MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 779 , Jump over the Dragon Gate! Beiyuan Universe!

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Before he finished speaking, Bai Peng felt something and took out a communication jade talisman.

After reading the jade talisman, his expression changed slightly.

Wan Ren was curious: "What's the matter?"

Bai Peng said in a low voice: "Master Luan Huang, let us go there quickly!"

Wan Ren was surprised: "Isn't Lord Luan in seclusion?"

Bai Peng took a deep breath: "That's right! My lord was supposed to be retreating, but he told us to go there at this time. It must be a big deal! Even he ended the retreat ahead of time."

Wan Ren nodded slightly: "That makes sense, then let's go there quickly!"

"As it should be!"

As soon as the words fell, the two got up one after another and left in a hurry.

A quarter of an hour later, in a secret room in another temple.

Bai Peng and the two saw an old man.

The old man looked majestic, his appearance was somewhat similar to Luan Yi's, and he was wearing a blue robe.

He is the father of Luan Yi - Luan Huang.

A mid-level supreme power, a second-rank heaven master, and the deputy domain master of the eighth heaven domain.

At this time, Emperor Luan's expression was extremely gloomy and cold, and there was even more grief hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Bai Peng and Wan Ren stood aside, looking a little apprehensive, but more shocked.

"Lord Luan Huang! Luan Yi and Xiao Xiao really fell in the Seventh Heaven Realm?"

Wan Ren couldn't help asking.

He still can't seem to believe it.

Emperor Luan said bitterly: "Did you really fall? The real tokens of both of them are shattered!"

Wan Ren was surprised: "How could this be? As far as my subordinates know, although there are four factions in the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the Seventh Heaven Realm, they are all extremely weak. Yaolong Department."

"Back then, there was a quasi-superior existence in the Yaolong tribe, and he was taken over by Bai Peng. And the fourth Yanlong tribe in the seventh heaven, the strongest seems to be the most holy Dzogchen!"

"With Luanyi and Xiao leading the team, it should be safe. Why did something happen to them?"

After saying this, Bai Peng also nodded slightly, feeling that the failure of Luan and Yi was a bit strange.

Emperor Luan's face was gloomy: "This old man also finds it unbelievable! After learning of my daughter's death, this old man used causal deduction for the first time, and the results showed that Luan Yi and his wife were killed by the disciples of the Dragon Clan!"


Wan Ren couldn't help exclaiming.

Even Bai Peng was moved by it.

If you want to kill Luan Yi and the other two head-on, you must at least be close to the threshold of the Supreme Realm!

When did such a powerful existence appear among the remnants of the dragon clan?

Thinking of this, Wan Ren couldn't help but said: "Master Luan Huang, is this causal deduction wrong? Could it be that the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the Seventh Heaven Region are stronger than the original Yaolong tribe?"

Emperor Luan took a deep breath: "The old man also hopes that all this is illusory. But I have repeatedly confirmed that there is absolutely no problem with this derivation. In other words, there is a powerful person out of the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the seventh heaven! "

Wan Ren looked depressed: "How could this be? Just a few days ago, we got information from the traitor Shangtang that the strength of the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the Seventh Heaven Region is very average, and there is not a single strong one!"

"It's only been a few days! Why did such a powerful figure appear among them? By the way, my lord, what about Shang Tang? Did he tell us what happened at that time?"

"Shangtang?" Emperor Luan shook his head slightly.

Afterwards, he sighed: "Shang Tang is dead! Obviously, his identity has been exposed!"

As soon as these words fell, Wan Ren and his two froze, feeling extremely depressed.

They also did not expect that the actions of Luan Yi and others failed so completely.

Even the traitor they spent a lot of effort to cultivate died in this operation, which made them quite frustrated.

At this point, the two had no choice but to accept the reality that the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the Seventh Heaven Realm had really turned out a strong man with an unsurpassed threshold!

At that moment, Wan Ren sighed: "I never thought that there would be such a guy from the remnants of the Dragon Clan!"

Bai Peng pondered: "Could it be because of the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice? After all, the remnants of the Dragon Clan in the Seventh Heaven Region will hold the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice in the past few days! The Dragon Transformation Sacrifice can greatly enhance the strength of the Dragon Clan disciples!"

"Bai has studied dragon blood for so many years, and has discovered a lot of secrets! Now, I have a panacea to improve their blood essence. Dragon disciples, every time their blood essence rises to a higher level, their strength will increase greatly. "

"Perhaps Luan Yi and the others miscalculated the time, and did not enter the lair until the remnants of the dragon clan completed the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice. At that time, they just gave birth to a strong man with the threshold of the highest realm!"

After hearing these words, Emperor Luan and Wan Renjin nodded slightly, feeling that they made a lot of sense.

Only in this way can we explain why the two Luan Emperors fell.

To put it bluntly, these three people looked down on the strength of the dragon clan in the Seventh Heaven Region, thinking that no master could be born.

To be able to give birth to a strong person with the threshold of the supreme realm has exceeded their expectations.

The three of them didn't know that Wang Teng's strength had already surpassed the threshold of the Supreme Realm, much stronger than they expected.

