MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 183 Get up wherever you fall

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   "Brother Lin, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit Huachuan before placing an order!"

  The speaker is about thirty years old, with an ordinary appearance, and there is nothing outstanding about it.

  However, he has a strong aura, but he can't fake it. His cultivation level is obviously higher than that of Shan Wenqi, and he has five or six levels of Yunling at least!

  Lin Shen's complexion remained unchanged, and he led Shan Huachuan into the cave calmly.

  Shan Huachuan didn't rely on his cultivation to put on airs.

   First of all, his visit is asking for something.

  Secondly, according to the descriptions of Li Mengfei and others, the process of Lin Shen defeating Shan Wenqi seemed very easy from the beginning to the end, obviously not doing his best.

  If he does his best, Lin Shen's true strength may not be weaker than him.

   Combining the two, although Shan Huachuan is higher than Lin Shen in terms of age and cultivation level, he dare not underestimate the latter, and has already placed him on an equal footing in his heart.

   Came to the tea room where the guests were received, and after the two of them were seated separately, seeing Lin Shen remained calm and silent, Shan Huachuan had no choice but to speak up.

"Brother Lin, I came here this time under the order of the Patriarch. Shan Wenqi was young and ignorant, and overpowered Brother Lin. The clan has already punished him, and at the same time sent me to report to Lin on behalf of the clan. Brother apologize, I hope you have a lot of adults, don't care about this matter anymore!"

  Shan Huachuan looked sincere, and even faintly assumed a low profile in his words.

  With the status of a monk in the middle stage of Yunling, it is undoubtedly very sincere to make such a gesture.

   But Lin Shen waved his hands after hearing this, and said seriously:

"You can't say that, Shan Deacon, Shan Wenqi and I are gambling. It is a fair fight according to the rules of the school, not an ordinary conflict and enmity. It can't be said who is right and who is wrong. If I lose, it doesn't matter. I can only admit that my skills are not as good as others, and I will never complain."

  Lin Shen is not stupid, so he can't hear the hidden meaning in Shan Huachuan's words.

   This is to define his confrontation with Shan Wenqi as an ordinary conflict. In this way, the Shan family has a reason to ask Lin Shen to return to Gale Island.

  If Lin Shen refuses to agree, the Shan family may secretly resort to some unscrupulous tricks.

  So this conversation must not be held back by the other party, it must be taken up by the reason.

  Shan Huachuan looked a little stiff.

   What he said just now did have the meaning of digging a hole.

  Who would have thought that although Lin Shen was young, he did not get carried away in the slightest, on the contrary, he was very vigilant and did not leave any openings for him.

  Shan Huachuan couldn't help but nodded secretly, it seems that Shan Wenqi's defeat in Lin Shen's hands was not wronged.

  Since everyone understands, there is no point in entanglement any longer, so Shan Huachuan cupped his hands and said apologetically, "I made a mistake, brother Lin, please don't mind."

   Paused, he seemed to consider his words, and then continued:

   "Since Shan Wenqi lost in the gambling competition, according to the sect's rules, Liefeng Island will naturally belong to Brother Lin. My Shan family is one of the five famous sects in Linlong City, and we will never make trouble unreasonably."

"It's just that our single family has been operating on Gaefeng Island for a long time, and it took a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate a large spiritual herb garden. In addition, besides Shan Wenqi, there are more than a dozen other tribesmen who also need to use the aura of Gale Island to practice exercises and supernatural powers. , so I would like to ask Brother Lin to raise your hand, our Shan family is willing to offer you medicine pills, magic weapons, and secret books of exercises, and come back to Liefeng Island with Brother Lin, just ask Brother Lin if you need anything!"

   Sure enough!

  Lin Shen thought to himself.

  Sure enough, the senior sister was right, the Shan family was not willing to abandon Liefeng Island, and even bowed their heads to him in order to get back this cave.

  To be honest, with Jinchuan Island in hand, Lin Shen doesn't value Gale Island very much.

   After all, he couldn't occupy two caves to practice at the same time.

  Furthermore, the supply of Zongmen Dongfu is short of demand, and many true disciples are eager to get a Dongfu.

   It's not a comfortable thing for him to occupy two caves by himself, and it might cause trouble one day.

  Although he is not afraid of trouble, he will be annoying if there is too much trouble.

   It would be great if Gale Island could be exchanged for practical training resources.

  That's why when Xia Mengran proposed to exchange Liefeng Island for Xingluo Jianwan that day, Lin Shen agreed without hesitation.

   Thoughts turned, but Lin Shen remained calm and said with a smile:

   "Okay, I promise!"

  Shan Huachuan was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said: "I don't know if Brother Lin has any magic medicine pills or exercise secrets that he wants?"

   "I just want one thing."

   "Brother Lin, please tell me!"

   "I want Xingluo Jianwan."

  Shan Huachuan's smile froze for a moment, showing a look of astonishment.

