MTL - Mr. Lu Wants To Promise By Marriage-Chapter 1059 Pregnant... (8)

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  Chapter 1059 Pregnant... (8)

  So, when she looked at Shang Lu Zhaoting with doubts and disbelief, she also said in a daze——

  "Don't look at me like that, I don't know what's going on...I don't feel anything at all...If it's true...this guy really came too suddenly...I'm not even mentally prepared..."

   While counting, Yu Xingtu frowned and stared at her belly, reached out to touch it, but there was no reaction at all, it was still very flat!

  How could it be two months?

  Yu Xingtu still couldn't believe it.

  At this moment, Lu Zhaoting also turned his body slightly, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover it, but Yu Xingtu could clearly feel his big hands trembling slightly at this moment, and he was very careful...

  He stopped slowly, felt, and after a while, he really felt like that. Looking at Yu Xingtu, he said in a deep voice, "Ah Xing... I can feel it breathing..."

  Hearing this, Yu Xingtu immediately raised his eyelids, pulled his hand away, and felt it himself. After a while, he also said, "It seems to be... But, are you sure it's not me breathing?"

Lu Zhaoting frowned when he listened, but it seemed that those bottomless eyes were also filled with joy that could not be concealed. When Yu Xingtu wanted to say something to him, he found that his The cold and dusty Jun's face was a little red, and he looked quite shy...

  Yu Xingtu was a little stunned!

  Looking at him in a daze, I thought I was wrong!

  I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time, and even forgot what I wanted to tell him just now!

   "No, Lu Zhaoting, I am the one who is pregnant, why do you react like this, why are you shy? You still look embarrassed..."

No matter how good the scenery is, it will be dissipated by her straightforward question. Lu Zhaoting put away the emotion on his face, glanced at her, and his cold and handsome face regained its usual calmness, and said in a deep voice, "You read it wrong!"

  Yu Xingtu frowned, "Impossible, how could I be wrong?"

   "Okay, let's go down, it's better to go to the hospital for a check-up. Let's go..."

   After finishing speaking, before she could make a sound, he had already bent down and hugged her.

   "This... I can walk by myself... My parents are still at home, I'm so sorry, I can walk..."

  Lu Zhaoting didn't see it at first!

   What's up here!

  He lived in the compound before, and Lu Nanhai and Dongfang Xian often showed affection in front of him. He was very calm and used to it!

   Besides, now is also a special period!


   Sure enough, when I got downstairs, Dongfang Xian had already called the car over, and she was a little excited, even Lu Nanhai came over, thinking that something happened...

  Dongfangxian happily whispered a few words in his ear, Lu Nanhai's face was very exciting, and immediately urged Lu Zhaoting to move quickly...

  Lu Zhaoting didn't bother to pay attention to them, and directly put Yu Xingtu into the car, Dongfang Xian followed behind, holding a cotton mop for Yu Xingtu, and some hot porridge in a thermos, and then hurriedly followed behind...

  The hospital is naturally the hospital where Dongfang Xian is located.

  Because Dongfang Xian called in advance to make an appointment, and when she arrived at the hospital, she got a green light all the way and did various tests, including blood tests...

  Looking at it, Lu Zhaoting couldn't help frowning, a little frightened. He heard that if he was pregnant, he would still have to do a lot of blood tests later, and he was even more worried...

  She is so skinny, if she smokes a few more times like just now, how can she bear it?

   But soon, the results of the inspection came out.

   "Director Dongfang, this is the result of the examination. It has been more than seven weeks, and the fetus is very healthy. There is no abnormal reaction in the examination. Just go back and pay attention. This is the result of the examination! Congratulations, Director Dongfang..."

  Yu Xingtu heard that the doctor who examined her just now came over, gave a report to Dongfang Xian at the door, and chatted with Dongfang Xian for a while.

   Dongfang Xian had a smile on her face and nodded from time to time.

  Yu Xingtu was stunned for a long time, then looked at the man beside him.

  Lu Zhaoting has already got up and walked over, wanting to take the report by himself...

However, Dongfang Xian also came over at this moment, glanced at him, but soon, a smile was on his face, and he said to Yu Xingtu, "I'm right, more than seven weeks, almost eight weeks It's been almost two months! You child, you didn't notice it at all! It's abnormal to be able to eat and sleep, that's also a reaction... Not all pregnant women will have nausea and vomiting! Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with you. Just stay at home for a while, wait until the baby is stable after three months... As for the wedding, we are almost ready, just be your bride well that day, and the other procedures will be slightly simplified Just a moment... Otherwise, your body can't stand it...Okay, let's go back, it's still a bit cold outside, be careful..."

  Dongfang Xian said, then helped Yu Xingtu up, and walked outside.


   completely ignored the existence of his own son...

  Lu Zhaoting was stunned for a while, then frowned, took the bag on the side, and followed out.

"Let me tell you, this is just the beginning, and it feels quite difficult to enter the role. You have to wait until the baby inside grows up and can move. At that time, you will feel the magic of life! Just like your own life It seems that every day is full of expectations! I hope it can grow up early and come out to report... But some reactions still need to be paid attention to, and it is a bit late today, so I will go back and have a good rest, and I will talk to my mother tomorrow Please explain clearly the things you need to pay attention to...From now on, you can't wear these high heels, and keep warm, there are still eight months, you will have to work hard in the future..."

  Dongfang Xian talked to Yu Xingtu all the way, very gentle, full of comfort and consideration.

  Yu Xingtu is still in a daze...

Touching her belly with both hands, the starry eyes are still full of trance, the man sitting next to her seems to be in no better condition than him, those eyes have been looking at her, clasping her five fingers with big hands, cold Chuchen's face is sometimes serious, sometimes with a smile, always looks a little silly...

   "Hey, I seem a little nervous, I'm not ready..."

   After a while, Yu Xingtu turned his head slightly, and said softly to him, "But now, I seem to be looking forward to it..."

  Lu Zhaoting took a deep breath, and couldn't care about the old woman over there anymore. He stretched out his hand to embrace her, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said in a low voice—

   "Me too...Thank you, Ah Xing..."

  (end of this chapter)