MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 308 crisis

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Tong Tian rod has been suffering from a crowded disaster in a narrow space since it was on the thief boat of Oriental Minghui, and listened to it. A group of young people asked the days of the East to ask the West, but they haven’t played before, and they can’t see the head at all.

In addition, find the one that made it trapped in the hardest hit area.

Therefore, as soon as I smelled the scent of the ghost-faced tree, the Tongtian rod was extremely excited, and it was the first to rush.

"Tongtian pole, you are slower, there is a death sorcerer in front." Dongfang Minghui was smashed by the Tongtian rod. The closer it was, the louder, harsher and more irritating the bells around her waist.

"Everyone is careful."


A group of six people, in addition to the Oriental Minghui and Haoran, the rest are light teachers, they feel that there is a strong death gas spread from afar as soon as they approach, the other side is full of aura, magnificent, I am afraid not yet Ordinary dark spirits.

"You blocked my way."

"Old monster, you are so ugly, do you know what you know?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, he is afraid to deliberately delay the time and wait for reinforcements."

"As far as you are concerned, I still want to solve him earlier and go back to his wife."

A very strong light system energy cover covered the square ten meters at once, and the Oriental Minghui was just shrouded in it. At the same time, the small light that sat in the space was noisy, and it seemed to feel the same outside. Strong anger.

The surrounding woods encountered the first wave of death, and lost vitality in an instant. The rich greenness became gray, the trees withered, the trees withered, and looked very desolate.

"Small ugly is ugly."

"Setting up."

Oriental Minghui listened to the familiar voice in her ear. At the same time, she felt mixed feelings. She didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here. She clenched the pole and exchanged her consciousness. "But she noticed the smell of small bean sprouts."

The Tongtian rod is not quite sure. The breath is very clear, but once it reaches the middle part, the breath becomes complicated. Except for the gas of death, the light of the light, the flora of the surrounding seems to disappear in an instant.

The red hair on the top of his head wandered around in a circle, causing the people behind him to look at the sky.

Tao Shuang and Zhijie are more and more convinced that this is just a 'crutch'. They have never seen a crutches and they will swear by themselves and dance.

Duan Yichen was awkward, he shouted. "You two are here to protect her, Yiyang and I will come with me."

"Brother, do you want to go out and help?"


Oriental Minghui looked at the white light of the sword, and flew out of it, rushing straight to the black mist. Duan Yichen joined Yiyang and Haoran and joined the battle circle. Zhijie nervously whispered in her ear. "Girl, you better go back some, the sword doesn't have long eyes, it is easy to hurt you."

Dongfang Minghui wanted to retreat, but as soon as she retired, she went out from the encirclement of the light system. The bell at the waist was not in the light of the light system, and she would not play it. She was afraid to put it. The old monster has attracted it. Although she stood far, she did not see what the death corps looked like.

But Stuart’s brother said that it’s ugly... It’s probably a ugly one.

"You are all light teachers, why don't you help?"

"Section brother said, we have to protect you."

"No, I can protect myself." Dongfang Minghui is trying to send these two young men. As a result, he heard that Tongtian rod said, "Ghost face tree is in the encirclement."


Oriental Minghui looks like a condensate, and now wants to swear, "OK?"

The sky rod slammed down, "OK, it's inside!"

She hesitated that there was no time for the half-column incense. "Tao Shuang, Zhijie, we also went in to help."


"Girl, girl, you can't go in, you are a pharmacist, it's too dangerous to go in" -

Dongfang Minghui has already rushed over with the little light of the noisy, Xiaoguang has to go to the left, she goes to the right, she is surrounded by a group of potholes around the guy, especially Xiaoguang, if you are stupid Follow the pace of this little thing, it definitely has the ability to bring you into the ditch.


"If you shout, you will throw it out." Oriental Minghui knocked on his head. "When you have a haircut, now you have some points, do you understand?"

"Hey." Xiaoguangsheng had no love, and she scratched her wrist with her small claws. Dongfang Minghui directly gave it several bursts of fried chestnuts, which provoked the little guy to scream.

The sound of the young cub is light, but it is still introduced into the ears of a group of light teachers who are resisting the anger of death.

Situ Hao listened to the footsteps that were getting closer and closer, and he couldn’t help but lick his ears. “There is a spirited teacher here, please be quick to leave, so as not to hurt the innocent.”

Oriental Minghui listened to his voice and really wanted to see the mountain before, but she did not forget her duties. "Tongtian, can you sense where the small bean sprouts are?"