   When he came back to his senses, his first reaction was to deny that the Shan family had Xingluo Jianwan, but when he saw Lin Shen's half-smile expression, his words froze for a moment.

Since Lin Shen specified that he wanted Xingluo Jianwan, it meant that he had already learned about the Shan family's request for Xingluo Jianwan from the Xingluo faction through reliable channels. It is pointless to deny it further.

  Originally, Shan Huachuan was still bullying Lin Shen when he was young, and wanted to pay some resources in exchange for Gaefeng Island, but who would have thought that Lin Shen would have his eye on Xingluo Jianwan.

  Thinking of this, Shan Huachuan couldn't help showing a wry smile.

   "Brother Lin, Xingluo Jianwan was obtained by our patriarch on behalf of a clansman who practiced flying swordsmanship. There is already a master. You should exchange it for other things."

  Xingluo Jianwan is so precious, Shan Huachuan knows without thinking, and the family will definitely not agree to exchange Xingluojianwan for Liefeng Island.

  Lin Shen said calmly, "Since this is the case, there is nothing more to say."

  Shan Huachuan's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Lin, I came here with sincerity this time!"

   There was already a hint of threat in his tone.

   Do you give courtesy first and then soldiers?

  Lin Shen smiled in his heart, and said bluntly: "I'm going to practice, Shan Deacon, please leave, lest you will have to stay on Jinchuan Island when the ban is lifted!"

  Seeing that Lin Shen refused to eat oil and salt, Shan Huachuan's face turned livid.

   But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and leave, planning to report to the Patriarch when he went back.

   Watching Shan Huachuan leave, Lin Shen sneered.

  He had expected that things would not be so easy to achieve.

  Xingluo Sword Pills are so precious, even if they want to take Gaefeng Island back, the Shan family will not be willing to exchange Xingluo Sword Pills.

  From Shan Huachuan’s actions just now, it can be seen that the Shan family is probably trying to confuse him with a low profile, and then randomly take some resources back to Gale Island.

   But he is not stupid, how could he be fooled like this?

   Now that the negotiation fails, the Shan family will definitely not let it go, and will probably make some small moves in the future.

  But Lin Shen didn't care.

  With family rules and masters at the forefront, the Shan family can only act within the rules no matter how upset they are.

  The restriction was lifted, and Lin Shen continued to practice.

  In the past few days, he has restored the two drops of Yin heavy water to its full state, and the next step is to continue to gather more Yin heavy water.

  Of course, Taixuanmi and Jinlun Leidian cannot be left behind.

  As long as the strength and cultivation base continue to improve, no matter what moves the Shan family makes, Lin Shen has enough confidence to deal with it.

  Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

  During the period, the weather was calm, and the Shan family did not make any moves, as if they had completely forgotten about Gale Island.

  The turmoil caused by Lin Shen's defeat of Shan Wenqi gradually subsided.

  Lin Shen has nothing to do in the accidental world, and his mind is completely on cultivation.

   After one month, the Yin heavy water in his chest hole has increased to five drops, and the progress of his cultivation has reached more than half of the first floor. In two months at most, he will be able to break through to the second floor.

   "The cultivation of martial arts and supernatural powers is indeed much more difficult than martial arts and martial arts!"

  Lin Shen couldn't help feeling secretly.

  He and the two avatars of the natural spirit body and Yisha Zhengdao went all out to cultivate the Yin Yin heavy water, and only increased by about 30% in a month.

   And this is only the first layer.

   After waiting until later, the speed of cultivation will only be slower.

   Switching to the martial arts method, the same time and energy are enough to break through three or four levels.

   "No wonder so many monks only master two or three martial arts and supernatural powers!"

  Lin Shen has avatars to help, and the progress of practicing martial arts and supernatural powers is so slow, let alone other monks.

  For those with slightly inferior talent, I am afraid that they may not be able to break through a realm in two or three years if they practice the supernatural power of Nether Yin and Heavy Water!

   "The progress of the first layer of the Golden Wheel Thunder Code is only halfway through."

  Lin Shen thought slightly and called out the panel.

  【Name: Lin Shen】

  【Talent: Talent from Heaven, Natural Spirit Body】

  【Realm: Yun Ling Duo 28%】

  【Cultivation method: Taixuan Miyao (45% of the first floor), Jinlun Lei Code (58% of the first floor), Nether Yin Heavy Water (60% of the first floor).】

  【Skills: Qijue Sword Qi (seventh level of perfection), palm thunder (fifth level of perfection).】

  【The number of clones is 7 (59%)】

   "Without the aid of Jiuding Pill, the speed of cultivation is still slower."

   Shaking his head, Lin Shen put away his avatar and walked out of the cave.

   "Speaking of which, it's time to bring Xiao Ai in."

  Lin Shen originally planned to take Xiaoai into the mountain gate after he got the cave, but then there was a gambling dispute, and he was busy practicing afterwards, until today he suddenly remembered.

