MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2094 Steppe Siege

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2094 Grassland Siege Battle

"Ha ha"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The Wuhuan cavalry galloped and circled around the infantry already in formation.

They tried to find holes in the infantry.

No one will charge infantry in formation.

They just relied on their skillful equestrian skills, ran in groups of three or four to within a range of 100 meters, and then began to throw their bows.

Others use the power of horses to wrap stones in leather belts and throw them.

Others threw crude javelins without even an iron tip.

This is the real Three Kingdoms battlefield.

Most of the grassland tribesmen don't have any unified weapons.

Use whatever you have on hand.

It can only be done after the establishment of a unified empire.

In the process of rising, they are all looking for weapons that they can make by themselves.

Remote is the highest priority.

No one is foolish enough to go into battle with well-trained infantry.

If the infantry doesn't have any long-range means, they will soon be crushed by these cavalry who keep harassing you.

This is the power of cavalry.

However, how could Wen Rensheng let this happen?

When the cavalry began to approach and harass, the infantry soon took out their longbows and hard crossbows from their chariots.

These infantry longbows are capable of shooting 200 to 300 paces.

Of course accuracy is not reliable.

Must rely on coverage.

And the long-range weapons of their cavalry are at most 100 steps, which is the limit.

If you want to kill, you have to rush into the range of 20 meters, or even ten meters, and use bows, spears, and stones to hit your face.


"From you..."

The Wuhuan people uttered all kinds of threatening cries, and rode their horses towards the infantry formation.

Soon, however, a rain of arrows was thrown from inside.

Swordfish covered the past.


A dozen Wuhuan cavalrymen fell to the ground.

People are fine, but horses are lame or dead.

Unarmored horses are too vulnerable to crossbows.

Then, only a dozen people were lost, and the remaining thousands of Wuhuan people hurriedly avoided.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Taihang cavalry rushed over and poked the ground with their spears, giving them a good time.

After seeing this scene, no one tried to throw within a hundred meters to kill these infantrymen.

It can be seen that their training degree is quite low.

And don't underestimate the loss of a dozen people and think it doesn't matter.

The powerful Mongols of the later generations, a certain Mongolian general lost 30 cavalry because of his colleagues' mistakes, so he kept talking, talking about it for several banquets, and finally fell out.

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The calculation method of the grassland tribe's population is completely different from that of the agricultural society.

Their loss of a dozen people is equivalent to the loss of hundreds of people in the agricultural society.

The disappearance of these dozens of people may mean that a tribe will be abolished and will be annexed.

Anyway, the result is that they just watched from a distance, and they also walked when the infantry walked.

The infantry stopped and they stopped, maintaining a distance of three or four hundred steps.

If there are Taihang cavalry to drive them away, they will hide.

Anyway, if they don't confront each other head-on, they are like a pack of wolves staring at bison, following them from afar.

Wait for the opponent to show his flaws.

Wen Rensheng confirmed again,

Most of these so-called cavalry are no more than herdsmen who are skilled in riding horses. They claim to have more than 30,000 people, and among them, at most 4,000 people can bear one-tenth of the casualties.

The other soldiers even counted children who could ride horses in their teens, and now they have more than 30,000 people, which looks very scary.

But as long as a few people are injured and dead, they will be far away.

After the verdict, Wen Rensheng started to act.

He sent 1,000 cavalry to outflank the following Wuhuan people from both wings.

At the same time, 3,000 infantry were used to drive them forward.

When those Wuhuan people saw someone approaching, they immediately retreated.

This is easy to understand.

Their purpose is to plunder, not to fight tough battles.

Unless the opponent attacked their hometown, otherwise, they would only fight from a distance, and would never slash and kill them face to face.

The infantry, on the other hand, used crossbows and tried to shoot after walking a short distance.

The Wuhuan people continued to retreat.

They soon discovered that the infantry were driving them up a hillside.

And those cavalry who outflanked left and right were also preventing them from fleeing in other directions.

The Wuhuan people didn't think much, and quickly fled on horseback under the leadership of a master Wuhuan.

You must know that there are four to five thousand of them at this time.

He was about to run away without fighting a tough battle.

However, their instinctive escape tactics are actually very beneficial to them.

Generally, if the Central Plains team is not led by an outstanding general, it will be very difficult to deal with them.

Because Wuhuan can choose the direction of escape, and then drag the opponent.

It is always harder for infantry to follow.

Wuhuan people can take turns to rest.

But now, facing Wen Rensheng's outflanking.

Soon most of the Wuhuan people ran away.

Not everyone is so lucky, however.

