MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 18 : "Then brother, wish us a happy cooperation?"

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People from the Cold Wolf Gang...?

The corner of Scardog's mouth twitched slightly. Before he went out, Brother Jiang didn't tell him that he was going to pretend to be someone from the Lenglang Gang.

No wonder you want a suit.

The members of the Lenglang Gang seem to be wearing suits, especially the leader of the Lenglang Gang, who is wearing a suit and a bowler hat.

"People from the Cold Wolf Gang?"

The security guard standing at the door narrowed his eyes. He didn't speak immediately, but picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered a few words.

Obviously, this security guard has also heard of the existence of the Lenglang Gang.


It seemed like he got a response.

The security guard pointed the muzzle of his gun to the ground, indicating no hostility, before waving his hand: "Come in with me, our field manager wants to see you."

"it is good."

Chen Jiang nodded calmly and followed.

After passing through several paths full of discarded garbage, I came to a bungalow office.

This office seems to have not been cleaned for a long time. It is located in the center of a garbage dump, and there is a circle of open space between the office and the surrounding garbage.

And this clearing is littered with power grids, mines, and machine guns.

It can be seen that this field director is still very afraid of death.


Chen Jiang and the two walked into the office, and the security guard behind them came in with them, standing behind them.


Just walked into this office.

Then he saw a man with a pot belly slumped on a soft chair with a cigar in his mouth, staring at Chen Jiang and the two with a half-smiling smile.

"You two are really brave."

"A few years ago, the Leng Wolf Gang framed me, so I could only be reduced to such a place. Being the field manager of a ruined field has long been reduced to a joke in 18 cities."

"Now, how dare you send someone to work with me?"

"Do you really think I have such a measure, or do you want to come over and mock me."


Scar Dog sighed heavily in his heart, and inadvertently glanced around, ready to start thinking about where to break out.

This time, it was obvious that he didn't ask for good information in advance, and ran to the mortal enemy of the Lenglang Gang.

This cold wolf gang is also crazy, how can they make enemies everywhere?

"Do not."

Chen Jiang's face was calm, he strode to the front of the field, pulled up a chair and sat down, looked at the fat man in front of him and said solemnly: "Now, this world is different from before, you probably don't know it, right? ?"

"Naturally know."

The field manager sneered, put the cigar in his hand aside, got up and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet: "Three months ago, the Arena of Ten Thousand Races opened again."

"And the location of this decisive battle was chosen as the world of our machine race."

"Three months ago, when the ten thousand races came to this world, they were almost slaughtered by our mechanical race."

"After all, they came to this world with bare hands, and our mechanic has long been prepared, and we are fully prepared to wait for these ten thousand races who come to our world."

"Not to mention killing most of the people, but at least half of them. Didn't you realize that it's hard for you to see aliens?"

"According to the previous process, March has passed, and the new event of the Ten Thousand Race Arena is about to start, and for this event, the Mechanic has already prepared."

"After all, in this ten thousand race arena, only our machine race participated once and survived to the end."

"You want to use righteousness to oppress me? No, no, no, I am very principled in doing things."

"Righteousness is righteousness, but it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with your Lenglang Gang!"

Chen Jiang nodded thoughtfully, thinking about this for a while, but simply pushed out the black card he got from the Lenglang Gang: "For businessmen, everything has an offer. , including the principle of this thing."

"What you said also makes sense."

Chang Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the anonymous black credit card, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, and he asked tentatively, "First talk about what you want to cooperate with."


Chen Jiang looked directly at the fat man in front of him and said, "The Lenglang Gang needs a lot of semi-scrapped items."

"Semi-scrapped props?"

Chang Chang's eyes flickered a few times, and he said, "What does the Lenglang Gang want these things for?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

Chen Jiang shook his head: "Just make an offer."

The fat man lowered his head to think for a moment, then his heart sank and raised three fingers: "Yes, 300 credit points each, I have as many as I want."


Hearing this, Chen Jiang didn't hesitate at all, so he took back his credit card and got up to leave.

"Hey, don't."

"The price can be negotiated if it's not right. What is this for?"

Seeing that Chen Jiang was about to turn around and leave, the field manager was in a hurry, and immediately got up and called Chen Jiang to a halt.

"How about 280 credits?"

"I said brother."

Chen Jiang looked helplessly at the fat man behind him: "Semi-scrapped props are worthless things at all, a few hundred dollars for a credit point, are you really a cold wolf to help burn a lot of money?"

"I told you the bottom line directly. The reserve price that the helper gave me is a maximum of 50 credit points."


The field director hesitated for a while, UU Reading did not speak immediately, but hesitated a bit.

He has a lot of ruins for things like semi-scrapped props, and they are not worth much at all. As long as you want, you can give as much as you want.

But since the Lenglang Gang paid for it, it must be beneficial to the Lenglang Gang.

He naturally wanted to make a fortune while he was there.

"That's it, little brother."

After hesitating for a while, the obese man got up and brought Chen Jiang a glass of wine, and said tentatively, "Don't say anything about the bottom price. I've also been in the society, so it's enough to deceive others."

"Lenglang Gang, actually, being able to send you here means that you can still talk in the Lenglang Gang."

"In this way, since my brother is here, we can't run away in vain."

"The price is 100 credit points."


He raised three fingers and said with a kind smile on his face, "Three points, I'll give you three points for each transaction."

"Equally, for every half-scrapped item traded, brother, you can get 30 credit points by yourself, how about that?"

"Brother, I only earned 20 extra credits, didn't I?"

"Brother, I'm all here to let you earn some money, little brother. Otherwise, little brother will run and lie down hard, and run around in a clean pocket. Wouldn't that chill the little brother's heart?"

"This is also for long-term cooperation. If you have money, everyone will make money together."

"think about it?"

Chen Jiang stared at the fat man in front of him with a smile but not a smile: "I accidentally said something wrong just now. The reserve price given by the helper is exactly 100 credit points."

"Then brother, wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Nature, nature."