What's more, Wang Teng is still conducting the Dragon Transformation Festival, and his strength is skyrocketing.

Even better, Wang Teng was also the first disciple in the history of the Dragon Clan to enter the Super Dragon Pool.

"Lord Luanhuang, I would like to go to the Seventh Heaven Realm immediately to avenge Luanyi and others!"

At this time, Bai Peng took the initiative to ask for a job.

Wan Ren also quickly echoed: "Bai Peng and I will go together! Together, we can easily kill even if there is a strong person with the highest threshold among the remnants of the Dragon Clan!"

Emperor Luan looked sad: "My little girl has fallen, I will definitely go to avenge myself! This time I call the two of you here, and I will go to the Seventh Heaven Realm together with this old man, and kill all those evils! Let them all be buried with my little girl!"

Bai Peng's eyes lit up: "If Lord Luan Huang also goes, then this revenge will be a success!"

Wan Ren also nodded: "That's right! With Sir Luan Emperor joining, no matter how powerful the Dragon Clan is, they must be punished!"

"Two, don't say much, let's set off immediately!"

"Yes~! My lord!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them hurried out of the secret room.

A quarter of an hour later, three powerful figures flew out of the headquarters of the Eighth Heavenly Domain and rushed towards the Seventh Heavenly Domain.

I'm afraid Wang Teng didn't expect that Emperor Luan would recruit two powerful helpers for his revenge this time.

Obviously, Emperor Luan wanted to kill them all, and would not leave any chance for Wang Teng and others to survive.

He wants to use absolute advantage to completely crush the dragon clan forces in the Seventh Heaven Region.


He still underestimated Wang Teng.

That naturally underestimated the Dragon Clan of the Seventh Heaven Territory!

At this moment, the Seventh Heaven Territory, the residence square of the Yanlong Department.

Tens of thousands of people from Huo Xing and Dragon Clan are still anxiously waiting for the results of Wang Teng and others' transformation into dragons.

Half a day has passed.

According to Wang Teng's previous explanation, it is estimated that in two and a half days, Emperor Luan and others will be killed!

Thinking of this, everyone in the Dragon Clan felt anxious.

They naturally hope that the contestants who enter the Dragon Transformation Pond can complete the Dragon Transformation Festival earlier.

Especially Shaozu, the sooner the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice is completed, the more favorable the situation will be.

Now if he wants to fight against Emperor Luan, he can only rely on Shaozu.


Just when all the disciples were thinking wildly, a white light flashed in the field, and Yan Huang teleported over.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he couldn't wait to walk in front of Huo Xing.

"Young ancestor! I have canceled the inheritance relationship with the Yanlong resident, and please also receive the resident of the Yanlong department."

Huo Xing's eyes lit up: "Good~!"


But at this moment, the light door at the entrance of the inferior Longchi suddenly burst into light.

Everyone was alarmed and looked up.


Looking at it, they saw a huge dragon flying out of the lower dragon gate, and flew straight to the sky above the square, dancing and flying, and uttered a loud dragon chant.

Everyone quickly looked closely, and saw that the giant dragon had a huge body, exuding the aura of a high-rank Taoist monarch.

But the combat power and aura emanating from him has reached the level of a giant.

Actually crossed a boundary.

At this time, the crowd reacted, and there was an exclamation of joy.

"Come out! Come out! Wait a minute, a contestant has finally come out of Longchi!"

"That's right! This giant dragon is a white dragon, and the essence and blood in his body is mainly of the Yaolong family, not from our Yanlong department!"

"Yes! He is not from our Yulong Department either."

"Who is this person?"

As soon as the words fell, the mutation in the field regenerated.


There was another startling dragon chant, the white dragon descended from the sky, fell back to the ground, and transformed into a strong man in human form.

Its face is covered with delicate white dragon scales, which makes people look down on its appearance.

But in the next second, those dragon scales faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the human face.

At this time, everyone finally saw clearly.

This person is Mara.

As soon as Mo Luo appeared, Huo Xing's eyes lit up, showing joy.

This is the first player to walk out of Hualongchi!

Looking at the changes in Mo Luo's breath, his strength has indeed improved a lot.

In this way, the sacrificial power that he can obtain from his body has increased a lot!


Before Huo Xing was happy, the mutation in the field regenerated.

The divine test tablet lit up with a dazzling aura, and it was even more glittering with golden light, and lines of information emerged.

Everyone quickly looked up.

Huo Xing also looked over curiously.

【Dragon Transformation Festival Completion List】

[Contestant: Mo Luo (Inferior Longchi)]

[Bloodline rank: third rank]

[The power of blood: 10600 stars]


As soon as this information came out, the audience was in an uproar.

There was a sound of envy in the crowd.

"Wow~! Tier 3 bloodline! Mo Luo didn't even get to Tier 2 bloodline before, and he was promoted to Tier 2 bloodline with the help of Shaozu. Now, he is actually Tier 3 bloodline!"

"He has also awakened the blood power of more than 10,000 stars! No wonder, his combat power is comparable to that of a giant!"

"Yes! This is the benefit of the Dragon Transformation Festival, it's really enviable!"

