MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 42 I am jealous, and I am not good!

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So many viewers, how many fans in Luobing County do not need much, how many people are watching the live broadcast now. When Luo Bingjun came up, he was not stupid. The audience was not familiar with it. Many people heard it. In addition, Luo Bingjun is now working with Tang Yan. The two people are also Weibo. If you think about it, you will know that you should be able to play together.

The other one is "Crazy Robe". He really didn't brag. He is really the king of this game, even the super king who can be ranked in the professional players, and he is only 16 years old! He should be the youngest of the entire professional players. He also has a lot of fans. His sister's powdered mother powder, coupled with his little wolf dog, is extremely aggressive. Many male compatriots also like him.

During the game, the player can show his face and keep it mysterious, but the players in the same team need to communicate. The crazy robe is the captain and the lineup. It is like the innate ability for this child. As soon as he spoke, the fans heard it.

No. 4 is a girl. When I heard Tang Hao want to give him two vests, he laughed haha ​​and asked: "Little brother, I want to become the voice of Luo Bingjun, I want a thousand voices!"

Don’t be happy, “I’m sorry, I’m out of stock, I just bought a big fool and bought 10,000.”

Big silly Luo Bingjun rolled his eyes and gave Tang Hao a middle finger!

On the 4th, I asked again, "There is still no changer to defeat the younger brother of Buddha. I want 10,000~"

Tang licked his ears, "Who?"

"The fight against the Buddha," Luo Bingjun did not intend to squat, the wave was a wave of pleasure, directly with Tang Yan said: "The game id fights against the Buddha, almost all of this game knows, genius boy, good at command, every month Once a thousand people fight, other groups see his id and hurt their heads."

Don Juan: "Hey!"

The live room instantly enters a mad state: Luo, Bing, County, I am ah! ! !

The county brother is so handsome, playing games is definitely super handsome!

Tang Tang don't pull your hind legs!

Come and see it soon, Luo Bingjun is in the live broadcast of Tang Tang! ! !

Today is not ready to put a cute pet, is it started to play live games?

The other is not self-recognized, but the nine achievements are "the fight against the Buddha"!

OMG! My brother played live games in the live broadcast!

My daughter! My daughter! My daughter!


Don Juan watched the live room so lively, quietly Mimi's typing asked Luo Bingjun: That fight against the Buddha is very powerful?

Luo Bingjun: You don't know if you still look for him?

Tang Wei: Once he said that he is a professional player, he said that playing the game brought me here, I will try it.

Luo Bingjun: You are arrogant! He is not very old, only 16 years old, still a captain, the command is very good, I have seen his video of several competitions, what the tactics say, unexpectedly, no one can guess what he thinks in his head, and especially Hey, see people killing, one who does not stay, self-destruction of eight thousand to kill the enemy.

Tang Zhen was surprised, sixteen years old, so small, isn’t it as big as the cheetah twins, is this child not going to school?

However, this name... Tang Yi couldn't help but laugh when he thought of it. It was quite invincible.

After entering the game, Tang Yan smiled and poked the third, "Robe brother protects me~"

The teenager coughed and said coldly: "I will follow me for a while."

Tang Yan’s eyes are bright, this child is very easy to give people a sense of security, this is a very confident boy!

Don Juan also understands that people in the live broadcast don't all like to watch them play games. Originally, he didn't plan to broadcast live, just to find a playmate. Now I don't think there are more and more people. The fans of both of them are coming. In order to take care of all the audience, Tang Yan put the cats, rabbits, and parrots out. The three species are together and the visual inspection is impossible.

Xuanfeng compares the chicken thief. When the cat comes out, the rabbit's body is now big. It can't be beaten. Just stand on Don Juan's shoulder and watch Tang Yan playing the game. He swayed his wings and the attitude. I shouted: Laozi stood on the shoulder of Don Dad, who else dared to fight with me?

Hooking six looks at its eyes, just like watching stupidity.

