MTL - My Darling Sick Beauty-Chapter 27

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Demon world.

As said in countless records, the devil world is dark all day long, and there is rarely a time when the sky is bright.

Wen Renye stepped into the Jingshan Temple and untied the ties of the cloak and handed it over to the subordinates on the side. Due to the influence of the geographical environment of the demon world, his magic horns gradually showed, and the aura on it was ferocious and terrifying, far from giving him a chance to. Jiang Zheliu looked soft and restrained.

The demon who lit the lamp in Jingshan Hall was in its own form, about two meters high, with an extremely hard bone tail, which was now coiled around the stone pillar of Jingshan Hall.

Wen Renye sat on the main seat of the main hall, reached out and picked up the jade slip on the table. With the magic aroused, all the records and news about the attack on the giant gate of Xuantong were displayed in front of him. , He read all the way, and only paused at the end, looking up at Shi Binghen, who sent him a message.

"Everything went well?" Wen Renye bit these four words between his teeth and pondered for a while, "Shi Binghen, where did you say that you are struggling and stagnant, where did it come from?"

Shi Binghen is one of the few great demons who can directly contact Wen Renye. He is extremely brave and good at fighting, and his business ability is also very strong. Under normal circumstances, he will not disturb the Lord for trivial matters that he can solve.

The big devil in red stood quietly under the steps, bowed his head and cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, you..." He paused for a moment before saying, "The matter between you and Jiang Xianzun has been introduced to the devil world, this Please come back next time, yes..."

"It's my decision."

As these words fell, a huge shadow stepped into Jingshan Hall. The candlelight illuminated the bone armor and barbs that covered the opponent's body, as well as the bone wings slowly unfolding behind him.

At the same time, the magic stone door of Jingshan Temple suddenly moved, and layers of prohibition glowed from the door, illuminating a terrifying blood-red light.

Wen Renye put the jade slip in his hand back on the case, his purple eyes kept changing color, darker or lighter, and his emotions were surging with demonic energy.


The huge bone wings in front of him adhered to the blood-colored armor, gradually folded and melted, and the huge and ferocious demon body that was close to that of a beast dissipated, gradually revealing a humanoid appearance.

Wen Renjian stood in the hall with a bone staff in his hand.

"Jiang Zheliu." He read the name again, "You don't know his relationship with the demon world. If it wasn't for him over the years, the basket of scum in the cultivation world would have died long ago... ...I asked you to come back this time because I wanted to ask you directly in person, are the things about you and him true?"

This is simply a question with an uncertain answer.

What Jiang Ziliu had been worried about all along happened. The things he does for the other party will inevitably be criticized and blocked. The demon world will not trust the Lord who is addicted to love, and he will face many challenges.

Wen Renye stood up and walked to the other side.

"Yes." For people other than Jiang Ziliu, he answered this sentence without any hesitation at all, "No matter what happens, I will not let go."

He has always been persistent and will not give up a thing easily. Wen Renjian knew his temperament very well.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Then why didn't you get it back?"

Wen Renye's words choked, and he didn't expect such a sentence at all, and the drafts he had prepared in his heart were all messed up.

"Shouldn't be." Wen Renjian tapped on the bone staff, "The whole cultivation world said that you were cruel and inhumane to others, and that you robbed and robbed others. Everyone in the demon world was so happy that they didn't fall asleep for three days, thinking that there would be a demon queen soon. I'm back...As a result, after waiting for you for so many days, there is no movement at all."

"Jiang Zheliu, tsk tsk tsk, that master has become my daughter-in-law..." He walked back and forth in front of his younger son several times, his tone drifted to nowhere, he turned his head and stern face, "A The big devil is waiting for you eagerly, but what about you? You can't be called back if you don't do anything, that's how you act as a lord?"

The things that Jiang Ziliu had been worried about all along seemed a little strange to happen in the Demon Realm.

Wen Renye reacted very quickly, and immediately inferred from these two or three sentences, combined with the specific situation of the demon world, what the thoughts of this group of big demons were, and said, "Aren't they all so addicted to being beaten by Zhe Liu?"

Among the older group of big demons below, which one has not been beaten by Jiang Xianzun, and Ling Xiaojian's wound will not heal for hundreds of years, which one is not angry and hateful, and its teeth are itchy, but when I heard that they respected him. Regarding the matter between the Lord and Jiang Xianzun, while their teeth were itching with anger, they immediately felt that the Lord's vision was too good.

There is such a demon queen in the whole world who can make everyone in the demon world be convinced.

Wen Renjian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Even you can't forget because you've been defeated. You treat the sword injury as a token of love, and you don't allow the demon hearts of other tribes to sprout?"

