MTL - My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved-Chapter 154 Ascension, big world! [Please subscribe! 】

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  Chapter 154 Ascension, big world! [Please subscribe! 】

  Silvermoon City range

  Su Yang spent about an hour working hard.

   Take down all the resource points in the entire Silvermoon City.

  Whether it is the source node or the resource point, he has arranged sword moves.

  【Sword of All Beings·Plunder】

  Function: Loot all resources within a ten-mile radius and send them to the other end.

   This move is not only able to plunder resources directly to his Great Xia City, it does not require him to operate too much.

   Another point is that it is very secretive.

   Hiding in the void, unless the strength surpasses Su Yang by a large amount, otherwise, there is no way to discover this sword move.

   But even so, in order to ensure the safety of every resource point.

  He will arrange an annihilation sword formation at the location of the resource point.

  The first wave of warnings, the opponent did not listen and opened fire.

  His sword array only warns once.

  During this period, he conveniently wiped out the nine out-of-body-level evil spirit lairs within the scope of Silvermoon City.

   Added 27 million wills to him.

   In addition, when he went to receive his own resource points, he encountered some Yinyue clan who occupied his resource points.

   Such blind people were naturally killed by him.


   You have to have a chance to run.

   Facing Su Yang at this moment, they don't even have a second of reaction time.

   Destroying these little Karami Suyang of the Silver Moon Clan also gained a little bit of the will of all beings.

   Not much, just over a million.

  The will of sentient beings, currently only depends on the strength level of evil spirits.

  Other intelligent races are to see if there is any murder.

  From the current point of view, no matter if it is a human race or a foreign race.

   are more or less with sin.

   After all, I have cultivated to this level, and I don’t know how many creatures I have killed in the process of growing up.

  In the universe, when the power suppression is not so strong.

   If you use it a little bit, if you fight with each other, it may affect a large number of living beings.

  Sin is naturally added.

   That is, how many things.

  After destroying the Silver Moon Clan, Su Yang planned to digest it first.

   Currently he has enough resources.

   First transform into combat power.

  Big Xia World can also improve a wave.

  【The Will of All Beings: 29.34 million】

  【Galaxy origin: 1.31 million】

  【Galaxy crystal nuclei: five】

  Most of the origins of the galaxy are obtained after killing the aliens in the Mahayana period.

  With the addition of some evil spirit lairs outside of Silvermoon City, the original appearance of more than 100,000 galaxies was obtained.

   This is the resource in Su Yang's hands.

   In addition to this, there is also the Great Xia City that is currently under construction.

  【Great Xia City】

  Galaxy Origin: 500 strands/1 day

  Low Grade Yuanshen Liquid: 100 drops/1 day

  Zhongpin Yuanshen Liquid: 50 drops/1 day

  Top grade Yuanshen liquid: 10 drops/1 day

  Low grade star source breath: 1 wisp/1 day

   This is what Daxia City can provide him with every day after linking a large number of resource points.

   Except for the source of the galaxy, the daily harvest of other resources is simply pitiful.


  So, the resources that can be obtained every day in a small human city like Blackhorn City are insignificant?

   But this kind of cultivation resources, except for this kind of resource points with stable output.

  You can also search in the dangerous area of ​​the galaxy itself.

   Expeditions in dangerous areas get faster and more cultivation resources.

   After all the resource points in Silvermoon City are settled.

  Su Yang chose to go back to Daxia World.

  Take some time to improve Daxia World.

  The collected resources cannot be left unused like this.

  After making a decision, Su Yang returned to the Great Xia World in a flash.

   It has only been about two days since he was in the origin of the galaxy.

  But the cosmic time has passed for nearly twenty days.

   During these twenty days.

   Great Xia Xianzong has undergone tremendous changes.

   There are hundreds of disciples in the Nascent Soul Realm.

   There are tens of thousands of disciples in the Golden Core Realm.

  The remaining 90,000 disciples also gradually completed accumulation in the realm of the foundation building period.

   It is only a matter of time before the breakthrough is gradually completed.

   Observed the situation of the disciple a little bit.

  Su Yang also started to work on his own affairs.

  Start raising the world.

  In terms of the origin of the world and the origin of the galaxy that he has now mastered.

  It is very easy to upgrade the Great Xia World from a small world to a big world.

   But based on what he knows.

   It is not so simple to upgrade a world from a big world to a small thousand world.

