MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-Chapter 14 oil mill

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   Chapter 14 Oil Workshop

   "Peanuts! Selling peanuts! This year's new peanuts, whoever buys peanuts, come and have a look!"

   "The new peanuts in the greenhouse, come and try it if you don't buy it..."

  Chen Ling found a spacious place in the miscellaneous grain area, parked the donkey cart, and shouted at the top of his voice.

   At this point in time, the number of talents in the miscellaneous grain area has just increased.

  Chen Ling's shout immediately attracted many people.

   I grabbed a few and peeled them open. They were really fresh peanuts that had just dried out, and I thought they were quite rare.

   When I asked, I heard Chen Ling say that it was grown in a greenhouse.

   The crowd immediately became more lively, and kept asking Chen Ling this and that.

   Some people inquired about Chen Ling’s village, some asked him if he was good at planting greenhouses, and how much would it cost to build a greenhouse…

   There are all kinds of questions, and during this period, I also tasted Chen Ling's peanuts.

  I also think it tastes better than ordinary peanuts.

   But it didn't sell as fast as Chen Ling imagined.

   is not to say that no one buys, but to buy less.

   All are bought for two or three pounds, and a little more is five or ten pounds.

   The most I bought was 50 catties, and I was the owner of the grain and oil store in the farmers market.

   told Chen Ling that peanuts are delicious, but I don’t know if they will produce oil, so I bought 50 kilograms of them to try.

  If there is not much oil, just eat it by yourself.

   made Chen Ling quite helpless.

   I wondered if I had overestimated the purchasing power of this era.

   Next, Chen Ling shouted a few words from time to time, and the people who bought peanuts never stopped.

   Seeing that they were new peanuts, and hearing from Chen Ling that they were grown in greenhouses, they were all willing to buy them.

   But there is still the problem of buying less.

   At about eleven o'clock, there were still about a hundred kilograms of peanuts left on the donkey cart.

   "Tsk, I disliked the loss of these five hundred kilograms of peanuts before. Who would have known that after drinking all morning, there are still so many left."

  Chen Ling shook his head, feeling quite helpless.

   In fact, he also understands that this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

   Regardless of the current era or future generations, it is not easy to quickly open up market sales and attract a large number of customers.

   Just because of the sun and moon cave, Chen Ling's expectations were a little high.

   "And this is based on the market price, without much price increase."

   The current market price of shelled peanuts is 80 cents a pound, but that was last year’s peanuts. Chen Ling took advantage of the gimmicks of fresh peanuts and greenhouse peanuts to increase it by 1 cent and sell it for 9 cents a pound.

  People can still accept it.

   But if it goes up by another 1 cent, or 1 yuan per catty of peanuts, it won't work.

   Money is still relatively valuable in this era.

   And the price difference of food is relatively small, sometimes five cents higher than the market price, and it cannot be sold.

  Wheat, paddy, corn, rice, the price difference is only a few cents, if you dare to pay 1 cent more, it is a time when the market is quite good.

   It was almost noon, and the grain area was slowly disappearing.

  Chen Ling sold another ten kilograms of peanuts, and there were about seventy to eighty kilograms left in the donkey cart.

   So he decided to have a meal and fill his stomach first.

   Then figure out how to get rid of the peanuts left in the cave as soon as possible.

  The yield per mu of land is about 600 to 700 jin. The one mu of land the day before yesterday and 2 mu of land yesterday, a total of more than 2,000 jin was collected.

   At the current speed, I am afraid it will take several days to sell.

   After all, the market is empty in the afternoon, so I can only buy half-day in the morning.

   For lunch, Chen Ling ate the fried noodles at the farmers market.

  Red Oil Soup, Pork Dumplings, a large bowl of steaming heat, the amount is extremely affordable.

  Chen Ling was very satisfied. After paying the money, he drove the donkey cart out of the market and found a place to feed the donkey with water.

   If you don't eat or drink all morning, the donkey can't stand it either.

   In order to reward this stubborn donkey, after Chen Ling finished feeding the water, he fed it with some peanut vines and leaves left to the chickens in the cave.

   Now, this guy is hooked.

   stopped on the side of the road and didn't leave, yelled at Chen Ling, and even pushed him back and asked him what he wanted to eat.

   "You motherfucker, with your attitude, you dare to eat..."

   "Don't even think about it."

  Chen Ling had a dark face, swung the whip vigorously, and drove the old stubborn donkey to the county town.

   He plans to visit the major oil mills or grain and oil stores in the county to see if he can sell more peanuts.

