MTL - My Spy Years-Chapter 1029v3 Sakamoto

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  Chapter 1029 Psychologist Sakamoto

  Su Chende deduced that the reason why Zheng Lijun had no contact with this independent latent group was not that Zheng Lijun didn't pay attention to Chen Mo's group.

  On the contrary, in the mind of the commander of the Shanghai district of the military, Chen Mo's independent latent team should have a very important position. It can even be understood that Zheng Lijun regards Chen Mo's team as a hidden force in emergency situations.

  For example, at this very moment, many units in the Shanghai area have been cracked, and it is impossible for Zheng Lijun not to be aware of the problem.

  In this case, compared to the chaotic interior of the Shanghai District, the Second Independent Latent Group in the Shanghai District can be trusted because of its independence.

  So, Su Chende tends to think that, as the Chongqing side said in the telegram to the Telecommunications Group, Zheng Lijun is likely to come here to join Chen Mo's team.

  I was too impatient, I started too early!

  Maybe, a few hours at night, or even half an hour later, ten minutes later, Zheng Lijun has already fallen into the trap... Su Chende is getting more and more annoyed now.

   "Who called you?" Su Chende looked down at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo was tied to a wooden frame, his head was drooping, and he was weak, his body had already been whipped so badly.

  Chen Mo's team is an independent latent team. This team has no horizontal contact with other units in Shanghai. Therefore, after arresting Chen Mo's team in advance and failing to successfully capture Zheng Lijun, the value of Chen Mo and Chen Mo's team has actually been greatly reduced.

  However, Su Chende still expressed his hope, and he followed the call that Team Leader Chen, whose pseudonym Huang Canliang received, before he was captured.

  The phone of the Pelder Trading Company rang, and then the curtains of the booths of the trading company were drawn in broad daylight. It was these weirdnesses that prompted Su Chende to order the arrest.

  Chen Mo's three subordinates, one of them refused to recruit, and had already been executed as an example to others. The other two were shocked and afraid, unable to withstand the torture, so they recruited.

   Among them, Qiao Er is Chen Mo's confidant. From this person, Su Chende has learned an important situation:

  Chen Mo received the call, and then his face changed drastically, saying that something happened in the Shanghai area, and ordered his subordinates to hide items that might reveal their identities, in order to cope with possible searches by the police, and prepare for evacuation at the same time.

  From this phone call, Su Chende judged that there was some kind of secret communication channel between Chen Mo's team and the Shanghai District.

  The purpose of this call seems to be to warn Chen Mo's team that something happened in the Shanghai area.

  However, in Su Chende's view, this is more like telling Chen Mo's team to prepare:

  Once the situation in Shanghai is bad, Zheng Lijun will activate and directly lead Chen Mo's team to deal with the emergency.

  So, Su Chende thought that through that phone call, it was possible to catch Zheng Lijun by following the clues.

  Go to the telegraph hall to investigate the results and the feedback came back. The call was made from a public telephone hall, and the telephone operator did not pay attention to the appearance of the caller.

   Therefore, it is impossible to search the caller from the telephone hall.

  However, Su Chende believes that Chen Mo must know who is calling, so as long as Chen Mo speaks and catches this person, there is hope to catch Zheng Lijun.


  Chen Mo raised his head, and spat a mouthful of blood on Su Chende's face.

   "Hit! Hit hard! You won't cry until you see the coffin!" Su Chende was furious and furious.

  The barbed whip dipped in salt water was whipped on Chen Mo's body. The four-foot-nine-inch tall man from Dongtang Town, Shaoguanhua, Guangdong Province didn't beg for mercy at all, and he didn't even scream. He generously shouted:

   The flames of war are all over China, why should you be on the top!


"Naito-kun?!" Cheng Qianfan exclaimed, he looked at Imamura Heutaro in surprise, as if he couldn't believe it, but soon, Cheng Qianfan's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and nodded, " Tsubasa Naito! It's him! I should have thought of it earlier!"

Hyotaro Imamura knew it in his heart. From Miyazaki Kentaro's reaction just now, it can be seen that Kentaro has always hated Naito Kotsuba in his heart. It can no longer be contained.

  Of course, Imamura Hyoutaro is still a little relieved. Kentaro’s hatred for Naito can be seen, but he was willing to obey his orders before and did not take revenge on Naito, which shows Kentaro’s respect and loyalty to his teacher.

   "Naito made a mistake in this matter." Heitaro Imamura said with a serious expression.

