MTL - Mysterious Young Master, Super Cool-Chapter 18 Underworld wants to slap a teenager!

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As mentioned by Mingru just now, he remembered who the "Yuanxi" was. Isn't that the female toilet hooligan?

That kind of hooligan is worthy of his sister?

Suddenly, Mingyu found his cell phone and called someone: "Give you a day and give me all the information about Gu Yuanxi."

That's right, Mingyu will not forcibly stop Mingru's friends.

Compared with this kind of rude behavior that may cause the sibling relationship to become bad, Ming Yu prefers to use the facts to face.


The teenager who didn't know that someone was going to hit her face, was wondering how to contact Mingru.

"How do you think I should be close to Ming Ru without making her feel too deliberate?" The boy was holding books, thinking against his chin.

At this point, the half of the boy's silhouette was bathed in the sun, and the cynical on the corners of his lips could easily trap anyone's heart.

Peng Jiao on the side responded awkwardly: "I don't know, I haven't had a woman ..."

There was only one thought in Peng Jiao's mind: What a good boy, how could it be a pair of plugs?

"I did." Before Peng Jiao, the boy did not know how to converge. "But this person has to be careful. So, think about it!"

Wanting to win the Cannes project over the underworld that didn't have a good impression on her, the teenager felt that Mingru should be a crucial link. Therefore, only success is not allowed to fail!

"You want to help your brother win the Cannes project, how did it become a pursuit of ruthlessness?" Peng Jiao finally couldn't control the doubts in her heart and asked out.

She even suspected that it was a teenager's nature, so she always showed interest in Mingru, but didn't worry too much about the Cannes project.

Peng Jiao's tone was not so good. How could a teenager not hear her misunderstanding?

But even so, the teenager still smiled and asked, "Did you not find out that Shao Ming is good to his sister?"

The teenager's calmness and calmness beyond her age level made Peng Jiao's light flash: "Do you mean, want to win the Cannes project through Mingru?"

"Well! At present, this is the fastest way."

"But do people like Mingyu really take your nose away because of his sister?"

"If you don't try it, how do you know? Besides, isn't Gu Zifan trying to win the Cannes project in this way?"

The words of the teenager made Peng Jiao think of Gu Zifan's previous actions. She has to admit that the teenager knows the situation better than she does.

Before waiting for Peng Jiao to speak, the young man spoke again: "The most fulfilling feeling is to hit him decently and incompletely in the area that he is good at!"

At this time, the confident smile on the teenager's face suddenly combined with his handsome tenderness, like a blooming poppy, beautiful and shocking, but also fatal.

Gu Zifan has a difficult way to go, playing with a woman's heart and trample on her brother's self-esteem?

Then she will let Gu Zifan open her eyes and take a good look at who the originator of this road is. Double what they had done to her brother back before!

At this moment, the juvenile was arrogant like a bloodthirsty Shura from hell. The momentum was so strong that Peng Jiao couldn't refute it.

Moreover, he made a good point and Peng Jiao could not refute.

And just then, the teenager's cell phone rang.

Looking at the information, the teenager's smile waved in the sun ...