MTL - My Wife is a Beautiful CEO-Chapter 1639 [Repaired Prophecy]

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Yang Chen’s eyes were a little confused, muttering: “If I say that I will surpass the level that she can accurately predict, she is so convinced, is her prediction accurate?”

Meng Xiaoyao smiled and said: "In fact, her great prophecy, as long as many years ago, is no longer absolutely accurate."

"What do you mean..." Yang Chen frowned.

Meng Xiaoyao said: "You have not misunderstood, Athena's big prophecy is not absolutely accurate. To break her big prophecy, in addition to beyond the scope she can predict, there is a most direct way... ..."

After a meal, Meng Chen saw Yang Chen thinking hard, and said: "That is, let Athena myself become a variable of prophecy itself."

Yang Chen stunned, vaguely understood something...

"Athena is the earliest, and can even be said to be the only one who knows exactly what she predicted.

That is to say, if she wants to change the future, she will only change her behaviors she wants to do, change history, and the future will change. ”

Yang Chen asked: "Then you said that her prophecy was not accurate a few years ago, but also because she did something that she should not do?"

"Yes, it is a very important past for you." Meng Yaoyao is not surprisingly endlessly laughing and laughing: "Athena did not expect that she would give birth to a child for you, and reincarnation early..."

"What?!!!" Yang Chen couldn't sit still anymore. Huo Ran got up and shouted in red eyes: "Bluish!? You mean seventeen of her..."

Meng Xiaoyao took a look at the situation and knocked on Erlang’s leg. He said, “You shouldn’t have thought about it before? Isn’t she not by your side, there have been some strange situations? Seventeen, it’s Athena’s last life. The reincarnation of the human woman is also the most crucial part of her prophecy."

In Yang Chen’s mind, it suddenly emerged. Every time Xiaofei Niu insisted on calling Lin Ruoxi as her mother’s picture... Also, Lin Ruoxi blurted out, what was said in the past seventeen...

Yes, he did have speculation, but he was confirmed by his own ears, or he was left in the same place as a lightning strike.

"I don't know what Athena's initial prophecy was, but I have always observed her every move. Obviously, after the reincarnation became seventeen, she really has to approach you.

But she did not expect that, before she had waited for the awakening time of her original plan, 17 had already sent true feelings to you and was pregnant with your child.

Human feelings transcend space and time, and it is not affected by any space law.

Love is the mysterious emotion that the gods can't understand and understand the essence. It is also the power between humans and protoss, and human beings are not inferior to the protoss.

Athena can predict almost everything, but can't predict the love she faces, because the more unforgettable love, the more illogical and unreasonable.

When she was awakened, she was already pregnant with her children, and at the end of her strongness, when she fell into the sea.

She was afraid that she couldn't even understand her. The choice she made was to hide herself with an invisible helmet, gave birth to a child, and entrusted the child to Song Tianxing.

It was at that time that she changed her own history, the true love that she should not have, the flesh between her and you, and she must make another choice to make up for the original prophecy. ......"

"and many more!!!"

Yang Chen violently interrupted the words of Meng Xiaoyao, and his expression was a little excited: "If everything you said is true! Does that mean that if it is her... she was not Athena! Seventeen, seventeen and When I fell in love, it was not Athena..."

Meng Xiaoyao smiled, but did not deny the nod.

Yang Chen smiled with a smile of relief and sat down silently. "Thank you for telling me... please continue to talk... I want to know everything..."

At this moment, Yang Chen had a new kind of joy. Before the entanglement of the cold and deep feelings of the quagmire, there was finally a warmth.

Whether Lin Ruoxi or Yeast, these two women are real, not the illusion created by Athena.

Even the Athena did not have the slightest hatred, because her decision, let the blue can be born into the world.

For whatever reason, Yang Chen could not imagine how he would collapse if Athena did not decide to give birth to a child.

Meng Xiaoyao said: "You can think so, after what Athena did, it is equal to the beginning of the deployment in order to save the final result of the prophecy, not the really destined future.

