MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2 extraordinary memory

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Wen Rensheng pushed the broken notebook aside, preparing to send someone to repair it later, and then he leaned back on the boss's chair. On the surface, he closed his eyes and rested, lazy to fish, but in fact his thoughts were floating and thinking about things.

The seed of mystery, the seed of bad luck... I didn't expect that he had been in friendship with Wei Yiqing for more than two years. Except for the other party's alien species, he still couldn't know more about the other party.

He thought so, and began to recall something...

In today's world, if ordinary people want to step into the mysterious world, they must activate a mysterious existence called "Xenogeneic", so that they can walk out of the solid and constant physical world and step into the door of the mysterious world.

The specific source of the "Xenogeneic" is not known, it can only be determined, and a very small number of randomly generated in some places every year.

Every alien species must be activated and received by a master who meets certain conditions. Harvesting xenogeneic species, selecting the most suitable owner for it in time, and maintaining the spare tire the highest-level strategic project of each country every year, and there is no one.

Without enough alien hosts, it is impossible to fight against the endless variety of mysterious events... No matter how powerful a country is, it will collapse in just a few decades, and no matter how developed modern weapons are, human beings themselves are still fragile.

It was three years ago, when he was a 17-year-old high school student, that he stood out in the activity of selecting the master of different races in Dongshui City, and activated this "mysterious seed" that no one had ever activated before.

After activating it, he understood the other party's main selection conditions. It was actually very simple. There was no other coquettish alien species. The basic mystery was 50 points and above, and I could not have any other alien aura.

In fact, it can be summed up as one condition, an ordinary person with 50 points of basic mystery.

As for the other activated alien species, as far as he knows, there are as few as a dozen, as many as fifty or that every qualified spare tire must be specially trained.

However, with this one condition alone, all ordinary people in this world can be shut out. People who can have 50 points of mystery cannot be ordinary people, and ordinary people must not have 50 points of mystery.

In fact, this alien species has been harvested many years ago. It has experienced too many master selection activities, and no one has been successfully activated, let alone like other seeds, not only can there be the most suitable master, but also can cultivate many targeted a spare tire.

So when other alien species harvested in the same period have followed the hosts to shine and show off their power, it is still a quiet salted fish.

For the host selection event in batches three years ago, it was still a routine thing for the host.

This made everyone have to sigh, even if it is a seed of salted fish, one must have a dream, isn't it a reality?

As for Wen Rensheng, who activated this mysterious seed, of course he wouldn't tell its true activation conditions, because it was self-destruction. He just customized a few conditions that other ordinary people would definitely not be able to achieve based on his own factors.


Just as Wen Rensheng was recalling the past, summarizing the present, and looking forward to the future—the office phone suddenly rang.

He opened his eyes, looked up, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

He reached out and picked up the office phone, and Wei Yiqing's voice came from inside.

"Well, I'll go right now. Don't worry, I won't delay the class. Old Wu will definitely delay the class again."

He hung up the phone, tidied up his instruments, and then walked out of the office to the door of the hall on the east side of the corridor.

From the outside, the hall surrounded by glass walls has an unobstructed view of the interior, just like a high school classroom. The podium, the blackboard... The difference is the desk, not the student desk, but a large and comfortable desk.

At this time, there were more than 20 people sitting neatly in the hall. There were men and women, but most of them were women, accounting for more than 70%, and all of them were quite good-looking.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a plain appearance was standing on the podium. He was dark-skinned and very strong. At first glance, he often played outdoor sports. He had a pair of long and narrow eyes, but he was very energetic.

"I would like to say two last words... All students must stick to their nature in the cultivation of aliens, and do not violate the conditions of the selection of masters of aliens at that time-don't forget the original intention, so as to be consistent."

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that the three-yearly xenogeneic host qualification assessment will begin in half a month. Please prepare in advance. Of course, if a certain lady or gentleman has received an expert-level evaluation, you can ignore the contempt. reminder."

"As a heterogeneous host, we have a very high social status and excellent basic treatment. We are the most desired talents by any country in the world, and we are also facing the most fierce competition."

"If you go against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you are lazy, you will naturally have a lot of spare tires waiting for you. Even if you don't have it today, you will have it tomorrow."

"The world will turn around without anyone."

Wen Rensheng was listening outside the door, very speechless. This Old Wu was taking the opportunity to ridicule him again, but it was all kind of good intentions.

He "coughed" to show his existence.

The middle-aged man turned his head and squinted at him, and finally stopped talking: "Oh, okay, classmates, the following is the class time of Manager Wen Ren, and he will continue to teach you the mysterious skill of 'transcendent memory', I hope someone Master it sooner. Goodbye, classmates."

"goodbye teacher."

Behind the desk, rows of students stood up neatly.

The middle-aged man nodded, walked off the podium, came to the door, and whispered to Wen Rensheng: "Take me seriously, teach twice a week for more than four months, and no one has learned it yet. , be careful that your teaching allowance is cancelled by Mr. Zhao."

Wen Rensheng was indifferent and did not give any explanation.

He just brushed past each other, walked to the podium, and sat on the chair behind.