The closer to the inner circle, the more fear the Tongtian rod is, and simply hide into the space, and explore a head to sense the existence of the ghost face tree, "on the left."

"Small bean sprouts."

"Puffy paper."

The chubby paper and the small bean sprouts heard the sound of the Oriental Minghui. The footsteps just wanted to move, and they heard the warning from the Oriental Minghui. "You dare to try it. I don't pull out your skin." No."

"You two unconscionable things, I have been looking for you for a long time, you will run for me again, I will interrupt your legs!" Oriental Minghui is really angry, and the small bean sprouts that have been carefully poured out are actually running away from home. Unforgivable!

Listening to her, chubby paper and small bean sprouts looked at each other.

"Brother, who is this person, is it not messing up?"

Situ Hao has been stunned, and the figure is getting closer and closer, "Oriental Minghui!"

Dongfang Minghui listened to the command of Tongtian, and saw a fiery figure flew directly to the past. He grabbed the chubby paper and touched it. The little guy was still warm. Like a stove, she then grabbed the bean sprouts and wraps the ghost-shaped branches of the head around her wrist.

Of course -

The opposite of the death of the air, broke out.


"Hey--" Xiaoguang leaped from the arms of Dongfang Minghui and spit a light ball at the place where their light-system energy hood was eroded, instantly replenishing the shortcomings of the light-system energy cover.

Situ Hao saw a furry little guy running to the left and running to the right. While running, he screamed at the same time to show its sense of existence.

Dongfang Minghui wanted to go chaos, but the opposite death gas suddenly became mad, and she could not help but worry about this group of spirits.



The chubby paper will protect her behind her, and the small bean sprouts will be transferred from the body of the little fat man to the oriental Minghui body. The branches and leaves are entangled. The Tongtian rod is wrapped around a pole of the ghost tree, which seems to be afraid. This guy escaped again.

The bean sprouts looked at it with a scorn and slammed into the back of the oriental Minghui with his head.

"Small bean sprouts, what's wrong with you?"


The small bean sprouts open its mouth.

Dongfang Minghui was shocked by the mouth, and the faces of the ghost-faced trees were very strange. Plus they were born with human faces, and they were even more horrible from the overall perspective. Do not mention the small bean sprouts this trade rash, almost scared her out of the problem, and finally she asked the small color, pig fairy grass and Tongtian rod to understand the meaning of small bean sprouts open mouth.

"You want to attack the sound?"

The small bean sprouts point to the head, and each time the face will hit the back neck of Oriental Minghui.

Dongfang Minghui thought about it and released his voice with spiritual power. "Everyone is better to close your hearing. After I count one or two, there will be a sound attack. After the attack continues for three interest, you will open again. Hearing."

Situ Hao immediately licked his group of younger brothers, "Listen to the order."

"Brother, why should we listen to this girl's order."

"It's very simple. She is my little sister, one of the most favored disciples of my grandfather." In medical practice, he has to stand by, not to mention listening now. At the crucial time, he also gave the younger sister a hand.


"Senior brother, what is the sound attack?"

"Turn off your hearing."



Oriental Minghui immediately closed his own hearing, and the whole world became quiet again. It seems that when she returned to her family, the inaudible feeling was very bad, very uncomfortable, and there was no sound at all. The heartbeat was magnified the biggest, but now she can't hear it. She patted the rhythm and waited until after the three-fee, looking back at the small bean sprouts.

See the small bean sprouts open mouth, ah -

"Small bean sprouts, ok?"


Dongfang Minghui couldn't hear, but when he saw the small bean sprouts nodded, he immediately turned on the hearing ability. Several mourning sounds broke into her ears. The Oriental Minghui Wei sighed. "Is this group actually not listening to orders?" ”

Small colors and pig grass shake their heads and shake their heads for a while, "try to eat."

After chubby, the fireball was thrown to the opposite side by one, and the black fog narrowed down a little. With the addition of Duan Yichen and the savage sword array, the man could not resist more.

"Oriental Minghui!"

The person who was killed by the death corps suddenly called the name, Oriental Minghui: "!!!"

"who are you!"

"Hahahahaha, it’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes, hahaha-"

A group of black fog quickly broke through the energy cover of the light system, and the speed of the light department of both sides flew away, directly facing the front of the Minghui.

"Little sister, flashing away."

"I rely on it, really have a hatred with me."

