MTL - My Spy Years-Chapter 1026v3 Sakamoto's impromptu performance (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 1026 Sakamoto's impromptu performance (ask for a monthly ticket)

  It rained at night.

  Zhou Ru got off the rickshaw on tiptoe, crossed the road in Xiaotan, and rang the doorbell of Cheng Mansion.

   "Miss Zhou came early today." The big head opened the door, "The sewer is a bit blocked, and I have already called someone to come through it."

   "Buy eels early." Zhou Ru lifted the small basket in her hand.

   "Miss Zhou made eel noodles!" The big head gave Zhou Ru a thumbs up.

  Cheng Qianfan stretched out on the balcony on the second floor, when he saw Zhou Ru carrying a small basket into the yard, his eyes showed a pensive look.

   This is the secret signal he agreed with Zhou Ru.

  Although Zhou Ru occasionally stays in Cheng's residence, most of the time she will go back to Father Jin Road at night.

  There is a vegetable market near Father Jin Road, Zhou Ru will go to this salt water vegetable market in the morning to buy some seasonal vegetables, and then come to Cheng Mansion to 'work'.

  Different seasonal dishes, combined with weather changes, have different effects because of different needs.

  When it rains, you have to go early to buy eels, which gives Zhou Ru a reason to arrive at Cheng Mansion earlier than usual.

  Zhou Ru poured the eels in the basket into the basin.

   "This eel is fierce." Cheng Qianfan came to the kitchen with Xiao Zhizhi who had woken up early, and pointed to an eel to Xiao Zhizhi.

   "Sir, Chongqing is calling." Zhou Ru poured hot water into the basin. The eel was afraid of the heat and wandered around randomly. She skillfully rubbed the eel to wash off the mucus on the eel.

  Xiao Zhizhi was no longer afraid, and pointed at the eel in the basin with his little finger.

   "What did the telegram say?" Cheng Qianfan picked up Xiao Zhima, just now a rice field eel opened its mouth wide, as if it was about to sneak up on Xiao Zhima's crotch-opening bell, but luckily he had quick eyesight and quick hands.

Zhou Ru reported the content of the telegram to the team leader in a low voice, but her hands were not affected at all. She grabbed the eel that was about to sneak attack Master Zhima, hooked the eel's head with the middle knuckle of her right hand, threw it hard, and then When the eel was dizzy, the kitchen knife cut open the eel from the head to the tail with a silky knife, quickly picked out the tailbone, took out the internal organs, and washed it twice in the basin to avenge the young master Zhima who was almost assassinated .


  Bai Ruolan went downstairs to look for her son and husband, only to see her husband watching Zhou Ru kill eels while holding Xiao Zhimai.

   "Little Zhizhi is amazing." Cheng Qianfan showed off before Bai Ruolan could speak, "I'm not afraid at all."

  Bai Ruolan gave Cheng Qianfan an angry look, and took her son from her husband.

  Cheng Qianfan smiled mischievously, and ran upstairs in order to avoid his wife nagging.

   "Third uncle has left on the 10th, please take care of him."

   This is the content of the telegram.

  A sentence similar to a family letter, even Zhou Ru only knew the literal meaning, and only Cheng Qianfan knew the code words contained in it.

  The bureau seat used the 'touchstone'.

  Pelder Trading Co., Ltd. at No. 31, Tais De Lang Road, this trading company is affiliated to the Juntong Shanghai District, and it is a safe house in the Shanghai District.

This safe house was secretly purchased by Zheng Weilong, the former head of the station in Shanghai. However, Zheng Weilong did not know that before the house was handed over several times, it was once a property secretly purchased by a policeman in the French Concession who committed suicide by hanging himself because he missed his relatives too much. .

   "Third Uncle moved." Cheng Qianfan thought in his heart, and saw Xiaobao coming out sleepily, but sniffed his nose, his eyes widened, "Shall we eat eel noodles today?"

  Cheng Qianfan tapped Xiaobao's head with melon seeds, this girl's nose was a dog's, and the rice field eel hadn't been cooked yet, yet she had already 'smelled' the smell of eel noodles.


   "It's moving." Su Chende stood on the window sill with a fried dough stick in his mouth, staring at the door of No. 31, Taisdron Road.

  A man yawned, holding a spittoon in his left hand, and scratching his scalp with his right hand.

   "Is it this person?" Dong Zhengguo asked, holding a bowl of small wontons in his hand.

  Su Chende ordered him to get the hawker from the wonton stall to identify him. Dong Zhengguo thought about it, and bought some bowls of wontons out of his own pocket, and asked the operatives to eat small wontons.

  So, the peddler was really grateful to Dade, and he knew everything without saying anything.

