MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 5 People can't compare

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After opening the website and browsing for a while, Li Yi immediately understood what Lin Hang meant.

On this hacking website, there are many Internet companies that issue testing tasks. Once they can find system vulnerabilities or complete some development work, they can get a lot of money.

Li Yi couldn't help but be moved.

Li Yi's hometown is in the countryside, his parents are working in other places, and he has a younger sister who is in high school. His family is not rich.

Li Yi would never want to miss this opportunity to practice skills and earn money at the same time.

"Lin Hang, thank you, I know what to do." Li Yi looked at Lin Hang and said happily.

"You're welcome!" Lin Hang smiled and waved his hand.

Li Yi decided to give it a try and develop a vulnerability scanning tool to scan various sub-functions of the program to find system vulnerabilities.

Li Yi thought about the development ideas, and soon began to write various functions of the vulnerability scanning tool, such as domain name crawling and injection, port scanning, directory blasting, subnet service detection, port scanning, ..., etc., dozens of The functional modules form a precise software architecture.

Li Yi's brain is running at a high speed, he writes a functional module, a corresponding algorithm immediately emerges, and various codes and data symbols emerge, constantly improving the implementation of this function.

Soon, the sound of "crackling" keyboard tapping sounded like rain.

Looking at Li Yi sitting in front of the computer desk, his eyes lit up, and he wrote faster and faster.

Zhang Haitao, Lin Hang, and Liu Wenfeng glanced at each other, and came around curiously.

This guy Li Yi! This is going against the sky!

I saw that while Li Yi was writing development documents, he typed the code as soon as he wrote the code, and soon he was able to write a prototype copy for the development of a software.

Soon, Li Yi wrote the draft of the development document, opened the editing tool, and officially entered the programming state.

On the LCD screen, various code symbols form lines of code, pouring down like a waterfall.

"Damn it! Old Li, how did you practice your hand speed, you're so perverted!"

"Don't you have to think about errors? Can the code written like this work? Is the algorithm okay?"

Seeing Li Yi's ten fingers flying quickly on the keyboard, Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng couldn't help but ask.

Li Yi focused on writing code and devoted himself to it, as if he hadn't heard it and turned a deaf ear.

Zhang Haitao stopped Liu Wenfeng, who was going to pull Li Yi, and reminded in a low voice, "Old Li is busy! Let's not disturb him."

Hearing this, Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng nodded silently, and watched around behind Li Yi for a while, their eyes gradually became dull, as if they had been severely hit.

Li Yi writes code very fast, and the algorithms used to write the code are very complex, and some of them can't understand it.

"Lao Li, you are using JAVA! When did you learn it!"

"Damn, this guy is hiding!"

Lin Hang, Liu Wenfeng was dumbfounded and said incredulously.

Living in the same dormitory and studying in the same classroom, it was only today that they found out that Li Yizhan's programming ability was far beyond their level, which made them unacceptable for a while.

"Okay! We are normal people, not like perverts!" Zhang Haitao patted the two of them on the shoulders, smiling comfortingly.

Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng nodded their heads. During this period of time, Li Yi was working hard in the dormitory. They were there for everyone to see.

Damn, genius or something! The most annoying!

The three watched behind Li Yi for a while, then walked away dejectedly, not to disturb Li Yi.

"You said, is Li Yi secretly working hard while we are sleeping! Otherwise, why did he suddenly become so powerful!" Lin Hang looked at Liu Wenfeng and Zhang Haitao asked.

"Yeah! Li Yi fell asleep as soon as he was in class. Is that the reason for staying up late at night?" Liu Wenfeng looked at Zhang Haitao and asked guessingly.

Zhang Haitao frowned, shook his head and said, "I've never met him before. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found that Li Yi slept heavier than you guys!"

"What about you!" After speaking, Zhang Haitao looked at the two and asked.

Lin Hang and Liu Wenfeng looked at each other and shook their heads. They didn't notice that Li Yi woke up in the middle of the night and worked hard.

Li Yi almost slept on the bed. He could sleep in the morning, but no noise could wake him up. The quality of sleep was so good! The alarm clock in the morning hardly wakes him.

There are only twenty-four hours in a day. Li Yi sleeps in class during the day, and the quality of sleep at night is surprisingly good. He can sleep for more than ten hours a day. He has little time to study, deduct, eat, wash, and write code. Few.

The three of them looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and discussed the topic of Li Yi's secret efforts, but ended without a hitch.

It can only be said that Li Yi's programming level has improved by leaps and bounds, and it is because of his extraordinary talent that he is born suitable for this meal.

Time flies, a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Yi, who saw the "Qian" scene, took a more passionate attitude than writing programming algorithm tools, and devoted himself to the development of vulnerability scanning tools.

During this period, Li Yi joined several hacker technology groups, and as a newcomer, he asked the tech giants in the group for some technical questions, and then inquired about ways to 'make money' and contact information.

A month later, the mysterious black tattoo is still engraved on Li Yi's wrist, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has not changed.

During this period, Li Yi entered the library countless times, and gradually, he found out the situation of this 'library'.

The mysterious library, with countless books, is endless, and there is no way to count how many books there are.

At the same time, the 'library' has a certain intelligence. It can provide books with corresponding learning difficulty according to its own knowledge reserve. It is like a caring 'teacher' who arranges the most suitable books for him nearby.

For example: Li Yi only learned calculus in mathematics, and the 'library' will provide books related to calculus, such as: multivariable calculus, triple integral, and deeper mathematics books are grayed out and cannot be read.

As for some entertainment books on politics, history, novels, geography, and popular science, there are a small number of special books that cannot be read, and most of them are readable.

However, Li Yi is more inclined to read books on learning technology and basic subjects, and has no intention to pay attention to those entertainment works.

Since he is fully developing a vulnerability scanning tool, Li Yi spends most of his time reading algorithms and programming books related to computers.

With the passage of time, Li Yi researched and deepened his research. He continued to learn new algorithms and programming techniques. The original development plan was revised and improved continuously. Compared with the original development plan, the vulnerability scanning function became more and more powerful.

After a month of delay, Li Yi failed to write the vulnerability scanning tool.

However, Li Yi feels that the vulnerability scanning tool development plan has been changed to the most perfect state. Next, as long as each module is clearly written and perfectly connected, a powerful vulnerability scanning tool can be obtained.

With light in his eyes, Li Yi typed the code excitedly and did the finishing touches.