Wen Renye glanced at him blankly: "No."

"...I'll do it for you." The other party knocked on the bone staff, "I'm still in the demon world, and the Xuantong Giant Gate has always only had a half-step Jinxian in charge. When you come back this time, the main task is to stabilize the hearts of the people, and then go to Bring my daughter-in-law back early."

He turned around and pointed to the blood-colored prohibition at the entrance of Jingshan Temple, and continued: "This prohibition is for others, and the demons of two great realms below you can't enter, Ye'er, you can do it yourself, no need to thank you. "

After Wen Renjian finished speaking, he turned around and went out with the bone staff, without any thought of explaining for his son. Instead, Shi Binghen looked at the ban and sighed, "Your Highness, haven't you reacted yet?"

Wen Renye said slowly: "Something has come to pass."

Shi Binghen didn't know whether to be sympathetic or jealous: "Although everyone said that they defeated Jiang Xianzun and hated their teeth, but in fact..."

With the strength of the demon clan, Jiang Zheliu is simply the hidden dream lover of the big demons, the distant and hopeless flower of the high mountain and the white moonlight. What's more, they look so good-looking... But before, everyone felt hopeless and fell asleep, but suddenly, they found out that their boss had an affair with Bai Yueguang!

Demons who haven't seen Jiang Ziliu, naturally feel that this matter is very face, but those big demons with considerable qualifications are very different in their hearts. .

"It is estimated that a big devil will come to challenge you soon." Shi Binghen didn't know who to sympathize with. With the strength of the Lord, this is basically to be beaten.但不挨一顿揍,就让上司把梦中情人娶走了,好像也不是那么一回事儿。 "Then, why don't you... do it lightly?"

There is no second way to calm people's hearts in the devil world. Basically, you can feel at ease after a meal.

Wen Renye twisted the bones of his hand at will, and said, "How can I have a long memory when it's light."

Coveted the little willow tree he raised?

court death.


Just as the demon world was discussing harmoniously with each other, Ember Year finally decided on a long-term prescription, and Jiang Ziliu bid him farewell shortly afterward.

There have been many things in the year of embers recently. He recorded all the deeds, worms, and curses on Wang Moxuan, and analyzed the solutions one by one. He and Wang Moxuan don't have many opportunities, once Wang Wenyuan finds out, he will face more than that.

He wanted to remove all the places that could endanger the opponent's life, so that Wang Moxuan could completely escape from Wang Wenyuan's control without being forced to stay in the Tianji Pavilion.

The Ember Year has been so busy that he has lost a lot of hair in the past few days, but on the day Jiang Ziliu left, he still sent him off in person.

The magic horse was left by Wen Renye. At this moment, it was leaning on Jiang Zheliu's arms affectionately. The horse's head was attached to his chest and arched back and forth, as if he was so fascinated that he couldn't find the north.

Ember Nian watched from the side for a while, tsk tsk admiring: "It's really following his master. I see Wenren respecting the master is almost the same."

Jiang Zheliu stepped back half a step, turned to look at Ember Year: "I've been bothering you for a long time, I want to thank you this time."

"Hey, why say thank you." Ember Year waved his hand, "I'm just doing my due diligence... It just happens that I have something to do, and I want to ask the seniors."

Jiang Zheliu looked at him and continued.

"Mo Xuan came to me a few days ago, and his whole body is covered with all kinds of strange ways and control methods. Some of them are the handwriting of Wang Wenyuan... This bastard, I will kill him sooner or later." Ember Year's words After a short pause, he took out a snow-white Ling Xuan from the storage device. He unfolded the Ling Xuan and showed Jiang Zheliu the curse inscription on it, "This kind of curse, I have searched through the books and Taoism books, and I have also I really can’t find any traces, so please take a look at the seniors for help.”

Jiang Zheliu took Lingxuan, stared at the drawn pattern for a long time, and said after a while: "...Lock the sound spell."

"Sound Locking Spell? What's this?"

Jiang Zheliu was silent for a moment, then explained: "This is a control curse, which is often used on puppets. You can control whether a person can speak or not through formulas."

Ember Nian was slightly startled, and continued to ask, "Is this formula fixed?"

Most of the curses have corresponding formulas and methods to remove them. The horror of a curse usually lies not in its strong effect, but in its concealment. Like many extremely dangerous curses, there are corresponding solutions recorded in many classics, and the lower the liquidity of the curse, the more difficult it is to lift.

Jiang Zheliu sighed softly and said, "No. This is a non-fixed formula, and only Wang Wenyuan should know."

non-fixed formula...

