MTL - Mixed Miners-Chapter 15 Flying skateboard

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It’s very quick to see the flowers, mainly the large sections of the theory, drawings, structures, materials, chips, etc., which are simply not understood, but the latter drive is even more black, but It can't stop Yang Ling's excitement. If this thing can really be developed, he stepped on it and went to the streets. The wind is so bad that it can't be described.

Back to the desktop, Yang Ling checked the news about the magnetic levitation skateboard on the Internet. Sure enough, the earth technology is still so embarrassing. The last news released by Google about the magnetic levitation skateboard was still the year before, and Lexus released a laboratory product this year. However, most experts and netizens suspected of fraud, and now they are still making trouble.

Yang Ling once again opened the TS707 memo, copying some of the material components and function chips listed therein, and storing them in several different files.

After waiting for the time to look at the time, it was already late at 12 o'clock, so the computer entered the miners system, and today did not mine, and directly into the stone house, began to practice "Tongmai refining soul".

As soon as the night passed, Yang Ling was almost awake at 6 am, all the body Shutai, refreshed, everything in the eyes was so clear, and there was a warm airflow in the body. Automatic circulation, long-lasting.

At this time, it was still not bright. Yang Ling was a little bored, but I didn’t want to go mining so early. It was too boring. I stood at the well and looked at the flowers for a while, then I left the small yard and went back to the room to open the computer. I sent the description of the electronic chip that I had copied yesterday to the QQ mailbox of the sixth child, and asked him to help me find out where to sell it. This stuff does not understand at all.

When the first bedroom was six people, Ding Cong was the youngest and ranked sixth. After graduation, he did not find a job in the provincial capital. He went directly to his elder brother’s electronics factory in Dongguan, mainly producing and assembling some low-end mobile phones. He also contacted Yang Ling last month. It is said that the business has not been done well in recent years, and the electronics factory owners have run a lot.

There are still a lot of other documents, and some physical materials are not estimated by the electronics factory. In particular, the core of a magnetic float system called Weiss's reverse magnetic field propulsion system is estimated to be a very professional talent line. Although I have drawings, I can't understand them. Yang Ling soaked a cup of tea, looked up the list on the Internet, and looked at what was there now. If he bought it or someone could do it, he would slowly make it up. If it was successful, it would be a big hit.

Waiting to see it, Yang Ling stretched out and stood up. At this time, the sky was already bright. Look at the time is almost eight o'clock, so I called Sun Xiaojing and learned that she still has a task today, so she chatted a few words. I went downstairs to eat.

Grinding to the office, almost nine o'clock, as usual, making tea, watching the news, waiting for someone to arrive is only a day to start work.

To say that Yang Ling is not a too lazy person, but the unit’s work for a few years, nine to five, people have become lazy, always feel that nothing can be done, even with a magical miner system, he is also I don’t worry at all. Mining is good, but it’s too tired. Especially the one that I cultivated, “Tongmai Refining the Soul”, let myself enter a strange state that cannot be controlled. Yang Ling is very worried but gives up. It’s not realistic, after all, I’ve really benefited a lot from it.

As soon as noon, Yang Ling received a call from a woman, claiming to be the daughter of Ouyang’s old man, saying that the property transfer procedure for the Wisteria Mountain Villa had been completed, and that he had to go to a certain place to take it. It sounded not too good. Yang Ling did not care, so he told the old Lu, who was opposite, and went out to take a taxi.

When I arrived at the destination, I met a middle-aged woman in her forties. She was very rich and long and very rich. After confirming her identity, she was very unwilling to hand a bag to Yang Ling, and she did not call. Turned on a Mercedes-Benz to go away.

Looking at the car that left, Yang Ling had some suspicions under his heart. It is estimated that Ouyang’s old man’s actions made his family very unintelligible. Think about it, tens of millions of real estate and cash will buy an inexplicable thing, and this thing is old. It is clear that it will be donated to the museum, and the family heritage is not shared. It is normal to be unwilling.

He took a taxi directly to the Wisteria Mountain Community and found the property management company to re-register the household/master information. Then he entered the villa and sat quietly in the spacious living room. His heart was full of emotions. It was like a dream. I am now the owner of this villa.

Keeping such a good house is not to be thundered.

Yang Ling took a break and went to the street to eat something. He went straight back to his place to clean up his belongings. In fact, there was nothing. Except for a few sets of clothes and computers, then there were some pieces of zero-crushed things. The carton moved into the small yard of the miners' system. The rest of the quilts, pots and pans were not needed. Anyway, there was nothing in the luxuriously decorated villa. After that, I called the landlord and handed the key of the concierge to the uncle in the restaurant downstairs. Helped to hand over to the landlord, and finally took a look at the place where I lived for nearly four years and left.