After Ming Minghui flashed off in time, he rolled off the ground and looked back. He found that the black mist was chasing her, and the little bean sprouts behind him returned to the space, and a group of people planted you. I squeezed you, and the pole was the most pitiful. I was trapped in the middle of the position, and a small red hair was crumbling.

Her eye-catching vines of small colors and pig grasses emerged from the sea of ​​souls, and a mesh-shaped vine was prepared in front of her in an attempt to resist the black fog.

"You are going back!"

"Go back!"

Where the black mist went, the gas of death came to her in the face of the vines. The oriental Minghui atmosphere did not dare to come out. I don’t know how many times I felt the death came, and the result, the chest The first one is heavy.

At the most critical time, the small hair group did not know where to go to her chest at once, and screamed at the black mist.

A light-based energy cover is so covered in the body of the Oriental Minghui. The vines of the small color and the pig fairy grass fall off instantly. When you squat, you return to the soul sea. The cannibal grass is consciously putting those medicinal porcelain bottles. The past was handed over.

The small color and the pig grass watered the medicinal porcelain bottles on their bodies, and then quickly absorbed the medicinal agents.

"Little sister."


With this moment of work, the light system energy cover is getting bigger and bigger, the barriers are getting thicker and thicker, and the oriental Minghui eyes are wide-eyed, and the face under the black fog, the bald head, and a thick scar on his face, are clearly seen. It looks like some years, and the face is pale like a ghost. It is just like Situ Hao said. This person is just a ugly one.

"Oriental Minghui! I will come again!" The black mist turned and fled.

Oriental Minghui frowned, obviously the first time she saw it, but she always had a strange familiarity. After half a sigh, she felt that she had gone from the edge of death. She swallowed her mouth hard, first reaching out. Holding a small light, feeling soft underneath, the little guy also put out his tongue and rubbed her palm, as if to appease her thrilling scene, then she whispered, "Small color, you are fine. What?"

The small color and the pig fairy heart are awkward. It was almost instinct just now. They are in the face of death, just like the plants that were swallowed up by the gas of death. It’s a little careless, maybe even the body is going to Was swallowed up.

However, it turns out that if they did not intercept the moment in time, Oriental Minghui would become a dry corpse.

"There is a big injury." Pig Xiancao licked his own grass tail, and found that the remaining small tail could not be rolled up, suddenly shook his head, and even the leaves became listless.

"Thank you."

Dongfang Minghui has a lingering fear. The sneak attack of the death corps was just a defense. She always thought that she was only looking for a small bean sprout, but she did not expect it to become the starring actress.

The black fog dissipated, and the surrounding energy masks were all removed. Only the Minghui had a light energy cover. Xiaoguang seemed to calm her, and she always arched in her arms, and did not immediately withdraw it. The light energy cover and the light source released by the light energy cover give the Oriental Minghui a short peace of mind.


"Stuart brother." Oriental Minghui looked up and saw Situ Hao with a group of people, about five or six people, plus paragraphs and dust them, there are almost ten people, they are surrounded by her side, Stared by a dozen people, Oriental Ming Hui Alexander.

Situ Hao was scared by the scene just now, and he jumped out of his hand. He reached out and tried to pull her. The result was that Xiaoguang directly arched his head.

The chubby paper smashed the oriental Minghui through the light energy cover, and checked it up and down.

"Hey, is this little thing raised by you? It's very brave." Xiaoguang is eager to make up the scene. It's obvious to everyone. Don't say that Tao Shuang and Zhijie are envious, even the other light spirits are gazing. Looking at the light beasts in the arms of the Oriental Minghui.

Dongfang Minghui had a complicated mood. Before that, she was rushing to send a gift from Situ’s brother and Bairou’s sister, so she gave Xiaoguang an auction. However, the little guy’s move just now made her heart cute, but she was reluctant to send it.

She touched the soft hair of Xiaoguang, hugged the little guy, and put her head against its small head, and snorted. "Xiaoguang has always been my pride, Xiaoguang, thank you for saving me." Life."

"Oh." Xiaoguang stretched out a small color and rubbed her nose.

"It is a light beast."


"Don't say it first, why are you alone, what about them?"

"Seven sisters still have something to do, and then they will rush to Xuedu and return to the thousand homes to join us." Dongfang Minghui secretly thought that the seventh sister is a dark spiritual master, is to inform the Situ brother in advance, or afterwards, the Situ brother found himself What?

She saw Situ Hao around a group of light teachers, did not think how long, they decided to take a step.

“Thank you for helping me.”

