MTL - My Pet is a Snapping Turtle-Chapter 573 Good things come to your door

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  Chapter 573 A good thing delivered to your door

  Why not just send a boat to salvage it?

   Afraid of sinking!

  What if it sinks into the bottom of the sea again inexplicably?

  M country's navy executives may suspect that it is related to the Universal Enterprise Group, but there is no evidence!

  If it is other general companies, even if there is no evidence, they will put a label on it if they are just suspicious, but they are really a little bit afraid of Universal Enterprise Group.

  After listening to Lawson Bart's request, Liu Yong was happy, but he didn't show it on his face.

   This face is really big!

  Even if it is the navy of country M, it does not dare to send ships to the vicinity of this small island unscrupulously. The sinking of the Arak class a few days ago is a profound lesson.

   Actually sent someone over to test my attitude, and wanted to send a boat into the vicinity of the island to salvage the sunken warship.

   Liu Yong said, "You can send boats to salvage if you want, but"

  Lawson-Bart is also a smart person, knowing that there must be some conditions, otherwise, Liu Yong probably would not agree.

   "Mr. Liu, just tell me what conditions you have."

   Liu Yongdao, "My condition is very simple. Your ship can only go to the shipwreck site, but cannot sail around at will, let alone detect and map the situation of this small island."

   "Of course, we can agree." Lawson Bart almost didn't think about it, and immediately agreed.

  According to international law, within 12 nautical miles of a small island is other people's territorial waters. Entering other people's territorial waters must of course follow their requirements.

  Liu Yong continued, "Only one salvage ship can be sent to salvage. In addition, from now on, without our permission, any of your ships are not allowed to enter within 12 nautical miles of the island, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

   After thinking about it for a while, Lawson Bart also agreed on behalf of the M country navy.

   If you don’t enter the range of 12 nautical miles, then don’t enter.

  Seeing that Lawson-Bart readily agreed, Liu Yong finally showed a smile on his face. In this way, the 12 nautical miles around the island are safe, and there is no need to worry about the ships from M country coming to harass.

  The metal placed on the seabed near the small island is also very safe. If the people of country M dare to repent, Liu Yong has plenty of ways to deal with them.

  In order to prevent people from country M from going back on their word, at the request of Liu Yong, the two parties signed an agreement in black and white, and signed it with their fingerprints.

   Things got done, Lawson Butt barely stopped at Universal Tower, and left with his men.

  Where is Liu Yong, cheer up!

   I didn't expect that there would be such a good thing delivered to your door!

  The boats of Chinese people do not enter within 12 nautical miles of the small island. This small island is not only safe, but also extremely private. If there is no such agreement, the people of country M will send ships or warships to approach the island one after another, that would be an annoyance.

  There are too many flies, they are always buzzing around me, and it would be uncomfortable to replace it with anyone.

A few days later.

  The fleet sent by the M countrymen finally approached the island, only a dozen nautical miles away.

  This fleet is mixed, not only escorted by warships, but also supply ships, salvage ships, etc.

  Other ships slowed down one after another, and finally stopped. Only the large salvage ship continued to move forward, entered within 12 nautical miles of the island, and headed towards the place where the Arleigh Burke-class ship sank.

  On the warship, a commodore of country M looked unhappy, and even felt a little aggrieved. They are used to being domineering all over the world, so where have they ever been treated like this.

  MMP's, I'm so aggrieved!

   This was the idea of ​​the commodore, he wanted to shout a command to move on, but he didn't dare.

   When he came over, his boss repeatedly told him not to enter within 12 nautical miles of the island, otherwise, he would be sent to a military court.

   "Shit, we can only stop here." He said in a very upset heart.

   An officer next to him seemed unhappy, "General, should we really stop and not move forward?"

  The brigadier general responded with only a cold snort. He also wanted to move forward, even approach this small island, but he didn't dare.

   Only the salvage ship continued to move forward, heading towards the small island.

Not far from the small island, there are two large ships moored on the sea. They are the "Blue Whale" and the "Killer Whale". Today, their mission is not to salvage metal from the seabed, but to monitor the salvage ship of country M. character of.

   "Captain, there is a ship coming, it should be a large salvage ship from country M."

  Ren Ziquan stood on the deck and looked into the distance with a telescope. He could see clearly that it was a very large ocean-going salvage ship. The tonnage was slightly smaller than that of the "Blue Whale", but it was also relatively limited.

  The salvage ship coming over has an English LOG and the flag of country M, so it should be a salvage ship from country M.

  Not far away, there was an Arak-class warship that sank, and the people of country M came to salvage it today. Of course, Ren Ziquan knew about this matter, and Liu Yong explained that the surveillance work should be done well, and the ships of country M should not be allowed to sail at will.

  After looking through the binoculars, Ren Ziquan said loudly, "Call out on the international public channel to confirm the identity of the other party."

   After a while, a crew member came over to confirm, "Captain, it has been confirmed that it is a salvage ship from country M."

  Ren Ziquan nodded slightly.

   The "Blue Whale" did not carry out salvage operations, and the crew was free. Almost everyone saw the salvage ship of country M.

  Many people didn't understand what was going on. Seeing this ship coming, there was a lot of discussion.

   "That is a salvage ship from country M. What is it doing here? Do you also want to salvage metal from the seabed?"

   "No, I heard that an Arabak-class guided missile destroyer sank here. This ship came here for salvage."

"So this is ah!"

   "The Arak class, at least a warship costing more than a billion dollars, actually sank here. The people of country M probably feel very distressed."

   "Why is there only one ship coming, what about their other ships."

   "Hehe, other ships can only park in the open sea. This small island belongs to our company. Even ships from country M dare not sail within 12 nautical miles."

   "It's awesome, it's so awesome, even the people of country M are afraid of our company."


  The crew craned their necks to look at the ship, talking a lot. When they learned that country M was afraid of their own company, other ships could only park in the open sea, and they were very proud.

   "Captain, the ship has stopped, and it looks like it is about to start salvage operations."

  Ren Ziquan nodded and didn't use the binoculars anymore, because the ship was not far away, only three or five hundred meters away.

   Seeing the ship stop and prepare for operation, Ren Ziquan paid more attention and ordered.

   "Keep an eye on it, a few of our small boats can get closer, and watch out for their underwater vehicles scurrying around."

  The second update is here!

  (end of this chapter)