MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 8 Courting Magnolia

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mulan Wu Brother!

What a pity!

It is a pity that Hua Mulan is not an official!

Why did Hua Mulan choose to return home!

Stupid people! superstition! Makes no sense!

The Hua family should not move to Ying Guo Township in the south, but stay in Huai Shuo!

Listen, listen, what's going on outside now!

She doesn't have enough support, so she wants to talk to people!

The case of Liu Jiaji next door, because of its story and dissemination, also involved Liu Jiaji's strongman Liu Meng and the only reader who could write in the village. It's almost the same as "Country Headlines".

Liu Yuan was described by people as a tough personality, asking for help, and carrying a knife to the door to kill Liu Meng, but in the end he was just a good and honest man who died in his own yard. And Liu Meng, who once had a stick to try to stab Liu's family, has been spurned countless times, and it has become the kind of cruel and indomitable bully often found in the script.

I heard that the relatives in Liu Meng ’s five suits could n’t go out now, and they were taken away. The girl in this family will definitely not be able to marry in the future, and the boy will not be able to marry his wife in the future. It's all possible.

In this era, fame is gone, and there is no man in the home with a top doorpost, which means that he can't stand and nothing.

What's more, his family also committed the crime of robbing others of their wealth, forcing people to death, and beating their children.

He Mulan held an indifferent attitude to these rumors. Anyway, this is Liu Meng's evil report. He dared to do it at first, and he should have thought about what would happen if the incident happened.

But they shouldn't talk about Mulan's head last.

As for Mulan, the people here are both respectful and curious, and there are still many people who disagree.

For them, who are in the hinterland in the south of the Great Wei Dynasty, do not hoard heavy soldiers, and are rarely ransacked by tribes such as Bian Guan Rouran, the story of Hua Mulan's "father serving in the army" is both strange and storylike, so everyone Love talks about Mulan who is "unarming and returning to the field".

They talked eagerly about her figure, her looks, her bravery, and her rich body.

The dead Liu Yuan had asked Hua Mulan for a relationship, and the news that the Hua family refused was spread. The freshest "news" recently combined with the hottest stories of the past has pushed Hua Mulan to the cusp again at almost viral speed.

The so-called words are like tigers, which is not false at all.

After rumors spread for a while, it became Hua Mulan's natural life, but Liu Jialang died tragically at the matchmaking stage, and he forgot to ask more than one from Mulan, and everyone else lived well.

And Hua Mulan's cousin went to the Liu family and refused to be a relative, which also became a testament to her lack of love and love for the rich.

Everyone loves to talk about Liu Yu'an's love and hatred with Hua Mulan, but no one considers the truth of the matter, and is unwilling to fill it with less anger and indignation and think more.

Before Mulan was the focus of Liang County, now it is even more embarrassing.

At this time, women's status was much higher than that of the later Song Dynasty, but the court and battlefields were still the domain of men. Although Mulan was worthy of respect, after all, it represented a kind of "religion and apostasy" out of the mainstream.

Fortunately, Hua Mulan is Xianbei mixed with Han people. It is quite normal for Xianbei women to show their faces on weekdays. There have also been Xianbei women who replaced the dead husband to serve as soldiers. Therefore, local Han people sometimes talk about her experience in the army, but Never talk about this experience.

After all, the Xianbei people are different from the Han people in terms of system. The villagers just talk about what Mulan's body is. It ’s no problem, but if you say that it is wrong for her to join the army to defend the country or to serve the father, she might be When any official heard this, they would go online and think that the Han people had opinions on Xianbei's control of the military, or on the government system of the generations, which caused disaster.

So they all clearly agree with Mulan ’s heroic behavior and guarding the country, but they do n’t talk about this, they talk about all other aspects of her, especially “tiger bears with ugly black skin and men mixed together for twelve years. If you ca n’t marry, you may be too old to have children. ”

These men seem to think that through this "gossip", even if women are capable, they will end up in a lonely end, and the arguments that men should do men's affairs and women should do women's work.

As if to say it again, there is a reasonable reason why they have not gone to the front to do their part to resist Rouran, and if they go, they will have a more perfect ending.