Other cute pets should sleep and sleep, the meal should be eaten, the strolling stroll, the mane hair. Several kittens were nestled around Mulan, waiting for the young lady to give the mane, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The game started, Xuan Feng came up and shouted: "Little brother, come on!" "Miss sister, come on!" "Little beauty, come on!"

Tang smashed the hoe, and Xuan Feng immediately put his face over. The two men cooperated with each other. Xuan Feng then shouted: "The grandson opposite, do you dare to beat me?"

A smiley crying expression pack in the live broadcast: Very good, Xuanfeng is a small expert who pulls hatred!

Tang Yan gave it a sigh of relief, "Don't make trouble, talk about civilization."

Xuan Feng’s cleverness smashed the face of Sui and Tang Dynasties and was honest for the time being.

This time, the barrage is actually skinned, and they all learn Xuanfeng to speak: Little brother, come on!

Do you dare to hit me?

I am standing here, do you dare to hit me?

Miss sister, what a ~mua!


Tang Yan was crying and laughing, and he followed Xue Xuan to learn poverty.

After entering the game, Tang Hao knows that his skills are not good, followed by the third brother. The player in this stage is in the presence of a younger brother, just like a pot of vegetables. A shot of a child, after coming in, is like killing a god, do not hide, see people rushing up, hear where there is a gun to run. Tang Hao found a place to hide, and nothing was embarrassing, he thundered, carrying a backpack of thunder, to cover the other side. Although he feels that the other party may not need it.

Xuan Feng has been excited and crazy, and made it on the shoulders of Tang Yin: "Do you dare to beat me on the opposite side? You are forced to beat me!"

The barrage is followed by one piece: Do you dare to hit me? I am forced to beat me!

Not all skins!

Tang Zhen ran down in a whole game, did not know how to lie and win, and successfully won the first.

In the second game, the fight against the younger brother of the Buddha is still like killing God. The whole process is not nonsense. Going up is just, there is no tactic. See one one, one person single-handedly opposite a small team.

After the two games were finished, the younger brother was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled and asked: "Brother, high unhappy?"

Don Juan quickly joined the field: "Of course happy! I think this is the game!"

Opposite domineering: "Yes, playing games is to be cool, happy, lose will be unhappy, to win in order to be happy."

Tang Yan understands, this child is saying: You can't afford to lose! You can't lose!

In the third game, the younger brother who fights the Buddha is still rushing forward, and the teammates follow him: "Go! Let's see what, what is the chicken."

Don Juan is playing the mentality, and the music is followed by the younger brother.

It’s not a matter of professional play, the children start to decide, kill people, kill what, do not exist, just just! The whole is a world hegemon.

There are more and more people in the live broadcast room, and many viewers will discuss: It turns out that it is really a professional player, or a super-professional professional player! When he said, I thought he was bragging!

Tang Yan took a look at the screen and was proud: "My fans are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

After saying this, it is obvious that I heard a cool and cold, especially proud.

Tang Yan smiled and put on the headphones, so that the audience could not hear the communication sounds in the team, and sent a message to the crazy Robbe: Well, you know that you are driving a small dish.

The other party did not type, and said proudly: "It doesn't matter, I can't understand it, I can play with me, who I love."

Don Juan stretched out his thumb, little brother is domineering!

After a while, I listened to the other party and said, "You will add the communication number in a while, and I will take you to play when I have time."

Luo Bingjun pulled a small window and only dragged Tang Yan and the crazy Robbe into it. He asked Tang Yan: "Are you wearing headphones?"

Tang Hao typed: This kind of communication is more convenient. So many viewers look at it. If a teammate accidentally says something, it is likely to be embarrassed. You are a public figure, be careful.

Luo Bingjun’s deep road: “I will be relieved.”

Don Juan just want to say that I am still thinking about it, I will listen to Luo Tianwang with his magnetic voice that can make people's ears pregnant. "Thank you, Dad, take me to fly~~ I will continue to ask for it~"

Tang Yan’s mouth is straight and he just wants to take this person out, to be shameless, is there any exercise? It is said that the nobility is very reserved, who said it! Trusted his evil!

