MTL - My Darling Sick Beauty-Chapter 35

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Demon world.

Bloodstains slid from the ink knife.

An important hurdle of the Xuantong Giant Gate was cleared, and the alien beast with thick skin and flesh that was difficult to overcome slammed down at his feet.

Evil bone spurs emerged from between the armor and the wings, the bone armor was soaked with bright red, and the half-face armor seemed to be embedded with a purple gem. prototype.

He lowered his hand, pulled out the red knife embedded in the skull of the giant beast, and turned it into the void.

Although Wen Renye has two swords, they are rarely used together.

The surrounding demons were all wounded, and Shi Binghen's half of his hand was gone. His palm was melted from the middle of the beast's corroded mucus, and blood dripped down. His prototype was also very terrifying. The horned blood wing, crawling with intricate magic patterns all over his body, seemed to be alive, trembling and undulating with his breathing.

The hand can grow longer without it. Durability is a racial talent, but it hurts a lot. It hurts so much that such a big man gasps frequently.

He held the sword with one hand, and the wounds all over his body were slowly healing. Watching their venerable lord retract his two swords, he stabbed the giant beast with a claws.

The head of the alien species was about to be torn apart, and Wen Renye found a colorless spirit stone from it. He cleaned it with magic, and then placed it in the storage device carefully and carefully, and then the long wings of the bone armor around him slowly dissipated.

Wen Renye walked off the corpse of the giant beast and stopped in front of the treasure guarded by the alien species.

The Xuantong Giant Gate is located at the bottom of the Demon World, and the alien species and resources in it are naturally formed, and in order to get this thing, they have prepared for a long time.

Wen Renye stretched out his hand, took down the shiny round beads, and swept his gaze across the densely packed strange seal script.

Break the bead.

This thing only appeared once 3,000 years ago, and that time was also found in the Xuantong giant gate, but at that time, everyone didn't know its utility, and it was only an accident. All enchantment.

But this bead is just a shape. It is actually an indescribable aggregate of demonic energy. It has the characteristic of being indestructible. It is a mysterious condensate between heaven and earth. Correspondingly, the number of times the bead can be used is limited. , it will dissipate after the number of uses reaches the limit.

The concept of all enchantments in the world is that the four immortal gates in the world of self-cultivation protect the magic enchantment formation against foreign enemies, the location of the Sixiang Dan furnace hidden by special enchantments in the demon world, and even the water of the Styx that blocks all information transmission in the underworld world. in this column.

Wen Renye stared at this thing for a moment, and remained silent for a long time without moving.

Until he heard footsteps beside him.

Shi Binghen returned to human form, only the single horn on his forehead had not completely disappeared. He smelled of blood all over and stopped beside Wen Renye.

"Respected lord." The red-clothed demon said, "Where is the queen..."

His words paused slightly here, and the meaning was self-evident.

Wen Renye folded his palms and said, "Zhongnan Mountain is isolated from the world, so you won't know anything."

Shi Binghen took a deep breath and said, "Jiang Xianzun doesn't seem like the kind of person who is willing to be hidden. If the Lord tells him, maybe he will understand you."

The demons have endured for too long for this day.

"I'm afraid that he will be too worried and damage his body." Wen Renye said in a low voice, "What's more, the war is ruthless, and under the collision, it is unknown whether he can stop it."

Shi Binghen was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Won't he blame you?"

The Demon World is really too barren and barbaric, and even if it is supplemented by the Xuantong giant gate, it cannot stay in this narrow corner forever. They're not just fighting, they're trying to survive.

For a long time, the demon world has been sinking downward. Even if they are brave and loyal, they can't save the future that resources will be exhausted and genocide will be extinct one day.

The whole world knows that the demon world is warlike, but if you can survive without fighting, who doesn't want to love peace?

This sentence Shi Binghen asked, but Wen Renye didn't know how to answer.

He didn't know if Zhe Liu would blame him.

