MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 89 I want to marry you

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Chapter 89 I Want To Marry You

The next day.

Ji Weixi led the small milk bag to the company.

Tian Miaomiao saw that the corners of her lips had cracked and formed a crust. She made a whine, and her eyes were ambiguous: "How crazy is this, have they bitten you? Lie is really amazing.

"Um, sister Miao Miao, I'll tell you. Last night my dad put mommy ..."

The little milk bag was attached to Tian Miaomiao's ears and told her what he saw last night.

Tian Miaomiao narrowed her eyes. "I rely on it, so intense ?!"

A small milk bag like a chick nodding rice: "Yes! Daddy and Mommy finally kissed, is the baby's sister coming out soon?"

Tian Miaomiao patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly: "Jia Jia, this sister can't be anxious."

"Why duck!"

"Um ... anyway, how do you say, my sister, it's not always possible to come out, maybe it won't come out."

"Ah?" Xiaotiaobao suddenly pursed her mouth, sitting on the sofa unhappy, unhappy.

Xiaomi Bao thought: They kissed me, why does mommy have a sister?

Tian Miaomiao: Oh ... the two talents have reached the kiss, it's still early.

Her emperor is not in a hurry!

With all the children, what are you holding on to!


Ji Weixi drew the paintings on the table, and glanced at the large and small parts of the conversation coldly.

Talking so loud when she was deaf.

At this time, someone came to remind her: "Designer Ji, we have a morning meeting."

Ji Weixi took a deep breath: "I see."

She sorted out the manuscript, put it in a folder, and took it to the conference room.

Li Shaoling is wearing a black and blue suit today, lined with a dark blue shirt. He did not wear a tie, and the buttons on his neckline were not tied, showing the collarbone slightly, **** and charming.

The icy face of the iceberg, his eyes staring at everything indifferently.

It was just such an extremely tense atmosphere, but everyone couldn't help but put his eyes on his lips.

The thin lips that have been cut are knotted, and they are reddish, indescribable beauty and evil.

As for the culprit ...

Everyone looked at Ji Weixi's lip on the lips, and it became clear instantly.

The scene was awkward.

Ji Weixi lowered his head and pretended to be blind, pretending to look at the artwork page by page, looking serious.

After the meeting, Ji Weixi rushed out first.

The door opened, and she ran into a face-to-face encounter with the incoming person, and the two bumped into each other.

Ji Weixi felt that he had been hit by a bear, how much strength this person has.

"Sorry, sorry!" A woman apologized: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it on purpose."

Ji Weixi squatted down, feeling a little unhappy, and the woman quickly picked up the documents in a random way and handed them to her.

Ji Weixi looked up and was a pretty girl.

Xu Shi was too strong when Ji Weixi was silent, and the girl was so scared that she stole her head: "Yes ... I'm really sorry ..."

Ji Weixi took the file, stood up, and bent his lips: "It's all right."

The girl was relieved.

Ji Weixi stepped on high heels, ready to return to his office.

She even regretted why she wanted to work for cbs.

"Ji Weixi."

Behind him, an order sounded.

It's cold, cold and not emotional.

Ji Weixi turned his head, Li Shaoling was looking at her, and his expression looked as if he owed him eight million.

She asked formulaically, "General Li, is there anything wrong?"

"Come to my office." Li Shaoling said and left.

The indifferent and dying look seems to have restored the first time they met, it was just a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

This is his true nature.

Did she find that she wasn't easy to kill and gave up?

Everyone stopped in place to wait for the show. Ji Weixi rode a tiger, pressed his lips, and went into his office.

As soon as the door closed, she was hugged.

A familiar taste lingered.

Ji Weixi's instinctive struggle, Li Shaoling's deep magnetic opening: "Let me hold for a while."

There was no one around him last night, he was lonely and cold.

Ji Weixi was right: "Li Zong, please take care of yourself."

Listening to the word "self-weight", Li Shaoling frowned and raised his head, "What is his weight?"

he does not know.

Ji Weixi was a little angry and was about to break out.

Li Shaoling stared at her injured lips: "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Ji Weixi sneered. "But I'm hesitant to get a rabies shot."

Li Shaoling chuckled: "No need to hit, you bit me, we can kiss as you please."

"Li Shaoling!" Ji Weixi blushed and frowned instantly: "Get away! Don't hug me!"

Shameless, dead hooligan, dead man, don't suffer Laozi!

Li Shaoling smiled deeper: "Did you give me money yesterday?"

"That's to compensate you, so you stay away from me later."

Li Shaoling smiled eyes bent: "You have compensated me all my life, so I will always be yours."

Ji Weixi's face was incredible: "Who has compensated you for a lifetime? Are you deaf, I don't want you!"

"Really?" Li Shaoling narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Are you sure?"

His eyes suddenly looked fierce, Ji Weixi nodded his lips, don't look too angry at him.

Li Shaoling held her small face, her voice softened again: "Still angry?"

She was silent.

"I was wrong, forgive me?"

She doesn't speak.

"I told you to bite back, are you still unhappy?"

She pretends to be dumb.

Li Shaoling suddenly felt that it was really hard to coax a woman.

Her gaze had been looking elsewhere, as if she had lost her mind, Li Shaoling took the opportunity to turn her face and pecked gently.

Ji Weixi stiffened and reacted, grimacing his teeth with a hammer.

He clenched her little fist, put it in his lips, and petted with a smile.

She blushed, almost red, dripping blood, she was about to speak, and Li Shaoling embraced her.

The voice was low: "I know why you drove me away."

"I can't restore my memory, but you are mine anyway. I won't want you, and I won't hurt you for others. You believe me once, OK?"

He knew what she was worried about, and he knew the untouchable scar in her heart.

Ji Weixi froze, the warmth on his body wrapped her, warm.

His voice is as soft as the sunlight outside the window, stabbing into the softest heart: "Some things can't be changed, I know you can't let go, I will be responsible for you, I will accompany you to forget, I ... want to be with you live……"

He had some clumsy explanations and tried his best to make Ji Weixi's heart beat as if he was not his own.

He said very seriously and really moved her.

Ji Weixi let go of him and cut off: "Your grandma is also humiliating me with money."

"I criticize her."

A batch of Ji Weixi's grievances: "Criticism is useless, she just doesn't look at me."

Li Shaoling provoked her chin and smiled ambiguously: "So hurry to pass?"

Ji Weixi blushed and knocked off his hand: "Who wants to come through the door! I don't!"

Li Shaoling likes to look at her ashamed and hard-spoken. He is serious: "We have time to get the certificate now, we will cut it first and then we will not say anything."

"I don't want to marry you."

"Then I will marry you."

... not all mean it!