MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1141 Surrounded by the sky

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The first one hundred and forty-one chapters were surrounded by the sky

After the cultivation was successful, Takino could not wait to go out and was ready to test it.

He walked out of the Netherland, and the ghost Buddha appeared immediately.

"The son, I have been out for ten days, how come you now." Ghost Buddha is still excited.

Takuya wild laughed: "Ghost Buddha predecessors, I took the time to cultivate the ghosts and shadows that you left behind to see if you can enter the treasure house."

"You have succeeded in cultivation so quickly." The ghost Buddha stunned and opened his mouth and widened his eyes.

"Yes, but I didn't have a thorough understanding. I just cultivated the ghostly Buddha shadow into the realm of Xiaocheng." Takuya smiled.

If he cultivates the body of the Buddha, he must thoroughly understand the secrets of every Buddha, and it takes much longer.

Now just to cope with the energy check, he won't spend too much time to enlighten the ghostly Buddha.

"Gongzi, you are so powerful. I used to practice the ghosts and shadows of the ghosts. I have been practicing for eight years before I have cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng." The ghost Buddha praised.

"Ghost Buddha, you first go to Xianfu, I will try to enter the treasure house." Takuya said.

The Buddha's power that he transformed will not last long and must enter the portal as soon as possible.

He took the ghost Buddha into the Netherland and immediately entered the portal.

Just entering the portal, he also accepted the test of energy.

"While you have cultivated other laws, you have also cultivated the secret of the buddha. You can enter the treasure house and choose three treasures at will."

Takino has always been very nervous, for fear that he will not pass the test until his voice is heard, and his psychology will be settled.

"There is no in vain effort."

He was transferred to the channel on the right, to where the ghost Buddha had arrived.

"The treasure on the jade card, you can pick three, and then say it out loud, the treasure will be sent to you, and then you will be sent out." The prompt sounds again.

Takuya also doesn't want to waste time, look carefully at the treasures on the jade.

There are so many treasures on the jade card, there are so many different kinds.

However, he is not interested in most of the treasures, such as Fo Bao, Xian Dan, he can refine himself, naturally there will not be much interest.

As for the secret of Buddhism, he has a lot of secrets of Buddhism left by the Ice Palace. He is not very in need. There are not many treasures that can make him look at his eyes.

After a long time of selection, Takino selected three treasures, one for St. Reilly, one for the colorful Buddha, and one for the peacock.

According to the legend of St. Sergi, it is the essence of the powerful Buddha and Taoist who died. It contains the essence of the Buddha and the Taoist. If it can refine the relic, it can quickly improve and repair, and St. Reilly contains a profound and profound Dharma. It is the focus of Takino, and if he can refine the relics, he will have a profound and profound Dharma. Afterwards, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

The colorful Buddha is a god, and there are many benefits to practice on the colorful Buddha. It is not exactly the same as the ordinary Buddha. If it grows to a certain extent, it can attack the enemy.

The peacock beast does not say it. It is said that it is the guardian of the top of the Buddha, and the top five beasts are a level beast.

These three treasures, most people may not find their greatness, because these are foreign objects, after all, not as strong as their own strength, just like a ghost Buddha, he chose the secret of cultivation, but did not choose these three treasures .

However, these treasures can play the biggest role in the hands of Takuno.

St. Sheli is helpful to his understanding of the secrets of Buddhism. He is able to cultivate the body of the Buddha in advance, and naturally he has to be a good treasure.

Regardless of how the peacock is cultivated, Takino can cultivate it himself. Once it is upgraded, it is also a powerful boost.

Not to mention the colorful Buddha, there is a life tree cultivation, the colorful Buddha lotus not only has a strong fighting power, but also can cultivate more colorful Buddha.

The colorful Buddha is a god, that is, it is a level with the beast. When it grows up, the combat power will not be much worse than the beast.

Of course, the cultivation of the gods is more difficult, and there is no strength in the early stage.

It is not a problem for Takino. Anyway, there is a tree of life. The colorful Buddhas can not only grow fast, but also cultivate more colorful Buddhas. In the past, Takuno got some Buddhas, and the baby is very incomparable. It is much better than the Buddha.

After the selection of the treasures, Takuno said: "I want St. Reilly, colorful Buddha, peacock beast."

Three treasures appeared immediately beside him. He looked at it. The fist-sized St. Reilly contains a lot of energy. He can be sure that this St. Relic is at least a legacy of the king of the fairy king.

The colorful buddha has a lotus flower. It seems that it does not need to consume the life energy of the sacred tree, and it can cultivate a new colorful buddha, and this colorful buddha has already attacked, and the strength is not as good as it is enough to be with the golden wonderland. Compared with the early strong.

It is mainly that the colorful Buddha has been in the treasure house for too long, and it can only be achieved to this extent.

The cultivation of the peacock and the beast was not weak, and it was achieved in the middle of the Golden Wonderland.