Tang Zhen thinks that if he fights against the Buddha, he can't call it out. This child must also come from the earth. He knows the legend of the monkey brother. This took such a name. Tang Yan said with a smile: "Little Robe, don't listen. He said nonsense, he teased you to play."

The third smiled, cold and proud: "Do it, don't be afraid on the 2nd, Dad will take you, there is your uncle."

Luo Bingjun paused and gnashed his teeth: "Good father!"

Tang Wei: "..."

You are both arrogant, you two first!

After playing six games in a row, the crazy Robe is coming one, playing one, Tang Hao and Luo Bingjun have been running behind each other, winning the points will be long.

Tang Hao has been surrounded by cats and rabbits, and there are still a few strolling around, and the house is full of furry army. A few big cats licked a few kittens on the mane, and some kittens squatted directly on the big cat's body. It was clear that there was no blood. It was quite good. Tang Yanji looked at the barrage and commented very little. The number of people is not too small. Tang Yan curiously asked: "Why don't you talk?"

Barrage: Hey! Don't talk, lick the cat.

Quiet, I feel the touch on the rabbit's belly.

Talking about the destruction of the mood, we only want to lick the cat.

Quiet, Tang Tang shut up!

I am watching a cat.

Look at the rabbit, don't talk.

Tang Xiao chuckled, "You can, no, I can watch it for so long."

The audience is not happy: who makes you not show your face, what do we look at? !

Many people say that you look good, many people have seen it, that is, no photos, no evidence, angry!

I am fried, I am really fried, I am afraid of myself!


Tang Yan twisted his head and pretended to continue playing with his teammates.

The audience issued a string of crying expressions, all of them clamoring to pull Tang Yan black, but unfortunately, Tang Yan had never seen it, and did not despise them.

After playing five more games, Tang Yan looked at his own points and went up. He watched the paragraph rise, and Mimi’s and Luo Bingjun said: We should be the king of the most dishes!

Luo Bingjun: If you fight this way, there is no feeling of challenge.

Don Juan: Oh! It’s time to be called Dad.

Luo Bing County language plug, found that he and Tang Yan is really a fate, I have seen it once cooked, Tang Yan actually began to run on him, this mouth is also poisonous.

Here, the team will play the game, and the audience will watch the game, and the live broadcast will be the same as the game. You play with me, I play with me. There were two people in the middle of the incident, and they were off the assembly line. Tang Hao called two in the live broadcast room. The younger brother of "Fighting Victory over the Buddha" began to arrange tactics in the later period. He went back, cut in, found someone to cover, and broke one by one. Tang Yan is more and more aware that this child is very commanding talent. Although the game is different from the real combat, there is always a place where there is always the same thing. I don’t know why this child does not go to school, playing games every day, is there no money to go to school?

When Tang Zhen thought about it, he gave a paragraph and planned to give Zong He a look. If it was a good seed, he would send the child to the military school. If there is no money, he can give tuition.

Until the noon, Tang Hao looked at the time, it was already 11:30, and proposed: "Brothers, are we taking a break, eating offline? Moderate games, brains, addictive game, reasonable arrangement Time, enjoy health and live. We must follow the basic principles of playing games."

The barrage is hahaha, laughing at Tang Yan and persuading people to persuade a set of sets, and slogan!

At the moment, everyone is tired, and they have already got off the line. Tang Hao privately poked a crazy robe at this time: Little brother, can you add a communication friend?

Crazy Robe: Yes, if someone bullies you later, you will call me, I will avenge you!

Tang Xiao smiled, this child is quite enthusiastic.

After the two of them added friends, Tang Hao also played the game, and Luo Bingjun said: I have to eat, eat and sleep, do not fight in the afternoon.

Luo Bingjun: You gave me the child's communication number, I went to find me "Little Dad" to take me.

Tang Wei: Xu Mi knows that you will kill you!

Luo Bingjun: Oh.

Tang Yan was speechless, thinking of his friend's serious face and the cynicism of Luo Bingjun. The strong sense of disobedience made him hurt.