As the other party said, the Demon World was already a heavy, rolling chariot. He wasn't alone, he couldn't stop.

This brief silence was the answer.

Shi Binghen wiped the blood on his hands, lowered his head and said, "When I came here, the old master told me that Jiang Xianzun lived for the world of self-cultivation all his life, and now the master will destroy all these changes and fight for the world of demons. Continuing a place will inevitably hurt his heart and soul."

The blood on his hand could not be wiped dry, and more and more flowed in the broken palm, but Shi Binghen didn't raise his head, and was still paranoid to wipe the blood.

"He said, if you really... just let go of your responsibilities, hide from the world with Jiang Xianzun, and don't come back." Shi Binghen gritted his teeth and continued, "Old Lord will lead the army for you."

Wen Renye's fingers holding Po Dingzhu suddenly tightened.

The demon world is dark all year round, and it is very rare when the sky is bright.

"He can't." Wen Renye said in a low voice, "I can't take care of myself."

Wen Renjian handed over the throne to him so quickly, not only because his son was more capable of fighting, but also because... His calamity was approaching, and he did not know when it would come. This fate was unpredictable.

After Shi Binghen heard this, he let out a deep breath and put down his hand.

The blood dries up and settles into a dark red.

"Respected lord." Shi Binghen raised his head, looked at the far side of the crack in the Xuantong giant gate, and suddenly said, "There are many trees on Zhongnan Mountain, and the demon world will never grow."

Wen Renye followed his gaze and saw the withered buds on the edge of the crack.

"There is only light above." Shi Binghen said, "We climb up and want to see the light, is this also wrong?"

The broken palm of the red-clothed demon stopped the blood. He glanced back and saw the demons in the distance staring here, with different eyes, but they seemed to be waiting silently for something.

"Shi Binghen." Wen Renye said, "We can start preparations."

Shi Binghen was instantly refreshed, but then hesitated: "Then Zhongnan Mountain..."

"Don't let him know."

Lord Mozun stared at the withered branches.

"I'll tell him slowly."


Although the form of the demon world is surging, it does not affect Yan Chuzhi, who is listening to the corner, and really pulls a class to teach by force.

The lord has already got the lover of his dreams, but the queen cannot give birth to cubs. Yan Chuzhi felt that he should take on the responsibility of giving birth to the honorable lord, put the teaching of the target on the agenda, and gave a few classes to a vote of young demons. The classroom knowledge comes from the Xiaohuangwen and the colloquial book shelf of Zhongnanshan.

The physiological knowledge in it is a bit out of reality and a bit misleading. Those outside books are not familiar with the **** characteristics of demons, so they are naturally written according to familiar methods. If these young demons really follow his teaching, it is estimated that they will be kicked off the bed on the first night.

But the old devil was delighted to hear it.

Wen Renjian sat in the back and listened, holding the bone staff in both hands, and from a distance he saw his son Hua Guang escaping in front of him, transforming into a human form and falling to the ground.

He came to bid farewell, and before the official battle, he still had to go back to Zhongnan Mountain.

Preparations for such a large-scale battle will not be quick.

"Got to go?"


Wen Renjian responded, knocked on the bone stick in his palm, and said, "You take good care of that one for me, people are like this now, and if you get angry again, the daughter-in-law I got can't give it to me. It's gone."

He also knew that Jiang Ziliu had maintained peace and stability for so many years.

It's just the trend of the world, long-term separation must be united, long-term together must be separated, the more prosperous the world, the easier it is to breed corruption, even if there are people like Jiang Zheliu, the cultivation world still falls into the current situation.

The root system is rotten, no matter who comes, they are determined to kill the enemy, and they are powerless to return to the sky.

"My daughter-in-law... tsk tsk tsk," He still felt that calling Jiang Ziliu his daughter-in-law had a wonderfully refreshing feeling, as if he had taken advantage. "Since the decision is made, there is no room for regret. Whether you will hide it from him or not, doing this kind of thing is not far from the bird and the dragon in the demon world. Even if the person doesn't forgive you, it should be all right. ."