Although the reincarnation needs to consume a lot of mental energy, the body of the seventeenth is no longer able to persist, and even if you return to your side, it is too late to reverse the prophecy.

As a last resort, Athena could only use the big prophecy first to find the key person to recover the situation. Lin Ruoxi, after giving up the body of the seventeenth, returned to her.

She found that the existence of Lin Ruoxi is precisely a key figure that can lead future predictions into the orbit. It can be said that it is the golden key to make up for her mistakes.

It is not the same as the cycle of returning to an adult and reincarnation into a child, not to mention the fact that in the case of her mental weakness, the interval is only about twenty years old.

Even if she has an invisible helmet and does not let anyone notice it, she can't immediately wake up completely, only silently restore her mental strength, and at the same time carry out some key control over Lin Ruoxi.

When Lin Ruoxi came to this bar, Athena interfered with her thinking, allowing you to meet and happen later.

However, what happened in the back is almost all that Lin Ruoxi himself experienced with you. Athena will not risk you to discover her existence too early, and she does not want to spend too much mental energy for a long time. Control Lin Ruoxi.

Therefore, in addition to occasionally need to take away the godhead, to contact the chess pieces without strict questioning, Athena did not control Lin Ruoxi.

Of course, what happened between you and Lin Ruoxi is mostly within the scope of Athena's prophecy. It is also what Lin Ruoxi and what you have experienced, helping her step by step to bring the changed future back to the original track. .

However, this time she did not choose to sleep as she did in the body of the seventeenth, but she kept the state of awakening in order to avoid further mistakes.

However, because of the rush of time, her reincarnation interval was too short, and she did not choose to sleep. In the soul, the consciousness of the seventeenth still remained.

Therefore, your child will be very sensitive to believe that Lin Ruoxi is her biological mother, because in a sense, Lin Ruoxi's soul does indeed incorporate some of the seventeen soul imprints. ”

This remark made Yang Chen’s heart beat and beat because he realized something that he had not dared to think about before.

Yang Chen swallowed his throat and said with a sigh of relief: "You mean... now Athena, oh no, it’s a brook... She, her soul is controlled by Athena, but she and seventeen , have not disappeared?!"

Meng Xiaoyao nodded. "Yes, in fact, when Lin Ruoxi can still control her own, I am afraid I have realized some problems early, but she can't resist the soul of Athena after all. She knows the depth of her soul and has another person. Under the surveillance of Athena, she could not really say it.

As the heart of Gaia recovers, the tree of the earth restores the spiritual power of the godhead, and Athena can now completely suppress the souls of Lin Ruoxi and XVII, have sufficient spiritual power, and always master the absolute Dominance.

As far as I know, the Lord God will not lose the memory of every reincarnation, but will lose the original imprint of the soul before the awakening, that is, the original consciousness of the former body master.

But this time Athena's forced reincarnation was not in her original prediction, premature awakening, so that she could not erase the original owner's soul mark.

In her soul, there are still imprints of Lin Ruoxi and seventeen women, but their consciousness has been suppressed.

This is also why, you often find that a Lin Ruoxi body will have a shadow of seventeen, regardless of what she said, what she does, her every move, there will be overlap."

Of course, Yang Chen has a deep understanding. Otherwise, Lin Ruoxi and the figure are so similar, and there is a glimmer of hope in the eyes. "That is, if I can erase the soul mark of Athena, if the stream is good." , seventeen, too, can be recovered!?"

"You are too naive," Meng Xiaoyao smiled and shook his head. "Do you think it is so easy? Athena had expected that you would think of this, so in the plan for subsequent changes, I have never deliberately erased Lin Ruoxi and The soul of the seventeenth, she chose to merge with Lin Ruoxi, seventeen, and three.

That is to say, unless Athena voluntarily disperses the soul and chooses to die, otherwise, any damage you do to Athena is related to the injury of Lin Ruoxi and XVII.

Athena is willing to let the souls of two human women merge with her, just for today, so that you can not start with her, so that you can not stop her plan. ”

It seems like a clear sky, so that Yang Chen face is on the spot.

All kinds of good hopes before, they burst again in an instant.