MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 768 Immortals and Mortals, A Family Poem

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  Chapter 768 Immortals and Mortals, Poems of a Family

  The sun is rising and the snow is dazzling.

  The cold morning wind brought the chill of the river, blowing on the face, there was a kind of skin-piercing pain.

  Especially for delicate skin.

  So, the mother and daughter of the Qin family, who are as beautiful as a flower and have delicate skin, all wore the same snow-white fox fur and the same snow-white veil on their faces.

  The three of them stood under the big tree at the door, slim and jade-white, just like three snow lotus flowers blooming brilliantly in the ice and snow, white and delicate, beautiful and moving.

  Luo Qingzhou stood aside and took a look, and couldn't help but whispered to Miss Qin Er: "Can you keep a low profile? When you stop in the palace, who still looks at the queen? Who still looks at the groom?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and replied in a low voice: "Brother Qing Zhou is afraid that Wei Mo will be spotted by others, or is he afraid that sister will be seen by others?"

  Luo Qingzhou said: "The main reason is that I'm afraid it will be too conspicuous."

Second Miss Qin laughed softly: "Isn't this to save face for Brother Qingzhou? When others see it, they will secretly say that they are envious of Brother Qingzhou's good fortune, and will never slander Brother Qingzhou behind his back as a son-in-law again. "

  Luo Qingzhou raised his eyebrows and said, "Do I need others to envy me?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said, "It's really not necessary."

Luo Qingzhou held her soft and cold little hand, rubbed it lightly in it, glanced into the distance, and couldn't help sighing: "Now that the eldest princess is enthroned, and today she is getting married again, and she is emphatically inviting us to the Qin family. Keep a low profile, you can't even keep a low profile."

   As she spoke, she took her little hand and put it near her mouth, took a breath, and said softly, "Is it cold?"

  Miss Qin Er looked softly and said: "Warm, hands and heart are warm."

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her strangely and said, "Are you sure, your heart is also warm? Do you know what day it is?"

  Miss Qin Er laughed and said, "It's the day when the eldest princess gets married."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Who is the groom?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said: "It's Chu Feiyang of Lingxiaozong, mother's savior, and the person Meijiao loves, anyway, it's not you."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  At this time, a familiar sound of playing music suddenly came from the path ahead.

  Second brother Qin, who was standing under the big tree in front of him and looking around, hurried back to report: "Father, mother, they are here, and the groom seems to be here too."

  Miss Qin Er looked at someone.

  Someone held her little hand with a calm expression.

   "Lift up the gift, don't put it on the ground!"

   "Have you brought all the things I asked you to prepare last night? Take some things first and put them in the store's warehouse, so that you don't have to take them when you move..."

   "Meier, go and see if the door is locked!"

  Song Ruyue resumed her ladylike posture, commanding her with a majestic expression.

  Everyone in the Qin family was very excited when they heard that they were going to live in the inner city yesterday, and they packed up their salutes overnight.

  Xiao Die said happily: "My lord, I can finally see sister Xiaotao again."

  Since Luo Qingzhou entered the Qin Mansion, she has often heard this girl mention that sister Xiaotao, but until now, she has only heard her name and never seen her, and said: "I will see you when the time comes."

  At this moment, Brother Qin suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Here we come!"

  On the small road ahead, a team came in a mighty way, beaming with joy.

  Qin Wenzheng hurriedly led everyone from the Qin family to greet him.

   "Master Qin, long time no see, long time no see!"

  Prince Duan, Nangong Ke, greeted him first, with a warm smile on his face, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

  Qin Wenzheng hurriedly bowed to salute.

Nangong Ke took the first step, stretched out his hand to support him, and said with a smile: "Master Qin, you are welcome. You are a distinguished guest today. Your Majesty personally ordered this king to come and pick you up. If Mr. Qin really wants to pay homage, he will go later. It's all thanks to Your Majesty."

  The rest of the royal family and officials from the Ministry of Rituals also rushed up to see the ceremony.

  Although Qin Wenzheng has resigned from the title long ago and is still alone now, his son-in-law is amazing. Her Majesty the Empress personally invited him by name, and she also said that she would worship Mr. Luo as the emperor's tutor.

   "By the way, where is Mr. Luo?"

   The officials who were eager to flatter them all asked quickly.

  At this time, they saw a gentle and elegant young man in a Confucian robe coming from behind, but without any hint of arrogance, he bowed his head and greeted them politely.

   "This boy is so young, he is so flattered, humble and introverted, he is worthy of being a talent valued by His Majesty!"

  All the officials sighed secretly, and hurriedly returned the salute.

   "Mr. Luo is indeed a talented person, with an extraordinary temperament!"

   "Mr. Luo's handsome appearance, even in the entire capital, no man can match it."

   "It doesn't matter that Mr. Luo is good-looking, but his talent is even more extraordinary. Even the Queen Mother and His Majesty are full of praise."

   "I heard that Wan'er, the most talented woman in the palace, is willing to bow down."

  Everyone praised enthusiastically and generously.

Even Prince Duan Nan Gongke came over to make friends: "Qingzhou, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have lost weight a lot. Some time ago, you and Meijiao often went to this palace to play with Xiaorui. Why didn't you go recently? We will move later. When you go to the inner city, you have to go often, Xiaorui is always thinking about you."

  Luo Qingzhou was about to reply, when a cold voice suddenly came from beside him: "Uncle Duan Wang, I'm a busy person, how can I have time to play?"

  Luo Qingzhou looked up, then lowered his head and said, "Forgive me, my lord, I'm busy studying at home these days, and I won't bother you until I move into the inner city."

  The two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Fang walked towards the river.