You see, women can be generals. I do n’t even want to marshal a marshal ...

Damn it!

Hua Mulan alone can pick ten "Marshals" like you, OK?

Those of you who have only a combat power of five can be chased by the evil dogs, and the scum can't even be moved by the rake!

"Sister, don't be angry. Those are idle women and shrews, who have broken mouths and can't control them. They are angry with them and can't handle themselves." Hua Mutuo looked at He Mulan helplessly, expressing anxiety.

He and his sister went to the surrounding bazaar this morning to buy beans for horses. His sister always liked to stroll around the bazaar, buy some strange things, and wait for them to come back after a circle, and hear the gossips on the streets and lanes. His sister was so angry.

When He Mulan heard them, they knew that when Hua Mulan had just returned home, they had definitely talked about her once as a talk.

She didn't know how Mulan was feeling at the time, because there was no memory in her mind at all. Maybe Mulan really doesn't care, she doesn't care about it at all; maybe Mulan deliberately forgets and doesn't let it shake her emotions ...

Either way, Mulan is really a strong person.

He Mulan thanked Mulan from the bottom of her heart. Compared to modern life, she is certainly not perfect. She has no job, no goals, and no friends or relatives who are familiar with her. If the emperor was not generous, she would have rewarded her a lot after she resigned from office, fearing that she didn't have much money.

After fighting for so many years, she was all alone, and she can only say that she is indifferent to fame or fortune.

But He Mulan is still grateful for her original owner, because even this life, she will not come easily. If she is not dressed as "Mulan", she may have had no inheritance rights, no education, no public appearance, must accept her husband's wife and concubine, or become a mortuary herself, and then live a lifetime of pregnancy and children Days.

Now she is able to walk in the country in men's clothing, and can stand upright anywhere, including the lobby of the county government.

Her knees don't have to be easily bent for whom, her force is enough to ensure that she will not be easily injured ...

This is the precious wealth left by Mulan.

Not everyone is going to be a "hero heroine", but at least understand.

For thousands of years, female generals and "heroes" have been few and far between, but it is these great women who have erected a banner for countless women, making all women proud of the freedom and power that women deserve, and Work harder in the direction of happiness.

These women who go against the times are real fighters.

How the cowardly idlers can make Hua Mulan ugly, He Mulan can still understand, but the women who accompany them, she doesn't know what the psychology is.

For people like Hua Mulan, at least they should agree or not comment, instead of rumors and rumors, this is the politeness and education that should be the same sex.

He Mulan's heartache will not be understood, because she does not come from this era, and she is not willing to submit to this era.

This determines that her replacement is more painful than anyone else.

Pained for her idol Hua Mulan, for the terrible things that countless "heroes" may encounter in that year.

He Mulan was in a bad mood, and her father's head was very low. Xianbei's soldiers succeeded hereditary, and their children and grandchildren did not have any way out except to serve as soldiers, nor did they give any way out. It is his birth that has caused his daughter's current situation. For the old school captain who has been silent for more than ten years, his silence is the biggest pain.

The flower mother didn't say anything, the gentle woman faced the wall, she knew nothing but tears. At that time, Hua Mulan served in the army for her father. She was actually relieved. This tone of relief had tortured her for more than ten years.

After all, Hua Mulan is also her daughter. If she is not guilty for so many years, it must be false.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely dull, and it seemed as if there was something immobile in it, blocking all eyes, ears, noses and noses.

Hua Mulan has now become the most important backbone of the whole family. Whether she wants her to find a lifetime or worry that she has no children, it is because the whole family hopes to make up for what Mu Mulan has lost for many years, and hopes that she can live in the future. Happiness.

So she is happy, they are happy; she is sad, they are all sad.

Just when the atmosphere in the room had been suppressed, when Yuan Shi wanted to run, Fang Shi, who was holding the child, and several villagers suddenly entered the house, and said in panic:

"General Hua, Laohan, suddenly a team of people came into the village and headed towards our village! They rode horses and drove their cars and asked everywhere where General Hua Mulan lived ..."

He Mulan froze.


Looking for Mulan?

Revenge? Repay? Is it a gift?

He Mulan was still angry and sad just now, and when these villagers said, she immediately distracted her.

