MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 15 My Family Magnolia

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The fourteen Beijing Central Guards who had been chosen by a handful of people lived at Hua Mulan's house for three days, and finally returned.

Those born and rich Yulin Lang have suffered a lot in these three days.

One of Yulin Lang accidentally stepped on the roof and the moss fell when he repaired the roof. Fortunately, Mulan was helping the child with Fang's and Hua Muto at that time, in order to prevent Yu Linlang from falling to death and scaring the child (big (Mist), He Mulan stepped forward to catch the Yulin Lang, which did not lead to the drama of “tragedy.

As for how He Mulan picked it up, and in what posture he picked it up, he can't bear to look back. In order not to leave a shadow in Yulin Lang's next life, the robes thoughtfully did not see or forget. Already.

Other pig-feeding, chicken-feeding, and grinding mills will not be mentioned one by one. Anyway, they are all effort without difficulty.

Although the younger brother was very distressed, there was a Yu Linlang who helped to kill the chicken. As a result, the chicken head was chopped down, so that no chicken blood was received. But these days, for this child, he has carried the burden of the family since he was a child and will farm As a daily young boy, raising horses and feeding pigs are really incredible days.

Even when he and Fang Shi went to bed in the middle of the night, he couldn't help telling him that if it was him who later served as a soldier, would he now live such a magnificent life and wear such bright clothes.

In this regard, Fang relentlessly poured him a basin of cold water.

"Wait until you are not afraid of the dead."

For those children of the Han family, they have learned a lot in the past few days. They are now confident that if they fail, they will not starve to death by virtue of a handwritten letter.

After all, writing letters and poetry are different, especially those who do n’t know the big characters. For ordinary people who do n’t understand a little bit of rhetoric, how to save the most paper and write it has become a science.

These northern Gaomen children gradually mastered this knowledge among the grandmothers of countless old ladies and grandpas.

The biggest feelings are those thoughts that fell down while writing.

Missing the son who traveled far away;

Missing the wandering wanderers;

Missing whether the married daughter is now at ease;

The most beautiful and simplest emotion for a loved one or a lover ...

They wouldn't say "one day without seeing, like March", nor would they say "gentleman in battle, why not think", but their words were more touching than verses.

If it is said that these strong children were only doing this in order to leave a good impression on Hua Mulan, then they are already willing and fully understand the meaning of "giving more than receiving".

The word, a weapon in the hands of the rich scribes, played its role in this gentle way, soothing the minds of those who saw it.

These strong children will even be curious, if the soldiers at the border and those who travel far away see the letter they write, how will they feel.

In any case, when He Mulan clearly showed that they had disturbed her life, the Yulin Lang had to rush back to Pingcheng.

They admired Hua Mulan so much that she didn't want to see her showing the slightest disgust towards them.

In the early morning, the fourteen knights pulled their horses from the stables behind the Mulan house. He Mulan instructed Lux ​​to remove the gift they sent from her storeroom and reload it into the carriage.

Although the fourteen knights agreed that they had disturbed the peace of the flower family for so many days, these colorful gifts could be given to Mulan as pure gifts, but He Mulan thought of being indifferent, and she did reject them. Courtship, at this time, it is a bit unkind to ask for a gift, so I will not be resolute, and the fourteen riders can only follow.

"General Flower, say goodbye today, I don't know if I can see you anymore. I hope you can kick me out next time we come as old friends." Du Guo Nuo's eyes were red, if he was not the official Lang Guan, At this moment he could not wait to set up a hut beside the flower house until Mulan was willing to marry.

"That's natural." He Mulan smiled heartily, "Next time I come, I will treat you well with wine and food."

She winked at Dugu Nuo jokingly.

"You have too many people this time, so you have to save good wine."

Dugu Nuohe had seen the naughty side of Hua Mulan, and then he hesitated for a while, then ecstatic.

"General Dugu ..." He Mulan came to Dugu Nuo's ear and whispered in his ear.

With He Mulan's approach, Dugu Nuo's heart beat red and he wanted to jump up, but after he heard He Mulan's words, he really jumped up.

"I have heard that putting vinegar every day when you soak your feet can effectively prevent foot odor ..."

"Everyone said it wasn't me!" Dugu Nuo looked red, "Not me but not me!"

He Mulan looked at Dugu Nuo with a smile.

"Ah, it's not you. Then just listen, maybe you will use it later?"

Dugu Nuo cursed in his heart that he didn't know which king and eight lambs were slandering him, and was immediately surrounded by the knights who prepared the horse.

"What secret message did General Hua just tell you?"

"Dugunuo is so treacherous, did you sell in front of General Hua when you went to the market?"

"Okay, fair competition!"

What is fair competition?

Whose feet are more fragrant?

Dugu Nuo rolled his eyes.

The fourteen rides were quickly reorganized, and Fang's and Yuan's held the newly-made pasta and boiled eggs for them to use as dry food on the road.

He Mulan's research was very successful. After milling the wheat flour and water, a dead noodle cake was made. Although time can not be used to make a "leavened head", the flour made from pure wheat flour is better than rye many. Although these fourteen riders are prominently born, because they often accompany Tuoba to hunt, they accidentally do not pay attention to food and dry food.

He Mulan also felt sad when she saw such a parting scene.

Whether or not they came because of Tuoba's instructions, they were willing to come, and already expressed something moving.

Although she doesn't think there is anything wrong with being single, she still appreciates everything Tuoba did for Mulan.