   "Yes, sir." The peddler nodded, "This person is, the Huang Dongjia who beat and beat."

  Su Chende was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the "slap and beat" in the mouth of the small wonton vendor was referring to Paird.

   "Slap and beat how many people are there." Dong Zhengguo asked again, pretending to the small wonton vendors that they were spies from the police station.

   "In addition to Mr. Huang's family, there are three fellows."

   "You said that Mr. Huang's family buys your little wontons every day?" Su Chende asked.

   "Yes." The vendor said, "My little wontons are fresh."

   As he spoke, he added another sentence, "There are so many shrimp skins that you are willing to put salt."

  Su Chende nodded at Dong Zhengguo. Dong Zhengguo went down with the small wonton vendor to prepare. Now only the vendor's mother-in-law is there, which makes people suspicious.

   Soon, Su Chende saw that Mr. Huang, who had just gone out to empty the spittoon, came back, holding something wrapped in old newspapers, and there should be a toothpick in his mouth.

  Dong Zhengguo is also back.

   "Brother Su, I found out." Dong Zhengguo said, "Huang Canliang even ate a bowl of small wontons, and went to the vendor next door to buy five catties of pancakes and four tea eggs."

   "Eating alone." Su Chende snorted coldly.

  Dong Zhengguo hiccupped, clicked his tongue again, and secretly ate a bowl of wontons. According to the vendor of the wontons, he would come to a bowl of wontons every day.

   "What do you think?" Su Chende asked Dong Zhengguo.

   "Five catties of oil cake, compared with the usual weight, is half a catty more, which belongs to the normal range." Dong Zhengguo said, "The four tea eggs should be one for each of Huang Canliang and the three guys."

   As he said, he frowned and thought for a moment before continuing, "Brother Su, judging from the breakfast he bought, it is impossible to determine whether Zheng Lijun is hiding in the Pelder Company."

  Su Chende nodded. Judging from the weight of the breakfast, it is indeed difficult to judge. The extra half a catty of pancakes may be because someone has a good appetite today, or it may be prepared for someone hiding here.

   As for the four tea eggs, it cannot be used to judge that there are no more people in the trading company.

   "Catch or not?" Dong Zhengguo asked.

  Su Chende was a little hesitant to act at this time. If Zheng Lijun was hiding at No. 31, Taisdelang Road, it would be the best, but if Zheng Lijun was not here, it would be a surprise.

  He lit a cigarette, frowning thoughtfully.

  Chongqing’s call back to the telecommunications team only said that Zheng Lijun might be temporarily sheltered at No. 31, Taisdelang Road, which means that even if they continue to stare like this, they may get nothing.

   It's just that if Zheng Lijun is not in the trading company if they make a move here, it will be bad.

   And the worst case scenario is that Zheng Lijun is on his way to this place, and it is just because they startled the snake that Zheng Lijun woke up and fled, that would be too damned.

   Right at this moment, an agent hurried over to report, "Chief Su, the phone of the Pelder Company rang."

  Su Chende frowned, he suddenly had a bad premonition.


  Dong Zhengguo handed the telescope to Su Chende.

   Su Chende put up the binoculars with both hands, and he frowned. The curtains between the booths on the second floor of the trading company were closed at some point.

  It’s already bright day, and everyone is up for breakfast. Wouldn’t it be abnormal to close the curtains at this time?


  The call that Pelder Trading Co. just received!

   "Do it!" Su Chende gritted his teeth and ordered decisively.

   "Try to catch alive." He added.


  Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, Counselor's Office.

Jingle Bell.

  Hintaro Imamura glanced at the telephone on the desk.

  He didn't pick up the phone right away, but after writing the last signature on the document, he picked up the phone receiver, "I'm Imamura Heutaro."

   "I see." Imamura Heutarou frowned, hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone, he put the phone back.

  Hintaro Imamura rang the bell on the desk, and soon, Tsubasa Naito knocked on the door and came in.

   "Naito, go and call Sakamoto here." Imamura Hyoutaro glanced at Naito Kotsuba and said with a smile.


  Ryono Sakamoto came, his eye circles were darkened, as if he hadn't rested well.

   "Yano, you go out with me." Imamura Heutaro said.


  Heitaro Imamura looked at Kotsu Naito again, he picked up the document on the desktop and handed it to Kotsu Naito, "You are responsible for filing this document, and no one is allowed to touch it."

   "Hai." Naito Tsubasa said with a serious expression.

  Counselor Imamura chose to take Yoshino Sakamoto out, obviously getting closer to Yoshino Sakamoto, and he was inevitably a little disappointed.

  However, this loss immediately dissipated with what Imamura Heutaro told him to do.

