MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1326 A big man was scared to pee his pants

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  Chapter 1326 A big man was scared to pee his pants

   Moreover, there was a joke later. He was arrested by the police for the first time, and he didn't know what to do, so he wet his pants when he got in the car. The picture of a big man peeing his pants is indeed quite scary.

  The policeman laughed when he saw this scene. He had never seen a big man pee his pants in fright, and now he has learned a lot.

  This peeing pants is quite funny.

When someone passed by just now and saw it, he was very happy and said to Gu Yuehuan: "Emma, ​​that person made me laugh so hard just now, he was arrested by the police, and then he was so scared that he peed his pants. It was wet, and the car of the police was **** and dirty, and the police didn't look very angry. Well, this is too scary, it must have been ripped apart, so I didn't feel at ease, and just peed my pants. "

  Jiang Dahe and Gu Yuehuan also didn't expect this person's psychological quality to be so timid, with evil intentions but no courage.

   People who can pee their pants when caught by the police, how did they frame them?

Gu Yuehuan originally wanted to explain this matter to those reporters, but she didn't expect to find a big bargain. These reporters said here that there is no need to explain to them. Everyone watched such a good show just now. Clearly.

  All are made by Jiang Kai.


  Boss Dai was so angry that he fainted last time.

   As a result, when I saw the news broadcast on TV this time, my heart couldn't take it anymore. I felt that my heart would be stimulated to death sooner or later. I didn't expect this trash to be exposed so soon.

   And on a news TV.

  Gu Yuehuan completely explained it to herself this time, and cleared herself up, but instead, she got herself into trouble.

   Now everyone knows that he did not hesitate to resort to this method for the sake of commercial competition.

   Now there is no shame here.

  He was very angry, threw things all over the office, and then fainted from anger. You were shocked when you saw this situation, and hurried forward to send him to the hospital.

  Jiang Kai is now being taken to the Public Security Bureau. He peed his pants just now, so his pants were a little wet. He was so frightened that he stuttered and couldn't speak.

  It was really the first time he had experienced such a thing.

  So I was so nervous that I was at a loss, and I was also very scared, afraid that someone would beat him. I heard that these are some places where torture is used to extract the truth, and these people will torture themselves to extract confessions.

  He was flustered.

After all, Boss Dai is his boss, so I called Boss Dai and asked Boss Dai to help me. It was Boss Dai who caused him to become like this. If it wasn’t for the big boss, I wouldn’t have become like this, so Boss Dai I have to be responsible, but Boss Dai's phone can't be connected.

   Wait until it is connected later.

  Boss Dai called him at the hospital and said that the Public Security Bureau had dialed him.

Devon said to him angrily at the hospital: "Jiang Kai, you are a waste, I don't know you, a waste, don't come to me again, from now on you are not an employee of my company, I will be with you You have nothing to do with it. You did all these things yourself and have nothing to do with our company, so you keep your mouth shut, or I can kill you when you come out. "

After all, Jiang Kai was still young, the first time he experienced this kind of thing, he was left behind before he had time to be famous, so he was so scared that he cried, "No, Boss Dai, you can't do this, I'm working for you. You asked me to do these things. Didn’t you say that it’s okay for me to do this? You’re so immoral. , I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison here, you are so capable, you get me out!”

  (end of this chapter)