  In fact, when he learned that Naito Kotsuba was behind the scenes, and Naito's target was still Miyazaki Kentaro, Imamura Heitaro was very angry and disappointed.

  He would rather be the red international Japanese side eyeing him this time, and he doesn't want to see Naito go against his orders and continue to target Miyazaki Kentaro secretly.

   "Teacher, I really can't understand Naito-kun's behavior." Cheng Qianfan looked angry, his voice raised, and his words became more anxious, or restless and sad.

He looked at Imamura Heitaro and spoke quickly, "I know why Naito-kun is staring at me. He thinks I am responsible for Mr. Changyou's death, but the special high school has already investigated it very clearly. The Secret Service assassinated Mr. Changyou, we really need to investigate, I was shot and injured because of Mr. Changyou."

  Cheng Qianfan patted his forehead, showing guilt and uneasiness, shook his head, "Teacher, I'm not disrespectful to Teacher Changyou, I'm just explaining..."

   "I understand, I understand." Imamura Heitaro patted Miyazaki Kentaro on the shoulder, "Kentaro, you have always respected teachers, I know you."

  Cheng Qianfan's eyes were red, his face was touched and emotional, and he bowed deeply, "The parents who gave birth to me, the one who knows me, the teacher."

  Heitaro Imamura nodded with a sigh. Although Kentaro may have many minor problems, Kentaro has a sincere heart for him as a teacher, and he is very satisfied.

"I believe Naito-kun could not have read the file about the assassination of Mr. Changyou in the special high school." Cheng Qianfan shook his head in grief and indignation, "I don't believe that Naito-kun didn't know the real situation, I really don't understand why he He still misunderstood me all the time and held on to me."

  Speaking, Cheng Qianfan's tone became a little more pathetic in the mess, "Yes, Teacher Changyou was assassinated in front of me. Objectively speaking, I am responsible for failing to protect Teacher Changyou."

He looked at Imamura Heitaro, with grief and indignation in his eyes, but also grievances, "Teacher, I was shot at that time, it was the first time I was shot, I thought I was going to die, my mind was messed up, I should rush out I rescued Teacher Changyou, but I only dared to lie on the ground to avoid bullets."

"Kintaro, Changyou-kun's death was a violent assassination by the Chongqing side, not your responsibility." Heitaro Imamura looked at the emotional Miyazaki Kentaro, and quickly relieved, "You were also facing a hail of bullets at that time, even if you rushed out, you could only It’s just death, you are very lucky to have survived.”

  Cheng Qianfan rubbed his face vigorously, trying to hide the tears in the corner of his eyes, "Teacher, I, Naito-kun..."

   As he spoke, he choked up and bowed again, "Fortunately, the teacher knows me."

"It's impossible for Naito-kun not to know about his uncle's death. In fact, Miyazaki-kun was not responsible, and it's impossible for him not to know that Miyazaki-kun's injury was actually implicated by his uncle." He has been 'appreciating' all this , It can even be said that Yoshino Sakamoto, who watched with gusto, spoke.

  The sad and angry Cheng Qianfan wiped the corners of his eyes, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but applaud Sakamoto Ryono.

  My friend is getting smarter now:

  Ryono Sakamoto’s words seem very common, just stating the facts. However, Yoshio Sakamoto is closely related to Naito Kotsuo as the uncle of Naito Kotsuba. This is a very subtle psychological hint—

  Naito Kotsuba abolished the public for personal reasons, no matter what he did, he would inevitably have suspicions of impure motives!

   "Why does Naito-kun know the truth of the matter, but still insists that Miyazaki-kun is responsible?" Sakamoto Ryono continued, "This is because Naito-kun has a psychological problem."

   "Psychological problem?" Cheng Qianfan looked at Sakamoto Yoshino with puzzled eyes.

"Naito-kun couldn't accept his uncle's death, and his uncle was assassinated in Shanghai. Strictly speaking, Naito-kun, who worked in the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai, was the host, and he would feel guilty about taking care of the disadvantaged." Ryoshi Sakamoto Talk wildly.

   "You mean, Naito-kun insisted that I was responsible for Mr. Changyou's death because of his own guilt, so he insisted that I was responsible for Mr. Changyou's death?" Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth with an extremely gloomy expression.

   "That's understandable." Sakamoto Yoshino nodded.

"Naito Xiaoyi!" Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth, "Is he an idiot? Isn't the most important thing he should do is to kill more Chinese people and use the blood of Chinese people to pay homage to Teacher Changyou? He did this, this kind of thinking, It's just unreasonable!"

