MTL - My Darling Is Pampered and Wild-~ Sheng Ming's Extra Story (18)

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Monday, working day.


Jiang Jingchu went to Sheng Ming at the appointed time to talk about work and left.

Twenty minutes later, Sheng Ming received a message from Gu Yu and asked to meet at a coffee shop near Sheng Entertainment.

Gu Wei asked Sheng Ming's coffee shop to be in a good location. He had to turn into an alley to park, so Sheng Ming had known that there was still a coffee shop there for so many years.

The coffee shop is combined, duplex, with fresh decoration, and a few varieties of succulents are planted inside and outside.

"Mr. Sheng, from the side meeting company, it is easy to talk, and I know coffee lovers. I think the coffee here is worth tasting." Gu Yu waited for Sheng Ming at the door to introduce.

"Well, the coffee shop looks very wrong." Sheng Ming saw that the owner of the store was very attentive.

Although the store is complete, the five internal organs are complete, and the consoles are all professional coffee-making equipment.

There is only one young woman in the store, a young woman wearing a floral skirt and an apron, and a catering mask. The owner is also a clerk.

"Welcome." The female voice was warm, like the whole store, giving a feeling of quiet time.

"Mr. Sheng, I strongly recommend the signature coffee." Gu Yu said.

"Well, to." Sheng Ming scans the code to pay, "Two cups of signature coffee, thank you."

"Okay, the two of you, please sit and wait." The boss said with a smile.

Gu Yushengming found a seat by the window on the first floor.

As soon as I sat down, I heard footsteps going up the stairs, followed by another footsteps, accompanied by a helpless voice of a man: "Jing Chu, why are you still making a fool of yourself?"


Jiang Jingchu?

Hearing the familiar name, Sheng Ming pricked up his ears.

"Young Master Xiao, make it clear when you left Xiao's house long ago. What should be paid has already been paid. I hope to disturb my life in the future, thank you." Jiang Jingchu was polite and alienated, like a stranger.

"What did the family say to pay it back? From the Xiao family, it has long been regarded as the Xiao family..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Jingchu:

"The surname is Jiang, how can you be the Xiao family?"

"Young Master Xiao, I'm very grateful for your stay for so many years, so I should have worked hard for the Xiao family for so many years without any complaints. When I left the Xiao family, I have already figured out an account, and I owe it to the Xiao family in the future."

"Gao Pan Xiao's family, please... let go."

She frowned and looked at Jiang Jingchu. She wanted to say something, but it was the right place to talk.

Can only move the killer: "Jingchu, only Xiao's family, grandma is still thinking, is it really even grandma?"

Jiang Jing lost her parents when she was seven years old, and was taken into the Xiao family in Haicheng. The old man Xiao took care of him, and he was the closest person in the world today.

But now, when Xiao Yiqian mentioned Old Man Xiao, the expression in his eyes moved slightly, and he soon returned to calm.

"Just take care of yourself, don't, take care, take care of yourself." Satisfied.

After listening to Jujue's words, he knew that he could move back no matter what.


No matter how calm Jiang Jingchu pretended to be, Sheng Ming heard a trace of grievance from his words.

In the storefront, Sheng Ming was sitting with his back to the stairs. Jiang Jingchu left the building and didn't pay attention to who was over there. The identity of the handsome man who followed closely behind Sheng Ming had been ignored from the moment he heard the two conversations. already guessed.

The young master of the Xiao family, a veteran family in Haicheng: Xiao Yiqian.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jingchu and the Xiao family were still entangled. ..

"Is it the child bride of the Xiao family? It was the first time I saw Ben. She was very beautiful. It was rumored that she was so... ordinary." Gu Yu had a melon-eating expression.

"Tong bride?" Sheng Ming wondered.

Gu Wei was obviously very happy with Sheng Ming's gossip, and laughed:

"I know a lot of things, and I also heard it by chance. It is said that the child bride-in-law brought back from the hometown by Xiao Jiashao holds a wedding every two years, but the marriage was kidnapped in January, and it was only recovered a week later. After that, the wedding contract was cancelled. "

"Then this year, just over a month ago, Xiao Shaohai City held a grand wedding, the mayor's daughter."

"About the period after being kidnapped, the rumors are pretty good..."

Sheng Ming listened, tilted his head and looked from the window, just in time to see the two Hans in the alley and outside the store who had just been mistaken by Sheng Ming for receiving protection fees and received Xiao Yiqian's order and forcibly took Jiang Jingchu away.

Even though Jiang Jingchu was skilled, he only suffered in the face of two sturdy and professional creatures.

Seeing that he was holding his arms that were dislocated and drooping due to struggle, with a pale face and willingly accepting his fate to be taken away, Sheng Ming let out a "tsk", and got up and walked out.

"Jing Chu, whether you hate it or blame it, I will take it back to the Xiao family now." Seeing the struggling, Xiao Yiqian was heartless, "Stunned and taken away!"

"Short." The two bodyguards replied.

Jiang Jingchu gave a pale smile and said coldly, "Then take the corpse back with you!"

Lifting the arm that wasn't dislocated, he opened his mouth and bit the artery of his wrist fiercely.

For a moment, Jiang Jingchu was pulled back by the warm palm that suddenly covered her forehead. The bitten hand was held, and she took a step back, her head resting on a broad shoulder.

Before he could respond, he heard Sheng Ming speak in a mocking and lazy voice: "Don't bite yourself, silly girl."

Sheng Ming thanked himself for a while and prevented a bloodshed.

Jiang Jingchu only took a few seconds to react, but she was guarded by Sheng Ming in a second, and the only back she could see was a little stunned.

"Who?!" Xiao Yiqian looked at Sheng Ming with sharp eyes.

The face was so handsome that the man who could not be ignored always felt a little familiar, but he remembered where he met.

Just now, I was focusing on Jiang Jing's first body, but I didn't notice the approach!

Seeing Jiang Jingchu quietly behind her, Xiao Yiqian's eyes turned a little colder.

"Okay, Sheng Ming, Sheng Entertainment." Sheng Ming introduced himself first, and then said, "Young Master Xiao, I've admired it for a long time."

With a loose and comfortable body, it is impossible to list the object of threat.

However, Xiao Yiqian's face sank after listening to his self-introduction.

Sheng Ming of Sheng Entertainment, an unnamed young man, once met him, and had a new lace news with Sheng Entertainment for a long time.

"Mr. Sheng, okay." Although he looked, Xiao Yiqian greeted him because of his identity.

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Sheng Ming Fanwai (18) Free reading. https://