MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 78 You are a married woman

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Chapter 78: You Are A Married Woman

Ji Weixi had just arrived at the office, and Tian Miaomiao put down her mobile phone: "Xi Xi, Li is always looking for you."

"What is he looking for?"

"Of course ..." Tian Miaomiao grinned, very wretched: "That kind of thing."

Ji Weixi rolled his eyes: "You think everyone is a mango girl like you."

It has a yellow appearance and a yellower inside.

Tian Miaomiao raised her eyebrows proudly: "So I am bound to find a mango boy."

Ji Weixi shook his head and looked helpless.

Knocking at the office door, Ji Weixi walked in.

Inside the room, the small milk bag was sitting on the carpet, holding a Conan's hand, and muttering solemnly, "There is only one truth!"

"Oh, who am I?"

"I am! Detective Conan!"

I also asked myself ...

It's a real drama.

"Son, haven't watched Altman recently?" Ji Weixi stepped forward and asked, squatting down and smiling.

The little milk bag shook her head and muttered: "Mummy, I find Conan still interesting. Every episode is dead. It's exciting."

Ji Weixi's mouth twitched: "Exciting? Do you like it?"

Look, is this what people say.

Xiao Niu Bao nodded his head, tilted his head for a while, then shook his head: "Well, this is not the main thing, and the baby still expects Conan and Xiao Lan to recognize each other."

Ji Weixi: "I urge you to give up. I haven't known each other for more than 900 episodes. Let's die."

The small milk bag patted the breast. "Relax, Mommy, Conan definitely can't live a baby."

"..." There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

But why is it so strange?

Li Shaoling's office was littered with toys in small breasts, and the desk was still neatly packed with documents.

Li Shaoling's slender white fingers were tapping the keyboard.

When he was working, he looked earnestly, without squinting and expression, a little more rigorous.

He didn't seem to notice her coming.

Ji Weixi stepped forward and tapped his index finger on the table.

Li Shaoling stopped typing on the keyboard, raised his eyelids, and the woman in the pupil's standard smile: "Is Li always calling me?"

"Tian Miaomiao said, you have met the customer." He leaned back, leaning back of his chair, his voice could not hear emotions.

Ji Weixi nodded: "Yes."


"... Men." Ji Weixi thought to himself, asking himself to come, shouldn't he just ask a question.

When he heard that it was a man, Li Shaoling's face went down: "Don't tell me it's Mo Nanfeng."

Ji Weixi: "... you all know what you are asking me to do."

"You are a married woman, stay away from the opposite sex." Li Shaoling ordered coldly.

Ji Weixi murmured: "I'm not a husband's woman, I'm single."

Li Shaoling's face was gloomy again: "You say it again?"

She is single, so what is he?

do you died?

Ji Weixi replied: "It was originally, we have only one son. In addition, it is a normal relationship between superiors and subordinates ..."

Li Shaoling pulled his lips and laughed: "Then you are very capable, and you have slept your boss."

Ji Weixi blushed: "It's you who sleep with me."

Li Shaoling stood up and forced her into the corner. He provoked her chin and smiled charmingly: "What to do, I want you to be a married woman."

Under the deep eyelids, the thick eyelashes could not cover the galaxy in his eyebrows, deadly and gentle.

Ji Weixi's heart was beating wildly, turning his gaze: "I don't want to."

"It's okay, I think it's fine."

His eyes were too hot, Ji Weixi couldn't breathe smoothly, she pushed him: "You ... get up!"

Li Shaoling embraced her with her arms and coaxed lowly: "Be nice, hold for a while."