   It is more difficult, in addition to requiring enough world origin and galaxy origin.

   Also need some precious natural and earthly treasures in the universe.

  Su Yang let the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven use its origin to start improving the world's heritage and foundation.

  At present, it is very simple to use the source of the world to improve these two data.

  A total of almost 20 million world origins are needed.

  Using the origin of the galaxy, it is only 20,000.

   This is not worth mentioning to Su Yang now.

  However, the promotion process still takes a little time.

   It took about two hours to complete the upgrade this time.

   After the foundation and background have been upgraded.

  Then you can directly advance the world.

  With a thought of Su Yang, a world announcement appeared on the sword net.

  【World Announcement: Great Xia World will usher in promotion next, and the disciples of the Great Xia Xianzong who have gone out will return to the Great Xia World immediately. Please be prepared. 】

   After Su Yang released this announcement.

   Didn't start world promotion immediately.

   I also waited for an hour to let everyone get ready first.

   World promotion will bring many benefits, which cannot be missed by the disciples of the Great Xia Xianzong.

  After his announcement was released.

  Everyone who logged into Jianwang and had their own account received this reminder.

  The disciples of Daxia Xianzong, such as Hong Tian, ​​who was fighting on Red Saturn, also received the reminder.

   "World promotion?"

   "Hasn't the Great Xia World just been promoted?"

   "These are not important, let's go back first, don't miss the world's feedback."

  After learning more information about the universe.

  The disciples of the Great Xia Xianzong also understand what it means to advance to the world.

   I know how difficult it is to advance a world.

   But when they think about it again, this matter was done by the Suzerain.

   All this has become very reasonable again.

   They were not too surprised.

  Starting from the appearance of Su Yang in their world.

   Many of them were shocked.

   have long been used to it.

   All unreasonable things, if they are done by their suzerain.

  In their subconscious mind, they will put reasonable labels on them.

   An hour flies by.

   Wait until the time is up.

  Su Yang also directly let the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven advance the world.

   "The Way of Heaven. Let's start."

   "Understood, my lord."

   Everything that happened next was not much different from the last time at first.

  The promotion of a world has a huge impact on a world.

   During the promotion period, there are new differences.

   This time, while advancing.

  The original energy emanating from the center of the world has been improving the physique of everyone in the world from the very beginning.

  All creatures in the world are getting stronger.

  Among them, the human race has benefited the most.

   Originally, this was a human planet.

  In addition, the master of the world is Su Yang.

  The consciousness of the way of heaven naturally needs to guide the original power a little bit.

   Let these original forces be biased towards the human race, so that the human race can absorb more.

During this process.

   Improving physical fitness is inevitable.

   Every living being will be involved.

  In addition to this most basic improvement.

  The most important thing is the spiritual root.

  In this process, more and more people are endowed with spiritual roots.

   Let them have the opportunity to embark on the fairy road from now on.

   This is only the benefit brought by the world promotion process.

   After the Great Xia World completes the promotion, it will get more benefits.

   About half a day has passed.

  World promotion is also completed extremely quickly under the impetus of a large number of world origins.

   After completing the promotion, the location of the world barrier.

   Layers of fluctuations are generated.

   And with that comes cosmic energy.

   This is a very special energy.

  At least with Su Yang's current strength, he can't get this thing.

   This time there is a lot of cosmic energy.

   More than a hundred times more than last time.

  Cosmic energy enters the world.

  Began to improve the existence in the Great Xia World.

   The root spirit.

   Intrinsic spirits.

   These two types of things are promoted the most.

  The second is where the Great Xia Xianzong is located, which also attracted a lot of cosmic energy.

   This kind of energy is extremely advanced.

  Even with Su Yang's current strength, he still can't see the root cause.

  A large part of it also entered his body.

   began to improve his body.

  His physical body quickly broke through layers of confinement and soared all the way.

  From the initial stage of leaving the body, it soars to perfection.

   It only consumes some of the energy.

   Ascension continues.

   After a while, he broke through the realm, allowing his physical body to reach the realm of transforming gods.

  After reaching this level, it is not that simple to continue to improve.

  It is the same as the realm of cultivating immortals, after reaching the realm of transforming gods.

  Continuing to practice requires some special resources.

   The origin of the world does not mean that it is completely useless.

   But the effect is also minimal.

  This cosmic energy doesn't care how much you have.

  Continue to forcibly improve Su Yang's physique.