"In the end, the positions are different." Wen Renjian sighed, "If you really have that promise, after everything is settled, take people over and slowly coax them, and the whole demon world will coax you. But if he doesn't want don't either. entangled."

Wen Ren Ye didn't make a sound.

"It's only natural for those who have lost their hearts to step back." The old devil stabbed his bone staff, "Don't embarrass others. There will be a day when one is different from the other..."

Jiang Zheliu didn't like the demons for a long time, because they were full of a sharp sense of aggression, and every demon was very difficult to deal with. But the demon world likes him very much... hostile fashion and can't say it, now there is no taboo.

Wen Renjian waited for a while, and when he saw the person in front of him, his expression was condensed, his eyes were dark and deep, and the rich purple settled down, almost approaching jet black.

He threw out two words forcefully: "No."

"What doesn't work?" Wen Renjian frowned, "Do you think I want to let this daughter-in-law go? But we are doing this kind of thing, you mustn't be soft-hearted because of an affair..."

"I won't leave him." Wen Renye stared at him and said, "Don't want me? Don't even think about it."

As soon as he finished his words, he turned to Huaguang and left the demon world, leaving the old devil alone, scolding with a bone stick, "What a bastard!"

After he finished swearing, he slowly couldn't help laughing. He turned to look at the group of young demons in front of him, and watched for a long time with a smile in his eyes.


After the snow stopped, there was an uncommon north wind overnight.

Ember Year is also looking for a way to prevent the unforeseen from happening to his current impasse. But the method has not yet been found, and the change is coming faster than the method.

Jiang Ziliu's body temperature began to rise again.

In the evening, two snow-colored butterflies stopped in front of the window of the pine wood building.

Under this weather, the butterflies that can fly here are not simple, it is estimated that they have already mastered the wisdom, and may even have become fine, just using the prototype to please him.

Jiang Zheliu put down the scroll, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, but before he saw it, he felt the two cold snow butterflies fly over and land on his sleeve.

There are many spirits and monsters in Zhongnan Mountain, but there will be no evil spirits. Jiang Zheliu had promised Wen Renye before that he could not take in the little monsters in the mountains, so he just looked at them and let them fall to the side of his sleeves.

The two snow butterflies jumped a few times on the soft silk and landed on his knuckles, flapping their wings.

Jiang Zheliu didn't pay attention to them, but took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then began to feel sleepy again - his sleep time has always been irregular, and his spirit is easily tired.

The beloved little chair is woven with bamboo strips and vines, and the curvature fits the human body. It was covered with two layers of soft fleece blankets with snow-white fur. Jiang Zheliu was wearing a light blue coat, and the long frosted hair fell softly around the neckline, sliding down with his movements.

He just wanted to take a nap, but when he fell asleep, he couldn't control it. He was still holding the ancient book in his hand, his phalanges were loose, and they were held together in an empty way, as if they could be taken out of his hand with a single pull. The fingertips that pressed against the book were thin and beautiful, with a slightly translucent feeling. , but the nails are too pale.

Two snow butterflies landed on his shoulders, and after a while, after confirming that Jiang Ziliu was really asleep. The two butterflies flew to the other side immediately and turned into two young twin boys.

They looked sixteen or seventeen, delicate and beautiful, but they looked sneaky.

It is not easy for a butterfly to become an essence, let alone a place like Zhongnan Mountain. The two white-clothed youths even breathed lightly, for fear of waking each other up, and then lowered their bodies stupidly and looked at Immortal Venerable.

... so fragrant and sweet.

The other little demons are not as bold as the two of them, nor are they as convenient as their prototypes. The boy on the left looked at him quietly for a long time, originally just wanted to come over and take a sip, but the more he sucked, the more addicted he became, and the bones all over his body softened, then he swallowed dryly, and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Ziliu. .

