MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 289 Genetic diet pills

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When I got home, the table was filled with steaming hot dishes.

"Grandpa, grandma, we're back, I caught an octopus, I want to raise it." Li Yan trotted into the house, muttering happily.

"Really! Put it in grandpa's fish pond, then wash your hands and prepare to eat. Grandma made your best braised pork!" Ye Huilan patted Li Yan's little head lovingly.

Li Yan's eyes lit up, her two little feet moved quickly, and she hurried to the fish pond in the living room, still laying down the octopus, and ran to wash her hands.

After a while, Li Yan, who looked greedy, ran back to the restaurant.

Li Yi hugged Li Yan to the chair, and said angrily and funny: "When you hear about eating meat, you are the most active."

"Daddy, you can eat it too! Grandma's braised pork is delicious, fragrant and soft." Li Yan smiled sweetly at Li Yi, and only the plate of braised pork remained in her eyes.

"Hey! Grandpa gave you the biggest piece!" Li Yanshun looked at Li Yan lovingly, and put a large piece of braised pork into her small bowl.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Li Yan politely thanked Li Yan by the way, and couldn't wait to pick up the small bowl and eat the meat in big gulps.

Seeing that Li Yan was eating deliciously, the whole family sat around the dining table and began to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

Full of wine and food.

The family members began to work on their own affairs. The two children were taken to training by Zhou Wenhui to study music. Li Yang and Li Qing went back to the house for homework. Li Yanshun and his wife fought dogs, raised fish, and watched TV shows. Although their family has unimaginable wealth, they still maintain the daily life of ordinary people's families, and there is not much difference.

Li Yi returned to the study and started his daily work.

With the popularization of virtual network technology, Li Yi, the boss, has not gone to the company. Instead, he has adopted virtual meetings and worked from home.

Unlike ordinary bosses, Li Yi's daily work can be simple or complicated.

In a simple case, Li Yi only needs to check the backstage of the intelligent office system and approve the work that needs to be approved. Many work arrangements are arranged by 'big black' on behalf of others. Therefore, Li Yi only needs to confirm the situation of those projects on a daily basis and the daily management of the company. No need for his intervention.

In a complicated situation, Li Yi needs to take the helm of Xingyao Technology, decide the strategic direction of development, and lead the research and development projects of Xingyao Experimental Center. This kind of work should not be too difficult.

Today, with the size of Xingyao Technology, a random decision made by Li Yi can affect the jobs of millions of people and change the development direction of human technology. For example, this Star Entertainment strategy.

With Li Yi's firm decision, Xingyao Technology has invested nearly 10 trillion in funds to deploy the entertainment industry, guide the whole people to create music and movies with interstellar themes, and encourage the whole people to develop spiritual civilization. This decision alone has created thousands of people. Thousands of jobs, directly changing the fate of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Therefore, customizing the development strategy of Xingyao Technology is a very prudent task that requires consideration of various situations and is very complicated.

In the study, Li Yi sat on the sofa, stretched out his hand and waved lightly, easily controlling the virtual screen.

In the virtual screen, the background work of Xingyao Technology Company is displayed, and various financial report data shows the operation of Xingyao Technology in detail.

Xingyao Technology's financial situation is very healthy. Except for the huge loss of Xingyao Entertainment project, other industries have generated good income. Among them, the income of the virtual network industry is the most stable. The virtual game-Xingyao Era, each Monthly generates 30 trillion virtual item transactions, 0.5% of the rake, plus the membership income of virtual games, the monthly net profit can reach trillions.

Next, Xingyao City's operating income, including rental properties, has a net profit of 300 billion yuan every month. When adding other operating projects, tourism services, and entertainment service industries, it creates trillions of profits every month. Easy and loose.


The background data of Xingyao Technology is all normal today.

"Hmm! Has the genetic diet pill passed the clinical acceptance?" Li Yi was surprised to see a new project in the background. Professor Wei Hanzhi's by-product of the gene-enhanced drug, the genetic diet pill, has passed the clinical trial and is about to be sold.

Li Yi thought about it, and then linked Tang Shaohong's video call.

The next moment, Tang Shaohong's figure appeared on the virtual screen.

"Has the genetic weight-loss drug passed the clinical trial?" Li Yi asked straight to the point when he saw Tang Shaohong.

"Yes, Mr. Li, the sales license has been obtained, the mass production arrangements have been made, and the event promotion will start the day after tomorrow." Tang Shaohong reported with a beaming face.