  Su Yang's physique is still rising.

  From the initial stage of the God Transformation Realm, it continues to improve until the God Transformation Realm is completed.

  Su Yang felt his physique a little bit.

   very strong

   If he continues to swing the sword later, his speed will definitely be faster.

   It's just that he doesn't swing his sword very much now.

  The proficiency of sword intent obtained by swinging a sword is too slow.

   It's not as fast as killing the evil spirits and gaining the will of all living beings.

  Su Yang felt his current physical fitness for a while, so he stopped meddling.

  Compared with his sword intent, his physical fitness is not strong.

  World promotion, except for Su Yang's relatively large benefits.

  People from other Great Xia worlds also gained a lot of benefits.

   Hong Tian is the most among them.

  His spiritual root has been raised again.

  Although it has not yet broken through the Heavenly Spiritual Root, it has reached the level of the Immortal Spiritual Root.

  But there was a ray of immortal energy in Hong Tian's heavenly spirit root.

  With a ray of fairy energy, there are countless possibilities.

  If Hong Tian himself has enough opportunities later on.

  With its own strength, it can also cast fairy roots.

  Thus creating one of the foundations to break through the fairy.

  After the world is promoted, there is also a crisis across the void and hits the Great Xia World.

  All kinds of cosmic creatures living in the void are inspired by the fluctuations of cosmic energy.

  For cosmic energy, they have a heartfelt desire.

  Although these cosmic energies have been integrated into the Great Xia world.

  But these cosmic creatures living in the void have a way to absorb the cosmic energy integrated into the Great Xia world during a period of time when the world is promoted.

  After completing the promotion, the world will receive cosmic energy as a reward.

  These cosmic energies will be integrated into the Great Xia world.

  Although it is absorbed instantly.

   But the fluctuation of cosmic energy will still remain.

   The more energy there is in the universe, the stronger and longer this wave will last.

  Last time, the promotion from the prototype world to the small world lasted about ten minutes.

  Ten minutes also attracted a large number of cosmic Zerg.

   This time, the duration will be about an hour.

   That is to say, within an hour.

  The location of the Great Xia world will be exposed to the creatures of the universe.

  Because the nearby void has been cleaned up by Su Yang last time.

  So at the beginning, no cosmic creatures appeared.

  Su Yang doesn't want to guard here either.

   Simply set up a sword array covering the entire Great Xia world.

  All the incoming cosmic creatures have only one end.

   Killed by the sword array.

   After finishing these, Su Yang notified Gu Xiu.

   It's time for Great Xia Xianzong to continue recruiting disciples.

   This time it is fully released.

  You can join the Great Xia Xianzong at any time.

  There are only two things that need to be assessed, spiritual root and character.

  Gu Xiu and Tiandao are jointly responsible for this matter.

   People in the Great Xia World can sign up directly through Jianwang.

   Then the consciousness of the way of heaven is responsible for the screening.

   Gu Xiu is responsible for overall planning and arrangement.

  In this case, Su Yang doesn't have to worry about anything.

   After the arrangement, Su Yang opened the panel of Daxia World.

  【Big Summer World】

  Level: Big World

  Boundary upper limit: Transcending Tribulation Realm

  World foundation: 10,000/100 million

  World heritage: 1 million/10 billion

  World origin: 6.42 million/100 billion

  Enable promotion requirements: the root of nothingness, the cornerstone of primary rules, and the low-grade fairy spring

   This is the current panel of Great Xia World.

  The upper limit of the realm is the Crossing Tribulation Realm, that is to say, in the world of Great Xia, all resources within the Crossing Tribulation Realm can be obtained.

  It also includes primordial spirit liquid, star origin breath, emptiness air, transformation thunder field.

  These four resources correspond to the realm of transforming the gods, the realm of combining bodies, the realm of refining the void, and the realm of crossing the tribulation.

  Four kinds of resources can be born in today's Great Xia world.

  But the speed of birth is very unsatisfactory.

  The birth of these four resources is controlled by the consciousness of heaven, except that the transformation minefield is controlled by the consciousness of heaven.

  The other three resources can be born because the Great Xia world is part of the universe.

  With the help of identity advantages, three special resources can be continuously born

  The speed at which these three special resources are born is also linked to the quality of the world.

  The speed is too slow, Su Yang doesn't bother to care about it.

   It’s not as quick as collecting some when he went to the origin of the galaxy to hunt down the origin evil spirits.