In other words, horses that are destined to be human are worse, and their luck is also worse.

There were more than 300 people, because of poor horsepower, they were poor with only one horse, but they were intercepted by the cavalry and driven to the hillside.

Normally wealthy herdsmen would bring 2 to 3 horses to fight.

Poor ghosts die first when they fight.

So these more than 300 poor Wuhuan people were driven into a hill.

The horse couldn't run anymore and stopped on the hillside.

Some people tried to get off their horses and flee over the mountains.

Some people tried to recoil, trying to escape through the gap, and they were reluctant to leave their precious horses.


The result was recoil, and they were all shot to death by the quickly assembled squad infantry, stabbed to death with long guns, hacked to death with machetes...

Many of those who dismounted and fled escaped.

This is what happens in actual combat.

More than 300 people, even if they were in a desperate situation, only more than 80 people were killed in the end, more than 100 people surrendered, and more than 100 people escaped.

What really killed the most was the big crash that happened in the plains, and they were chased by cavalry behind them.

That's really one kill one.

To catch up from behind is a shot and a knife.

A cavalryman can run for two hours.

Within two hours, he could hack and kill at least 30 to 50 people while the other party collapsed and fled.

Unless he's too stupid.

In this way, 1,000 cavalry can slaughter 50,000 infantry in pursuit.

So crashes are terrible.

And the major battles with 50,000 routs can be counted in history, and they are all included in the history of battles.

In normal combat conflicts, the scale is often in the range of thousands or hundreds of people.

After killing 300 people, in fact, 180 people were killed.

But in any case, the shock to the Wuhuan people was very powerful.

After this battle, the harassment of the Wuhuan stopped.

They only dared to stare at Wen Rensheng's team from a very far distance.

Never dare to approach the opponent within a few miles easily.

Once he found that Wen Rensheng sent cavalry to intercept him, he immediately fled far away.

They were also looking for Wen Rensheng's loopholes, including the opponent's luggage and logistics transport team.

Then it was discovered that the baggage carts were under the strict protection of infantry.

In other words, their cavalry could not approach at all.

They could only watch Wen Rensheng's team advance.

And Wen Rensheng's team did not have a logistics team.

The baggage and the combat team are together.

at the same time.

In a tent somewhere in the grassland.

Zhang Chun, Zhang Ju, and Qiu Liju, Lord Wuhuan of Liaoxi County, were discussing the war.

"Pingnan Zhonglang General (an official position that Wen Ren bought before he was promoted, so that he can command the army) and more than 20,000 cavalrymen marched towards Liucheng. That is the ancestral land of our Wuhuan people, so it is impossible for him to invade." Qiu Liju said directly.

"We can send people to attack his heartland, and his heartland is in Jizhou." Zhang Chun said directly.

"General Zhonglang's team is very difficult. Facing our cavalry, they are not chaotic at all, and they are very capable of fighting. They are much stronger than the general Han army and are very well-trained. We sent troops to attack his city. What if you can't fight?" Qiu Liju sighed.

"That's right, cavalry against infantry, formations do not fight," another Wuhuan man shook his head and said, "My subordinates don't want to attack General Zhonglang's formation."

Zhang Chun said again: "We can send some people to contain him, and then send other people to go deep into their Taihang Mountains to harass and rob their caravans. If they get the news, they will have to withdraw their troops."

"When they withdraw, we can follow and surround and destroy them, leaving them without water and food."

Zhang Chun still has two brushes.

After all, he also defeated Gongsun Zan at the beginning.

"Okay, then let's do it like this." Qiu Liju, Lord Wuhuan of Liaoxi County, divided the 30,000 people into two parts.

He sent more than 3,000 cavalry, ready to go south.

Because these more than 3,000 cavalry were going to plunder deeply, they all had certain training and military qualities.

At least equivalent to the recruits in the Han army.

Not all grassland tribesmen became soldiers with bows and javelins.

Be able to perform certain tasks, at least know when to retreat and when to attack.

It was only after they went deep into Jizhou that they realized that there was no one outside the wilderness.

And they dare not go deep into the mountains.

Is not this nonsensical?

They are cavalry.

If you go deep into the mountains to rob, you will be sent right to your door.

As long as the opponent comes around from behind the mountain, they can be wiped out.

They could only plunder everywhere on the plain outside the mountain.

They found, however, that there were forts everywhere.

And both are strange fortresses.

Although it is only made of wood and mud, it is very strange.

Triangular shapes stick out like hedgehogs.

If you attack, it is easy to be hit everywhere.