   And this turn, really exceeded Chen Ling's expectations.

   He filled the donkey cart again before going over.

   As a result, I turned to the first oil mill and unloaded 300 catties.

   And this oil mill is not big.

  The boss tasted fresh peanuts. Although the soil on the outside was fresh, the peanut kernels were very dry and could be directly squeezed for oil.

   Hearing that it was grown in a greenhouse, I happily passed the scale, and then paid with one hand and delivered it with the other hand.

   Finally, I told Chen Ling to leave 300 catties to try out the oil. If possible, I will let him deliver it here next time.

  Chen Ling was quite stunned after hearing this. Why did he also buy it back and try it for oil extraction? The owner of the farmers market only kept 50 jins, and such a small oil factory only kept 300 jins?

   Later, I asked someone to inquire about it, and I found out that although the oil mill does not seem to be as big as the grain and oil store, it faces different customers.

  The customers supplied by the oil mill include restaurants, supply and marketing cooperatives, department stores, grain and oil stores, etc. Even a small oil mill has a wider market than ordinary people imagine.

   At the same time, bean cakes and peanut cakes left after oil extraction are also very popular.

  Sold to feed mills, sometimes earning no less than oil extraction.

   And grain and oil stores, in most cases, are facing ordinary consumers.

   The shipments are relatively small.

  Chen Ling realized then that he had gone in the wrong direction from the beginning.

   Now, according to the news that I have inquired, I can understand the truth after a little pondering.

   It was also in his previous life that he had little contact with these things, and he didn't deliberately understand them, so he couldn't tell the difference between an oil mill and a grain and oil store.

   Otherwise, you wouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Ling asked a few more tentative questions while inquiring about the oil mill.

   And then you understand.

   In this season, peanuts are still in short supply, and the peanut reserves of various oil mills are gradually running out.

  New peanuts have not been planted yet.

   So as long as you go to the oil mill, as long as the quality of peanuts passes the test, some of them will be kept.

   At least 200 pounds to start.

  Lingyun's entire county is not that big, but there are still quite a few oil mills.

   So Chen Ling spent most of the afternoon throwing out a thousand kilograms of peanuts.

   In addition to the ones sold at the farmers' market in the morning, there are already about 1,500 catties.

   It can be seen from the thick stack of blue bills in his hand that this day is a good harvest.


   "Wait for these oil mills to try out the oil, and there is no need to worry about the sales of peanuts in the future."

  Chen Ling has confidence in the peanuts watered by Dongtian Stream.

   Of course, even if the entire county town of Lingyun is saturated, the oil mills in the townships below can also go around.

  I really can’t go to the neighboring county.

   This is not a problem.

   Counted the money in his hand again, and Chen Ling went to buy a plow and a rake.

   bought several bags of various rapeseeds and other miscellaneous seeds, and then drove the donkey cart to the house.

   It’s just that before leaving the county, I met Liang Hongyu and Qin Rongxian, a couple they had seen at the farmers market.

   The two of them were still dressed in the same clothes, sitting on two small horses, fishing on the riverside.

   has just passed the tenth day of the second lunar month, the weather has not started to warm up, and I don’t know where the leisure and elegance come from.

   "Little brother, are you sold out of peanuts?"

   was greeted by Liang Hongyu first, and then Qin Rong, who was playing with the bait, raised his head first, only to notice that it was Chen Ling.


  Chen Ling got off the donkey cart, shook his head and smiled: "It's been a long time since morning until now, and it's finally sold out..."

   "Little brother, I've always wanted to ask you, why did you choose to grow peanuts in a greenhouse? Shouldn't you grow some vegetables and fruits when you have a greenhouse?"

   Qin Rong asked first, "I've seen mushrooms, watermelons, and vegetables in greenhouses in other places, but I've never seen peanuts."

  Chen Ling listened and replied with a smile: "I'm a greenhouse that has just been built. I've grown a little bit of vegetables and fruits. I want to try something that sells well."

   "As a result, after planting, there was still an open space left, so I just ordered two peanuts."

   This is of course an excuse.

   In fact, there are no suitable seeds in hand two days ago, and there are dried fruits such as red dates, walnuts, melon seeds, and peanuts that are well preserved at home.

   Among them, peanuts are easy to clean up, and the others are planted in wasteland, and if you pour some water from Dongtian Stream, they will grow into trees, which is not easy to hide.

   Peanuts are worry-free, as a necessities for oil extraction, the price will not be too low, just right.

   (end of this chapter)