No longer in charge of the mental retardation of Luo Bingjun, Tang Yan sent the video of the game to Zong He: Dear, this child is only sixteen years old. How do you see his commanding talent?

Zong He: Pro.

Don Juan:?

Zong He: Re-parent.

Don Juan: Hey!

He said that the pro, not the dear, do not have to come back! Don Juan is too lazy to take care of him, stick people!

Zong He is also tired, he first stunned, you responded that he is still not happy, human, really difficult to raise!

Tang Hao shut down the communicator and asked the audience to watch the live broadcast: "You still see it, one morning."

The audience listened to him, meaning that they wanted to go offline, and they threw a reward: look at it, ask for it!

When Tang Hao saw the gifts, blinked and smiled and said: "Look, I will give them something to eat." Now Tang Yan is a person who wants to raise a family. He wants to see the money.

Tang Hao went to the kitchen to cut the meat that the cat had eaten, cooked it, cut the greens, put it on the plate, and gave it to the rabbits. This group of children can not eat more vegetables, easy to diarrhea, vegetables can only be snacks, rabbits rushed to grab the food as soon as they saw the dishes, especially the robe classmates, do not know how fat they are, no one in my heart, one **** Pushing out the little friend, holding a few radishes in his paws, full of embarrassment.

Tang Yan grabbed it and put the radish out of his arms in the eyes of Robbe and the students, and put them on the plate. Every time, Robe’s eyes were more melancholy. Points, even if it is a rabbit, the expression of the eyes is very human, Tang Yan is finally unable to bear it, this child will not have to be refined, how so smart? A very painful look!

The audience followed and patted it: give it to it all! Isn't that a radish?

Don Dad stopped, please give the radish to Robe! Radish money I give!

Save the child, the child's eyes are desperate!

Robe said: It’s all mine! It's all mine! ! stop it now! ! !

No, Robe should think like this: My dad is crazy, he wants to starve me!


Tang Yan laughed and patiently explained to everyone: "If you eat more, you will have a diarrhea. One is enough for it to eat. You can't stop it, don't be healthy."

There are also viewers who believe that in order to eat, I choose to die!

Other spectators brushed him and praised him. The barrage that was given to him was red in one go. The long time hangs on the top of the barrage, making him a legend! Real hero, not afraid of death, pure man!

The cat saw the rabbits all eaten, but their own rice did not arrive, they did not do it, they were all sour lemon essence. They saw that Tang Hao first fed the rabbits and did not feed them. Some of them lie down and touch the porcelain on the spot. Legs, and small do not want to climb up the legs, collective rebellion, stunned, even Mulan is not happy to look at Tang Yan, the expression seems to be asking: I am still your little baby?

Tang Yan quickly put Mulan in his arms, the little male cat can stand in the back, first prostitute, "meal in the pot, wait five minutes."

The cat can't understand what it means for five minutes. He is holding Tang's legs. Hey, Jin Xiaopeng is more arrogant. He sits on the rabbit's bowl and can't push it. Fat is the advantage!

Roberto just wanted to hit it, gas Zhi Zhizhi.

When I heard that my family was defamed, the other cats did not do it, and no matter what Jin Xiaopeng did, they went to protect the short. Tang Yan quickly gave up the separation. Strictly said: "No fight!"

All Mao children are like a kindergarten teacher who has seen a strict teacher. It is instant and honest. The dignity of Tang’s father is still a good place to live.

In the eyes of the audience's envious and hateful eyes, Tang Hao held a dozen in his arms. Every one kissed him and said: "The meat can be eaten right away. Don't make trouble, don't fight with the rabbits. How can they play? It’s not good to bully you.”

The audience cried and threw money at Tang Yan: buy meat for the children!

Buy food for the rabbits!

Xuanfeng is still hungry! Dad, you look at Xuanfeng on the top of your head!

The bang six grows so fast, and eats a lot, buy the bird food for the bang six!

Tang Xiao smiled and pinched the cat's small paws. "Little cute people thank you for your father and mother's meat money! The mysterious winds are full before they come out, and they will eat again."

