MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1126 Tian Mingzi chasing

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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-six chapters

The momentum of Takino was enough to compete with the strong Jinxian, and once again shocked the three sons.

"Who are you in the end, they have hidden their strength."

Takuya said with a smile: "I won't tell you who I am. Anyway, it's the relationship between you and me. Why do you ask so much."

"Look for death, give it to me."

He lost a confidant, and his heart was in a fire, only to find trouble in the wilderness.

Only by killing Takino can you wash your shame.

The gongs are all shot, and the two strong men around him are rushing to attack first, for fear that the gongs will be hurt.

Their mission is to protect the princes, and if the gongs are injured, they will be severely punished.

The three sons of the Ming Gongzi took the lead, and the illusionist and the unrequited son looked at each other and did not dare to lag behind. They also launched a storm with their men.

Eleven top powers attacked together, and the momentum was huge. In the face of these people's attacks, Takuno did not fight hard. He immediately avoided most of the attacks, and at the same time put Jin Dali, Zidian, Black Skull, Fire Phoenix, Ghost Buddha, Yuzhu blame, Li Tianba, Du Xianbin, Fang Bin and other golden fairy powers were all released.

If it weren’t for the **** demon, the magical sky, the sacred tree of life, the warm jade, the holy ganoderma was in retreat, he would even release them.

When the nine golden fairy powers came out, they immediately began to fight back.

The three sons are dumbfounded. They didn't think that Takuya was so big, and there were nine gold fairy powers around him.

According to their understanding, the Eight Great Sons are the youngest in the Devil's Generation, and they are generally protected by only one Golden Wonderland.

What is the origin of the people in front of you.

However, they have no intention to understand the background of Takino, and the nine golden fairy powers have emerged and immediately attacked them, causing great trouble for them.

They know that they are invincible and they have to escape.

"Withdrawal." The three sons almost burst out at the same time.

When their orders came out, the Golden Fairy Strongs quickly guarded them and wanted to protect them from leaving.

"Give me a kill." Takuya wild cold shouted.

At this time, he did not care what the three sons, irritating him to the end is only a dead end.

He even personally stared at the Ming Gongzi, because the people of Tian Mingzi wanted to deal with the seven girls several times, so that he hated it, it was very uncomfortable.

The nine golden fairyland powerhouses rushed up, don't look at their breakthrough soon, like Jin vigorously, they are much stronger than the general Golden Wonderland.

They did their best, and even the strongest of the Golden Fairy could not get out, let alone the three sons.

Five Xuan Xianjing peaks, they did not have the protection of the Golden Wonderland, almost in the first round of attacks by Jin Dali, they were severely damaged, and then they were suppressed by Takino.

Everyone has been together with Takino for a long time, knowing the idea of ​​Takino, so there is no killer, otherwise the mysterious man of the mysterious world has already died.

The five peaks of the mysterious fairyland fell, and there were three big sons and three golden fairy powers. Their situation was even more worrying.

The three great gold fairy powers are self-sufficient and cannot protect the three sons.

However, the three sons in the end are the three sons, all have life-saving cards, they have a heart, they have come up with a life-saving card, want to escape.

The illusionist and the unrelenting son took out the transmission array and the results were transmitted.

There is also a transmission array in the Minggongzi, but he is unlucky and is targeted by Takino.

Takuya is good at arranging, and he is also good at the law of space. He immediately blocked a small space around the meditation. As a result, the transmission disk of the gongzizi did not work, or stayed in place.

When Ming Gongzi found that his transmission array did not work, he immediately panicked: "You can't kill me. I am the favorite descendant of Tian Mingzi's ancestors."

"Tian Mingzi counts something, even if you are the son of Tian Mingzi, I can still kill it."

He took the sorcerer's horn in his hand and immediately displayed it as a **** attack.

"Broken soul."

In the end, the gonggongzi is a young and strong person. Even if there is a treasure to defend himself, he can still resist the attack of the gods in the extension of the wilderness and be killed on the spot.

"Three gold fairyland strong, I have to live."

He did not notice that after the death of the Mongko, a black gas was attached to him.

It turns out that Tian Xingzi has long left a mark of the soul on the gonggongzi. If anyone kills the gonggongzi, the soul mark will be attached to who, and the gonggongzi is dead. Tianqianzi will know for the first time, then chase Kill it and avenge the hatred of the gong.

The eight sons have such a soul mark on it, everyone knows, so no one dares to kill the eight sons. Only Takuno does not know this, and he knows nothing about killing the son.

The nine golden fairyland powers deal with the three great gold fairyland powers, the strength is disparity, and the extension of the wilderness to display the gods attack.

In less than ten minutes, all three Golden Wonders were all suppressed by him.

Yuzhu grotesquely said: "You son, you killed the son of the gong, and quickly fled, otherwise it will not be long before the day will come."

"Is there a soul mark on the body of the meditation son." Takuya was surprised.

"Which eight sons are not there, or else the eight sons are outside, don't know how many times they have died." Yuzhu sighed: "Don't talk, let's leave."

Takuya did not dare to delay, and they all collected the jade bamboo blame, and then applied space teleports to leave at the fastest speed.