At this moment, everyone in the Dragon Clan was envious.

On the square, Mo Luo happily walked in front of Huo Xing.

"Master, Mo Luo is lucky to live up to his fate, and has completed the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice!"

Huo Xing smiled and nodded: "Good job! You should return to the team!"


At that moment, Mo Luo returned to Fulong Department.

All the disciples paid more respect to him.

Contestants who are eligible to participate in the Dragon Transformation Festival, even if they are inferior Longchi, are the core of the future of the Dragon Clan!

How dare they disrespect? !


Not long after Mo Luo returned, another green dragon flew out from the lower dragon gate.

When the green dragon turned into a human form, it was obviously Xi Yi from the Fulong Department, who was the youngest son of the Great Elder.


At the same time, the test of Shenbie once again showed Xiyi's results...

[Contestant: Xi Yi]

[Bloodline rank: third rank]

[The power of blood: 11200 stars]

Seeing this scene, the crowd burst into cheers again.

"This Xiyi has also reached the third level of dragon blood, the same as Mo Luo, but his blood power is much more than Mo Luo!"

"It is rumored that the longer you stay in Hualongchi, the more blood power will be activated! Now it seems that the rumor is true!"

Seeing this, Huo Xing also figured out some rules.

It turns out that the later you leave Hualongchi, the more benefits you will get.

After figuring this out, Huo Xing looked at Yan Huang.

"We're going to collect the station."

For Wang Teng at this time, it was also an urgent matter.

Yan Huang's eyes lit up.

He couldn't wait.

"Young ancestor, please!"

At that moment, the figures of the two disappeared in the square in a flash.

After a while, Huo Xing and Yan Huang came to the star sea outside.

Looking at the resident light group in front of him, Huo Xing directly cut his finger to coagulate his blood, and shot towards it.


The blood essence fell into the light ball accurately.

In the next second, it was swallowed up by the light ball at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

The resident light group trembled endlessly.

In Huo Xing's sea of ​​consciousness, there was also the familiar mechanical sound of Heavenly Dao...

【Confess master successfully! You get a level 0 pseudo universe! 】

[You get the power of feedback from the pseudo-cosmic space, combat power +30,000 stars! 】

[Your One Avenue is automatically activated! Start as a 0-level pseudo-cosmic space, and complete the causal road! 】

[Avenue Completion Completed! Your pseudo-universe space is automatically promoted to level 0 new universe, and you get +50,000-star cosmic force feedback! 】

[Naming successful! Your new universe is named Beiyuan Universe! 】

[Your Beiyuan universe is being strengthened by the blessing of the Great Dao, and its rank is higher than that of the universe at the same level, and you have received +50,000 stars of cosmic power feedback again! 】

[Congratulations to Beiyuan Universe for condensing the first Dao-level strange object—the melting pot of heaven and earth, you have received +5000-star cosmic power feedback! 】

[Congratulations to Beiyuan Universe for condensing the second piece...

In a moment, the furnace of heaven and earth, the pool of reincarnation, and the pool of merit were condensed out.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

At this moment, earth-shattering changes are also taking place in the base of the Yanlong Department.

In the resident space, there were cheers from countless dragon disciples.

Yan Huang was even more ecstatic.

At the moment Yanlong's resident was promoted to the universe, he learned the hint.

How could he not be excited that his long-cherished wish for many years was fulfilled at this moment?

But at this moment, Huo Xing's body also roared continuously, and his momentum skyrocketed all the way.

With another small universe, his main body has skyrocketed to 165,000 star combat power!

He also increased his aura by 80% at the same time.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

"Thank you, Shaozu, for fulfilling everything! Let our Yanlong department be promoted to the universe!"

At this time, Yan Huang stepped forward to thank him with a grateful face.

Huo Xing smiled slightly: "There are still two Dao-level strange objects, and this Beiyuan Universe can be upgraded. Next, I will go to refine the strange objects with Shui Xing and Tu Xing, so that Beiyuan Universe can be upgraded early! You will take care of Hualongchi!"

Yan Huang hurriedly said: "Young Ancestor, don't worry!"

Huo Xing said again: "Also, please select 3,000 of the best disciples from Yanlong's disciples! This deity will grant them the title of 3,000 city masters! Those elders will be awarded the title of Xing Zhe!"

Yan Huang was overjoyed: "Young Ancestor, UU Kanshu I will arrange it right away! By the way, Young Ancestor, if you need help, I will arrange it together with my subordinates!"


Huo Xing pondered.

Afterwards, his eyes lit up: "That's right! This Beiyuan Universe has to be promoted to level 6 before it can merge with my Primordial Universe! So, next, I will do my best to upgrade Beiyuan Universe!"

"With the resources in my hands, it is naturally not enough to upgrade it to level 6. You can go to the clan to see if you can collect some source power beads to speed up the upgrade of Beiyuan Universe!"

Yan Huang quickly agreed: "This subordinate will go now!"

At that moment, Yan Huang made a dodge and returned to the Yanlong Department.

Huo Xing also disappeared out of thin air.

He is going to refine the Dao-level wonders of the Beiyuan Universe...