   "By the way, go back to Jiuyang Taoist Temple and meet old friends."

  Lin Shen's eyes moved slightly, he took out the amulet to open the barrier on the island, and immediately released the flying boat.

  A moment later, the flying boat left Jinchuan Island.

  After walking out of the Danxia Paradise, Lin Shen put away the flying boat, turned to gather energy into a cloud, and flew towards the east area.

  Flying is prohibited in Linlong City, with the exception of monks.

  Besides not being able to take large magic weapons such as flying boats and flying palaces, monks can fly freely over Linlong City.

  Recalling the sword cultivator flying past when he first entered the central area, Lin Shen couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in his heart.

   At that time, I made up my mind to become a swordsman.

   Now this goal is not far from being realized.

  As long as Jianwan gets his hands on it, he can start to practice the Beiming Sword Classic and become a genuine sword cultivator.

  Jiandun flight is just around the corner!

   While thinking, Lin Shen had already arrived at the entrance of Jiuyang Taoist Temple.

  The amulet to enter Jiuyang Taoist Temple was still on him, and he passed the entrance easily.

  Lin Shen did not go directly to Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian, but sent Dao Fei's letter, and then went to the Upper Court to visit Si Yuanpei.

   After all, it was Si Yuanpei who led him to meet Yu Siyu, and he should thank him both emotionally and rationally.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Shen arrived at Si Yuanpei's residence, he saw Xie Jingsheng already waiting outside the door.

   "Brother Lin!"

  Seeing Lin Shen, Xie Jingsheng immediately greeted him with a respectful expression.

  Even though Lin Shen had spoken first, the two of them could still use the previous address, but Xie Jingsheng still didn't dare to call Lin Shen as Junior Brother Lin, and could only call him Brother Lin.

  Xie Jingsheng has also heard about what happened in the mountain gate recently.

  Lin Shen worshiped Master Yu of Luojian Peak as his teacher, and his status suddenly surpassed many true disciples.

   And after that, he defeated Shan Wenqi from the Shan family, and his reputation soared.

   Today's Lin Shen has far surpassed Xie Jingsheng in terms of status and cultivation, reaching a level beyond his reach.

  In Xie Jingsheng's eyes, even if Lin Shen is not on an equal footing with his master, he is not far behind.

   Facing such characters, Xie Jingsheng dared not neglect even if there was some friendship from the past.

  Lin Shen was keenly aware of Xie Jingsheng's change, but didn't say anything, just smiled and asked:

   "Is the head of the department here?"

   "Master already knows that Brother Lin is coming, and told me to come and greet you."

  Lin Shen nodded, and walked into the courtyard.

   Not long after, he met Si Yuanpei in that tea room.

   "Master, thank you for your care a while ago."

   "You and I are both master and apprentice, so there is no need to say more polite words."

  Si Yuanpei waved his hand and changed the topic.

   "You came just in time, I have something to tell you."

  Seeing Si Yuanpei's solemn expression, Lin Shen straightened his expression and put on an expression of listening attentively.

   "I heard that you want the Shan family to take out Xingluo Sword Pills in exchange for Gale Island?"

   "That's right." Lin Shen nodded calmly, and did not ask Si Yuanpei how he knew.

   "Recently, the Shan family called back a few disciples from the family who went out for training. Those people are all middle-stage Yunling monks, and their strength is not bad."

  Lin Shen's expression moved, revealing a thoughtful expression.

   No wonder the Shan family has been silent for a month, Ganqing is the calm before the storm.

  Lin Shen vaguely understood the Shan family's plan.

   "The Shan family is going to use gambling to get Gale Island back?"

Si Yuanpei glanced at Lin Shen appreciatively, nodded his head and said, "With the Master Yu here, even the Shan family would have the guts to take Liefeng Island against the rules. All that's left is to gamble."

   Having said this, Si Yuanpei looked slightly solemn.

"The Shan family can become one of the five famous sects. Needless to say, it has a profound foundation. There are not a few elites in the clan. The few clansmen recalled urgently this time, the weakest ones have the sixth level of Yunling, which is far better than Shan Wenqi. You have to be careful."

"I see."

  Lin Shen nodded calmly.

  He wasn't very surprised by Shan's plan.

  He had already guessed where Shan Jia was likely to fall, so he got up from there.

   Only when the members of the Shan family are frightened, will they stop taking chances and obediently take out the Xingluo Sword Pill and exchange them back to Liefeng Island.

   As for defeat, Lin Shen never worried about such things!

   Unless the Shan family sends out monks who have condensed the seeds of Xuanguang, he will not be afraid of anyone.

   And if the Shan family really dared to do this, it is estimated that Lin Shen would not need to make a move. I am afraid that my senior sister will be impatient to kill the challenger!

  Suddenly, Lin Shen had a flash of inspiration.

   Looks like this is an opportunity.

  Maybe the Jiuding Pill I want has been found!