MTL - My Talent Can Constantly Evolve-Chapter 17 Citing? Judging tillers?/a>

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The cultivation in the Qi-introducing stage is essentially the same as that in the breathing-control stage, except that the cultivation in the Qi-introducing stage is controlled by the subjective consciousness.

So the cultivation experience accumulated before is still useful.

And Lu Heng has always been very serious when he is cultivating internal skills, feeling the changes in his body meticulously every time.

In addition, his learning ability is not bad. Now that his comprehension has improved, he can deeply understand the essence of the practice books.

Therefore, it is not so dangerous for him to try it out on his own.

Without any hesitation, Lu Heng took a deep breath and absorbed a large amount of qi into his lungs according to the mantra of absorbing the inner strength.

The next step is the most crucial step.

Guide these Qi gathered in the alveoli with thoughts to train the muscles of the left hand.

Lu Heng instinctively looked at his left hand.

It is impossible to see the movement of Qi in the body from the surface of the body, not to mention that he is still wearing thick clothes.

However, Lu Heng always felt that looking at his hand like this would make him feel more at ease.

'According to what the book says, I feel a slight bulge...'

Lu Heng carefully felt the sensation from his left hand.

'Um? It seems... done? ’

Lu Heng was overjoyed, and hurriedly closed his eyes, completely immersing his mind into his body.

In an instant, he could clearly feel that the biceps in his left hand felt bulging, indicating that the muscle fibers were being nourished and tempered by Qi.

'It is done, it must be done! ’

Lu Heng opened his eyes with excitement on his face.

The first attempt was successful, which gave him great confidence.

Although it is said that what he has just performed is the safest, easiest and most successful muscle training, but being able to succeed in one go shows that his comprehension ability is strong enough.

Moreover, with the first successful experience, the subsequent success rate will greatly increase.

'If this is possible, I will start by tempering the muscles of the whole body, and after I have enough experience, I will guide the Qi to temper the bones and nourish the internal organs. ’

This is also the process that the vast majority of people who practice this internal skill follow. First, the muscles and fascia are tempered, then the bones are tempered, and then the nerves, internal organs, etc. are tempered.

Because this is the safest and the least likely to have problems.

'Come again! ’

After calming down, Lu Heng continued to guide Qi to walk through the muscle tissue.

Time passed quickly.

During this period, Lu Heng also stopped to inspect the farmland several times to ensure that the crops in the field would not be eaten by the pests that appear at night.

And as soon as the work in his hands stopped, he would immediately concentrate on practicing Qi Inner Strength.

He practiced like this until morning.

'In two or three days, I should be able to grasp it more or less. ’

Looking at Dongfang's white fish belly, Lu Heng was in a good mood.

This night, he tempered about 80% of the muscles in his body, and there were no major problems during the period, which meant that he had roughly mastered the technique of tempering muscles with Qi.

After practicing carefully for a day or two, you can try to temper the remaining muscle tissue.

Those muscle tissues are generally in the vital parts, and you must be very careful when tempering, so Lu Heng did not rush to try it.

At this time, a figure came from afar from the distant farmland towards this side.

Lu Heng saw that it was Uncle Wang who came to work during the day shift.

"Xiaoheng, you didn't sleep late on the night shift, did you? Why do you look so good?"

When Uncle Wang came to Lu Heng, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Uncle Wang is joking, how dare I sleep here, what if a monster breaks in."

Uncle Wang thought for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

After speaking, he still looked at Lu Heng suspiciously, always feeling that Lu Heng's complexion was abnormally good.

Lu Heng didn't explain it to him. After all, this kind of thing can't be said nonsense.

You must know that everyone who works here will go to the martial arts hall to practice martial arts and know the rules of the martial arts hall.

If Uncle Wang knew that he was already trying to induce Qi, he would have to give some advice.

Advice is still good, but if something gets out to Coach Wu, it will be troublesome.

Coach Wu definitely wants to settle accounts with himself.

"Uncle Wang, I'll go first." Lu Heng said goodbye.


Uncle Wang nodded and watched Lu Heng leave.

Lu Heng trotted all the way, and soon came to the station where he took the rail car.

After getting on the rail car, he thought to himself, he didn't expect that the effect of absorbing Qi cultivation would be so good, it was much stronger than adjusting the breath.

After practicing with the Qi-inducing method, not only is the body full of vitality, but the whole person is refreshed.

It seems that, as stated in the practice books, actively guiding Qi to temper the body will allow the body to absorb more energy.

The energy is sufficient, and the body's natural vitality is infinite.

The rail car started slowly, and it didn't take long for a car of people to arrive at the station outside the gate of the inner city of Jiangnan City.

After getting off the car, Lu Heng dashed all the way to his community.

Along the way, he carefully felt the changes in his body, and wanted to see how much his muscles had strengthened after a night of Qi-inducing cultivation.

When he came to the downstairs of his house, he had already come to a general conclusion.

The conclusion is that this night's Qi-inducing practice is as good as the five or six days of breathing adjustment practice.

No wonder those talented geniuses have improved so quickly. It turns out that it is not only because of their good physique and their adaptability to the Qi that is far superior to ordinary people, but also because they have begun to practice Qi-inducing early.

'After dinner, continue to go to the martial arts hall to practice swords. ’

Lu Heng was full of energy and had no sleepiness at all. He just wanted to seize the time to learn the swordsmanship.

At eight in the morning, the ninth martial arts hall.

When Lu Heng arrived at the martial arts hall, He Bing arrived as early as yesterday.

This made Lu Heng a little puzzled, why did He Bing practice martial arts so diligently?

You must know that He Bing is from a pharmaceutical factory. He has no chance to contact monsters at all, so he does not need to practice martial arts to protect himself.

Normally, for a person like him, UU reading will only use martial arts as a means of health preservation, and it is absolutely impossible to do so.

Lu Heng had never paid attention to He Bing before, and didn't know He Bing's character. Now that he and He Bing became brothers, he realized that He Bing was different from ordinary people.

"Senior Brother He, it's so early today again."

Lu Heng went up to say hello.

He Bing clenched the blade in his hand and said while practicing the swordsmanship: "My home is relatively close to here, so it's very convenient to come here."


He Bing slashed horizontally, then slowly put down the knife and said, "Come, come and practice the sword-drawing stance, I'll see how you practiced yesterday."

"it is good."

Lu Heng strode up not far in front of He Bing, moved his muscles and bones, and was ready to make a move.

As soon as he entered the martial arts hall, he went to get the sword first, so he brought the sword into the training room.

Seeing Lu Heng stand up, He Bing slowly put the knife in his hand into the scabbard, and just as he was holding the knife, Lu Heng slashed out a knife, extremely fast.


He Bing was stunned for a moment, not quite used to Lu Heng's performance.

In other words, he wasn't mentally prepared, and he didn't expect Lu Heng's swordsmanship to improve so quickly.

"Damn it, you kid, it's only been a day, so I can't give you any pointers?"

He Bing said speechlessly.

He found that with his own eyesight, he couldn't see any flaws in Lu Heng's sword-drawing stance just now.

This also means that Lu Heng's mastery of this trick is no longer as good as his.

You have to know that it's only been a day, is this kid's perception so good?

"Senior Brother He, in fact, I have also practiced all the following moves, or I will demonstrate it again, can you help me to see if there is any problem?"

Lu Heng asked.