"Hmm! What's the effect?" Li Yi asked curiously.

"The weight loss effect is very good. Oops! I've been too busy to forget, Mr. Li, I'll have someone send you some samples and try it out for yourself." Tang Shaohong introduced apologetically

"Are there any side effects?" Li Yi nodded and asked with concern.

"I personally experienced it for a few days. Except for sweating easily, the side effects are not obvious. It can be considered almost nothing!" Tang Shaohong explained with a smile.

"Yeah! No problem, just let me have those copies, Wen Hui always remembers it!" Li Yi suggested with a smile.

"Understood, I'll make arrangements." Tang Shaohong smiled clearly.

The video call has been connected, and Li Yi and Tang Shaohong talked about other aspects of work.

the next day.

The world's major news networks began to push a weight loss advertisement of Xingyao Technology, a genetic weight loss drug called Chuzhiling.

"Xingyao Technology officially released the genetic weight loss drug: 'Zhizhiling', which will restore all obesity patients in the world to health!"

"Coming! Coming! The weight loss medicine of Xingyao Technology has come out! 'Qizhiling' is a genetic medicine to repair the defect of human fat accumulation."

"The genetic weight loss drug developed by Professor Wei has passed the clinical test, and the product promotion will be launched soon!"


Overnight, Xingyao Technology's diet pills became the focus of global attention. Netizens visited Xingyao Technology's official website for the first time. Sure enough, they saw products such as genetic diet pills - Chuzhiling in the product display area.

"There are still 2 hours to open sales, and there are only 50 million products. The moment for brothers to screen their hands is here again."

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and it finally came out. The efficiency of Xingyao Technology is high!"

"Great! I can finally lose weight! Shining Star Technology's weight loss must be trustworthy!"

"Only 50 million copies, that's all, who do you look down on!"

"You guys are merciful, I am a 400-pound fat man, and I urgently need this diet pill to save my life. If I can't get it, my life will be over!"

"Wait for the next batch if you're not in a hurry to lose weight! I'm getting married next month and I need to lose weight urgently."

"High price! As long as you have the goods, it is not worth the price!"


Countless netizens left messages on the official website of Xingyao Technology, crying and selling miserably. They only hope that others will show mercy and leave some products for them. Everyone is in front of the screen, waiting to grab diet pills.

As soon as the limited sale time is up, Chuzhiling is officially open.

Fifty million copies of Dezhiling were sold out in the blink of an eye.

That afternoon, many lucky users were dispatched by drones.

Chen Qianqian is one of them. She asked her relatives and friends to help and successfully grabbed a copy. She received the courier that afternoon.

Unpacking the express box reveals a bottle of Qingzhiling in a silver bottle. From the packaging point of view, it is a product full of technology.

Whether it is nano-medical technology or life-extending genetic medicine, Xingyao Technology has a very high position in the medical field. Chen Qianqian has no doubts that this genetic weight loss medicine can continue this quality in the future. She quickly opened the medicine box, according to the instructions , took one capsule.

Time flies, and half an hour has passed.

Chen Qianqian, who had been unresponsive after taking the medicine, suddenly felt hot all over her body.

Side effects of this diet pill?

Chen Qianqian hurriedly fetched the instructions, and then she felt relieved. Her body was hot, and she was thirsty. These were all normal reactions.

Roommate-Liu Meifang came back from shopping and asked immediately, "Qian Qian, have you taken the weight loss pills? How are you feeling?"

In the room, Chen Qianqian's face was reddish, and she was sitting on the sofa in the lounge area dripping with sweat. Her whole body was blowing wildly in front of the electric fan. An eye-catching picture.

"I'm so hot! I'm sweating non-stop, do I have a fever?" Chen Qianqian looked at Liu Meifang and said pitifully.

"Is it a transitional reaction, or put on clothes, let's go to the hospital to see!" Liu Meifang went up to help Chen Qianqian and suggested nervously.

"But, but why go to the hospital!" Chen Qianqian was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain.

"Don't go to the hospital? What's the problem with you now? You can make it clear!" Liu Meifang asked anxiously.

"I don't have any other problems with my body! It's just dry and hot, and it's a little uncomfortable." Chen Qianqian said embarrassedly.

What? Liu Meifang couldn't help but stay, what's the situation?