Shutan~! Going back to the villa, lying on the large sofa in the living room, watching the sixty-inch LCD TV, Yang Ling is satisfied with how to describe it, I really did not expect that I still have such a day.

Just when he couldn't find the North, the phone rang, and it was actually Han Xue.

"Han sister, what?"

"Xiao Yang, you are not in the office, where have you been?" The voice of Han Xue came from the opposite side.

"Not the last thing, today's real estate license got, I am moving!" Yang Ling did not marry her, after all, the last thing she and Han Xinglin both know from beginning to end.

"Oh! It seems that you are still very fast~! So soon you have passed the decadent life of capitalism, it's so cool!" Han Xue said a little embarrassed.

"Hey! If Han sister likes it, she can move in and live together! I am alone." Yang Ling said.

"Hey~! You are also a little color wolf. You guys all have a virtue. They are thinking about the pot in the bowl. When the sister moves over this generation, they can be confused. You are my boyfriend Lin Lin!" Han Xuexiao smiled. To.

"Right, Han Jie, help me take a vacation in the afternoon, I have a classmate from the field, I may have to accompany her." Yang Ling thinks that the unit has nothing to do, just looking for an excuse is too lazy to go.

"This is no problem. Linlin is at home recently. You are a big man. You have to take the initiative. Don't spend your time trying to smash my family, or I can't spare you!" Han Xueyu hangs a few words. Yang Ling couldn't help but be full of black lines. This is where the two are. I only saw it once. Although I have a good impression, I still can't talk about the stage of male and female friends. The woman's mind can't be understood by the normal person's mind.

Just hang up the phone, the phone has information reminder, a look is the old six Ding Cong sent, said that there are many factories in Dongguan, in addition to the computer CPU can not get out, anything can be manufactured, in a few days to find out to give yourself a message .

This news is good, Yang Ling almost jumped up happily, it seems that the magnetic suspension skateboard that pulls the wind is very likely to succeed! It is a pity that the most important magnetic floating system core device has not yet landed. Once that thing is fixed, the magnetic levitation flight is really not far from success.

A handsome man in a black tights, a red cloak, and a long hair fluttering, a sleek flight skateboard suddenly flies through the vast sky, greets the wind with a surf, and stays at the ground. The place, in front of countless young beautiful women shouted cheerfully, "Yang Ling! Yang Ling! Yang Ling ~!" There are even a few beautiful women who suddenly took off their shirts, revealing the choppy peaks, rushed up to hug him, smash him .

"Call~!" Yang Ling, who was sitting on the sofa, woke up and wiped his mouth. "I rely on it, it’s too exciting, I can’t wake up. But it’s really big~!" After staying for a half minute, I suddenly opened my mouth and said to myself: "Hey! The paranoia is getting worse and worse. It seems that I have to find a girlfriend. Is it Han Xinglin or the squad leader? Is it sweet? It looks like Han Jie is also very suitable for me~!"

I was so boring, I remembered that since I was promoted to the third star last night, I have not entered it yet, so I went directly to the miners is no big change in the small yard, it is higher flowers and plants. More beautiful, the pile of ore scattered on the ground, Yang Ling can not help but frown, this thing is very troublesome to deal with, but now is not in a hurry, so simply pick up the crossbow.

In front of him, he is no longer the small mountain in front of him, but standing under a low-sloping hill covered with gravel. The mountain is not very tall, bare and without any plants, the area is like the size of a football field, farther away. Still fascinated and can't see clearly.

Already changed places, it seems that the type of ore will be different. Yang Ling thought about it and began to dig it up on the **** of the hillside. The crossbow is less than the hoe, and it can’t be used in the same way. The ruler, the little stone can't stop it, just listen to the sound of "叮", a black ore is turned over, and the light curtain shows: a grade of lead ore, purity 85, value 0.001.

Cool! This is called mining, and the stuff with the **** can only be called planing. Yang Ling’s heart is overjoyed and he digs his arms and digs up.

“叮~”, first grade lead ore, purity 84, value 0.001;

“叮~”, first-grade lead ore, purity 83, value 0.001;


As he continually excavated, he felt that there was a warm breath in the body that was slowly flowing. The invisible Ren Duo two veins continually squeezed like an artery, as if to squeeze out something. Never before, it is very mysterious and very strange, and the soul seems to be floating quietly in the sky, watching everything about yourself, as if it is another one, not true and can not understand welcome books Friends to read, the latest, fastest, hottest series of works are available at mobile users please read.