"The same is the person who is in addition to the Lingshi Trade Union. Everyone should watch and help each other. You don't have to be polite." Duan Yichen glanced at the Oriental Minghui. "The death sorcerer was just rushing to the Oriental girl. This road is not peaceful. Everyone is not as good as one. Go to the Lingshi Trade Union?"

Situ Hao looked at Oriental Minghui thoughtfully, and then he was surprised, "You also want to remove the Lingshi trade union?"

Duan Yichen tapped his head.

"That's great, the same way, everyone goes together."

"it is good."

The people brought by Duan Yichen and Tao Shuang and Zhijie have no opinions. The five people brought by Situ Hao, together with him, seem to be regarded as an independent small team, and this way becomes eleven.

Oriental Minghui and Xiaofeizi walked together at the end.

"After returning to Snow, I will settle with you."

"Yeah." A little fat man almost slammed the oriental Minghui, and the little fat man looked at her face badly, and comforted, "not afraid."

"When am I afraid of it." Oriental Minghui took a look at the little fat man, and then he pulled out the small bean sprouts in the space, together with the two rods. "Small bean sprouts are still handed to you, but one is Conditions are not allowed to hide from me."

The small bean sprouts lie down behind the little fat man, the book is divided, and nothing is wrong.

As a think tank to supervise them, Tong Tian rod leaps behind them, and the red hair on his head is refreshed.

After Situ Hao calmed the people in front of him, he slowly slowed down the speed and waited for Dongming Minghui on the side. "You know the death sorcerer?"

Dongfang Minghui was suddenly asked by him, and he had to think hard about it. After she searched it in her mind, "I think the person was familiar with it, but I couldn’t remember it."

The chubby paper on the side suddenly ran to the front of the Minghui, and it suddenly became a fiery red key. The shape of the key was the seal of the dragon seal.

This change has shocked Situ Hao on the side.

"The real person does not show up." After Situ Hao felt a lot of emotions, he quickly said, "You can change something and change it to show me."

The chubby paper has changed and returned to its original state.

Situ Hao came back and forth and looked at Xiaopeng Paper and Oriental Minghui. He quickly said, "You have known, fate."

Dongfang Minghui turned a blind eye at him. She couldn’t tell that the little fat man and the small bean sprouts were just like the children she raised. It was just the group of urchins she raised. These two are more rebellious and have not grown up yet. Run away from home.

"Small color, sleepy dragon print, sleepy Dragon Valley, have we seen this person?"

"It’s a dream if you are a feather." Pig fairy grass wants to smoke her again, but the grass tail is very heavy, only a small piece, far enough, after a mourning, can only give up, "In the thousand, not right, is the third The person I saw in the mirror."

Oriental Minghui, who has never seen the memory fragments, "How did he become this dead!"

"Dream if you feather."

"Hey, who is Meng Ruoyu?" Situ Hao didn't have any good feelings for the surnamed dreams. It stems from the fact that Bairou was dreamed of being a dream in the battlefield. So far, when he heard the 'dream', he was long. thorn.

"This thing asks thousands of mothers to know the most. She should understand Meng Ruoyu." Oriental Minghui only knows that the other party is a generation of prophets in the dream family. Before that, he injured the big sister in the trapped dragon valley and injured the mother of thousands. It’s just a dream, this person is obviously metamorphosed to the extreme. “But why does he hate me so much? Strange, I should have nothing to do with him.”

"Is the famous dreamer in the snow?" Situ Hao frowned, very disappointing. "A group of people like to pretend to be ghosts. I see that if this dream escapes, I will definitely go back to the dream house. When I get it, I will let In addition to the Lingshi trade unionists go to the door to see."

"Hey--" Oriental Minghui reminded him through such a reminder, "I am finished, if the dreams come back to the snow, if you are going to find thousands of mothers and wood, it is bad, they are dangerous."

“Million! Shou! Family!” Xiaopeng paper reminded me in a hurry that she swallowed the trapped dragon seal at the moment when the trapped Dragon Valley collapsed. The trapped dragon seal carried the memory fragments of the trapped Dragon Valley, and she saw it.

She is anxious to draw, the more the stroke, the more the Minghui of the East, "Little color, do you understand?"

The small color and the pig fairy grass shook his head, "I don't understand."

Dongfang Minghui couldn't understand it. She couldn't help but pay for it. "Puffy paper, so good. Waiting for the snow, we are looking for a room to sit down and talk. I am going to spend a month to listen. You said."

Situ Hao: "..."