She is not blind. During the three days of getting along, she naturally felt that the fourteen soldiers in the army, except for their handsome appearance and tall stature, were of good character.

Fourteen good young men with a red heart, this emperor Tuoba, really wanted Hua Mulan to get a certain "happiness".

This is by no means the false "happiness" in Cui Lin's mouth for the people in the world to see. If that is the case, as long as the Tuobayu is forced by the flower family, forcing her to marry a young man who seems to be an excellent outsider. Why do we have to do everything we can to make a "back" scene and let them spend time with her naturally?

These three days, she watched them clumsily catch chickens and feed pigs, and went to the house to uncover tiles.

She watched a high-looking young man with a clean face splashed on his face with the saliva spraying from an old lady's mouth, but just wiped it silently, and continued to lower his head and re-write the letter.

She looked at Dugu Nuo as if she was pulling the stone mill like a donkey, as if she could not feel her teasing at all.

Such qualities are more valuable than their origin and future. And she didn't believe that Tuobayu was so savvy and eye-catching, but she just picked so many young people.

But like Shijijiro in front of him, Hua Mulan is also an icon of He Mulan. Because Mulan is He Mulan's idol, He Mulan is carefully using the heritage of "Hu Mulan" and never dare to "steal" her things.

She never forgets who these people worship, who they love, and who they want to marry.

She has to stay so awake at all times and not be dazzled by this vanity.

So she clenched her fists in front of the fourteen knights in front of her and said something aloud.

What she said was not her own words, but through Hua Mulan's body, with Hua Mulan's mouth, she said what Mulan had always remembered in her soul and would never forget.

They came for Mulan, and she felt that they needed to listen.


"Everyone spends three days in the cold house, knowing that people's lives are difficult and the world is hard. My flower family is already a wealthy family among the civilians of the Wei Dynasty. Light, I know that after you are both expensive and expensive, you may not understand such a life ... "

"In Dawei, there are more people who are inferior to my family, but still shrinking and dieting, and raising Dawei's soldiers and horses, just for my Dawei's invincibility and invincibility, and a few children in the army can die Back to the countryside, don't let the war burn to your hometown. "

"I don't understand any reason. I just hope that you will run across the field and think of these people."

He Mulan knew that many of them had not experienced a big war. Even if they were like Dugu Nuo, they were fighting on the battlefield for the glory of the family and their own future.

For them, the battlefield is just a place for promotion, and the future of life is nothing more than that.

They are indeed much easier than ordinary soldiers like Hua Mulan who slowly slashed from the army with one shot and one shot, and it is easier to grow into a high commander. They were so blessed that they never looked down at the scenery below.

For millions of people, war is not like this.

None of them is Mulan, and there is no need to disarm and return to the field in the best age of a warrior, so the beliefs they carry and the path they choose may affect more people.

"Meng Jun teaches, you must keep in mind!"

Tokgo promised.

"Meng Jun teaches that he will live the rest!"

The thirteen knights shouted.


Father Hua supported his cane and leaned against a mulberry tree in the courtyard. When she saw her slender daughter saying, "I hope you will run across the field in the future, you can think of these people." She couldn't help avoiding the trees and wiped her tears.

He probably understood why his daughter promised him to return home alive as soon as he had a chance, but he waited for twelve years to wait until this day.

He used to think that because of Mulan's amazing talents, he had not concealed her power in the army as he asked. No one wants to let go of such a warrior, so I let her learn so far.

It now seems that the child volunteered to stay in the army.

If it was said that he was glad that the children who had been fighting in the battlefield returned to his hometown, the visit of the fourteen riders today gradually let him touch the other side of his daughter.

Hiding under the appearance of longing for ordinary life, that once belonged to the extraordinary side of her daughter.

He wondered if his daughter's heavy call before leaving the house made her give up her life in the army and return to her hometown. Mulan didn't want to change, she just wanted to return to her family as she was, and even accepted many things silently for their feelings.

But after all, she is no longer the good girl who will "knit" under the window.

He had regretted that Mulan was not a boy, because if that was the case, the "rich" of the flower family (Note 1) would not have to give up everything that she had fought.

But now he finds him wrong. What is the difference between a boy and a girl like this? Because she is a woman, she deserves to make him even more proud.

Wouldn't it be worthy of him to say, "I don't understand the main reason, and only hope that you will run across the field and think of these people".

If he had been a soldier of Her Majesty, I'm afraid he would die with her in the battlefield.

Seeing her husband leaning against the mulberry tree, Yuan Shi couldn't care what his daughter was saying to the handsome young men, and hurriedly ran to her husband.

"Fu Lang, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?" She wiped away his tears, wondering what her husband was hurting.

"Baby her mother, let's not urge Mulan to get married."

Father Hua opened his red eyes and murmured, "You can't press, you can't press."

"Why? Why? I'm still a pity. There are so many good men this time ..." Yuan looked at the knights at the door with some regrets. "Unfortunately, my family is just an ordinary person after all. It may not be good for Mulan to climb high Although I am a woman, I still understand ... "

"You don't understand ..." Hua Father held up his cane, making his back straight like a daughter.

"How can it be high? No one in our family is married."

He murmured what Yuan's didn't understand.

"She has turned into a goshawk and spread her wings high. When she was flying, everyone knew that it was a sin to lock her up, so she continued to fly. Now that she is tired, we can't think of her as Swallows who live under the roof. "

"Ha?" Yuan's eyes were dumbfounded.

What swallows and eagles?

"Let Mulan continue to live the life she wants to live." He paused and said those two words heavily.

"She's 'wanted' a day."