As for what kind of siege weapons to expect them to make, that's overthinking.

They don't have the technology yet.

It will be a few years before Wuhuan rises.

Of course, it was dropped by Cao Cao in a few years.

Until the Wuhu Luanhua of the Jin Dynasty.

These fortresses, they found, were simply unassailable.

If you rush to the vicinity, you will be shot to death.

The other party is not afraid at all.

And they couldn't find people in the wild, and they couldn't drive the people to attack the city.

The most is to burn some abandoned land, villages.

But being out alone puts a lot of pressure on the cavalry.

Because horses need to eat food, otherwise, it would be difficult to satisfy long-distance journeys by eating grass alone, and the horses would lose fat and be scrapped.

They can't bear it.

For herdsmen, horses are also very precious, and sheep are cheap, but it is impossible to use them for meat.

It's funny to eat meat every day, drink goat milk, sell sheepskin and mutton and replace them with food, this is their serious life.

Only the tribal adults can eat meat regularly.

They were caught in a situation where there was nothing to grab.

Soon they were letting themselves go.

No longer obeying the orders of Zhang Chun and others at all, they ran to Qingzhou and Xuzhou farther away to plunder.

This is the horror of cavalry, traveling thousands of miles, running for six or seven days.

Completely gave up the task of looting the place where Wen Rensheng ruled.

This is why soldiers cannot be thrown outside to fight at will.

They won't be obedient and obedient, let alone expect them to do all kinds of suicide missions.

That was a joke.

And Wen Rensheng also ignored the enemies who penetrated behind him, and continued to march directly towards Liucheng.

Qiu Liju and the others had no choice but to summon other Wuhuan people to help.

Among them are Su Puyan, Lord Wuhuan of Liaodong, and Wu Yan, Lord Wuhuan of Youbeiping County.

They gathered together, and finally gathered 10,000 cavalry who dared to fight.

These are not the tribesmen who can make up the numbers with their swords, guns, bows and arrows.

But real fighters who can take 5% to 10% casualties.

That is to say, when rushing to the battle, as long as there are 100 people in a team and no more than 5 to 10 people die, they can continue to fight.

That's amazing.

It belongs to the army that is more than qualified in this era.

It is enough to make the generals ecstatic that an army can meet the qualifications.

Most of the teams led by generals are not qualified.

Give you 5,000 troops, of which only 500 can meet the combat requirements, and the rest are just make up, the kind that will collapse if the limelight is not right.

So in ancient times, it was basically a bad battle.

It's not bad to be able to make do with it, and expect to be consistent in dispatching and invincible, that's just wanting to eat it.

Only in rare cases can this be done.

For example, when the dynasty opened up, veterans who fought for more than ten years, or veterans who have fought for many years in troubled times.

Only by relying on the veterans accumulated in battles can they master a lot of military technology and become elites.

With such elites, each faction is not many, at most 580,000, and it will be over if they are all killed.

They can't be cultivated in turn.

Feudal society did not have such a training mechanism.

Finally, at a distance of 200 miles from Liucheng, on a plain, the Wuhuan people intercepted Wen Rensheng's team.

Wen Rensheng came all the way, naturally he had to consider the water source.

There is a river near here.

When marching, first march by the river. If there is no river, look for places with villages on the road.

He didn't do it for looting, but where there are villages, there must be plenty of water.

Wells can be dug in time, but the army needs a lot of water, and several wells have to be drained in a day.

So if necessary, a car should also be stocked with alcohol.

Can not bring fresh water, fresh water is easy to stink.

Bringing low-alcohol drinks can also boost morale.

These drinks are used at critical times, and UU Reading insists on breaking through the siege for a few days.

Wen Rensheng was also relying on the river now, and decided to start a frontal battle.

How to fight head-on?

First of all, it depends on the purpose of the other party.

The purpose of the Wuhuan people is simple.

They just want to surround their own side here, and then consume their own side's food, weapons, especially projectile weapons.

When their side's projectile weapons are exhausted, they can slowly concoct their own side.

This is also the most effective method of warfare for cavalry against infantry.

They are never in a hurry to eat it all at once.

This is the way of cavalry.

Slowly and gradually wear down the opponent.

Because the horses can go to graze. There are grasslands nearby.

They can drink mare's milk, goat's milk, and can take turns.

Historically, when cavalry fought against infantry, the patience of the prairie people was terribly strong, and they could often persist for a month or two.

In fact, it is equivalent to besieging opponents in grazing life.

Besiege the farming army while grazing.

Such a battle is suitable for the grassland tribes, and it is a great test for the farming army.