With the talent of the peacock beast, the golden fairyland is cultivated in the middle, and the combat power is enough to compete with the general Jinxianjing peak.

Of course, if you encounter a powerful Jin Xianjing peak, the peacock beast must be no match.

"It's really good. It seems that my choice is right."

He collected the St. Sheli, the peacock, and the colorful Buddha, and then was sent out.

Entering the hall, he did not stay in the hall, but let the magic pass into the ground, he entered the Netherland.

He first transplanted the colorful Buddha lotus into the medicine house, close to the life tree, hoped that the colorful Buddha would grow faster, and the lotus would mature as soon as possible, and it would be able to cultivate new colorful Buddhas.

Colorful Buddha lotus is reproduced by lotus seeds. Lotus seeds are very rare. It is estimated that it takes tens of thousands of years to produce a batch of lotus seeds.

Place the colorful Buddha lotus, and expand the wilderness and place the peacock.

When the ghost Buddha saw Takino, he asked: "What is your harvest?"

"The harvest is not bad. Let's not say it for the time being. Let's leave this place first." Takuya has some concerns. The strongmen who left before may not have left.

If this is the case, they will venture out and are likely to reveal their whereabouts.

"Well, it is best to leave this place early," said the ghost Buddha.

They were just about to leave, and the palace actually began to collapse.

The scope of the palace is very large. If they don’t rush out, they may be crushed by the palace.

In desperation, Tuoye only received the magical sky, and then flew out of the palace and rushed out of the palace.

When he just rushed out, he found that something was wrong, because the palace was surrounded by strong people.

His guess is not wrong, those strong people did not leave, waiting outside the rabbit.

He just flew out and was seen by the strong outsiders.

"Look, someone came out of the treasure chest."

"There was someone who walked out of the treasure house alive. It seems that he got the treasure in the treasure. Who is this person, how strange it is."

"This person is not entering the palace with us, otherwise I will not know, who is he and who is the treasure house when he enters."


The appearance of Takino was suddenly caused a sensation.

The strong ones in the room were excited one by one, began to speculate on his identity, and at the same time made good preparations to kill and win.

Regardless of how Takuno said, it is estimated that these people will not believe his words, and he is convinced that he has obtained the treasures left by the Buddha.

The treasures left by the Buddha's ancestors are too sultry, no matter who they don't want to miss, especially the holy buddha, and it will not let the sacred Buddha's treasure logistics spread out, which is a huge threat to the holy Buddha.

"Kid, no matter who you are, leave a treasure, otherwise you will only have one dead end."

"Hand over the treasure, or kill it."

"Kid, let's leave the treasure, let us leave you."


Many strong people shouted and yelled, but no one started. Everyone knows who will be the target of others.

When Takino sees the reactions of these people, he knows that there is a big trouble this time, and whether he can retreat from the whole body is still difficult to say.

He calmed down and began to think about countermeasures.

Surrounded by strong people, it is obvious that these people have blocked the space. It is definitely not feasible to escape directly. They must be confused and he will have the opportunity to flee.

As long as he is relieved, he is sure to open these strong.

"You, I have not entered the palace at all, how can I get treasures."

Takino said loudly that he should delay the time so that he can be more prepared.

"Kid, want to fool us, you are still tender, everyone sees you coming out of the palace, it is impossible not to enter the treasure house."

"Kid, don't think about playing tricks, don't hand over the treasures."

Takuya said: "I want to sneak into the treasure house from the underground, but just happened to meet the collapse of the palace, I will fly to the sky and avoid being crushed by the palace. Fortunately, there is a broken gap under the palace, I can rush out, otherwise I This little life has been explained. As for the treasures you said, I have not seen them at all."

"Kid, no matter what you say, it's useless."

"Everyone is still working together, killing him first, naturally knowing whether he has the treasure of the Buddha."

"You, you are all Buddhists, not so cruel." Takuya said quickly.

"Kids, hand over treasures, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless, anyway, you are not a Chinese Buddhist, we have nothing to say."

In fact, Takuya is very clear, even if he is a strong Buddha, it is very difficult to pass this day.

He said that everything is superfluous, and he is too lazy to speak if he wants to delay the time.

"I am really not a strong Buddha, so it is even more impossible to get treasures. You are all strong Buddhas. Even you have failed. You think that I will successfully enter the treasure house." Takuya asked.

"He said that there is some truth. We don't dare to enter the portal. He can't come out if he goes in."

"You are justified, but we would rather kill it and not let you go."

Takuya wild anger said: "You have a problem with this group of people. I said, I didn't enter the treasure house at all, and I didn't live in the treasure house. I came late, see you surrounded the treasure house, so I didn't. When I dare to approach, I sneaked into the treasure house from the underground, but I just went under the palace and the palace collapsed. You said that I am unlucky and unlucky. Now I am arrogant, I am really discouraged."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him first, and see if there is any treasure." Someone suggested.

"Good." Everyone screamed,