MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 1889 Became!

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In this way, the lovely girl of the Tianren in this flower season was directly deceived by the female devil of Chu Hui. After a lapse of years, this girl has become one of the most dazzling stars on the Rune Network. Every time she recalls this, she always feels happy and regretful.

Because she was fortunate enough to see the true God, there is another master sister. But unfortunately... it was her at that time, she didn’t know what the two men were doing. Just because of curiosity, it drove her into the store.

However, it was this accident that directly changed her life.

After a long time.

The girl looked up in shock and looked at Chu Hui. He asked sillyly: "Then...the ones above are all human races?"

This girl is not stupid, although the Terran and the Heavenly Man do not see any difference in appearance. But the temperament and manners of the body are still very different. More importantly, those who Chu Hui gave to this girl all use human language.

"Yeah, do you discriminate against humans?" Chu Hui asked.

“No.” The girl replied with affirmation: “I don’t know their race very much, I don’t know how they lived. But now I seem to know a little.”

Said, the girl's pure eyes, began to show the color of excitement, looking at Chu Hui said: "Sister, the world of mankind, actually so rich and colorful. But ... you show me these, Is it happening now?"

Chu Hui thought about it and said: "There are some things that were made before, and then played through this thing; however, there are some, just like the pretty big sister that my sister just showed you. That is what is happening now. However, that place is a bit far from here. So, strictly speaking, there is still a little difference in time. But it is not big."

"That' amazing! This is a lot more than our contactor!" The porcelain doll girl looked at Chu Hui with a stunned look and said, "But where are they? Look like it." Is it in the world of infinite days?"

Chu Hui looked at the girl and couldn’t help but smile: "Do you want to see it?"

"Think!" The girl nodded very positively, and then looked at Chu Hui with a look of hope.

Chu Hui said: "The place, but a little far away. It is not in the world of the world, it is Pangu world."

"Panggu World? I seem to have heard of it?" The porcelain doll girl frowned slightly and her expression was quite cute. In the end, I was disappointed. "It’s a pity that Mom and Dad never let me go out. They said that the world outside is very dangerous..."

At this point, the heavens and the humans are actually similar. Parents are all kinds of protections for their children, and they are not at ease.

Chu Hui said: "You are so cute, you can actually broadcast your own program on this rune board."

"Yeah, can it still be like this?" The girl looked surprised and said, "I want to learn the human language!"

"You are so smart, and you are not low-minded. You have a supreme realm. It is very simple to learn a language." Chu Hui said: "Come, my sister taught you how to use this rune card."

When he said, he pulled the porcelain doll girl aside and Barabala began to explain it.

In Chu Mo's opinion, how can Chu Hui's move be like a bad female devil who tricks a girl.

However, she had to admire Chu Hui's ability. She only spent less than an hour, and she taught the heavenly girl completely. Moreover, this girl also worshipped her and could not worship. Although the heart still feels that this big brother is handsome, but the eyes of the porcelain doll girl, but more stay in Chu Hui.

Looking at Chu Hui’s eyes is also full of worship.

In the end, Chu Hui successfully sent her to the first rune letter board after the infinite day, and then stood proudly in front of Chu Mo to start the work.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"Not bad. However, do you think this is really no problem?" Chu Mo is still somewhat doubtful.

Chu Hui looked at Chu Mo with a look: "Oh my brother, you can rest assured, really no problem! There is absolutely no problem! I promise!"

Chu Mo smiled and shook his head. Then, this shop fell into a calmness. For three days, no curious heaven came in.

However, Chu Hui is very calm and calm and stays here every day.

Chu Mo can't help himself. Every day, he goes out and walks far away. Instead, he does not leave the city, but he is feeling the customs of the heavens and the people. See how big the gap between the Tianren and the Terran is. . What are the similarities and what are the differences.

A lot of things are actually like this. If you don't feel it, you will never understand what kind of different information is hidden inside.

In the cognition before Chu Mo, the Terran were selfish, conceited, arrogant, unsocial, and extremely self. It can be said that they have completely different personalities from human beings. In addition to the beautiful things, the almost obsessive pursuit of art, it has a high degree of fit with many human beings. They are completely different races from human beings.

However, after these days, Chu Mo found that he had a big misunderstanding of his judgment on the heavens. The biggest misunderstanding is that the Tianren people are selfish, indifferent, not united, and not bloody.

Because Chu Mo discovered that these ordinary Tianren people, in addition to being more sloppy and advocating freedom than the Terran, other people, the similarity with humans is very high!

Chu Mo was calculating the reason for this, and soon he came to a conclusion.

That is, the more profound the heavens, the more powerful the influence of the rune life. It is like the blood of the human race. The most primitive blood, good or bad, is the purest. But as the number of future generations increases, the blood of the ancestors will become thinner and thinner.

The same is true of the heavenly people of the Terran. Among them, those who are top-level are almost the first generation of the first generation or the second generation of the third generation. They can control the power of a part of the cycle. After going through countless cycles, fundamentally, they have not changed much.

But the descendants of these heavenly people are completely different. Although they can control the power of reincarnation to a certain extent, it is only able to reincarnate in the four days. After the reincarnation, it is still only a man of heaven.

The imprint of the rune life in their bodies is actually getting less and less with this cycle. On the contrary, the qualities of human beings are becoming more and more obvious in this process of continuous reincarnation!

A porcelain doll girl is a particularly obvious example. If you don't see her in the city of the Tianren, but see her in the human city, I believe no one will think that this is a Tianren girl.

Although the temperament of the body is different, even in the human race, there are many different races, different skin colors, and the temperament displayed is completely different!

"It seems that the entire four days, only those who have been trained to the level of the great ancestors, are the people who are truly the most affected by the rune life!"

Chu Mo muttered to himself and found this problem, which made his mood very pleasant. Because these four days, the infinite heavenly people, in the future... will have a chance to truly integrate into the human race. At that time, they will not be separated from each other.

Through this observation, Chu Mo saw the hope of the integration of two races.

Moreover, this hope is many times larger than he imagined...

On the third night, Chu Mo returned to the shop of “Dare to dare to send” and found that there was still a person in Chu Hui. There were even more rare flowers in the store.

Chu Mo smiled and asked: "How come you have fun and start to play with flowers? Is it too boring?"

Chu Huibai gave him a look and said: "This is the owner of this shop."

Chu Mo’s face is weird: “That guy... shouldn’t he want to pursue you?”

Chu Hui smiled and said: "I don't know, but I sent him a rune letter board."

"..." Chu Mo immediately looked speechless.

Chu Hui said: "Brother, believe me, at most two more days... the door of our shop will be squeezed."

"You blow..." Chu Mo has not finished yet. Suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, I'll come first!"

"Have a little bit better? People are girls!"

"Girls can't jump in the queue!"

"Everyone is a friend of Crystal, don't hurt this thing. If you look at it, this shop doesn't dare to send it when you dare to say it? Explain that they still have a lot!"

"Right right, everyone queues up, line up the team, don't let the boss laugh at us, we don't cultivate."

Chu Hui looked at the sluggish Chu Mo, smiled slightly: "Brother, became!"

Update is sent today.

I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day! ! ! .
