there, and handed me a bottle of lavender oil, saying that as long as I sprinkle it on Miss Lin's clothes, it will give me a sum of money." The apology was simple and apologetic. : "Miss Lin, I really don't know that you are allergic to lavender. I also do it for the money ... so ... but this is really what Qian Jia found me and let me do!"

"Miss, do you know if you have no evidence, you will be arrested." Qian Jia said without any confusion, "I have always been her agent since her debut, you can That said, she was the one I held up. How could I harm my own artist? It's not good for me. "

Lin Xiaoman nodded convincingly: "Yes, Qian Jia has always been my best friend. She has no reason to hurt me and let you do that kind of thing."

Concise is also the first time to face this kind of scene, and some are at a loss: "It's really ... Qian Jia made me do it! She also threatened me that if you tell this, you must tell me grandma Let my grandma get angry to the hospital! "

Qian Jia sneered: "This lady, I don't know you, why should I threaten you? And you need to pay attention to the evidence?"

Concisely pointed to the security guard behind him: "He! He knows! When you came to see me that day, he heard!"

The pointed security guard was Huo Feng. Before he came in, Ji Weixi had already given a shot in advance.

He nodded: "Yes, I did hear you two talking about spraying lavender oil on Miss Lin's clothes."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qian Jia clapped her hands and praised them: "It was a great show."

She looked at Ji Weixi with a bit of sarcasm: "Miss Ji, I know this is your responsibility, you can not admit it, you can always find Li to support you, after all, no one dares to move you. But please do n’t Will you just find someone to frame me? "

Taunting Ji Weixi in person, bolder than a bear?

Li Shaoling smiled without anger: "My woman really did not dare to move."

After a pause, he glanced gloomily and coldly at Qian Jia: "Your stinky mouth is not worthy of saying my woman."

Ji Weixi, he can only say that no one is allowed.

Qian Jia froze immediately, afraid to speak.

Ji Weixi was a little embarrassed. What was he talking about? !!

Where are they all, he said she was his?

Smelly shame, and who wants you to stand up!

Ji Weixi knew that Qian Jia could not admit it, so he had already learned the truth from Huo Feng before entering.

It turned out that Qian Jia did not know that there was a third person. In fact, Qian Jia already knew it. He also bought Huo Feng and asked him to delete the surveillance video of the day.

However, it was unexpected that the monitoring system of cbs was backed up even if it was deleted.

The clever Huo Feng has long reserved it.

Ji Weixi knew that Qian Jia could not see the evidence and did not admit it. Fortunately, he told Lin Xiaoman directly: "Miss Lin, please come to the monitoring room and see."

"Okay! I want to see what the truth is!" Qian Jiaxiao rejoiced: "But if this is not my job, shouldn't you give me a statement?"

Ji Weixi smiled indifferently: "Of course."

Several people entered into the monitoring room under Huo Feng's leadership. Qian Jia stood by and looked at the joke, but she couldn't laugh anymore.

I saw Huo Feng skillfully broadcast the surveillance video of the day.

On the black-and-white picture, Qian Jia found simplicity on the day, and handed her a small bottle, and then she found Huo Feng and took out a check.

The truth came out and surfaced.

Qian Jia was completely dumbfounded, shocked in the same place: "How is this possible ?!"

She pointed at Huo Feng and was completely excited: "You deleted it in front of me! Why is there!"


Lin Xiaoman slammed her face fiercely, "Qian Jia, why did you do this! I didn't expect it to be me! It was you! I treat you so well and treat you as a friend!"

Chen Libin was furious: "It is such a courage! I have never treated you badly, why do you treat Xiaoman like this!"

Qian Jia was pumped and tilted her head away. She covered her aching cheek and laughed.

That's it, she doesn't need to pretend.

Laughing and laughing, the laughter came to an abrupt end, her hateful eyes stared at Lin Xiaoman.

"Yes, I did this, but Lin Xiaoman, shouldn't you be damned! Why did I become a broker! It was all forced by you!"

"I was going to debut at the time, but you hid me and gave me to the top, they played me like a pet! The result? My sacrifice fulfilled you, but you still have a puppet to show mercy Me, let me be your agent, do you know how much I hate you? You ruined my life! "

"Do you know how much I want to strangle you when I become your agent and see you become so hot?"

Qian Jia said more and more excited, and finally came to strangle Lin Xiaoman and was kicked to the ground by Chen Libin.

"From now on, you are no longer Xiaoman's agent!" Chen Libin yelled at her, then immediately turned and smiled at Li Shaoling: "General Li, I'm really sorry, you ..."

Li Shaoling gave him a dismissive glance, and interrupted with a cold voice: "Get out."

Lin Xiaoman wiped away her tears while Chen Libin stunned and left, but she did not know that in a place where no one saw, there was a faint smile in her eyes.

In the end, Chen Libin and Lin Xiaoman embraced and left, Qian Jia sat in the monitoring room and cried like crazy, and was driven out by Huo Feng.

Conciseness has issued a statement to apologize, watching her more blushing face, Ji Weixi asked Li Shaoling to send her back to Haicheng personally, after all, the old lady must be worried about her at home.

This matter finally came to an end, Ji Weixi took a long breath.

When she was about to call Tian Miaomiao to tell her the good news, Li Shaoling's cell phone rang.

"Shaolin, I'm here. Come and pick me up!"

Li Shaoling ticked his lips: "Well, okay."

Ji Weixi heard clearly, the woman's voice was very tender and gentle.