Flower Father frowned, and spit out a lot of words: "Are they dressed in Han or are we dressed in Xianbei? Are there armored weapons? Are they horses or good horses? How many people are there in a few rows? Are they driving a cart or ox cart? ? "

The villagers who came to the news were asked with sweaty faces, and even the younger brother Hua and Mulan looked at the old man who was silent in the usual way.

"The Xianbei Han people all have ... wearing armor, weapons, and weapons?" A villager asked his companion.

"I don't seem to see it, do you have a sword?" He wasn't sure.

"Is that a military horse or a good horse?"

"There is a mark on the back of the buttock, is it a horse?"

"Warhorse? Is it warhorse? So strong horse ..."

"It's a carriage, not a ox cart!"

Hearing the words of the villagers, Huafu's brows frowned even tighter.

"Which cubs have made the heavy cart ride!"

"Master, this is not the time to say this ..."

While talking, suddenly the sound of a group of horses running around the house.

The rare horse-raising family in Huajia Village lives relatively remotely. There are horse races before and after. The land is level, so the sound of the horseshoes stepping on the ground is very obvious.

Mulan's love riding "Yueying" suddenly hissed from the sky, and then the steeds in the backyard stables screamed, like some unforeseen sign.

The Hua family and the villagers of the newspaper rushed to help each other out. He Mulan had never heard such a uniform horseshoe sound, and now he opened the curtain and went out first.

After listening to the sound of thunderous horseshoes, there was a constant sound of horse control. From a distance of ten feet away from the flower family, the knights all slowed down the horse speed, almost like a worship Keep your attitude under control.

The knight was surrounded by many folks who came to see the bustling people, but they didn't see the carriage. They wanted to come and were left behind.

Hee hee hee hee hee ...

Yueying rushed for two steps, emptied from the stable, crossed the stall, and headed towards the outside like a blast.

The riders who came to the front of the flower house were all dressed in black felt blankets. Those who dressed as soldiers wore black Wei uniforms in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The head of the man was wearing a dazzling bright armor with a silver crown on his head.

But when people look like tigers, horses are like dragons. People are both strong and majestic. Each horse is high-headed and long-legged.

As soon as Yueying ran out of the front yard, he rushed into the horses immediately and put on ears with the horses.

There were fourteen riders in total. As soon as they reached the entrance of the flower house, they immediately dismounted and walked towards the stagnant He Mulan.

Although they are not many in number, they are all physically strong. He Mulan is one meter and seven feet tall. None of these men is as tall as He Mulan, and they are as powerful as a thousand troops.

Fourteen people saw Hua Mulan restored the man's dress, and his eyes were full of joy. The general wearing the bright light armor stepped out of the group of knights, and the iron boots made a squeaking sound, which made all people wait. Stay sideways with him.

I saw this magnificent man walking straight to He Mulan in front of the person, kneeling on one knee, giving a half-ceremony, shouting loudly:

"The Admiral is lonely and promised. Hearing General Hua's move, come to marry him!"

Dugu Nuo shouted, and the thirteen knights marched together at the military salute behind him, kneeling and begging:

"The general will wait for Liu Zhenlang / General Yu Lin in Liuzhen, and heard that General Hua recruited him and came to marry him!"

Breathing voices continued to emanate from the crowd, and Huafu was in tears.

Fang's side, while coaxing the children not to be afraid, was shaking with excitement.

This is Mulan!

This is the life that Mulan should have in her imagination!

The fourteen soldiers were more than eight feet tall, described as well-behaved, handsome and handsome, and had the spirit of British tyrants. Occasionally, a few Chinese knights did not wear armor, obviously they were born from strong children or one party, and the gorgeous and exquisite clothing accessories almost flashed the eyes of the blind villagers.

He Mulan had previously thought that Hua Mulan's old robe was visiting. This look, except that the first teenager was a comrade who had fought alongside her. The Xianbei nobleman was alone and promised. Don't know it.

It turned out that it was not revenge or retribution, but it was Hualan's support.

He Mulan laughed at all, raised the head of Dugu Nuo and shook his head.

"Oh, don't make trouble!"