Mr. Counselor may indeed be closer to Sakamoto-kun because Sakamoto Yoshino is Counselor Imamura's nephew, but being close does not mean that Counselor Nobushige Imamura entrusted him with such important documents for filing. An expression of trust.

   "Thank you." Hyoutaro Imamura patted Tsubasa Naito on the shoulder, and Tsubasa Naito bent even lower.


  A black car drove out from the gate of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, with the Japanese flag on the front of the car.

   "Rano." Imamura Heutaro said.

   "Uncle." Sakamoto Yoshino said respectfully.

   "Naito was secretly investigating Kentaro before, did you tell Kentaro about this?" Imamura Heitaro asked.

   "Yes, Uncle." Sakamoto Ryono said, "Master Atsuto found out about this at the Gendarmerie Command. He told me, and I told Miyazaki-kun."

  Hintaro Imamura nodded slightly. What Sakamoto Ryono said was the same as what Miyazaki Kentaro had reported to him on this matter before.

  He was quite satisfied.

   "Although I reprimanded and punished Naito later, I also prevented Kentaro from retaliating against Naito." Heitaro Imamura said, "Based on what you know about Kentaro, does he feel unwilling and complaining?"

Sakamoto Yoshino raised his head in astonishment, he looked at Imamura Heutarou, his eyes were full of surprise, "Why is uncle asking like that? Miyazaki-kun has always respected his uncle very much, and he listened to you the most. "

   "I just remembered this incident suddenly, and suddenly felt that my handling method was a little unfair to Kentaro." Heitaro Imamura said shaking his head.

   "Kentaro must be very happy to hear what uncle said." Sakamoto Yoshino said with a smile, "The one that uncle asked, Miyazaki-kun told me about it."


   "Miyazaki-kun said that his uncle strictly ordered him not to take revenge on Naito, and he really didn't understand." Sakamoto Ryono said.

  Hintaro Imamura smiled and nodded, but the smile in his eyes faded a bit.

   "However, Miyazaki-kun also said that even though he doesn't understand, he will resolutely follow your uncle's arrangement." Sakamoto Ryono said.


"Miyazaki-kun said that he believes that Uncle, you see farther and deeper than him, but he doesn't understand because he is far behind you." Sakamoto Ryono said, "He said, the most important thing is that he believes that Uncle, you have a deeper understanding of the world. His affection."

   "This Kentaro, I feel wronged in my heart, but I don't say anything." Heitaro Imamura shook his head and said with a smile, the joy in his eyes seemed to be a little stronger.

  Seeing Imamura Heutaro's satisfied expression, Sakamoto Yoshino breathed a sigh of relief. To be precise, his heart was immediately filled with excitement after being relieved.


  Ryono Sakamoto cheered inwardly.

  What he said to Imamura Heutaro just now was all fabricated by him.

  He didn’t discuss this matter with Miyazaki Kentaro, but just now he felt that Imamura Hyoutaro seemed to be very interested in Miyazaki’s attitude, and Sakamoto Ryono immediately set up a ‘script’ in his heart:

  He wants to help his friend Miyazaki Kentaro increase his favorability with Uncle Imamura.

  For the emergency 'birth' script, when Ryono Sakamoto answered the question of Heutaro Imamura, he answered it while using his brain to revise it at any time, so that he could do the best.

   Judging from the results, the script was successful, and so was the performance.

   Yes, the show.

  Ryono Sakamoto felt that the astonishment on his face when he raised his head was the finishing touch of the impromptu performance of the script.

  Thinking of this, Ryono Sakamoto sighed suddenly. He felt that his acting skills were only superficial, much worse than Miyazaki Kentaro.

  Thinking that Miyazaki-kun was able to play Cheng Qianfan so realistically and successfully, Sakamoto Ryono felt extremely admired.

  He felt that although his acting skills were not bad, compared with Miyazaki-kun, the biggest difference was that he lacked a soul. Miyazaki-kun pretending to be Cheng Qianfan was not acting at all, but his soul was dancing.

  The car was halfway through, Imamura Heutaro suddenly stopped the car.

   "Yano, get off here." Imamura Heutaro said.

   "Huh?" Sakamoto Yoshino said in surprise, then blinked and nodded, "Okay, Uncle Imamura."

  He knew that Uncle Imamura had a good geisha.

  Hintaro Imamura seemed to guess what Sakamoto Ryono was thinking, he shook his head and laughed.

   "It's not what you think." Heitaro Imamura shook his head and said, he glared at Ryono Sakamoto, "Now go to the law arrest room to find Kentaro, and bring him to see me at home."

   "Okay." Sakamoto Yoshino nodded.

  PS: Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, thank you.

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  (end of this chapter)