Then he glanced at everyone, and said, "Okay, haste is not enough. Everyone has a two-hour class. Let's take a ten-minute break between classes and relax your mind."

Before he finished speaking, a student in the back row suddenly raised his hand.

Wen Rensheng looked over and saw that this was a thin young man with decent facial features.

He nodded and stretched out his hand to signal the other person to stand up.

"Teacher Wenren, you are wrong! Our time is very tight. After everyone activates the alien species, they have a basic extraordinary physique, and they are no longer those weak garbage mortals." Said, "You let us rest for ten minutes, there are 25 people here, that is 250 minutes, you are equivalent to murdering our lives for 250 minutes!"

"Oh, you mean, you don't need to rest?" Wen Rensheng looked at the other party so excited, but said indifferently.

"That's right! We are going to have a qualification assessment soon. Every minute is precious to us. I believe that every classmate here will never be happy to become a mortal like a pig and a sheep. Stupid death!" The male student shouted with anger on his face, as if Wen Rensheng let them rest for ten minutes, it would cause him to fail the next exam.

The students turned their heads to look at him. Some were very surprised, while others were thoughtful. For a while, many people began to talk in a low voice.

"He's too bold, how dare he openly contradict the teacher like this?"

"Emotional intelligence is a negative number, doesn't he know that Teacher Wenren is likely to be the judge of the next qualification assessment?"

"But what he said is reasonable. Every minute of class time is precious. I hired a private teacher, and it cost me 30,000 an hour. That person's level is worse than that of Teacher Wenren. It's a bit far..."

Wen Rensheng didn't get angry, he just glanced at the other party, the other party's face quickly corresponded with the student's file, and a new stream of information appeared in his eyes at the same time.

"Liu Jian."

"Mystery: 15/40."

"Mysterious composition: Seed of Wrath, Supernatural Power, Mysterious Cognition, ???."

In Wen Rensheng's own mysterious composition, there is no "mysterious seed" itself, because it excludes itself when calculating.

As for Liu Jian's mystery, 15 represents how much mystery is left unresolved, and 40 is the same as Wen Rensheng's, the upper limit of mystery. This value will also increase as the opponent's strength increases.

Seeing this, he asked with a serious face, "This new student, what's your name?"

When Liu Jian heard the words, he answered righteously, "My name is Wang Jun!"

A few classmates nearby were stunned when they heard the words, and their eyes widened immediately. Could this one be an idiot?

Did he think that if he gave a false name, the teacher would even forget his face and voice? Don't forget what the other person is teaching now.

Hearing the words, Wen Rensheng looked relieved, and nodded again and again: "Although I want to severely criticize your unfair view of ordinary people, it is very good that you dare to ignore authority and have the courage to express your own opinions. Yes. Courage is the cornerstone to ensure that we continue to advance in the mysterious field. If I am the judge of the next qualification assessment, I will definitely give you extra points."

Liu Jianjian continued: "Since this is the case, then teacher, my name is Liu Jian..."

Everyone was stunned.

"Go out! For the next two classes, stand outside and listen." Wen Rensheng waved his hand expressionlessly.

When Liu Jian heard this, he was overjoyed, but then a trace of doubt flashed on his face, then he bowed his head and walked out of the classroom and stood outside the door.

Wen Rensheng was too lazy to pay attention to this treasure, but he did not continue to let everyone rest. He directly picked up the chalk and quickly wrote and drew on the blackboard. A lecture content with illustrations quickly took shape.

"Before the official lecture, I still routinely ask if anyone has mastered this skill?"

He glanced at it, but no one raised a hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Isn't there anyone yet?" He shook his head, seeming a little frustrated, "It seems that I am still too young to teach and educate people. Well, after this class, I will take the initiative to abdicate and let Mr. Zhao go again. Invite a talented person to come and teach everyone."

When everyone heard this, most of them showed a trace of reluctance on their faces.

A female student couldn't help but said, "Mr. Wenren, we are not qualified enough to learn. Your teaching has made us improve a lot in many aspects of the mysterious field."

"Yeah, this ability is inherently difficult. Out of a hundred alien activators, only one can learn it. This can't be blamed on the teacher." Another boy insisted.

"Yes, extraordinary memory sounds ordinary, but it is the cornerstone of the branch of intelligence in the mysterious field. The actual value is very huge. Whether it is a personal reason or not has nothing to do with the teacher."

"Thank you for your persuasion, but now it's a society where the outcome decides everything, and I can't help it." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

At this moment, by the left window, a girl hesitated for a while, and finally raised her hand.

Everyone quickly discovered this. They turned their heads to look one by one, and were secretly surprised that anyone could actually learn it?

Wen Rensheng also looked up and saw that the person raising his hand was a woman with long silver hair, with a smooth face, delicate facial features, a dignified appearance, a straight back, and pure eyes, showing a unique brilliance of rationality.

Activating xenogeneic species can change the physique, and the hair color may naturally change accordingly.

"That's right, Xu Yunshuang, come to the podium and share your experience with everyone." Wen Rensheng didn't seem surprised, he reached out and asked.

"Yes, teacher." Xu Yunshuang heard the words and stood up and walked slowly towards the podium.