  Song Ruyue suddenly looked at the sedan chair surrounded by everyone from the Lingxiao Sect, and asked in confusion, "Why doesn't Mr. Chu come down?"

  Qin Wenzheng rolled her eyes and asked, "Did you get out of the sedan chair when I went to marry you?"

  Song Ruyue: "..."

  She immediately whispered again: "But Mr. Chu is a man after all, so there's no need to hide in the sedan chair, right? Could it be that when he arrives in the palace later, he will grow up... and His Majesty will carry him down personally?"

  Nangong Ke on the side smiled and said: "That's not necessary, Mr. Chu will just come down by himself. In fact, he can ride a horse along this way, but he doesn't seem to want to show his face, so he sits in the sedan chair."

  Song Ruyue smiled and said, "Young Master Chu is so powerful, you're still shy."

   Nangong Ke smiled politely and didn't say much.

   The affairs of the five major sects and the imperial court are a bit complicated, and this marriage is beyond everyone's expectations. There are some things that even he doesn't know, let alone talk nonsense.

  Everyone came to the river and started to cross the river.

  Many boats have been prepared by the river, and the boatmen are waiting respectfully.

  Luo Qingzhou supported Miss Qin Er and boarded one of the boats.

   Qiuer, Xiaodie, Zhuer all followed.

  Second Miss Qin glanced at the shore, and quickly said: "Brother Qingzhou, go and help my sister up."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  At this moment, Second Brother Qin suddenly appeared next to Miss Qin, and said with a smile: "Jian Jia, we don't take a boat, Second Brother will take you directly over the water!"

  He has now broken through to the realm of a great martial artist, he can turn his energy into wind and walk on water.

   Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, a slap came from behind, directly hitting the back of his head.

  Qin Chuan was furious, turned his head and stared.

   Who knew that it was Qin Wenzheng standing behind, also staring at him.

  Qin Chuan hesitated immediately, and said, "Daddy, where did I go wrong?"

  Qin Wenzheng said with a straight face: "Do you think that you are great after you have cultivated to a great martial artist? What day is it today? There are so many masters from Lingxiaozong and the imperial court, and they didn't fly over. You are the only one doing it? You have no brains!"

   After finishing speaking, he pointed to the back and ordered: "Go, help carry the sedan chair for Mr. Chu."

  Qin Chuan: "..."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

   "Sister, come up quickly."

  Second Miss Qin walked to the bow and called softly to the shore.

  Luo Qingzhou had no choice but to stretch out his hand and said: "Miss, the boat is not stable, I will help you up."

  Miss Qin hadn't reached out her hand yet, she suddenly stretched out a jade hand beside her, with a faint smile on her face, she said, "Qingzhou, come, help your mother-in-law up first."

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched, and just as he was wondering whether to help her, Qiu'er hurried up and stretched out her hand, grabbed her, and said obediently: "Madam, I will help you."

  Song Ruyue glanced at someone, boarded the boat, and after standing still, she stretched out her hand and said, "Jian Jia, mother will help you."

  Miss Qin also took a look at someone, and then stretched out her snow-white hands.

  Luo Qingzhou was a little embarrassed. Seeing that there were a lot of people, he hurriedly said: "There are still vacancies in the boat next to it. I'll go and sit there, so as not to be too crowded and unsafe."

   After finishing speaking, he hurriedly jumped off the bow after Miss Qin came up.

   "Uncle, Xiao Bailing and Chanchan will sit with you, okay? But you can't bully us."

  Braun's clear and sweet voice resounded by the river.

   This voice seemed to have magical powers. Many people couldn't help but glance at her when they heard it.

  Luo Qingzhou boarded another boat.

  Bai Ling and Xia Chan both followed and entered the boat canopy.

  At this time, Nangong Meijiao also brought Aunt Mu and Nine Mothers into the boat.

   Bailing smiled and said, "Princess, long time no see."

  Nangong Meijiao is wearing a red dress today, with a tall and graceful figure, which still shows vivid and delicate.

  She sat down beside her, with a cold and pretty face, and didn't reply.

  The boat began to move forward slowly.

At this time, the voice of Prince Duan suddenly came from the boat not far away: "Mr. Luo, the scenery on this river is extremely beautiful. You are talented and very good at poetry. In this situation, can you write a poem for us to cross?" Jiang Tian added fun?"

  As soon as the words came out, other officials also said: "It's extremely, it's extremely! Mr. Luo, let's have a song!"

  At this moment, the voice of Second Miss Qin suddenly came from the boat next to her: "Brother-in-law, play a song!"

   Immediately, Song Ruyue's scolding voice suddenly came from the boat: "Wei Mo, what do you call him?"

  Miss Qin Er's soft voice sounded: "I'm sorry... Mother, Wei Mo called me wrong... Next time, next time, I won't dare again..."


  On the other small boats, there was also a booing from the crowd: "Master Luo, come on! Master Luo, come on!"

  Luo Qingzhou saw that the kindness was hard to refuse, but he couldn't refuse, so he had to ponder for a while, walked out of the canopy, came to the bow, and looked at the scenery on the river with fluttering robes.

   At this moment, everyone fell silent and looked at him.

  On the small boat next to her, Miss Qin Er poked her head out of the canopy.

  Luo Qingzhou looked at the red sun on the river, the trees by the river, the clouds on the river, and the mortals and warriors on the boat. For some reason, that moon-white figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

  He pondered for a while, and opened his mouth to read: "At sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue. Traveling in a boat against the wind, how can you be immortal and ordinary in this life..."

   "The name is, family tour."

  On the small boat next to him, in someone's cold eyes, it seemed as if a wind had blown by suddenly, causing a slight ripple...

  (end of this chapter)