He is Xue Die, and his hands are also cold. At this time, he touched his hair with extreme care, but did not dare to touch other places.

But the younger brother next to him was much bolder. He watched nervously for a long time, and then he stretched out his hand and went around the corner of the other's shirt, raising his fingers to loosen Tan Qing's belt.

"What are you doing!" The young man on the left glared at him, and a voice transmission passed over.

"Brother, what are you doing?" The bear boy laughed and whispered, "Our prototype is covered in hypnotic phosphorous powder, and Immortal Venerable will definitely not be able to wake up."

But Jiang Zheliu doesn't live alone. Even if he has hypnotic powder, he must be very careful not to disturb other people.

Otherwise, the two of them are bold, other demons know that being discovered is a death, but these two butterflies are obviously the type who would rather die under peony flowers, and butterflies are a race that can't stand the fragrance. lure.

The little boy gently loosened his belt, opened his coat, and touched the thin snow-colored shirt with his fingertips. At this time, the full aura was not only sweet, but even had a fascinating feeling. . Xue Die's heart was beating loudly, her mind was buzzing, and she couldn't find any reason.

His hand touched the back of Jiang Ziliu's hand.

The other party's body temperature is a little high, which is not the same as in the rumors. The little boy slowly leaned forward, looked at his hand carefully, then took out the book in this hand and held him.

"What else do you want to do?" his brother asked him in a trembling voice.

From the time they got into the wooden window, they had lost their concentration. Even if the original intention was just to come and see the world, but at this time, an indescribable filthy heart would inevitably extend in his heart.

"Don't do anything." The little boy replied casually. He slowly moved to the thin snow-colored shirt under the palm of his hand, trying to find the belt and jade button of the shirt, but he couldn't find it for a long time. With a dry tongue, he finally suppressed his beating heart, and couldn't help but touch Jiang Xianzun's sleepy cheek with his eyes closed.

"Brother, I think, that... I think..."

"I think you want to die."

"Almost." The young man replied without thinking, then lowered his head and stared at him, getting closer and closer, and he said something in a mess, "Although I have no experience, I will be very careful. , I won't hurt you, so don't get angry, okay? are really fragrant...more fragrant than all flowers..."

He said it was useless, he clearly knew that the other party would not agree. But this butterfly's brain has already been eaten by desire, and it is not unusual for the knife on the head of the color to chop off the head. The young boy made up his mind and wanted to take the other party away. He just stretched out a hand, and before he picked up Jiang Ziliu, he saw the ink bracelet on his wrist slowly light up.


This sound not only disturbed A Chu and the next-door Zhuyuan, but also made Jiang Ziliu open his eyes with a heavy head. He calmed down, thinking that it was thunder, and Zhong Nanshan was going to start this kind of snowy day followed by rainy day again. The weather was strange, and as soon as I looked up, I saw the opposite side, the second floor wall of the pine wood building, and even the outside railings were broken. I don't know where it went, and a huge hole appeared in front of me.

All the places where the magic energy had hit were cracked, causing a thick layer of snow to fly into mist.

That is called a snowflake fluttering, and the north wind is blowing.

So cold.

Jiang Zheliu's thoughts hadn't fully recovered yet. He was affected by some butterfly phosphorus powder. His mind was still slowly reading the article. Suddenly, the temperature dropped suddenly. Before he could react, he was covered with a light pine and cypress The black cloak of breath shrouded her.

The familiar person picked him up, the sweet smell of pine and cypress was accompanied by a faint coldness, but the body that was attached to him was warm, and even the posture of hugging him made people feel comfortable.

Jiang Zheliu leaned in his arms, closed his eyes again, and said sleepily, "I'm back..."

"Yeah." Wen Renye replied, he paused slightly, then frowned, "Why are you so hot? Are you suffering from a cold?"