MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 15 Mobile hotel

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The base car was running smoothly on the country road, and occasionally several zombies were standing idly in the fields or on the side of the road. As soon as they saw the base vehicle appearing, they rushed around like wild beasts, but often before they flew, they watched the base vehicle rushing past them.

"Oh!" These zombies waved their arms in vain, and there was no sense in his blood-red eyes, only madness and brutality.

At first Wen Xiaotian looked out the window intently, but gradually, because she was always safe, her tense heart relaxed, and she tilted her head into the intermittent sleep.

"Adjustment on the left ... continue forward ..."

While driving, Jiang Liushi took a moment to glance at Wen Xiaotian. Seeing Wen Xiaotian's body suddenly shook in her sleep, she seemed to be very restless.

She ran away all the way and she was tired, her nerves were always tense, and she was exhausted physically and mentally. Jiang Liushi looked at her and could not help thinking of Jiang Zhuying. I don't know if she is hiding in the house now, is she afraid?


When Wen Xiaotian woke up, he found that the CMB car had stopped, and it was time to get dark outside. There was a cliff on one side of the road and a shadowy mountain forest on the other.

"Jiangge?" Wen Xiaotian sat upright without seeing Jiang Liushi in the driver's seat.

She didn't know how long she slept, but judging by the fact that the CMB has been driving on the mountain road, it should be two or three hours?

On this silent mountain road, the CMB car stopped here alone, and after waking up, he found that he was alone in the car, and Wen Xiaotian suddenly paniced.

She quickly walked into the compartment: "Jiang brother? Jiang brother?"

Although there is everything in the compartment, the space is very compact, and you can scan every corner at a glance, but the shadow of Jiang Liushi is not seen.

Just when Wen Xiaotian felt more anxious, she suddenly heard the sound of water in a small door next to her.

have water?

At this time, a "click" came, and the small door was suddenly opened, and Jiang Liushi came out of it.

Wen Xiaotian looked at Jiang Liushi in surprise. He was still steaming with steam and his hair was wet, and he was looking at her while wiping his hair with a towel: "Are you awake?"

"Yes, yeah ... I seem to have slept too long." Wen Xiaotian replied.

"It's not too long, and you don't seem to sleep very well. In this case, the more you sleep, the more you feel unconscious. Besides, it's a blessing to be able to sleep now."

Jiang Liushi said Wen Xiaotian was a little embarrassed. At this time, she was still sleeping, and her nerves seemed too big.

But in fact, Wen Xiaotian was originally a girl with a relatively weak body. She usually studied and worked part-time, and her sleep was not enough. In addition, she was dizzy when the virus broke out today. She woke up and received a huge psychological shock. It was another escape and a panic, and finally, when we got into a temporarily safe environment, we felt a sense of exhaustion.

But now what makes Wen Xiaotian more surprised is Jiang Liushi. She sleeps as a physical instinct, and she has the opportunity to sleep is a blessing. But looking at Jiang Liushi, it seems ...

"By the way, would you like to take a bath?" Jiang Liushi's question completely confirmed Wen Xiaotian's guess.

He actually just took a shower ...

Wen Xiaotian fell to the ground again and ran away today. His body was already covered with dust. For a clean girl, it must be very uncomfortable.

But under this condition, she never thought about what bath she could take, and she was lucky to have water to drink.

But looking at Jiang Liushi, he not only took a bath, but also took a hot bath!

"I found a mountain spring by the side of the road, I took a few filters, and although I couldn't drink it, it was very comfortable for bathing. If you want to wash, there are shower gels in it, and a hairdryer is next to the mirror." Said.

Wen Xiaotian listened awkwardly and couldn't help asking: "Since it's filtered, you should still be able to drink it ..."

She always felt that such hot water was too extravagant to be used for bathing ...

"No, the faucet in the kitchen for drinking water is unscrewed. In addition, if you are hungry after taking a shower, go to the kitchen and cook the rice. There are noodles in the cabinet, and some fresh vegetables. In fact, Jiang Liushi still has some frozen dumplings, but I feel it is a waste to cook them now.

Although he has stored flour and the like, the stored bacon is not easy to use as filling ...

In fact, Jiangliu Stone will be able to be stored, and the food that is not easy to spoil has been placed in the storage room. The food that is left in the kitchen now is food that will spoil quickly if you don't eat it.

When buying food, Jiang Liushi also bought some fresh things. After all, there is no need to eat those long-term stored food from the beginning.

Jiang Liushi regarded eating noodles as a general, but did not know that Wen Xiaotian's inner activity at this time was very strange.

She was ready to go hungry, but she did not expect to have a hot bath to wash, but also to eat hot noodles, even vegetables.

If the previous experience was not clear in her mind, and the faces of those zombies had even appeared in front of her eyes, Wen Xiaotian would have doubted whether the doomsday scenes she saw were real.

This is simply a mobile hotel!

As for Jiang Liushi to let her cook, Wen Xiaotian felt that she was desperate. Hot bath, hot rice, these are all for her, but she can do little for him.

"I'm going to wash now." Wen Xiaotian said.

When Wen Xiaotian took a shower and brought the noodles to a small folding table, Jiang Liushi sitting opposite her glanced at the noodles in the bowls of the two, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Wen Xiaotian's bowl had only a few mouthfuls of noodles, but his bowl was full and it was about to overflow, eggs and vegetables, and ham sausage, which looked very rich.

"I don't think there are a lot of things in the cabinet, so I need to save some food. And I only have so much food." Wen Xiaotian said.

In fact, even a child is more than that, not to mention that she is not too small today. Eating this little bit is at best a filling.

Jiang Liushi wanted to tell her that in fact, that point in the cabinet was less than one-fifth of his food reserves, but even if it was in the cabinet, it would be enough for them to eat all the way to Wen Xiaotian's house. ...

"Let's eat," Jiang Liushi said.

I haven't eaten noodles for a long time, the taste of this noodle is quite good.

But tomorrow I ’m going to eat rice seriously ...