"After taking that diet pill, ten minutes later, my body was hot. After doing a few yogas, I was sweating all over, and my whole body was warm. It felt so strange..." Chen Qianqian showed a twisted look, embarrassed say.

"Your body is hot? Did you have any thoughts about that?" Liu Meifang's eyes widened, looking at Chen Qianqian's **** appearance at the moment, a very dirty picture could not help but float in her mind.

"What are you thinking! What are your thoughts?" Chen Qianqian glared at Liu Meifang angrily, and explained, "I just feel very energetic, and I have an inexhaustible amount of energy in my body, so I practiced yoga for a while. "

"Are these the only side effects of this diet pill?" Liu Meifang asked in surprise.

"Yeah! This is a product of Xingyao Technology, and a box costs 500 yuan! I will definitely succeed in losing weight this time." Chen Qianqian said with a look of hope.

"Definitely, you know? Fifty million copies of Dezhiling were sold out in one minute. Now many people are charging several times the price. You will definitely lose weight this time." Liu Meifang held Chen Qianqian's hand. , encouraged.

"But we only grabbed one box. I don't know if we can grab it for the next treatment!" Chen Qianqian said with some discomfort.

Liu Meifang sighed. This product of Xingyao Technology is so popular that many people can't get it. They are very lucky to get a copy. The chances of whether they can get the next batch are a little slim. .

Liu Meifang didn't want Chen Qianqian to be sad, so she quickly changed the subject and asked, "It's almost time for dinner. I'm going to cook now. I bought live shrimp, pork tenderloin, and cooked sweet and sour tenderloin for you at night, how about it!"

Hearing this, Chen Qianqian showed a greedy look on her face. She reached out and touched her belly. The thick layer of fat made her desire disappear immediately.

Chen Qianqian frowned, shook her head and said, "Forget it, I won't eat it. I'll just have some fruit salad later, and I won't eat other food."

"No! Can you bear the hunger?" Liu Meifang looked at Chen Qianqian in surprise and asked in astonishment.

"That's right! I don't know what's going on, but suddenly I don't have any desire to eat anymore! I'm full of energy, but it's a little uncomfortable when it's hot." Chen Qianqian frowned, her face full of surprise:

Liu Meifang reached out and touched Chen Qianqian's forehead, her body temperature was only slightly hot, not to the point of fever.

Liu Meifang frowned and guessed, "Does this diet pill still have the effect of suppressing eating?"

"Make your own meal! I shouldn't have to eat at night. I'll call you in other situations!" Chen Qianqian put down Liu Meifang's hand and comforted.

"Okay! If there is any situation, please notify me as soon as possible." Liu Meifang nodded and turned to leave the yoga training room.

Watching Liu Meifang leave, Chen Qianqian rested for a Feeling very good, she continued to do yoga.

For dinner, Chen Qianqian really ate some fruit salad. After taking diet pills, her fat was burned, providing a steady stream of energy, and her appetite became much smaller.

In this way, I will definitely lose weight. With this beautiful expectation, Chen Qianqian applied some genetic whitening liquid before going to bed, and lay down on the bed beautifully.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Chen Qianqian got up from the bed, the first thing she did was take out the scale and weigh herself.

"Ah! Oh my God!" Chen Qianqian shouted in surprise.

"What's wrong, what's wrong!" Liu Meifang, who was cleaning breakfast in the kitchen, was taken aback and hurried back to the living room.

"Meifang, look, come over here and see what has changed in me?" Chen Qianqian turned to look at Liu Meifang and asked in surprise.

"No! What's wrong with you?" Liu Meifang looked at Chen Qianqian up and down and asked in confusion

Chen Qianqian shouted with surprise: "64kg, I lost 2kg, and finally fell from 130!"

"It will be lighter if you weigh in in the morning, but the weight loss effect is too obvious! It's only one day!" Liu Meifang hurriedly stepped forward and looked at the number displayed on the scale, her face full of shock.

"Hahaha! The effect of this weight loss pill is so good, I will definitely lose 100 pounds or less in a few days." Chen Qianqian hugged Liu Meifang happily and said happily.

Chen Qianqian is only 1.58 meters tall and weighs more than 130 pounds, which has become a problem for her. Now the efficacy of this diet pill is surprisingly good, giving her hope of losing weight successfully.

"It is indeed a product of Xingyao Technology, the weight loss effect is really powerful!" Liu Meifang was delighted for her best friend and praised her heartily.

A scene similar to Chen Qianqian happened to countless obese users all over the country.