He stayed away from the battlefield and immediately hid in the Netherland.

The Netherland is a small world. Even if the **** is a demon, it can't find him.

When he entered the Netherland, he hid the Netherland, so that he would not be discovered by Tianmingzi.

He just hid it. In less than three minutes, an old man appeared. The old man’s breath was overwhelming. He was not weaker than the demon king. He began to investigate the situation around him, and even the underground did not let go.

In the case of Takuya wilderness, I found that this strong person appeared and never dared to go out.

"This is Tian Jingzi, really strong." He was shocked inside, but not afraid.

Tian Xingzi searched several times and found nothing. He was a bit strange: "The people who killed the gongs are clearly here, and then the soul imprint can't be sensed. What happened? Is my soul mark erased? ,impossible."

How he cultivated, the soul imprint set by him, even if the same demon king can not be erased in a short time, unless the devil is personally shot.

Tian Mingzi believes that the devil will not be able to shoot the descendants of the Ming Gongzi.

Therefore, he couldn’t figure out what it was, no matter what, he clearly traced it at the fastest speed, but the soul mark disappeared.

Tian Mingzi did not leave immediately. He searched the area where the wilderness disappeared and searched the scope of the miles.

Takuya did not dare to go out of the Netherland, he is very clear, once he appears outside, it must be stared at by the sky.

He lifted the power of the mind and tried to erase the soul mark of the heavenly soul.

"What is going on, even the power of God can't erase the mark of the soul."

In the past, he also had such an experience. The power of God can erase the mark of the soul, and there is no need to worry.

The soul mark left by Tian Xingzi is very powerful, and the power of God's thoughts can't be dealt with. There is no way for Takino to take this soul mark for the time being.

"Seeing that I have to stay here for the time being, wait for the magic to go out."

He simply reconciled his practice, but before he practiced, he first conquered the nine powerful people who were suppressed.

The three gold fairy powers are called Bi Gang, Yang Long and Sun Qiangsheng, respectively. They are all cultivated in the early stage of Jin Xianjing. The other six Xuanxiangjing peaks are He Bao, He Xiong, Zhao Yuhang, Ma Yishan, Tian Mingyuan and Zhu Bancheng. .

These nine strong people, Takino is still very important, He Leopard, He Xiong, Zhao Yuhang, Ma Yishan, Tian Mingyuan, Zhu Bancheng are also very strong accumulation, as long as the ninety-nine Jindan refining, they are likely to break through to become gold Wonderland strong.

The strong gold fairyland is also considered a top figure in many worlds of cultivation, and is crucial to the development of Tianyu League.

After conquering the nine strong players, he can take a practical retreat.

In the repeated battles, he also had a lot of experience, just to digest it, help him improve his strength.

Not to mention, after a few days of retreat, Takino has clearly felt that he has improved a lot and improved his combat effectiveness.

"That's great, with my current cultivation, as long as I return to the Holy Immortal, I can start planning to deal with the Holy Family." Takuno is very excited.

What he wants to do most is to destroy the holy sect, so that the brothers can be living in the holy world of cultivation, do not have to hide, but also hide their names.

The Holy Father is not destroyed, and their brothers cannot be upright.

This has become his heart disease, and the Holy Family must be destroyed as soon as possible.

However, he has not yet opened the seal of the space channel, and now he has been stared by Tian Mingzi. It is really troublesome and he can't do it if he wants to leave.

However, he did not regret killing the ungong son. If the illusionary son and the unbelievable son escaped fast, he would kill it together and there would not be too much scruples.

Tian Xingzi is really terrible, and there is no way to remove the soul mark, but he is not worried, because he has already thought of a way, and now he will wait for the magic to go out.

After a while, the magical powers and other strong people have been out of the customs. They have divided the magic dragons, and they have all received huge benefits. The repairs have all reached the peak of Jinxianjing, and they may enter the middle of Jinxianjing at any time.

Originally, they were all kinds of guys who were very difficult to cultivate and upgraded. Now they have cultivated to the peak of the golden fairyland so quickly, relying on the magic dragon, and the magic dragon is amazing, bringing them great benefits.

It’s very happy to see Takino in the next step.

Their strength is strong, which means that the strength of Tianyu League is strong.

In the future, if you encounter a strong person like the Dragon, you may not be able to deal with the Frost Dragon.

He can also ask the Frost Dragon to shoot twice. The chance is only two times. It can't be used easily. He also wants to conquer the Frost Dragon, so he must let the Frost Dragon be willing to follow him before the three mobile phones will run out.

Before he fought with the dragon, the power of the use had already shaken the frosty dragon. Over time, I believe that the Frost Dragon will change his mind.

Takino’s confidence is full, it just takes time.

It is not a last resort, he is not ready to use the Frost Dragon.

The cultivation of the sacred tree of life and the magical heavens has been promoted, and they are his strongest helpers in the future.

He is very much looking forward to the fact that the sacred tree of life and the magical singer are in the same spirit and do not know how strong it will be.

Of course, the life tree and the magical sky can not be exposed, and the shot must be able to kill.

Otherwise, their identity will leak out, they will smash the sky, and they don’t know how much trouble they will make.