  Ryono Sakamoto shook his head, "This is a psychological problem. I have been researching people's psychological problems during this time, and I made an interesting discovery."

Before Miyazaki Kentaro and Imamura Heitaro spoke, he said enthusiastically, "Take Naito-kun as an example, he kept telling himself that his uncle's death was caused by Miyazaki Kentaro, under this constant psychological hint, I'm afraid that in Naito-kun's heart, he is very sure that Miyazaki-kun is responsible for uncle's death."

Saying that, Yoshino Sakamoto paused for a moment, smiled slightly, quite like an expert and scholar, "Even, it cannot be ruled out that Mr. Naito has already tended to a cognition and conclusion in his mind that is even more unreasonable in the eyes of ordinary people. "

   "What do you mean?" Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly and asked.

"Rano, what do you mean." Imamura Heitaro said after thinking, "Naito now believes that the death of Nagatomo-kun is not only caused by Kentaro's ineffective protection, he even thinks that Nagatomo-kun's assassination is caused by Kentaro behind the scenes. make…"

   As he spoke, he glanced at his student, "That is to say, Naito even suspected that Kentaro had colluded with the Chongqing side and killed Changyou-kun."

"It's unreasonable! Crazy! Crazy!" Cheng Qianfan's eyes were full of disbelief, and then even greater grief and anger spread, and he muttered to himself, "Crazy! Naito Xiaoyi, this stupid guy! He's crazy!"

   "It's not suspicion." Sakamoto Yoshino shook his head, "Before, Naito pushed the Gendarmerie Command to investigate Miyazaki-kun. In fact, that investigation proved Miyazaki-kun's innocence."

  He looked at Miyazaki Kentaro, "Uncle Imamura, you reprimanded Naito and ordered him not to harass Miyazaki-kun anymore. Under such circumstances, Naito still insisted on Miyazaki-kun, which shows—"

  He pushed the lens, and then clasped his hands, "It shows that Naito is extremely convinced, or under constant psychological hints, he is convinced that Mr. Miyazaki is colluding with Chongqing."

   "It's ridiculous." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and smiled wryly, with anger and a trace of helplessness in his smile, "Absurd, stupid, hateful!"

Hyotaro Imamura thinks deeply about Ryono Sakamoto's analysis. He didn't think there was much to it at first, but after careful consideration, it actually made some sense. Compared to him, why Kobasa Naito kept biting him? The reason for Miyazaki Kentaro's persistence seems to be found:

  The previous probes and investigations by the Gendarmerie Command have proved Kentaro's innocence. Under such circumstances, Naito's continued entanglement is not only irrational, but also incomprehensible.

   It turned out that the reason was that Kotsu Naito went crazy?

  Sakamoto Yoshino said that Naito Kotsuba had a mental problem, and Imamura Heutaro summed it up as a disease:


   "Rano." Imamura Heutaro glanced at Sakamoto Ryono, "Since when did you start studying human psychology?"

"I've been studying it for a while." Yoshino Sakamoto pushed the lens and said, "My work involves the search of letters from citizens of the Empire, and an interesting situation was mentioned in the letters from some soldiers of the Empire. "

"what's the situation?"

"Some imperial soldiers reported that after some Chinese surrendered to the empire, they treated their own compatriots even more cruelly than the imperial soldiers." Sakamoto Yoshino said, "It was even mentioned in a letter that a usually honest After the Chinese people took refuge in the empire, it was like a different person. This person killed the benefactor who had helped him in the name of fornicating and hating the Japanese, and took over the benefactor’s property.”

  Ryono Sakamoto had a serious expression on his face, "These things aroused my interest, so I started to study them."

"The despicable Chinese people, they are cowardly clowns. Now that they have the support of the empire, those cowardly and inferior people have transformed into bloodthirsty and cruel people." Cheng Qianfan said coldly, "This is not a psychological problem. It's human nature, after these people got the support of the empire, they finally have the opportunity to release their long-suppressed nature."

  Ryono Sakamoto was not angry when he was refuted by his friend, but nodded, "Insulting the weak is itself a subject worth studying psychologically."

   "I haven't studied this, you have your reasons." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, and didn't express any further views on this matter. Anyway, Sakamoto Yoshino has always been helping him, and he is very good friend.

  He looked at Imamura Heutarou with a hesitant expression, then gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Teacher, this time, Kentaro may disappoint you."

   After speaking, he bowed deeply.

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  (end of this chapter)