  This kind of resource that is extremely precious to other worlds, but Su Yang is somewhat despised.

  In his opinion, the biggest benefit brought by the promotion of the world is that the ability of the spirit liquid pool has been improved.

   Next, he will be able to condense the Spiritual Liquid Pool of Huashen Level, the Spiritual Liquid Pool of Fusion Level, and the Spiritual Liquid Pool of Refining Void Level in the Great Xia World.

  These three levels of spiritual liquid pools can speed up the cultivation speed of Daxia Xianzong disciples' mana.

  The cultivation of mana is a process that cultivators must go through in every realm.

   Constantly condense mana and expand the upper limit of mana.

   Mana is the basis of a realm.

   In addition to the basics, other things need to be improved.

  The Yuanshen of the Transformation God Realm, the Fusion Realm and the Nascent Soul are fused.

   This is the special feature of each realm.

  Only after completing each step can the cultivator continue to pursue higher realms.

   There are many requirements and restrictions.

  Su Yang can only say that it is more convenient and faster to increase his sword intent level.

  In addition to understanding the benefits of world promotion.

  Su Yang also learned about the preparations that Daxia World needs to make to advance to the next stage.

  In addition to the basic three conditions.

   There are also three key promotion items.

   Root of nothingness, primary rule cornerstone, low-grade fairy spring

  Three things, just listening to the name is not easy to do.

   But whether it is good or not is also linked to strength.

  As long as there is enough strength, there will naturally be no difficult problems.

   After understanding the changes, Su Yang then began to improve his strength.

  The will of 29 million sentient beings can also allow him to improve his own strength.



  Finally, his sword intent level was fixed at lv585.

  【Sword Intent (Mid-stage Celestial): lv585 (0/49.5 million)】

   "Are you in the mid-stage of immortality?"

  Su Yang took a look at his current state and knew it well.

   But he was not too satisfied.

   You have to continue to improve.

   Fortunately, in the origin of the galaxy, there are not many lairs of evil spirits.

   If the strength is not enough, then continue hunting.

  Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn't wait.

   Enter the origin of the galaxy in one thought.

  Great Xia World has been upgraded, and it only needs to be handed over to Gu Xiu to take care of it.

  What he needs to do now is to raise his strength to that of a true immortal, or even above a true immortal!

  At that level, there will be no threat to his existence in the entire cantilever galaxy.

   As for the existence in the fairyland, let's talk about it when we come back.

   Return to the origin of the galaxy, behind the Great Xia City.

  Su Yang opened the map of Black Snake Plain.

  This map contains a lot of information.

  Evil spirit lair, source node, resource point, dangerous area

   There are various kinds, and there are also grade notes.

   Now what Su Yang has to do is to sweep the lairs of the out-of-orifice-level evil spirits and the lairs of the transformation-level evil spirits.

  As for the combined level evil spirit lair.

   There are evil spirits at the level of celestial beings, and he doesn't want to provoke them for the time being.

   After having a map covering the entire Black Snake Plain.

  Su Yang also discovered that the highest level of the evil spirit's lair is the Crossing Tribulation level.

   There are no nests of evil spirits above the Tribulation Level.

  Su Yang put away the map and began to rush towards the nearest location.

   It was also during the time when Su Yang was busy.

  The medium-sized alien city that Su Yang killed the monks of the Mahayana period has already started their operations.

  Contact the alien celestial beings and ask the alien celestial beings to uphold justice.

  The human race who had been beaten and scolded by them all the time fought back.

   also destroyed one of their cities.

   This matter is very serious.

  He dared to destroy a small city of ours today, and a medium-sized city tomorrow.

   This problem must be stopped in time.

   Otherwise, wouldn't the arrogance of the human race become more and more arrogant?

  After the alien celestial beings knew about this, they immediately put pressure on the human race.

  Tell the high-level people of the Black Snake Plain.

   Let the human gods come out to admit their mistakes and make compensation.

   Otherwise, they will attack all the cities of the Black Snake Plain.

  Your human race has angels, and so do my alien races.

  The request of the foreign race is to let Su Yang come out to apologize and compensate.

  Because they also know that it is impossible to let the human gods come out to die with this method.

  The foreign race is a conspiracy to threaten the entire human race in the Black Snake Plain and make Su Yang submit obediently.

   But is it possible?

   Today's update, there is a guest, sorry, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)