Ember Nian took a deep breath, eased his emotions, and then put Lingxuan away and said, "Senior, you must be careful all the way back to Zhongnan Mountain on this trip. Although Venerable Wenren left you the ink bracelet, but Don't rely too much on a demon... Maybe at some point, he will reveal his true nature, and he can't bear it anymore and insists on you...cough."

What comes next is a little tricky to say. It's not that Ember Year doesn't trust Wen Renye's character, he just doesn't trust the other party's self-control.

His Excellency Medical Sage thought and thought, but decided to do something, he reluctantly took out a handed down book from the storage device and handed it to Jiang Zheliu: "This, take a look at it on the way back. ."

Jiang Zheliu took the ancient book and saw the five characters "Yin-Yang Inheritance of Harmony" written on it without hesitation.

"Double. Cultivation of the Secret Code?" Jiang Zheliu glanced at it, "This..."

There are many books on the art of double cultivation. With Jiang Zheliu's extensive knowledge, it's not that he doesn't know this knowledge, and he doesn't think it's something that makes Ember Year treasure.

Seeing his expression, Ember Nian knew that the other party didn't take it to heart, so he couldn't help but leaned over to his ear and whispered, "This is a secret book that is close to the evil way, and the author is a celestial spirit body. ."

... a celestial body?

If the content of this kind of book written by the celestial body is true, it is indeed close to the evil way, and I don’t know how many young heroes will be misunderstood.

"Senior, learn from your experience." Ember Nian was extremely sincere, "If Venerable Wen forced you, you wouldn't be too passive."

Jiang Zheliu's "thank you" was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it well.

His little white flower persona seems to have been deeply ingrained in the world of self-cultivation, and even people like Ember Year, who are close to the truth, feel that Wen Renye's self-control ability should not be very good.

Only Jiang Zheliu knew that the man hugged him and crushed him on the bed, and he just rubbed against him in a grievance, and even kissed him carefully and nervously.

After accepting this new book, Jiang Zheliu took Chang Gan and A Chu away from Danxin Guan and returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

The distance is long, and the walk is very slow, as if waiting for someone.

When Ah Chu got into the carriage and came in to hold the lamp, he saw that the immortal brother was half asleep while reading a book, and his clothes had not been taken off.

The interior space of the carriage is very large, and it is a sealed folding space. Brother Shenxian's bed is very soft and the quilt is very light, all of which are of good quality, and when touched, it exudes a precious breath.

Ah Chu held the lamp, lit the heart of the candle with gold wire scissors, and then covered the lamp yarn. He leaned against Jiang Ziliu and looked at his long frosty white hair that fell on his shoulders, and then he suddenly realized that Brother Immortal's hair seemed to be getting better.

Although it did not return to the black color, it was still as white as snow, but it was much softer, and when touched, it had a cold and ice-like texture.

A-Chu felt that the non-existent harazi was about to flow out again. He stared at the side face of the other party when he was asleep, looked at the smooth and beautiful chin line, and then his eyes touched the other party's thin lips, silently The slender snow eyelashes, and the smell of the resurrection stone mixed with the other person's body, the wonderful and very attractive sweet breath.

He looked more and more energetic, and his heart couldn't beat even when he hit CP, his mind was full of what kind of dog man Wen Renye is, let me come, then he got closer and took out the book in his hand. , while sucking and whispering: "Brother, take off your clothes and go to sleep."

The big beauty fell asleep in front of her with incomparable softness, her wrists outside her sleeves were slender and white, her complexion was as cold as snow in a cold mountain, her bones were distinct, but they were so fragile that they seemed to be broken when they were broken. In the sweetness, a faint and lingering medicinal fragrance slowly brewed, with a very subtle bitterness.

The more A Chu looked at it, the more he felt heartbroken, and he swallowed his saliva. When he thought about other people's books, he was either attacked by the protagonist or attacked the protagonist. How could he only watch the big devil make beautiful women when he came to him? He, he also wanted to do it. ...

"Brother," he whispered, "don't sleep like this. I'll take off your clothes for you?"

Just when A Chu was mentally prepared, he was about to develop his love with the immortal brother, or an underground affair. The other party gave a dull "um".

After a few moments, Jiang Zheliu's voice came slightly soft.

" come and sleep with me."

Ah Chu was very excited, and felt that all the toads and toads in the world could not give up, and there was still a way out...

"...Little Demon King, I'm a little... a little cold..."

Achu: "..."

He shook off the quilt with a sullen face, covered the immortal brother, tucked the quilt, and sat on the edge of the bed to pay homage to his unilaterally existing five seconds of underground love.