Such a hook, the audience is crazy to give a reward, Tang Yan secretly screaming, usually did not see this group of people so willing to give money, he spent half a day not as a cat waved his paw.

Xuanfeng is leisurely and leisurely with a six-year-old melon seed. As long as Tang Yan is with the cat, it will not come down. So far, I am immersed in the shadow of a strong and sturdy paw.

After the meat was cooked, Ji Yan chopped up and let it cool. He gave it to the end and gave the children a meal without saying a word. The rabbits are omnivorous, see the meat, and eat it when you are welcome. The cats who have just been smashed have been smashed again, and the rushing meal is okay. Do you want a racial war? With a slap in the face of the cat and rabbit war, Tang Yan quickly took back the rabbits who had finished eating.

The audience saw Ji Yan, the stranger entering the country, and the target shifted. He began to play Ji Yan: The younger brother is very handsome, is there an object?

What is your name, is there a girlfriend?

who are you? What is the relationship with Tang Tang?

Little brother, come chat?


Tang Hao’s domineering guards his own small follow-up class. “How are you so skinned? Let’s say yes, this person is going to be with me forever, just like my little wife, don’t start!”

Ji Yan’s face turned red in a moment. He glanced at the door and opened his mouth. He didn’t dare to scream.

Tang Hao Chong picked him up and raised his eyebrows, not to be afraid, they skin, you will be more skinny than them!

At this time, there was a voice at the door, and asked uncomfortably: "Little wife?"

Tang Yan’s heart screamed and panicked back. Zong He was standing at the door and staring at him with a gloomy face.

This time it was Tang Yan’s turn to cry. “This, I am joking, hehehe...”

Zong He Mou, joking out of a small wife, can make him tolerant. "I am waiting for you in the room, you give me a good explanation."

After Zong He finished, he only left Tang Yan with a steel-like back and went back to the house. That doesn't mean to explain, this is not over!

Tang Yan looked awkward, this is obviously a joke, this vinegar can also eat? Is the big cat also turned into a lemon essence? He waved his hand to Ji Yan and signaled it to you, feeding them.

The audience watched Tang Yan go out and was happy to throw a reward: After the online death was arrested, what should Tang Tang experience?

In other words, why do I feel that the voice is familiar?

Where is it familiar? Didn't hear it.

In fact, I still want to know what relationship between Tang Tang and Marshal Zonghe? !

Still asking, a lot of evidence proves that Tang Tang is the mysterious Marshal Lady.

I do not believe! Do not believe it or not! !

Tang Tang said that his partner is in a wheelchair and is very sick! How could the Marshal be in a wheelchair, and that time was exactly the time when the Marshal was returned to the Emperor, and he walked back! There are pictures to prove!

When everyone looked at the picture, there was no rebuttal. Zong He’s straight waist was not like a wheelchair. This is not the case. What is the relationship between Tang and Zong, and everyone is confused. Everyone made a calculation together. There was a big brain, and the audience with the title of the small editor of the novel website in front of the id said: Tang Tang is probably the companion of Marshal Zong He, and Tang Tang’s companion is an officer. The injured officer, Marshal Zonghe took them to their homes for care.

All of this has been explained, and some of the big people are applauding: right!

There are still some smart people who just want to watch and don't want to talk. Oh, you are happy.

At this time, Tang Hao had returned to the bedroom, watching Zong He was wearing home clothes, still a plate of white shirts, Tang Hao closed the door, leaning against the door and watching the other side back to face their own replacement, this is: "I will buy you a few comfortable home clothes, wear military uniforms every day, are you tired?"

After Zonghe changed, sitting in the chair, he looked uncomfortably and asked: "Would you forgive me if you bought me clothes?"

Don’t say that it’s against him, or is it bad? Cat family, really can not always be used to it, otherwise it is easy to go to heaven. Tang Yan walked slowly, and sat down on Zong's leg. He raised his hand and grabbed Zonghe's neck, and strangled him. He was dissatisfied and asked: "What do you want? You can't make jokes. Do you want to go to heaven?"